Hi Danny. Going back to your statement. I do not think Satan and those who sinned will be redeemed.
I believe a nature corrupted cannot be rehabilitated. yes, maybe they could be forgiven and allowed entrance into God's perfection, and yes, maybe they could be on their best behavior - for awhile - but eventually, the true nature must come out. God will not allow corruption to taint his glory or heaven again. Satan did it once and it took the creation of mankind and a savior to bring about the restoration of the creation back to its perfection before Gen. 1:1 - of which the process is still continuing.
Some things and people are irredeemable - but - its not God being unfair, as it was the being's choice to do so.
I believe God will give them their own place, apart from him, where they can rail against, and hate God forever. This is called the lake of fire. Is it a literal fire? I don't know. I could be a symbol for a place where words can't describe. To me, a place without God and his light and love - that's unimaginable and indescribable.
God cannot kill or destroy his creations - he is the God of the living not the dead. They will simply get their wish - to be without God for eternity.
As for the nice little quotes by Greg - to believe there is no evil in people is to be extremely naive. Was it not Christ who told us to be wise as serpents, yet harmless as doves?
Mentor and Son of Mentor, instead of merely absorbing and regurgitating TWI-jargon – try analyzing it – see if it jives with the ENTIRE Bible. This was a GREAT weakness of VPW and with TWI – they had a compartmentalized theology – lording the epistles above the Old Testament and the Gospels – instead of a unified approach. And really even their belief system is compartmentalized – they don't see inconsistencies across various topics. And it's always interesting to see how malleable TWI's viewpoint is: if they want you to hate what they hate they make it a big issue over the integrity of the Word being at stake; if they want you to ignore their gross misconduct then they rattle off a bunch of forgiving/loving verses. It's like an ordained chameleon behind the podium!
I find fault with your suggesting to think only the best of people, ignoring the reality that evil doers exist. A passage that immediately came to mind talks of a believer who did just the opposite of what you recommend. Psalm 139:19-22:
19. If only you would slay the wicked, O God! Away from me, you bloodthirsty men!
20. They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name.
21. Do I not hate those who hate you, O Lord, and abhor those who rise up against you?
22. I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies.
What about the many passages in Proverbs that not only instructs us to do things God's way [the way of wisdom] but also directs us to identify and avoid evil doers? A couple come to mind:
Proverbs 1:10
My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them.
Proverbs 4:14
Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men.
Anyway – to recap today's comments: if you want to define biblical words – it makes sense to actually look in the Bible - and engage your brain before typing on the keyboard. Try that – instead of parroting TWI-speak – you might actually start a productive discussion.
To Mentor and Son of Mentor – who says?!?! Since you're in doctrinal please provide some Scriptural basis for your "definitions" – which smack of TWI-gobbledygook. I think Excathedra got yah on that one, Greg:
??? I AM honest Dove, how about YOU stop looking for evil in every one of my posts..ok bud?
If Jesus Christ himself didn`t live Greg`s definition of *charity* my point was that MAYBE Greg ought to quit making up definitions that are not backed up scripturally...ok?
His definition is GREAT however for lulling people to sleep spiritually, ignoring dangerous behavior of the *flesh* ... evaluating who we identify as our borthers and sisters.......
His definition also eliminates the need for vigillance against wolves in sheeps clothing and false prophets.
That is his privilege, but entirely at odds with the instructions and examples given us inthe scriptures....not to mention VERY dangerous to us physically.
Even the title of this thread is an absurd Wayforism.
"The Best" - compared to what? Is it really possible to have "The Best" of anything? Isn't there always just a little more that could be added to the mix?
Of course if we're really "tapped in", then we can be certain that we know what's "best" can't we?
Just like the guy I used to know who was absolutely certain that there were flying saucers buried under the pyramids of Egypt. It seems that certainty and absolutes are often within the purview of the metally unhinged...
Greg...uh rather than look for reasons to attack me personally, how about answering my questions about why your definition and premiss does not match up with the actions and teachings of Jesus Christ?
Does it matter?
Word wolf, Thank you.
Todd, there were a lot of great points made to counter a potentially dangerous flawed definition. Rather than view it as a personal attack or a blanket accusation of blame how simply discussing the pertinent information in order for everyone to learn and grow just a little bit in our understanding ok?
