The "minor injuries" they inflicted on him are nothing in comparison to the loss of innocence and mental injuries he inflicted on those kids.
I'm not advocating people taking the law into their hands - but - as a parent, I can 'sympathize' with WHY they would act out on him...
I think people are getting sick of it seeming like the law protects the perp more than the victim, until something really horribly wrong happens... it seems like there's a lot more stories like this one lately in the news.
That reminds me of an incident that happened on one of my trips to Africa. We were returning from a visit to beautiful Sipi Falls on Mt. Elgon in eastern Uganda when our car broke down when passing through a small town. Actually, the engine seized up, so we were there for some time. At one point, a man, obviously intoxicated, stumbled out onto the highway just in time to be nearly run over by a passing lorry. Apparently that was unacceptable behavior, because everybody standing nearby, mostly women, picked up sticks and beat that poor guy simple. They beat him all the back to his hut.
A Church of Christ pastor from Texas (to keep this on topic) who lived in the small town of Chimala, Tanzania (a place we've worked) told me that once he heard a ruckus so loud he went out to see what was happening. Villagers were stoning a man to death with bricks! He had stolen a bag of rice. I asked our Maasai translator if that kind of thing really happened. He said sure, but we usually don't stone the offenders. Somewhat relieved, I asked what they do. He replied that they set them on fire!
Texas isn't the only place. There are probably others (Ihope).
Some areas of the country still hold tightly to being part of a strong neigborhood. Those are the places parents live and kids hate. I somebody caught you cussin' you mother knew about it before you got home! It wasn't was expected!
I'm a little lukewarm on the whole vigilante justice sort of thing.
Around here a few years back the locals caught up with a "child molester" and - after beating the living daylights out of him - burned his house down. "Well, gee, isn't that just special" I thought.
Then, later on it was revealed that not only was the house not his (he was staying with friends), but that there was considerable doubt as to whether he had actually molested anybody, or was he simply the victim of a disgruntled ex-girlfriend's vindictiveness. (it turned out that she accused him of statutory rape of her daughter, and the alledged incident had taken place some 4 YEARS earlier [when her daughter would have been under the age of consent] Her daughter denied anything ever happened)
But, we got our pound of flesh! The "class 3 child molester" (according to the news) had been dealt with good an proper by some plain 'ol folks who know better than them durn activist judges!
Well... I'm going to since they caught this guy 'red-handed'
There SHOULD be some FEAR in the mind of someone who's going to mess with other people's children!
In our zip code we have 94 registered sex offenders (32% pedophiles), right next to us there are 150 offenders (30% pedophiles) these cities are small!
MANY parents think the area is safe, and don't keep a real close eye on their children.
I watched the other day, while an older man offered cigarettes to young boys, between 11-13 years old. (he didn't offer anything to the older boys...) I called the police THREE times, and all they did was drive by... they NEVER physically came into the skate park and questioned the man. I WATCHED HIM THERE FOR TWO HOURS!
It turns out, this guy fits the description of a convicted sex offender VICTIMS 13-15... THERE WAS/IS A WARRANT OUT FOR HIS ARREST...
I would have LOVED to tackle this guy to the ground, BLOODY HIS NOSE AND GIVE HIM A FEW WELTS… and hold him there in a painful manner until the police arrived... But, I'm 5'3", and he looked to be about 6'6" w/ his roller blades on... He approached me TWICE.. skating directly toward me FAST & stopping with a quick, sideways skid, about an inch away... looking me over, trying to intimidate me...
Well, I stared at him, getting a GOOD look from the side, seeing HIS BLUE EYES... behind his DARK sunglasses!!!... asked him some questions too... I wasn't scared... but THE ONLY PARENT THERE!
Oh well... I have been rendered "POWERLESS" thanks to our LAWS
If a crime is witnessed, we should have the freedom to act right then and there...
Next time I'm taking the camera w/ the zoom lens~ (How about a paint gun... can I shoot him with one of those?...) <_<
I'd like nothing more than to give a proven child molester or one caught in the act a swift kick to the family jewels, but the original post says he was "accused" and "reported" to have shown porn to kids.
