Groucho, I started out feeding my dogs just people food, but the male has a wacky digestive system--he gets diarhea from chicken! (Although I'm not so sure it's really the chicken, my hubby insists on giving him gravy with the chicken) That was why I started looking for a good healthy dog food. I still give the female lots of different fruits and vegies--she'll eat anything I offer, ('cept today <_< ).
I'll cook up some chicken for her--she's gotta have something, those pups have grown so much they're almost as big as she is!! LOL!!
(Well, um, maybe not yet--they're only 3 days old )
Jim--molasses? hmmm, I'll try that-- I figure her body is craving something she's not getting-- isn't molasses high in iron?
P.S after I have read more at the link you posted, Dove. . .
Thank you again!! I had read about a raw food diet for dogs and saw the benefits, but was a little concerned I wouldn't be able to get a diet that was balanced enough. This stuff looks great!!!! I'm gonna try it!!
Psalmie check your vet they may carry it ours does here. It's the same price as online and they ship it free so the only advantage really is faster service. You can add anything you want to it Lucca likes peanut butter sometimes in his. Also if you want you can save time adding baby food veggies to the mix.
I hope you can fatten her up a but, perhaps cook hamberger 1/2 Then, 1/4 brown rice andf some vegtable like carrots and green beans. This rice will help her gaon.... The cottage cheese should have as well.
Dot, I knew you'd have great advice! It did cross my mind I wasn't giving her enough protein. I know there is protein in the cheeses/cottage cheese and all, but I knew I needed to get her some meat, too.
I'm gonna do a search for a holistic vet in the area, also. I wish these sites with the good pet food would sell smaller sample sizes. I've bought products like Royal Canine and another one I don't remember--my pets hated them. The first time I didn't return the food and "ate" the cost. Next time I returned the product! I'm wary of anything I have to buy online only--if ya don't like it, ya pay S & H both ways.
(Dove I'll check into finding the Sojo's locally)
Dot, I'm using canned chicken broth--it's just broth. I'm real careful about the onions-- and have mixed feelings about garlic (I've read it's not good for em, and read that it's okay!) I'll also get some vitamins.
Today she ate better. I gave her eggs and an oatmeal/peanut butter mix home made cookie (Dog cookie recipe). And she got hamburger in the rice. I figure variety might help. I think I'll get some baby food vegies, too. (I do give her cooked vegies from our meals, too)
She feels heavier, but I think I'll start weighing her daily to make sure. She's certainly peppy enough--and those babies are GROWING!!!!
I wish I had a digital camera-- I wanna show em off!!
Back in the days of the dinosaurs when I was growing up
My mom would get stew meat and odd bones from the butcher along with beef fat scraps, add peas and garlic and simmer it for about three hours until the meat fell off the bones and was swimming in the broth. She would take out the bones and the dogs would get regular kibble -Pedigree ™ -with a couple of ladles of that broth. No expensive dog food and they loved it and were sleek and healthy with shiny coats.
I'll try for the Solid gold. I really want to try the Sojos Dove suggests, cuz I've always felt dogs were meant to eat raw foods, but never dared try it. The one store in GA that sells the Sojos is in Athens though <_<
I did cook up a "stew" for her, using the proportions you suggest (half meat, 1/4 grain 1/4 vegies). I also made up my own chicken broth-- the storebought has a lot of msg in it. The grain mixture is whole oats, wheat groats, brown rice, cooked and ground up, then some soy flour added in. Vegies are carrots, green beans, broccoli, celery, parsnips and turnips. If you know if any of these are bad can ya let me know? I also got some zuccini and summer squash and am steaming that up to add to tomorrows mix. I mix the vegies and grain mix equally --it's a mush about like grits. Then I added an equal amount of chicken. I'm still nervous about raw meat, so I cooked the chicken! (the vegies were lightly steamed). I will be asking a holisitc vet about the raw meat-- I have to convince my hubby to let me get an appointment. (He already has a hard time with me going to a chiropractor! LOL!)