Greg...uh rather than look for reasons to attack me personally, how about answering my questions about why your definition and premiss does not match up with the actions and teachings of Jesus Christ?
Does it matter?
Word wolf, Thank you.
Todd, there were a lot of great points made to counter a potentially dangerous flawed definition. Rather than view it as a personal attack or a blanket accusation of blame how simply discussing the pertinent information in order for everyone to learn and grow just a little bit in our understanding ok?
Since you attacked the source by not be guided by the spirit the question is a true question no attack involved. The question was pointed at you there was no attack. The question should have a answer, but if you don't feel up to it I understand just tell the Devil Hi for me
In order to understand the 4th chapter of II Timothy we must look at the whole chapter and the mind set of Paul. At this time Paul's followers are losing all the confidence of his church IITim 4:16, Paul is also telling us of all the evil that has come back to Asia and how the Devil is winning IITIM 4:4.
The thing about II TIm 4:14 Paul did not say I will go take care of business myself, I am going to kill him. No he was able to keep himself in line with God letting the lord reward him according to his works. 15 is saying that people are turning away from God.
This has nothing to do with Charity. Paul said this EVIL was done to me it doesn't say he thought evil was coming after him. Two very different ways, one did happen and one is in the thinking.
"When you get to the place in your heart and mind,
where evil doers no longer exist. Thinking only the best
of people, manifesting the renewed mind.
At this point you have mastered the true definition of charity."
No, then you have become a true sitting duck for every con artist out there who wants to take you for a ride. BTW, I am assuming when you say charity you are referring to agape?
Jesus told us to love one another, what are you referring to when you say Jesus did not live a life of Love. Wait maybe when he went into the courtyard and said Ye Hypocrites or Ye who without sin Ye cast the first stone.
Exactly what are you talking about the Jesus I know is full of Charity. This proven time and time again he only wants us to be the best. So from what I have read Jesus does not hate, nor did his walk with God go against the teachings of Paul.
Ummm the examples I gave which you are ignoring ...
were when he called the pharacees *whited sepulchers* all pretty n shiney on the outside but filled with death and decay on the inside.
I also referred to when Jesus said that it was better that a mill stone be hung around the neck and the person drown than the fate that awaited one who hurt a child...
I was also making reference to the time when Jesus chased the money changers out of the temple and overturned their tables....
Each and every circumstance...Jesus seems to be lacking in charity according to your definition.
where evil doers no longer exist. Thinking only the best
of people, manifesting the renewed mind.
At this point you have mastered the true definition of charity.
If you're using the KJV of the Bible as your reference for truth, then I would think, according to your definition, that people could only experience true charity after the resurrection, after the judgement. Because that is when evil will be destroyed, and evil doers will no longer exsist. (Revelations 20 & 21, and various other parts of the KJV)
But, I would think I Cor. 13, which talks of charity, makes known that charity is available now.
Can you show how you got from one point to the other?
Greg -----------In post # 35 you said "Tell the Devil Hi for me" Are you implying there is some piece of knowledge that has come to you by discerning of spirits? This is a mighty big charge to lay at someone's feet with or without spiritual guidance. You also speak of letting the spirit enlighten you on a scriptures meaning. I, for one, believe GOD can work in the heart to enlighten us. This enlightenment, however, should not contradict what has already been made known by the scriptures. Understanding what has been written is the essence of what is being discussed here not conjecture of what GOD may or may not have shown you for your own personal understanding.Please don't see this as some kind of insult. I am merely saying that if GOD shows you something that helps your own personal understanding it does not necessarily mean He expects you to share this with others or that it will fit with the way those others think. Many years ago VPW said something to the effect of "I have no scritural proof, you will just have to trust me on this." when teaching the "Original" sin. His teaching on this subject did not then or ever have any scriptural basis that can be clearly documented. Therefore, if GOD does indeed tell you to make a declaration on His behalf you can be certain it will not contradict what the scrptures have already shown.