Vigilante mentality is scary stuff. It sounds so noble and right--UNLESS someone's been falsely accused. Then it really sucks, doesn't it?
Accusations... sad that society has come to such a point of frustration with the system that retribution is meated out on the strength of accusations alone. False ones are made every day and innocent lives / property destroyed.
However... the "innocent" boyfriend... how was he in a position to have the accusation made?
Were they living together outside of wedlock? Was he sleeping over regularly?? I think scripture says something about "abstaining from (every?) apperance of evil". I'm not trying to be sanctimonious(sp?) but there is something to be said for living a "moral" lifestyle. Even so being a nation based on "the rule of law"
we simply cannot allow this kind of vigalanteism to run rampant. Oh no no no!
So... how bout this... when we have ironclad proof, and conviction of said pervert... we mete out apropriate punishment. (Sorry I'm burned out on rehab for these offenders). Let's get retribution. No, 15 years out in 5 back molesting and raping. H ll NO. Lets take em out and shoot em, hang em, personally I like the African way... let's stone em!
NO WAIT... I know... instead of turning these freaks loose after 5 yrs served how bout we hold the parlole boards accountable if they repeat??? Yeah, rapist serves 3 yrs on 10... gets out, rapes again... sue the parole board... and the prison shrink... YEAH that's it!!!
Nawwwwwwww we gotta rehabilitate the poor unfortunate guy... after all it really ain't his fault!
Al, it's my opinion that the laws in our country NEED to be changed concerning crimes against children, especially sexual crimes... with whom should we speak with about what we'd like done?
There's not much worse than being a child molester...and there's not much worse than being accused of being a child molester IF YOU'RE NOT...
Make the penalty severe...but make damn sure he's guilty.
Vigilantes? I believe in the legal system and allowing the authorities to deal with the situation...BUT there are situations where citizens need to "get involved"...self defense is a legitimate reason to put a few pop knots on somebodies head...especially if you are protecting a child.
doesn't matter... it's all a game... even if they change the laws they'll find an excuse to let them out. There's no resolve. These are sick sick sick people. There's only one solution and there's no resolve to implement it.
Vigilantes? I believe in the legal system and allowing the authorities to deal with the situation...BUT there are situations where citizens need to "get involved"...self defense is a legitimate reason to put a few pop knots on somebodies head...especially if you are protecting a child.
That would be fine if the legal system worked.
I once had a truck stolen by an employee. I called down to San Antonio and told them where the truck was. No action was taken. Finally went down to the city found a cop and pointed to the truck and said that truck is stolen. Got the truck back.
I've had my work trucks broken into and stuff stolen from behind the shop. No action. Set up a security camera and got a picture. Police would not do anything because the picture did not show him stealing anything. The phone call I placed to him sure stopped the thefts.
The police like to catch a thief. Do they is another story.
One time a guy came in and applied for a job. Did my background check and called my buddy the police Lt..
The guy left our office and drove 4 blocks before he was arrested. He was wanted in 3 states.
Justice can sometimes be served better at the end a gun or baseball bat.
Like everything else that we humans do, our legal system is imperfect. Ask an African American what they think about American justice...
I was recently a witness to a robbery...The police saw the whole thing on a video camera, I gave them a sworn statement, and I even told them the guys name!...(I happened to recognize him)...nothing was done for 3 weeks!...the only reason they finally went and arrested him was because he assaulted a police officer (3 weeks after the robbery)...after he hit the cop, they arrested him the NEXT DAY!
me='GrouchoMarxJr' date='Sep 27 2006, 04:52 AM' post='269528']There's not much worse than being a child molester...and there's not much worse than being accused of being a child molester IF YOU'RE NOT...
Make the penalty severe...but make damn sure he's guilty.
As usual...a reasonable statement from Groucho.
