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The Lilies of the field


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Ive been commisioned to make a stained glass window based around the verse that concerns the lilies of the field. Im pretty sure that they wouldnt be the types of plants that I normally consider to be lilies, and since the donor is a plant lover would like to include depictions of plants and flowers that would have been around during the time and in the area that this was spoken.

This isnt really a 'doctrinal' discussion but more just for my general information.

Since many of you are avid bible readers and/or researchers Im hoping that some of you may have been sidetracked or diverted down this avenue at one point or another and may know something about what plants. flowers etc, may have been common and/or significant during Christs time, and what exactly the lilies of the field may have been.

Any info appreciated---

pictures would be great


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This was a nice lookup. Thanks.

All Bible plants list

Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley

The story of the Lily of the Valley / Lily of the field is most precious.

They need care (by our Lord we are cared for) and gentle treatment (our Lord is always gentle).

Watchman Nee, a most gentle and kind Christian had a wonderful view of them and how they showed the kind and lovely care of us by or Lord, and our relationship to the Lord. When I find it I'll post it.

Lily of the Valley childrens home

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Okay, this was fun! I got lost in links and sites enjoying myself. I learned quite a bit about the animals and flora of Israel.


Thanks for asking, MStar! I've thoroughly enjoyed myself. I hope some of our links are helpful.

Biblical Landscape Preserve

Israeli Trees and wildflowers

Midreshet Sde Boker - these aren't identified, but they're pretty!

Flora and Fauna of Israel

Illustrated Guide to Plants of the Bible Book






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thank you very much ladies!

i am enjoying these links


There are some beautiful specimens in there that could make this a very fun, colorful and enjoyable project for me once I get all the business hoohah out of the way. Im looking forward to doing this one sometime down the line--it should be really enjoyable!

Thanks for asking, MStar! I've thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Good! I would hope that all the bible readers out there find enjoyment in it. It shouldnt always be a task.

personally I grow tired of people who seem to read it only as a means to prove their point, or to find out where a comma is supposed to go or something...

That menorah looking plant is pretty cool-I'd love to be able to give that one as gifts to my Jewish friends-

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Right now we are in the preliminary stages. Which means a donor wants to donate it to the church, and Ive been contacted and am working out the details , the design and the price. Then there is usually a few committees to deal with to Ok the whole thing after that.

That all can take awhile and is usually the most time consuming thing. The actual window I can probably do in a month or two once all the other things fall into place, but the way churches work it is hard to tell if i will get the go ahead in a month or in 2 years. You never can really tell. I have had to wait years sometimes before churches give me the go ahead but-if they go i dont think it will be that long..

Plus I am coordinating with a sculptural wrought iron worker from Poland who I am going to have build a decorative frame that works with the window, so thats another thing that extends the time a


I'll post pics if you want when Im done--heck if your near come up to the dedication

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Really neat, MStar! I would LOVE to see pictures of your work and this one when it's completed.

I did some more research on that plant. It's actually called the "menorah" plant aka Salvia Judaica and it has medicinal purposes in addition to supposedly being the inspiration for the menorah. Hadassah Medical Center has some information on it.

I found a US site that sells it and they say they are the only ones in the US who sell it. I don't have the link handy right now, but if you want it let me know. I may order a few plants myself just because of the rarity and unique beauty of it. The climate in Florida is conducive to growing it, too. :)

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Sure send on the link---Im a fan of sage plants anyway, and I could always give them away as cool gifts. Thanks for checking it all out..

I also found this on the Haddassah site:

number of plant species found in Israel have been traditionally used for “rejuvenation” purposes, to increase virility and as aphrodisiacs.

Which, if that is the case with salvia judaica, I'll take about a thousand --I smell a new side business coming on... :biglaugh:

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