Now we're getting some where in this discussion, Greg – thank you. I think the NASV does justice to the Greek text of I Corinthians 13:5 bold red[/color]the last part of the verse that corresponds to KJV "thinketh no evil"]:
5. Does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked,does not take into account a wrong suffered.
"take into account" is from the Greek word logizomai and is a bookkeeping term meaning to put together with one's mind, to count, to occupy oneself with reckonings or calculations. A few of the 41 other passages where logizomai occurs :
Luke 22:37 "…must be fulfilled in Me, 'And He was numbered with Trangressors…'
Romans 4:3 "…it was reckoned to him as righteousness."
Romans 4:8 "…Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will not take into account."
II Corinthians 5:19 "…not counting their trespasses against them…"
As Romans 12:21 directs us "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." In my opinion I Corinthians 13:5 does NOT imply turning off my brain like you suggest in your statement "When you get to the place in your heart and mind, where evil doers no longer exist. Thinking only the best of people." I would think that would be "overcome by evil." The evil doer has pulled a fast one on me or wronged me in some way – and I ignore the whole thing! Wouldn't this encourage them to continue in such actions against me?
How does such a laissez-faire attitude square with the Ten Commandments? A new commandment I write unto you: Thou shalt not murder – but if you happen to witness a murder in progress – ignore it – if questioned about it later tell the cops you saw nothing – plead the Sergeant Schultz amendment, "I see nothing!" Oh and disregard the other commandment about bearing false witness.
How then am I to follow my Lord's instructions in Matthew 7:15-20 of identifying false prophets? He said verse 16, "You will know them by their fruits." I think Jesus had a good idea of what "charity" is about – but I don't ever get the idea from the Gospels that He encouraged stupidity.
I get the idea from the NASV version of I Corinthians 13:5 that real love is not self-centered, love doesn't have an agenda of retaliation. Perhaps I could say that love acknowledges the wrong done to it, but does not focus on the injury to itself nor responds in kind. The MacArthur New Testament Commentary: I Corinthians by John MacArthur talks about the word logizomai on page 347:
"That is the sort of record love keeps of wrongs done against it. No wrong is ever recorded for later reference. Love forgives. Someone once suggested that love does not forgive and forget, but rather remembers and still forgives. Resentment is careful to keep books, which it reads and rereads, hoping for a chance to get even. Love keeps no books, because it has no place for resentment or grudges…"
The NASV what the He!! is that, we might well be taking some scripture from the GGG, RSDF, WDFS, or any other Bull versions. Thinketh no evil simply means to think no evil this is not a hard, thinking only the best of people. That is what the KJV says, the only version that is right.
The NASV what the He!! is that, we might well be taking some scripture from the GGG, RSDF, WDFS, or any other Bull versions. Thinketh no evil simply means to think no evil this is not a hard, thinking only the best of people. That is what the KJV says, the only version that is right.
Oh my – there is no hope for this thread – and here I went and worked on this post some more before reading your above response. I almost chucked it – then realized it is a fitting reply to you, Greg ….. or Son of Mentor or ckmkeon – it has been you all along – guess you're afraid to come as you are. But considering the poor grammar, illogic, childishness, and general TWI-dullard ness of your posts I should have figured that out sooner. Guess I was trying to practice some charity ["charity suffereth long" ]. I usually try to afford everyone some respect on GSC – but see no point engaging you any further – I've lost all respect for you. You make no attempt to hide your idiocy – nor do you show any signs of wanting to thoughtfully explore the Scriptures.
Perhaps you [ckmkeon] and other TWI-followers understand the KJV of I Corinthians 13:5 of "love thinketh no evil" to mean "love doesn't think." Sometimes groups that are legalistic may operate this way. It's really a lazy way of living the Christian life – you don't have to think – just follow some rule book to the letter - or mindlessly absorb and parrot the legalistic interpretation of some theologian-wannabes. Jesus ran into people like this. He was having a discussion with some people over His healing a man on the Sabbath in John 7:23, 24:
23. If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath that the Law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with Me because I made an entire man well on the Sabbath?
24. Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.
The law specified that circumcision be done on the eighth day from when the male child was born. What if the child was born on the Sabbath? Eight days after he was born would be another Sabbath. Jesus was explaining that people wanting to be ceremonially right with the circumcision law technically were breaking the Sabbath law. His point was – what's wrong with Him making a man physically right on the Sabbath? Then He said to them "judge righteous judgment" – basically He challenged them to exercise thinking in their theology – rather than going along with the mindless legalism.