I know why I didnt become a lawyer (like my dad). At least in the weather business you can sometimes make good excuses for not being damn sure...
I think the day is coming when pedophilia will be taken off the abnormal psychology list. Several years ago, the APA did a study that they published in their journal, stating that sexual relations between adults and children as young as four years of age were not harmful to the child and could be beneficial as long as it was with the child's consent. Dr. Laura Schlessinger had a fit about it in her magazine and on her radio show, and was roundly condemned by darn near everybody for her narrow-mindedness.
If any pervert comes around my grandson, he will be sorry, and not because his hope of a relationship with the young'n was interrupted by nasty, narrowminded me - I could lie down on the gurney and happily hold out my arm for the needle knowing I had put that bas**rd in the ground.
In America, we deny the very existence of sin and perversion in the name of choice. God help us.
I hardly think the APA is in the business of condoning pedophilia. Dr. Laura does seem to have a tendency toward sensationalism and seems to like to demonize those that don't fit her right-wing, fundamentalist standards.
Sudo, I think the article at the link below refers to the controversial article WG is referring to:
One criticism of the article was that those charged with child sexual abuse might use in their defense the fact that APA, by inference, supported the findings. Fowler, however, told DeLay "there is no defense for child sexual abuse. It is always wrong."
I agree with the APA when there is a difference between consentual adolescent-adult sex, and child-adult sex. I don't think my 18 year old son should be labeled a child sexual predator if he has sex with his 17 year old girlfriend. (In case he reads this, I don't think he should be even thinking about having sex with her!) But there was a case where a girl's mother filed charges against her daughter's boyfriend, and he will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.
Thanks for posting that article. You always seem to know how to find these things. The APA's position is clear enough but what about the ones who wrote the controversial article you think?
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Why is it that it is ONLY in Texas, *justice* is meted out quickly??
<_< <_< <_<
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The "minor injuries" they inflicted on him are nothing in comparison to the loss of innocence and mental injuries he inflicted on those kids.
I'm not advocating people taking the law into their hands - but - as a parent, I can 'sympathize' with WHY they would act out on him...
I think people are getting sick of it seeming like the law protects the perp more than the victim, until something really horribly wrong happens... it seems like there's a lot more stories like this one lately in the news.
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Um, cause it's the only place that has perverts at playgrounds?
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That reminds me of an incident that happened on one of my trips to Africa. We were returning from a visit to beautiful Sipi Falls on Mt. Elgon in eastern Uganda when our car broke down when passing through a small town. Actually, the engine seized up, so we were there for some time. At one point, a man, obviously intoxicated, stumbled out onto the highway just in time to be nearly run over by a passing lorry. Apparently that was unacceptable behavior, because everybody standing nearby, mostly women, picked up sticks and beat that poor guy simple. They beat him all the back to his hut.
A Church of Christ pastor from Texas (to keep this on topic) who lived in the small town of Chimala, Tanzania (a place we've worked) told me that once he heard a ruckus so loud he went out to see what was happening. Villagers were stoning a man to death with bricks! He had stolen a bag of rice. I asked our Maasai translator if that kind of thing really happened. He said sure, but we usually don't stone the offenders. Somewhat relieved, I asked what they do. He replied that they set them on fire!
Not much crime there. :)
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Texas isn't the only place. There are probably others (Ihope).
Some areas of the country still hold tightly to being part of a strong neigborhood. Those are the places parents live and kids hate. I somebody caught you cussin' you mother knew about it before you got home! It wasn't was expected!
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George Aar
I'm a little lukewarm on the whole vigilante justice sort of thing.
Around here a few years back the locals caught up with a "child molester" and - after beating the living daylights out of him - burned his house down. "Well, gee, isn't that just special" I thought.
Then, later on it was revealed that not only was the house not his (he was staying with friends), but that there was considerable doubt as to whether he had actually molested anybody, or was he simply the victim of a disgruntled ex-girlfriend's vindictiveness. (it turned out that she accused him of statutory rape of her daughter, and the alledged incident had taken place some 4 YEARS earlier [when her daughter would have been under the age of consent] Her daughter denied anything ever happened)
But, we got our pound of flesh! The "class 3 child molester" (according to the news) had been dealt with good an proper by some plain 'ol folks who know better than them durn activist judges!
uh un.....