Do ya know if raw eggs are okay for a dog? (I'll do a look up on Google too, just in case) How 'bout half n half cream in small bits for flavor (1 Tblspoon)? Butter? (Same, 1 Tbls, for flavoring and for fat content)
Zippie is keeping up with the weight--barely. You can feel her spine and hips, but not her ribs. She's very peppy, drinks plenty of water, the puppies are growing very well, so her milk is rich enough. Her coat is healthy, stools a bit soft from the change in food, but otherwise she seems well enough. Hubby thinks it's unnecessary to go to a vet, since she isn't showing any signs of distress, but I would feel better with just one appointment. <_< (We don't run to the Dr. ourseleves much either--I treat my own ear infections. The kids only go for shots or if i suspect strep-- which has been a long time!!)
Can you call your vet and tell him what you told us here? Maybe Zippie's doctor can tell you over the phone whether or not the situation warrents an office visit. Maybe you can find out if anything needs to be done over the phone.
I know some vets won't do anything without seeing the patient. But if they know the animal, some are willing to dispense advice over the phone.
Psalmie, I don't have any answers, but I've got your sweet Zippie and those puppies in my thoughts and prayers. Just thinking of that wonderful puppy breath puts a smile on my face.... mmmmm..... one of the sweetest smells in the world!
I do not know about the soy flour. Many allergies go back to odd things such as CORN meal or foul.
For the veggies perhaps you an Google "broccoli safe for dogs or Broccolli kills dogs" I have given it to my dogs but I don't know if it is vet approved.
A good vet in the Snellville area is Dr. Connoly. He is at the Gwinnett Animal hospita and is holistic.
HE only takes one new client a week and I have sent maybe 200 people there. (Doubt all went)
I work for a vet, try boiled chicken (no flavor enhancers, onions are toxic)
Now, no fat, no skin.
White rice (Doc said) you may want to boil brown. (For a veggie you can use green beans or carrots. You can even add a few blueberries but her tummy may be messed up from all the concoctions you have been inventing. We see a lot of that. So, you may want to add them in later. Just get her eating for now.)
chop up the chicken in the rice, pour the broth over it for flavor.
This should be easy on the tummy and provide vitamins, if she is not eating or holding food down
But she will continue to hold out for the yummy
food you have made. You can try sprinkling a little parmasean cheese on top (Doc said they can do cheese) if you need it for her taste buds.
WE have animals on terrible diets in all the time. (Like coconut milk and bacon, geez) They suffer from all kinds of problems. The least of which is they become VERY picky
Also your mushy food will cause her teeth to rot.
Psalmie, you are trying but can use some guidance for instance grapes are toxic to dogs. For awhile they thought they were toxic, but now they know.
Let me see about a book I used to sell if I can find it on the net, that can be a decent guide.
Also, have you considered something else may be very wrong? Perhaps, all the pups did not get born? That would have probably shown up in severe illness by now. But, if there is still a problem you need to see a vet.
We had a person come in with a cat peeing everywhere. They thought it was emotional -- it was an infection.
Today we did a neuter.
The dog was acting odd, loosing weight and cranky the owner said. That dog did a big POOP in the floor. In it was like a huge orange part. It looked like a ball of yarn -- it was a mass of tape worms.
I encourage you to see the vet if this has not corrected itself. Do NOT go to the Coporations they are KNOW to run the bill up needlessly.
The vet I spoke of is fair.
Most places are a mere $37.00 to $40.00 for an exam then you can take it from there.
There is a Winter's Chapel Animal Hospital in Doraville with a Dr. N. He is not holistic but outstanding at diagnosing (Like "house" on FOX)
The raw meat is questionable. For instance, in the wild the animals have a fresh kill not meat in a wrapper on a shelf. They get bacteria and food poisoning just like people.
You may have noticed a unique, pungent odor when you open a new bag of pet food — what is the source of that delightful smell? It is most often rendered animal fat, restaurant grease, or other oils too rancid or deemed inedible for humans."
I've been busy doing searches and reading--didn't realze you'd posted all those last posts, Dot.
I read up a lot on the raw foods (both pros and cons), and wasn't fully convinced it was the way to go after all. It's like you said, Dot, sitting on a grocery fridge shelf isn't the same as "fresh meat".
Zippie has gained back some weight now. She feels much more solid. She's not fat, but she's feeling much better to me (no boniness). The pups are two weeks old now, their eyes are almost open-- I wish i had a digital camera so I could show them off!!!