I'm checking out of this thread – and will not waste any more time with a FOOL.
The following has all been posted by the same poster,
on this same thread...
"When you get to the place in your heart and mind,
where evil doers no longer exist. Thinking only the best
of people, manifesting the renewed mind.
At this point you have mastered the true definition of charity."
"In our reflection of Love towards one another.
We must show non believers the Joy
we have with the word. Being tender hearted
and forgiving, while rightly dividing God's word."
"ICOR 13:5
Thinketh no evil"
"Which spirit are you being guided by??"
"Since you attacked the source by not be guided by the spirit the question is a true question no attack involved. The question was pointed at you there was no attack. The question should have a answer, but
if you don't feel up to it I understand just tell the Devil Hi for me
so much for actually setting an example and practicing what you preach....
The New American Standard Bible (NASB) is regarded as a ~very~ accurate Bible version, and is based on a word-for-word method of rendering an English version of ancient language texts. One complaint about the NASB is that its renderings are so word-for-word that its English is at times stylistically stiff.
The New International Version (NIV), on the other hand, was based on a methodology of trying to produce a “dynamic equivalent” in English of the phrases of biblical texts.
I have read a number of books of the Bible in the Revised Version (RV), the American Standard Version (ASV) and the NASB, and am presently doing Bible reading in the English Standard Version (ESV). According to its publisher, the ESV uses a word-for-word translational approach, but breaks from that approach at times to increase readability.
The NASV what the He!! is that, we might well be taking some scripture from the GGG, RSDF, WDFS, or any other Bull versions. Thinketh no evil simply means to think no evil this is not a hard, thinking only the best of people. That is what the KJV says, the only version that is right.
This is real simple, Greg. Lean in close to the monitor in case the words are too big:
Thinking the truth of someone is not thinking evil.
Consider that for a minute.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a sinister man who killed and ate people.
That's the truth. It is not thinking evil of him to declare it. It is knowing and thinking the truth.
Wierwille was an opportunistic misogynist who abused his position in the church to hurt people and satisfy his own lusts.
That is not thinking evil of him. It is a simple recognition of the truth, as simple as the recognition that Peter denied the Lord and David set a man up to be killed.
Your failure to recognize this is ignorant and stupid. That is not thinking evil of you. It is simply the truth of the position you espouse.
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Hi Danny. Going back to your statement. I do not think Satan and those who sinned will be redeemed.
I believe a nature corrupted cannot be rehabilitated. yes, maybe they could be forgiven and allowed entrance into God's perfection, and yes, maybe they could be on their best behavior - for awhile - but eventually, the true nature must come out. God will not allow corruption to taint his glory or heaven again. Satan did it once and it took the creation of mankind and a savior to bring about the restoration of the creation back to its perfection before Gen. 1:1 - of which the process is still continuing.
Some things and people are irredeemable - but - its not God being unfair, as it was the being's choice to do so.
I believe God will give them their own place, apart from him, where they can rail against, and hate God forever. This is called the lake of fire. Is it a literal fire? I don't know. I could be a symbol for a place where words can't describe. To me, a place without God and his light and love - that's unimaginable and indescribable.
God cannot kill or destroy his creations - he is the God of the living not the dead. They will simply get their wish - to be without God for eternity.
As for the nice little quotes by Greg - to believe there is no evil in people is to be extremely naive. Was it not Christ who told us to be wise as serpents, yet harmless as doves?
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And give ck a hug for us.
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ICOR 13:5
Thinketh no evil
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Which spirit are you being guided by??
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You found a verse. This can be the beginning of a successful dialogue.
Now, supposedly, the entire Bible never contradicts itself.
vpw said that, and many Christians say that.
Therefore, "apparent contradictions" are either the result of a bad translation
or misunderstanding of the text by the reader.
So, unless there's a mistranslation, any 2 sections of Scripture can be
found to agree once understood.
Therefore, take I Corinthians 13:5 and harmonize it with
II Timothy 4: 14-15
"14 Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works:
15 Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words."
Many of us can accomplish this without difficulty. Since you're here attempting to
enlighten us, you should be able to do so as well.
