I like them too, Kit. I've watched the show only recently, but I've caught on the heart they seem to have for people, and how they tried turned their own lives around.
It's not the first time that zeal gets someone in trouble, and it did in this case. Does the end justify the means? Well, Luster's butt is in jail, so-works for me.
The speculation is that with the new Mexican government installed and the statute of limitations about to run out on the Mexican case, someone pushed some buttons.
Frankly, I think that the best way the Mexican government can handle this is just tell Dog and Co. not to come back to Mexico as punishment for what he did.
Its what we do for a lot of illegals who break the law here, but not something major like murder, isn't it?
Thank you very much for the comfort you give by your posts. I received the following prayer request from an email prayer list, and it reflects my opinion of the thing. I hope you are right, especially excathedra, and that things will work out ok.
Please pray for Duane "Dog" Chapman, Tim and Leland Chapman
Please pray for Duane "Dog" Chapman, his [Christian brother/friend]Tim [Chapman], and his [son] Leland Chapman. The details of their unjust predicament follow, as well as links for expressing your support for them.
Through Him, With Him, In Him,
<*}}}>< <*}}}><
Many of you may not be aware of this man and his son and [his Christian] brother [friend]. It is not the type of show that we would usually watch. But this man works for God. There is not one job he goes out on where he doesn't pray for the Holy Spirits help before he embarks. Who is it? What do they do?
Why, it is Duane Dog Chapman, Tim and Leland Chapman, Bounty hunters. They have a TV show on arts and entertainment network. They are the most watched show on that channel! They visit schools and teach kids not to take drugs and to remain in school. Why am I writing to you about this?
I am sickened to see how the government is treating these men. They went to Mexico and brought back a man name, Luster, Max Factor heir, for the police for brutally raping 3 women!
America was not able to have Mexico extradite Luster; so the Chapmans went down there and brought him back. Luster has been tried and convicted and is presently serving 124 years in jail.
Mexico does not have any bounty hunters, it is against Mexican law. The US Marshals busted into the Chapman household and ripped Dog out of bed in Hawaii and are extraditing him to Mexico for prosecution of the bounty hunting illegality in Mexico. [if successful in extraditing the bunch of them] There, Dog, his son and brother, will face 8 years in jail for bringing back a convicted 3 time rapist for the United States.
What is going on here? We have 20 million illegal Mexicans in this country and we have 3 men go into Mexico to bring back a criminal and they were not only arrested but our country is returning them to Mexico???? Yet we allow these same Mexicans to live and prosper in our country forgetting all the rapists, gangs, murders, and bank robbers that are illegal running around here? What the heck ails our country? This is a travesty! This is unjust!
I am especially thankful to see that Luster is presently serving 124 years in jail, and that those who were injured by him have some sort of closure to the situation.
...The US Marshals busted into the Chapman household and ripped Dog out of bed in Hawaii and are extraditing him to Mexico.....
Not true. Chapman, his son, and his associate with the last name of Chapman, are all out on bail living in Hawaii. They may or may not be extradited.
America was not able to have Mexico extradite Luster.
Not true. The authorities could not find him so how could he be extradited to the United States? Chapman and company went to Mexico, found him, and afterwards Luster was extradited to the United States. How else could he be serving a sentence if he were not extradited?
Just because someone is a Christian does not give them the right to break the laws of another country. It almost sounds like people think Chapman is being 'persecuted' because he is a Christian. He is being 'prosecuted' because he was stupid....he knowingly broke the laws of another country. If we expect the Mexican goverment to hand over criminals we want who are in Mexico, then the U.S. must do the same.
I never watched this until last night...it just didn't appeal to me because Dog reminds me of a pro wrestler. But there was a "Dog the Bounty Hunter" marathon on and there wasn't much else on, so I watched a couple episodes.
I'm glad they caught the bad guy in Mexico, but STL makes a good point. They broke the law, plain and simple. And keep in mind that they do this for money, not just out of the goodness of their hearts. I'm sure going after and catching a particularly bad guy adds to their fame/credibility and hence their client base and the level of fees they can charge. Of course they know that, too.
I enjoyed seeing them work with young kids to try to get them to straighten up. If they're for real and not just playing to the camera, they do society--and the people they catch--a valuable service.
BTW, according to the show's credits, Tim Chapman is Dog's brother, not just a colleague with the same last name. Leland is Dog's son, and Joe is his nephew. Both articles quoted had this wrong.
Many of you may not be aware of this man and his son and brother. It is not the type of show that we would usually watch.
But this man works for God. There is not one job he goes out on where he
doesn't pray for the Holy Spirits help before he embarks.
Who is it? What do they do?
Why, it is Duane Dog Chapman, Tim and Leland Chapman, Bounty hunters. They have a TV show on arts and entertainment network. They are the most watched show on that channel! They visit schools and teach kids not to take drugs and to remain in school.
He broke the law. Professing Christian or not ---
good deeds in schools or not ---
He broke the law.