Dot thanks for the advice about the cream in her food--I also found that in my online search. the eggs, well, I may use occasionally, but the raw foods folks said dogs should only have them raw and with the shell, other sites said eggs were a no-no and other sites said occasionally is okay. And thanks for all the new links, also. I started reading there last night. I'm gonna get the book.
I have been worried about the soft foods and her teeth-- I'd always given my dogs and cats dry food mainly cuz it would keep their teeth clean. The raw food folks say the raw bones take care of that. I don't give them greenies cuz of the undigested bits being found in animal guts. (Moses used to get them, but he diligently chewed them up, we stopped giving them to the dogs when we saw how Zippie scarfs everything down, barely chewing.) But I never have brushed my dogs' teeth and don't want to have to start--but I'm going to have to find something that will clean her teeth.
I found a comercial dog food at petsmart that reads really well, and I've been giving that to her as well as my "home brew" She seems to be tolerating it quite well, now--no loose stools. I didn't know to not boil the chicken without the skin--I'd left that on in the first batch--mainly for the added fat content. She's burned out on the yogurt and cottage cheese mean, so I quit that. I know once I started cooking for them, she especially will be hard pressed in going back to dog food, but having read about the junk that goes into a lot of the dog foods, I guess I don't mind. I would like to have a balance between a good dog food and my own cooking, though, cuz i can't be sure I would be able to get her everythting she needs. (Ya know, like the taurine and stuff). the food I found is this: meat roll
The ingredients read well, with Lamb meat, Lamb hearts and lamb liver as the first three ingredients.
I still think I should get a good dry food, too-- like the Solid Gold--mainly for their teeth.
Anyhoo, thanks for all the learning! I'm still reading!
We had a pit bull in yesterday who was knawing on a bone and it got stuck in his mouth across the roof of his mouth. We had to sedate him to get it out, had he swallowed it -- we'd be operating to get it out of him!
You call the CAN food you got at petsmart and ask them if it is human grade.
Good luck!
I am glad she is doing better.
I really like that lunch meat you pictured, it is really cool
salamie...Dot pointed me in the direction of Canidae...a holistic food too...
costs a little more, but my 14 year old dog was expected to die 3 years ago until we switched food, and the 7/8 (adult adoption...guessin age) is able to keep up with the 3.5 year old lab chasing and everything.
It comes canned and dry. We use dry and only a little. Better food goes farther.
the Lab gets 1 cup am, 1 cup pm. Heeler gets .5 cup am, .5 pm, and hen the Chow/Husky/retriever mix get a little more than .5 am and .5+pm too
they have been healthy healthy healhy since we put them on this.
However, I will say I am considering canned for the 14 year old eventually...she has lost teeth, but from what I know...these guys inhale the food and never really chew it...its pretty small.
Recommended Posts
I feed my dogs a mixture of baked chicken, brown rice and cottage great for them and they love it.
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Bacon, Ham and pork chops......... maybe
Eat Here
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My terrier was sick and wouldn't eat. I poured molasses over his kibble and he would eat that.
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Psalm 71 one
White Dove-- SMART A--A--ALEC!!!
(and thanks for the link!)
Groucho, I started out feeding my dogs just people food, but the male has a wacky digestive system--he gets diarhea from chicken! (Although I'm not so sure it's really the chicken, my hubby insists on giving him gravy with the chicken) That was why I started looking for a good healthy dog food. I still give the female lots of different fruits and vegies--she'll eat anything I offer, ('cept today <_< ).
I'll cook up some chicken for her--she's gotta have something, those pups have grown so much they're almost as big as she is!! LOL!!
(Well, um, maybe not yet--they're only 3 days old
Jim--molasses? hmmm, I'll try that-- I figure her body is craving something she's not getting-- isn't molasses high in iron?
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Psalm 71 one
P.S after I have read more at the link you posted, Dove. . .
Thank you again!! I had read about a raw food diet for dogs and saw the benefits, but was a little concerned I wouldn't be able to get a diet that was balanced enough. This stuff looks great!!!! I'm gonna try it!!
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Psalmie check your vet they may carry it ours does here. It's the same price as online and they ship it free so the only advantage really is faster service. You can add anything you want to it Lucca likes peanut butter sometimes in his. Also if you want you can save time adding baby food veggies to the mix.