The Spirit of Truth.
As if it was relevant to the discussion.
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oh god...
it seems to me
we are quite free to blame
and we can blame anything and everything
and even can blame anything and everything for anything and everything else
we can
blame people
blame the big bang
blame it all til therz nothing left to blame
so blame nothing, too
blame til yer blamer wears out
and when/as/if weer finally fully done
we are free from blame
this is the journey of a life
so...good luck
you may see that there always is
and always was
and always will be
a wide open door behind you
...one has never ever been closed
they all already always happen here
if nothing else...
find this place, at least
...start here, ya know?
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George Aar
Even the title of this thread is an absurd Wayforism.
"The Best" - compared to what? Is it really possible to have "The Best" of anything? Isn't there always just a little more that could be added to the mix?
Of course if we're really "tapped in", then we can be certain that we know what's "best" can't we?
Just like the guy I used to know who was absolutely certain that there were flying saucers buried under the pyramids of Egypt. It seems that certainty and absolutes are often within the purview of the metally unhinged...
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Greg...uh rather than look for reasons to attack me personally, how about answering my questions about why your definition and premiss does not match up with the actions and teachings of Jesus Christ?
Does it matter?
Word wolf, Thank you.
Todd, there were a lot of great points made to counter a potentially dangerous flawed definition. Rather than view it as a personal attack or a blanket accusation of blame how simply discussing the pertinent information in order for everyone to learn and grow just a little bit in our understanding ok?
Edited by rascalLink to comment
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Since you attacked the source by not be guided by the spirit the question is a true question no attack involved. The question was pointed at you there was no attack. The question should have a answer, but if you don't feel up to it I understand just tell the Devil Hi for me
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What?? Slap a lable on me and then you don`t have to think logically or answere honestly Greg?
I ask again... can you explain WHY your premiss (pretty sounding though it was) is at odds with the way Jesus Christ taught and lived his life?
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In order to understand the 4th chapter of II Timothy we must look at the whole chapter and the mind set of Paul. At this time Paul's followers are losing all the confidence of his church IITim 4:16, Paul is also telling us of all the evil that has come back to Asia and how the Devil is winning IITIM 4:4.
The thing about II TIm 4:14 Paul did not say I will go take care of business myself, I am going to kill him. No he was able to keep himself in line with God letting the lord reward him according to his works. 15 is saying that people are turning away from God.
This has nothing to do with Charity. Paul said this EVIL was done to me it doesn't say he thought evil was coming after him. Two very different ways, one did happen and one is in the thinking.
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"When you get to the place in your heart and mind,
where evil doers no longer exist. Thinking only the best
of people, manifesting the renewed mind.
At this point you have mastered the true definition of charity."
No, then you have become a true sitting duck for every con artist out there who wants to take you for a ride. BTW, I am assuming when you say charity you are referring to agape?
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Jesus told us to love one another, what are you referring to when you say Jesus did not live a life of Love. Wait maybe when he went into the courtyard and said Ye Hypocrites or Ye who without sin Ye cast the first stone.
Exactly what are you talking about the Jesus I know is full of Charity. This proven time and time again he only wants us to be the best. So from what I have read Jesus does not hate, nor did his walk with God go against the teachings of Paul.
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Ummm the examples I gave which you are ignoring ...
were when he called the pharacees *whited sepulchers* all pretty n shiney on the outside but filled with death and decay on the inside.
I also referred to when Jesus said that it was better that a mill stone be hung around the neck and the person drown than the fate that awaited one who hurt a child...
I was also making reference to the time when Jesus chased the money changers out of the temple and overturned their tables....
Each and every circumstance...Jesus seems to be lacking in charity according to your definition.
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If you're using the KJV of the Bible as your reference for truth, then I would think, according to your definition, that people could only experience true charity after the resurrection, after the judgement. Because that is when evil will be destroyed, and evil doers will no longer exsist. (Revelations 20 & 21, and various other parts of the KJV)
But, I would think I Cor. 13, which talks of charity, makes known that charity is available now.
Can you show how you got from one point to the other?
