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I believe that verse four is simply saying that the meat should be drained of blood. The strict Muslims are very good at preparing meat this way, and probably the Orthodox Jews too, although I have not heard of what they do. Well have to ask Abigail on that one. I know that I make sure to hang any wild game and make sure that it is bled out before cutting and wrapping. But as we know, we don't always get what we want at the supermarket. I don't have time now, but I have a sort of funny but sort of ghastly tale to tell about my uncle in law who is a cattle rancher in Texas, and one of the things I saw at his feedlot. But for now, I have to be going to work. Have a great day, and love you too Vegan!! :wave:

Jonny Lingo

Edited by Jonny Lingo
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Vegan, I have no problem with you or being a vegan, I eat meat, I hope that is ok too....

I had a few points I`d like to discuss without it seeming like I am attacking you or your pov....ok?

If anybody has actually raised any beef....I don`t feel too sorry for them....Those critters are dumb as posts...so are chickens. They are eating pooping machines... very little personality very little affection....I think that they are designed that way....from the day they are born.....they trample anybody or anything absolutely oblivious to who or what is under their hooves...to get to their feed.

I think some critters have been designed as *food source* it is their purpose.

I have been to the butcher with my calves that have been raised from a bottle....I have watched processing from start to finish, I didn`t find it terribly inhumane or cruel...shrug.

Certainly nicer than the hawk I once watched snatch a rabbit, and the snake that caught and ate the rat...The coyotes here keep the mouse population down...The predators in our vally serve a valuable function.

The nicee vegan deer are pretty but they sure wreak havock in our gardens with their apetite for vegetables...lol

You are either predator or prey in the way that this world is designed and functions.

I have seen where the archiological record points to hominids and other species.... that their brains didn`t start growing significantly untill meat became a part of their diet.

Those that ate meat survived and got smarter, those that didn`t became extinct.

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ok i just watched meet your meat and it was very inhumane

And that was my point...

I know what God gave us, and don't think he wants us to eat the blood... or treat animals in this way. The LOVE OF MONEY seems to be at the root of this treatment.

But unless people speak up against the inhumane practices, they will continue. I don't want to support it!

While living in Hawaii, our land-lord was given the live pig/hog for their family get-together. She and her mother were the ones that would prepare it for the meal...

She held that pig by the neck, speaking to it while it had it's throat slit, and the blood drained into a pot... :cryhug_1_:

She respected the pig, and acted in a caring, thankful way... it was something I'd never seen before OR after that...

Anyone can eat what they like, but remember moderation in all... and for the most part, our health is directly related to what we consume~

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Hi Rascal,

I haven't spent too much time with cows. I'll have to disagree with you about chickens, though. While they are not an inside animal, (LOL! Pooping Machine does not even begin to describe them!) they are curious, friendly, smart, shy, aloof; individuals like our dogs and cats. And they are affectionate. Some will come to you to be scratched and they talk to their babies while still in the shell. They understand cause and effect. Wild chickens spend their time together in groups. Christ told of the way of a hen with her chicks when he was speaking of himself.

I'm glad your experience with slaughter has been positive. What I have seen has been cruel, and unnecessary.

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