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Dot Matrix
Dogs need protein, if you are just feeding her carbs with broth you are doing a disservice to her health.
They are carnavores and NEED protein.
You can order EVANGERS Duck and Sweet Potato which may be good for her. It is good for those with allergies.
If they cannot do that, then offer them Solid Gold with Buffaloe meat.
Most dogs can tolerate that.
But your nursing dog NEEDS protein.
And does the broth you are giving them have onions? Onion shut down a dogs kidneys.
She also needs vitamins.
My 14 year old chow mix just had his bloodwork done. He has the blood of a pup.
I give then holistic food and treats. NAd I have cooked for them - like you.
I will give them bits of hamberger or chopped up steak, they get vitamins and Omega oils in their food.
White Dove's site seems very good.
You can get the buffaloe via
Salmon snacks:;ParentCat=21
I hope you can fatten her up a but, perhaps cook hamberger 1/2 Then, 1/4 brown rice andf some vegtable like carrots and green beans. This rice will help her gaon.... The cottage cheese should have as well.
Call a holistic vet and see what they suggest --
Good luck
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Psalm 71 one
Dot, I knew you'd have great advice! It did cross my mind I wasn't giving her enough protein. I know there is protein in the cheeses/cottage cheese and all, but I knew I needed to get her some meat, too.
I'm gonna do a search for a holistic vet in the area, also. I wish these sites with the good pet food would sell smaller sample sizes. I've bought products like Royal Canine and another one I don't remember--my pets hated them. The first time I didn't return the food and "ate" the cost. Next time I returned the product! I'm wary of anything I have to buy online only--if ya don't like it, ya pay S & H both ways.
(Dove I'll check into finding the Sojo's locally)
Dot, I'm using canned chicken broth--it's just broth. I'm real careful about the onions-- and have mixed feelings about garlic (I've read it's not good for em, and read that it's okay!) I'll also get some vitamins.
Today she ate better. I gave her eggs and an oatmeal/peanut butter mix home made cookie (Dog cookie recipe). And she got hamburger in the rice. I figure variety might help. I think I'll get some baby food vegies, too. (I do give her cooked vegies from our meals, too)
She feels heavier, but I think I'll start weighing her daily to make sure. She's certainly peppy enough--and those babies are GROWING!!!!
I wish I had a digital camera-- I wanna show em off!!
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Back in the days of the dinosaurs when I was growing up
My mom would get stew meat and odd bones from the butcher along with beef fat scraps, add peas and garlic and simmer it for about three hours until the meat fell off the bones and was swimming in the broth. She would take out the bones and the dogs would get regular kibble -Pedigree ™ -with a couple of ladles of that broth. No expensive dog food and they loved it and were sleek and healthy with shiny coats.
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Dot Matrix
Templelady hahaha
She needs 1/2 protein
1/4 veg
1/4 rice
Protein has to be the largest ingredient.
Many healthfood stores do have sample packs of solid gold and Canidae.
Try Barking at the moon by solid Gold our vet loves the higher protein count.
What state are you in?
Pot your zip in here
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Dot Matrix
You can see if they have samples, most should
DULUTH, GA, 30096
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DECATUR, GA, 30033
404-373-1454 Distance: 8.47
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Psalm 71 one
Thanks Dot!
I'll try for the Solid gold. I really want to try the Sojos Dove suggests, cuz I've always felt dogs were meant to eat raw foods, but never dared try it. The one store in GA that sells the Sojos is in Athens though <_<
I did cook up a "stew" for her, using the proportions you suggest (half meat, 1/4 grain 1/4 vegies). I also made up my own chicken broth-- the storebought has a lot of msg in it.
The grain mixture is whole oats, wheat groats, brown rice, cooked and ground up, then some soy flour added in. Vegies are carrots, green beans, broccoli, celery, parsnips and turnips. If you know if any of these are bad can ya let me know? I also got some zuccini and summer squash and am steaming that up to add to tomorrows mix. I mix the vegies and grain mix equally --it's a mush about like grits. Then I added an equal amount of chicken. I'm still nervous about raw meat, so I cooked the chicken! (the vegies were lightly steamed). I will be asking a holisitc vet about the raw meat-- I have to convince my hubby to let me get an appointment. (He already has a hard time with me going to a chiropractor! LOL!)