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Greg -----------In post # 35 you said "Tell the Devil Hi for me" Are you implying there is some piece of knowledge that has come to you by discerning of spirits? This is a mighty big charge to lay at someone's feet with or without spiritual guidance. You also speak of letting the spirit enlighten you on a scriptures meaning. I, for one, believe GOD can work in the heart to enlighten us. This enlightenment, however, should not contradict what has already been made known by the scriptures. Understanding what has been written is the essence of what is being discussed here not conjecture of what GOD may or may not have shown you for your own personal understanding.Please don't see this as some kind of insult. I am merely saying that if GOD shows you something that helps your own personal understanding it does not necessarily mean He expects you to share this with others or that it will fit with the way those others think. Many years ago VPW said something to the effect of "I have no scritural proof, you will just have to trust me on this." when teaching the "Original" sin. His teaching on this subject did not then or ever have any scriptural basis that can be clearly documented. Therefore, if GOD does indeed tell you to make a declaration on His behalf you can be certain it will not contradict what the scrptures have already shown.
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Now we're getting some where in this discussion, Greg – thank you. I think the NASV does justice to the Greek text of I Corinthians 13:5 bold red [/color]the last part of the verse that corresponds to KJV "thinketh no evil"]:
5. Does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered.
"take into account" is from the Greek word logizomai and is a bookkeeping term meaning to put together with one's mind, to count, to occupy oneself with reckonings or calculations. A few of the 41 other passages where logizomai occurs :
Luke 22:37 "…must be fulfilled in Me, 'And He was numbered with Trangressors…'
Romans 4:3 "…it was reckoned to him as righteousness."
Romans 4:8 "…Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will not take into account."
II Corinthians 5:19 "…not counting their trespasses against them…"
As Romans 12:21 directs us "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." In my opinion I Corinthians 13:5 does NOT imply turning off my brain like you suggest in your statement "When you get to the place in your heart and mind, where evil doers no longer exist. Thinking only the best of people." I would think that would be "overcome by evil." The evil doer has pulled a fast one on me or wronged me in some way – and I ignore the whole thing! Wouldn't this encourage them to continue in such actions against me?
How does such a laissez-faire attitude square with the Ten Commandments? A new commandment I write unto you: Thou shalt not murder – but if you happen to witness a murder in progress – ignore it – if questioned about it later tell the cops you saw nothing – plead the Sergeant Schultz amendment, "I see nothing!" Oh and disregard the other commandment about bearing false witness.
How then am I to follow my Lord's instructions in Matthew 7:15-20 of identifying false prophets? He said verse 16, "You will know them by their fruits." I think Jesus had a good idea of what "charity" is about – but I don't ever get the idea from the Gospels that He encouraged stupidity.
I get the idea from the NASV version of I Corinthians 13:5 that real love is not self-centered, love doesn't have an agenda of retaliation. Perhaps I could say that love acknowledges the wrong done to it, but does not focus on the injury to itself nor responds in kind. The MacArthur New Testament Commentary: I Corinthians by John MacArthur talks about the word logizomai on page 347:
"That is the sort of record love keeps of wrongs done against it. No wrong is ever recorded for later reference. Love forgives. Someone once suggested that love does not forgive and forget, but rather remembers and still forgives. Resentment is careful to keep books, which it reads and rereads, hoping for a chance to get even. Love keeps no books, because it has no place for resentment or grudges…"
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The NASV what the He!! is that, we might well be taking some scripture from the GGG, RSDF, WDFS, or any other Bull versions. Thinketh no evil simply means to think no evil this is not a hard, thinking only the best of people. That is what the KJV says, the only version that is right.
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George Aar
Oh my!
It's worse than I thought!
Lordy Greg, you do for Biblical research what panty hose do for spontaneous lovemaking...
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Oh my – there is no hope for this thread – and here I went and worked on this post some more before reading your above response. I almost chucked it – then realized it is a fitting reply to you, Greg ….. or Son of Mentor or ckmkeon – it has been you all along – guess you're afraid to come as you are. But considering the poor grammar, illogic, childishness, and general TWI-dullard ness of your posts I should have figured that out sooner. Guess I was trying to practice some charity ["charity suffereth long"
]. I usually try to afford everyone some respect on GSC – but see no point engaging you any further – I've lost all respect for you. You make no attempt to hide your idiocy – nor do you show any signs of wanting to thoughtfully explore the Scriptures.