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Well... I'm going to
since they caught this guy 'red-handed'
There SHOULD be some FEAR in the mind of someone who's going to mess with other people's children!
In our zip code we have 94 registered sex offenders (32% pedophiles), right next to us there are 150 offenders (30% pedophiles) these cities are small!
MANY parents think the area is safe, and don't keep a real close eye on their children.
I watched the other day, while an older man offered cigarettes to young boys, between 11-13 years old. (he didn't offer anything to the older boys...) I called the police THREE times, and all they did was drive by... they NEVER physically came into the skate park and questioned the man. I WATCHED HIM THERE FOR TWO HOURS!
It turns out, this guy fits the description of a convicted sex offender VICTIMS 13-15... THERE WAS/IS A WARRANT OUT FOR HIS ARREST...
I would have LOVED to tackle this guy to the ground, BLOODY HIS NOSE AND GIVE HIM A FEW WELTS… and hold him there in a painful manner until the police arrived... But, I'm 5'3", and he looked to be about 6'6" w/ his roller blades on... He approached me TWICE.. skating directly toward me FAST & stopping with a quick, sideways skid, about an inch away... looking me over, trying to intimidate me...
Well, I stared at him, getting a GOOD look from the side, seeing HIS BLUE EYES... behind his DARK sunglasses!!!... asked him some questions too... I wasn't scared... but THE ONLY PARENT THERE!
Oh well... I have been rendered "POWERLESS" thanks to our LAWS
If a crime is witnessed, we should have the freedom to act right then and there...
Next time I'm taking the camera w/ the zoom lens~ (How about a paint gun... can I shoot him with one of those?...) <_<
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Jim I'll take Texas justice anytime over what you have in California.
The real problem is that this was news worthy.
Children should be protected at all times. It is everyone's responsibility to protect children.
Please note that the only one arrested was the perv. Yes we have justice in Texas
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Linda Z
I agree with George.
I'd like nothing more than to give a proven child molester or one caught in the act a swift kick to the family jewels, but the original post says he was "accused" and "reported" to have shown porn to kids.
Vigilante mentality is scary stuff. It sounds so noble and right--UNLESS someone's been falsely accused. Then it really sucks, doesn't it?
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Then there's THIS!
(i.e., don't mess with Catholic school girls)
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Al Poole
Accusations... sad that society has come to such a point of frustration with the system that retribution is meated out on the strength of accusations alone. False ones are made every day and innocent lives / property destroyed.
However... the "innocent" boyfriend... how was he in a position to have the accusation made?
Were they living together outside of wedlock? Was he sleeping over regularly?? I think scripture says something about "abstaining from (every?) apperance of evil". I'm not trying to be sanctimonious(sp?) but there is something to be said for living a "moral" lifestyle. Even so being a nation based on "the rule of law"
we simply cannot allow this kind of vigalanteism to run rampant. Oh no no no!
So... how bout this... when we have ironclad proof, and conviction of said pervert... we mete out apropriate punishment. (Sorry I'm burned out on rehab for these offenders). Let's get retribution. No, 15 years out in 5 back molesting and raping. H ll NO. Lets take em out and shoot em, hang em, personally I like the African way... let's stone em!
NO WAIT... I know... instead of turning these freaks loose after 5 yrs served how bout we hold the parlole boards accountable if they repeat??? Yeah, rapist serves 3 yrs on 10... gets out, rapes again... sue the parole board... and the prison shrink... YEAH that's it!!!
Nawwwwwwww we gotta rehabilitate the poor unfortunate guy... after all it really ain't his fault!
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Al, it's my opinion that the laws in our country NEED to be changed concerning crimes against children, especially sexual crimes... with whom should we speak with about what we'd like done?