Do ya know if raw eggs are okay for a dog? (I'll do a look up on Google too, just in case) How 'bout half n half cream in small bits for flavor (1 Tblspoon)? Butter? (Same, 1 Tbls, for flavoring and for fat content)
Zippie is keeping up with the weight--barely. You can feel her spine and hips, but not her ribs. She's very peppy, drinks plenty of water, the puppies are growing very well, so her milk is rich enough. Her coat is healthy, stools a bit soft from the change in food, but otherwise she seems well enough. Hubby thinks it's unnecessary to go to a vet, since she isn't showing any signs of distress, but I would feel better with just one appointment. <_< (We don't run to the Dr. ourseleves much either--I treat my own ear infections. The kids only go for shots or if i suspect strep-- which has been a long time!!)
Anyway, I appreciate your input!
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Can you call your vet and tell him what you told us here? Maybe Zippie's doctor can tell you over the phone whether or not the situation warrents an office visit. Maybe you can find out if anything needs to be done over the phone.
I know some vets won't do anything without seeing the patient. But if they know the animal, some are willing to dispense advice over the phone.
UGH! I wish there was a spell check here!
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Hey Piggie
I found just the thing for your dogs
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Psalmie, I don't have any answers, but I've got your sweet Zippie and those puppies in my thoughts and prayers. Just thinking of that wonderful puppy breath puts a smile on my face.... mmmmm..... one of the sweetest smells in the world!
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Dot Matrix
Dogs are lactose intolerant
No milk, no cream
I do not know about the soy flour. Many allergies go back to odd things such as CORN meal or foul.
For the veggies perhaps you an Google "broccoli safe for dogs or Broccolli kills dogs" I have given it to my dogs but I don't know if it is vet approved.
A good vet in the Snellville area is Dr. Connoly. He is at the Gwinnett Animal hospita and is holistic.
HE only takes one new client a week and I have sent maybe 200 people there. (Doubt all went)
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Dot Matrix
I work for a vet, try boiled chicken (no flavor enhancers, onions are toxic)
Now, no fat, no skin.
White rice (Doc said) you may want to boil brown. (For a veggie you can use green beans or carrots. You can even add a few blueberries but her tummy may be messed up from all the concoctions you have been inventing. We see a lot of that. So, you may want to add them in later. Just get her eating for now.)
chop up the chicken in the rice, pour the broth over it for flavor.
This should be easy on the tummy and provide vitamins, if she is not eating or holding food down
But she will continue to hold out for the yummy
food you have made. You can try sprinkling a little parmasean cheese on top (Doc said they can do cheese) if you need it for her taste buds.
WE have animals on terrible diets in all the time. (Like coconut milk and bacon, geez) They suffer from all kinds of problems. The least of which is they become VERY picky
Also your mushy food will cause her teeth to rot.
Psalmie, you are trying but can use some guidance for instance grapes are toxic to dogs. For awhile they thought they were toxic, but now they know.
Let me see about a book I used to sell if I can find it on the net, that can be a decent guide.
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Dot Matrix
Also, have you considered something else may be very wrong? Perhaps, all the pups did not get born? That would have probably shown up in severe illness by now. But, if there is still a problem you need to see a vet.
We had a person come in with a cat peeing everywhere. They thought it was emotional -- it was an infection.
Today we did a neuter.
The dog was acting odd, loosing weight and cranky the owner said. That dog did a big POOP in the floor. In it was like a huge orange part. It looked like a ball of yarn -- it was a mass of tape worms.
I encourage you to see the vet if this has not corrected itself. Do NOT go to the Coporations they are KNOW to run the bill up needlessly.
The vet I spoke of is fair.
Most places are a mere $37.00 to $40.00 for an exam then you can take it from there.
There is a Winter's Chapel Animal Hospital in Doraville with a Dr. N. He is not holistic but outstanding at diagnosing (Like "house" on FOX)
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Dot Matrix
The raw meat is questionable. For instance, in the wild the animals have a fresh kill not meat in a wrapper on a shelf. They get bacteria and food poisoning just like people.