Perhaps you [ckmkeon] and other TWI-followers understand the KJV of I Corinthians 13:5 of "love thinketh no evil" to mean "love doesn't think." Sometimes groups that are legalistic may operate this way. It's really a lazy way of living the Christian life – you don't have to think – just follow some rule book to the letter - or mindlessly absorb and parrot the legalistic interpretation of some theologian-wannabes. Jesus ran into people like this. He was having a discussion with some people over His healing a man on the Sabbath in John 7:23, 24:
23. If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath that the Law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with Me because I made an entire man well on the Sabbath?
24. Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.
The law specified that circumcision be done on the eighth day from when the male child was born. What if the child was born on the Sabbath? Eight days after he was born would be another Sabbath. Jesus was explaining that people wanting to be ceremonially right with the circumcision law technically were breaking the Sabbath law. His point was – what's wrong with Him making a man physically right on the Sabbath? Then He said to them "judge righteous judgment" – basically He challenged them to exercise thinking in their theology – rather than going along with the mindless legalism.
I'm checking out of this thread – and will not waste any more time with a FOOL.
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The following has all been posted by the same poster,
on this same thread...
"When you get to the place in your heart and mind,
where evil doers no longer exist. Thinking only the best
of people, manifesting the renewed mind.
At this point you have mastered the true definition of charity."
"In our reflection of Love towards one another.
We must show non believers the Joy
we have with the word. Being tender hearted
and forgiving, while rightly dividing God's word."
"ICOR 13:5
Thinketh no evil"
"Which spirit are you being guided by??"
"Since you attacked the source by not be guided by the spirit the question is a true question no attack involved. The question was pointed at you there was no attack. The question should have a answer, but
if you don't feel up to it I understand just tell the Devil Hi for me
so much for actually setting an example and practicing what you preach....
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[The New American Standard Bible is the one Bible in English that combines the advantages
of the KJV (availability plus the italics)
with the advantages of the RSV and NIV (clear language and improvements from the last
50 years).
Picture the advantages of the NKJV taken further.]
Can't even spell the other versions.... Somehow it seems hard to picture that you actuallyknow about the other versions, let alone can compare and contrast them.
vpw himself made fun of this type of thinking, and mocked the people who supposedly
claimed that the "NIV was good enough for the Apostle Paul, so it's good enough for me."
Switch the letters "KJV" for "NIV" and you're demonstrating the SAME errors vpw mocked.]
[if you understood 1/2 what you thought you did, you'd see that rattling off the syllables
is far from understanding the meaning of the words, let alone demonstrating them.
In this thread alone, you've shown us that you can think evil while telling us it's easy to
understand we're supposed to not think evil.
Usually it's the young that masters this level of naivete with this level of polarization.
(Not always, but they're the usual artists of this type of error.) ]
[That sits there just like a diamond.....]
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A bit on a few Bible versions
The New American Standard Bible (NASB) is regarded as a ~very~ accurate Bible version, and is based on a word-for-word method of rendering an English version of ancient language texts. One complaint about the NASB is that its renderings are so word-for-word that its English is at times stylistically stiff.
The New International Version (NIV), on the other hand, was based on a methodology of trying to produce a “dynamic equivalent” in English of the phrases of biblical texts.
I have read a number of books of the Bible in the Revised Version (RV), the American Standard Version (ASV) and the NASB, and am presently doing Bible reading in the English Standard Version (ESV). According to its publisher, the ESV uses a word-for-word translational approach, but breaks from that approach at times to increase readability.
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This is real simple, Greg. Lean in close to the monitor in case the words are too big:
Thinking the truth of someone is not thinking evil.
Consider that for a minute.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a sinister man who killed and ate people.
That's the truth. It is not thinking evil of him to declare it. It is knowing and thinking the truth.
Wierwille was an opportunistic misogynist who abused his position in the church to hurt people and satisfy his own lusts.
That is not thinking evil of him. It is a simple recognition of the truth, as simple as the recognition that Peter denied the Lord and David set a man up to be killed.
Your failure to recognize this is ignorant and stupid. That is not thinking evil of you. It is simply the truth of the position you espouse.
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