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There's not much worse than being a child molester...and there's not much worse than being accused of being a child molester IF YOU'RE NOT...
Make the penalty severe...but make damn sure he's guilty.
Vigilantes? I believe in the legal system and allowing the authorities to deal with the situation...BUT there are situations where citizens need to "get involved"...self defense is a legitimate reason to put a few pop knots on somebodies head...especially if you are protecting a child.
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Al Poole
doesn't matter... it's all a game... even if they change the laws they'll find an excuse to let them out. There's no resolve. These are sick sick sick people. There's only one solution and there's no resolve to implement it.
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That would be fine if the legal system worked.
I once had a truck stolen by an employee. I called down to San Antonio and told them where the truck was. No action was taken. Finally went down to the city found a cop and pointed to the truck and said that truck is stolen. Got the truck back.
I've had my work trucks broken into and stuff stolen from behind the shop. No action. Set up a security camera and got a picture. Police would not do anything because the picture did not show him stealing anything. The phone call I placed to him sure stopped the thefts.
The police like to catch a thief. Do they is another story.
One time a guy came in and applied for a job. Did my background check and called my buddy the police Lt..
The guy left our office and drove 4 blocks before he was arrested. He was wanted in 3 states.
Justice can sometimes be served better at the end a gun or baseball bat.
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Like everything else that we humans do, our legal system is imperfect. Ask an African American what they think about American justice...
I was recently a witness to a robbery...The police saw the whole thing on a video camera, I gave them a sworn statement, and I even told them the guys name!...(I happened to recognize him)...nothing was done for 3 weeks!...the only reason they finally went and arrested him was because he assaulted a police officer (3 weeks after the robbery)...after he hit the cop, they arrested him the NEXT DAY!
and this was in a small town!
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Lifted Up
As usual...a reasonable statement from Groucho.
I know why I didnt become a lawyer (like my dad). At least in the weather business you can sometimes make good excuses for not being damn sure...
I said sometimes.
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Watered Garden
I think the day is coming when pedophilia will be taken off the abnormal psychology list. Several years ago, the APA did a study that they published in their journal, stating that sexual relations between adults and children as young as four years of age were not harmful to the child and could be beneficial as long as it was with the child's consent. Dr. Laura Schlessinger had a fit about it in her magazine and on her radio show, and was roundly condemned by darn near everybody for her narrow-mindedness.
If any pervert comes around my grandson, he will be sorry, and not because his hope of a relationship with the young'n was interrupted by nasty, narrowminded me - I could lie down on the gurney and happily hold out my arm for the needle knowing I had put that bas**rd in the ground.
In America, we deny the very existence of sin and perversion in the name of choice. God help us.
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Are you sure you got that exactly straight? Sounds like sick Nambla kind of stuff.
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Watered Garden
Sudo, it was in the 1990's and I think I could find it from Dr. Laura. They never retracted their findings, just said America "wasn't ready for it."
I will check around or e-mail her website if I can.
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Linda Z
I hardly think the APA is in the business of condoning pedophilia. Dr. Laura does seem to have a tendency toward sensationalism and seems to like to demonize those that don't fit her right-wing, fundamentalist standards.
Sudo, I think the article at the link below refers to the controversial article WG is referring to:
It's not exactly the way Dr. Laura portrayed it, if WG is remembering correctly what she said at the time.
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I agree with the APA when there is a difference between consentual adolescent-adult sex, and child-adult sex. I don't think my 18 year old son should be labeled a child sexual predator if he has sex with his 17 year old girlfriend. (In case he reads this, I don't think he should be even thinking about having sex with her!) But there was a case where a girl's mother filed charges against her daughter's boyfriend, and he will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.
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Thanks for posting that article. You always seem to know how to find these things. The APA's position is clear enough but what about the ones who wrote the controversial article you think?
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Watered Garden
Thanks for posting that reference. I'll try to find the original in the archives.
I'm sorry Dr. Laura is looked at so narrowly. She's always been one of my heroes.
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