He reminds me of the *crocodile man*, who swum too close to a sting-ray recently.
I bet his *barb* won't be as lethal, eh?
He got *too close to the fire*, and ended up burnt.
Docvic did a good job quoting scripture, and then *breaking the law* too, didn't he?
A profession of belief in Christ, doesn't absolve a law-breaker.
Not that it is any big deal but the official website of A & E says Tim and Dog are not related.
Don't let the last name fool you, Tim's no relation to Dog. He is, however, just as committed to and experienced in the bounty hunting business as Dog is. Tim is a third-generation bondsman. He made his first arrest at 14 and never looked back, crediting his mother with teaching him the tough side of the business.
Tim has been hunting with Dog for more than 21 years and considers him to be, without a doubt, the world's best bounty hunter. Tim prides himself on being a good father and succeeding in the bail bonds business for more than 25 years. His future goals include starting a foundation that helps at-risk children change their lives.
So sorry. I just copied a prayer request without editing it for accuracy. Oh dear. I went back and edited the relationships a little. Tim Chapman is Christian brother / friend. Leland Chapman is son of Dog Chapman by previous relationship.
The show is full of family members. It's nice to me. I grew up with people calling dear friends brother and cousin and uncle, etc., even though not blood related. So this is not a problem to me.
dmiller: you said
He broke the law. Professing Christian or not --- good deeds in schools or not ---
He broke the law. ... Docvic did a good job quoting scripture, and then *breaking the law* too, didn't he?
A profession of belief in Christ, doesn't absolve a law-breaker.
A big difference between vpw and Dog Chapman is that the former was a cheap con, and the latter does not only profess but (it appears to me) works with all he is to live a Christian life.
This, to me, is a big point. Ignoring the integrity of a man's heart as a factor in determining opinion is what we were taught in twi. Everyone was wrong except us, and we were never led to look at a whole situation, only to judge little pieces of conflicting doctrine, for instance.
Dog the Bounty Hunter is a reality show, and you watch the actual bounty hunting process, and can see the effect on people's lives, both the capturing team, the captured, and other people with whom they come in contact.
On one segment I watched, Duane Chapman was given a citation by the mayor of a city in Hawaii for the community service he performed, and the attendees of the event included now-thankful people the team had turned into prison.
I think that if there is any falsity of heart, the show would have collapsed.
It appears that Duane's wife Beth is also facing criminal charges.
I am sorry for the lawbreaking, but still hope and pray things work out for them.
I am thankful for the kindness of Christ they bring into the world. And I am thankful they let people see their whole lives of living Christianity.
It's so much more than preaching from the pulpit.
"I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day," and that's what this show has given to me.
I've never seen this guy's show. I don't know what it is about, except for what I hear about him being a bounty hunter. Now -- I also hear about him being a Christian, and doing good in schools, etc. That's all well and fine, but I fail to understand how his work as a bounty hunter is either validated by his being a christian, or his profession of belief makes him a *godly* man, if he breaks the law of this country, or that of another.
My only reference to Docvic, was the comparision of a *seemingly* godly man going against the *status quo*, and being vindicated for said actions, based on their beliefs, versus their actions. Docvic certainly did not measure up, and I suspect this guy doesn't either, though in a different category of recrimination.
If Dog is a christian, buddhist, muslim, atheist, etc., and promotes that on his tv program --- fine.
But if he breaks the law in any given country, his religion does not give him a *free pass* from the consequences.
For what it's worth (probably not all that much), I've always thought that "Dog" was just a bit full of himself and more than a little on the loony side. Maybe it's the hair, I dunno, but I've never really taken the guy all that seriously.
Yeah, I think he would have done well in the pro-wrestling industry if he hadn't heard the call to do bounty hunting...
I had seen the commercials for this guy, but until he got arrested, I had no idea it was supposed to be a "reality" show. I though it was something like "Reno 911."
Not that it is any big deal but the official website of A & E says Tim and Dog are not related
That's so weird, because in the credits at the opening of each episode, I could swear it says Tim's his brother. Either I'm going blind or A&E needs to get its story straight. I'm more inclined to believe the former, but I looked to see what it said after seeing the article posted here. Now I'm really confused. Nothing new.
Is THAT what this Dog guy claims?????? that God told him to do it?
I have not heard that, but maybe he has.
Going to Mexico and capturing this rapist is what really propelled him to the top. There were reporters around and he got lots of publicity, which I believe he was after. Why would he go to another country to perform an act he could be imprisoned for if not for the publicity and the potential for mega$$$$. I doubt if he went down there out of any sense of "moral duty" or anything like that, but padding his wallet certainly could enter into the equation.
I watched some, and I'm more confused than ever about Tim Chapman's relationship to Duane Chapman. :)
In the opening credits, it shows Beth, with the line "Dog's wife." Then it shows Leland, with the line "Dog's son." then it shows Tim, with the line "Dog's brother."