Real Food for Dogs: 50 Vet-Approved Recipes to Please the Canine Gastronome (Paperback)
"Animal and Poultry Fat
You may have noticed a unique, pungent odor when you open a new bag of pet food — what is the source of that delightful smell? It is most often rendered animal fat, restaurant grease, or other oils too rancid or deemed inedible for humans."
This guy doesn't trust anyone!
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Psalm 71 one
WOW!! Thanks for all the help!
FEATHERS!! ya smart alec!
I've been busy doing searches and reading--didn't realze you'd posted all those last posts, Dot.
I read up a lot on the raw foods (both pros and cons), and wasn't fully convinced it was the way to go after all. It's like you said, Dot, sitting on a grocery fridge shelf isn't the same as "fresh meat".
Zippie has gained back some weight now. She feels much more solid. She's not fat, but she's feeling much better to me (no boniness). The pups are two weeks old now, their eyes are almost open-- I wish i had a digital camera so I could show them off!!!
Dot thanks for the advice about the cream in her food--I also found that in my online search. the eggs, well, I may use occasionally, but the raw foods folks said dogs should only have them raw and with the shell, other sites said eggs were a no-no and other sites said occasionally is okay. And thanks for all the new links, also. I started reading there last night. I'm gonna get the book.
I have been worried about the soft foods and her teeth-- I'd always given my dogs and cats dry food mainly cuz it would keep their teeth clean. The raw food folks say the raw bones take care of that. I don't give them greenies cuz of the undigested bits being found in animal guts. (Moses used to get them, but he diligently chewed them up, we stopped giving them to the dogs when we saw how Zippie scarfs everything down, barely chewing.) But I never have brushed my dogs' teeth and don't want to have to start--but I'm going to have to find something that will clean her teeth.
I found a comercial dog food at petsmart that reads really well, and I've been giving that to her as well as my "home brew" She seems to be tolerating it quite well, now--no loose stools. I didn't know to not boil the chicken without the skin--I'd left that on in the first batch--mainly for the added fat content. She's burned out on the yogurt and cottage cheese mean, so I quit that. I know once I started cooking for them, she especially will be hard pressed in going back to dog food, but having read about the junk that goes into a lot of the dog foods, I guess I don't mind. I would like to have a balance between a good dog food and my own cooking, though, cuz i can't be sure I would be able to get her everythting she needs. (Ya know, like the taurine and stuff). the food I found is this: meat roll
The ingredients read well, with Lamb meat, Lamb hearts and lamb liver as the first three ingredients.
I still think I should get a good dry food, too-- like the Solid Gold--mainly for their teeth.
Anyhoo, thanks for all the learning! I'm still reading!
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Hurray!I so glad Zippie's gaining weight. I bet her puppies are sweet.
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Dot Matrix
No bones! :(
We had a pit bull in yesterday who was knawing on a bone and it got stuck in his mouth across the roof of his mouth. We had to sedate him to get it out, had he swallowed it -- we'd be operating to get it out of him!
You call the CAN food you got at petsmart and ask them if it is human grade.
Good luck!
I am glad she is doing better.
I really like that lunch meat you pictured, it is really cool
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salamie...Dot pointed me in the direction of Canidae...a holistic food too...
costs a little more, but my 14 year old dog was expected to die 3 years ago until we switched food, and the 7/8 (adult adoption...guessin age) is able to keep up with the 3.5 year old lab chasing and everything.
It comes canned and dry. We use dry and only a little. Better food goes farther.
the Lab gets 1 cup am, 1 cup pm. Heeler gets .5 cup am, .5 pm, and hen the Chow/Husky/retriever mix get a little more than .5 am and .5+pm too
they have been healthy healthy healhy since we put them on this.
However, I will say I am considering canned for the 14 year old eventually...she has lost teeth, but from what I know...these guys inhale the food and never really chew it...its pretty small.
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Dot Matrix
Glad that is working for you!
Mine now do the Wellness snack biscuits of yogart, apple and banana
And Snack 21 -- it is salmon jerky for dogs. Expensive small $2.00 bag but is healthy and they love it!
Yeah, my one tooth missing dog I found, gets the canned food. She has difficulty chewing
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