During the actual show, Dog referred at one point to Tim as his "blood brother," but then later Beth referred to Tim as her brother-in-law. We may never know. I think they're as confused as I am!
I didn't watch the whole "Family Speaks" episode re: the Mexican incident, because I fell asleep.
According to the "Meet the Posse" link on www.dogthebountyhunter.com, Tim is not related to Duane. Tim is the son of Diane Wimberly, another bondsperson from Colorado. He heard about Duane Chapman when he was seventeen, and looked upon Dog first as the father he never had, then as a brother. He came to work for Dog in 1992 after working for his own maternal grandparents bond business for many years.
Hard to say what's going to happen next. Hope it works out for them.
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Stayed Too Long
He made a poor decision to enter Mexico knowing bounty hunting was illegal in the country.
I am sure this will only add to the shows popularity.
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I feel bad for Bev and Leland..watch Tues. night at 10 est
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kit, i think things will turn out okay
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I like them too, Kit. I've watched the show only recently, but I've caught on the heart they seem to have for people, and how they tried turned their own lives around.
It's not the first time that zeal gets someone in trouble, and it did in this case. Does the end justify the means? Well, Luster's butt is in jail, so-works for me.
The speculation is that with the new Mexican government installed and the statute of limitations about to run out on the Mexican case, someone pushed some buttons.
I do hope it works out for them.
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Frankly, I think that the best way the Mexican government can handle this is just tell Dog and Co. not to come back to Mexico as punishment for what he did.
Its what we do for a lot of illegals who break the law here, but not something major like murder, isn't it?
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Kit Sober
Thank you very much for the comfort you give by your posts. I received the following prayer request from an email prayer list, and it reflects my opinion of the thing. I hope you are right, especially excathedra, and that things will work out ok.
I am especially thankful to see that Luster is presently serving 124 years in jail, and that those who were injured by him have some sort of closure to the situation.Link to comment
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Stayed Too Long
Not true. The authorities could not find him so how could he be extradited to the United States? Chapman and company went to Mexico, found him, and afterwards Luster was extradited to the United States. How else could he be serving a sentence if he were not extradited?
Just because someone is a Christian does not give them the right to break the laws of another country. It almost sounds like people think Chapman is being 'persecuted' because he is a Christian. He is being 'prosecuted' because he was stupid....he knowingly broke the laws of another country. If we expect the Mexican goverment to hand over criminals we want who are in Mexico, then the U.S. must do the same.
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Linda Z
I never watched this until last night...it just didn't appeal to me because Dog reminds me of a pro wrestler. But there was a "Dog the Bounty Hunter" marathon on and there wasn't much else on, so I watched a couple episodes.
I'm glad they caught the bad guy in Mexico, but STL makes a good point. They broke the law, plain and simple. And keep in mind that they do this for money, not just out of the goodness of their hearts. I'm sure going after and catching a particularly bad guy adds to their fame/credibility and hence their client base and the level of fees they can charge. Of course they know that, too.
I enjoyed seeing them work with young kids to try to get them to straighten up. If they're for real and not just playing to the camera, they do society--and the people they catch--a valuable service.
BTW, according to the show's credits, Tim Chapman is Dog's brother, not just a colleague with the same last name. Leland is Dog's son, and Joe is his nephew. Both articles quoted had this wrong.
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He broke the law. Professing Christian or not ---
good deeds in schools or not ---
He broke the law.
He reminds me of the *crocodile man*, who swum too close to a sting-ray recently.
I bet his *barb* won't be as lethal, eh?
He got *too close to the fire*, and ended up burnt.
Docvic did a good job quoting scripture, and then *breaking the law* too, didn't he?
A profession of belief in Christ, doesn't absolve a law-breaker.
(My IMO).
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Stayed Too Long
Tim Chapman bio.
Not that it is any big deal but the official website of A & E says Tim and Dog are not related.
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Kit Sober
So sorry. I just copied a prayer request without editing it for accuracy. Oh dear.
I went back and edited the relationships a little. Tim Chapman is Christian brother / friend. Leland Chapman is son of Dog Chapman by previous relationship.
The show is full of family members. It's nice to me. I grew up with people calling dear friends brother and cousin and uncle, etc., even though not blood related. So this is not a problem to me.
dmiller: you said
A big difference between vpw and Dog Chapman is that the former was a cheap con, and the latter does not only profess but (it appears to me) works with all he is to live a Christian life.This, to me, is a big point. Ignoring the integrity of a man's heart as a factor in determining opinion is what we were taught in twi. Everyone was wrong except us, and we were never led to look at a whole situation, only to judge little pieces of conflicting doctrine, for instance.
Dog the Bounty Hunter is a reality show, and you watch the actual bounty hunting process, and can see the effect on people's lives, both the capturing team, the captured, and other people with whom they come in contact.
On one segment I watched, Duane Chapman was given a citation by the mayor of a city in Hawaii for the community service he performed, and the attendees of the event included now-thankful people the team had turned into prison.
I think that if there is any falsity of heart, the show would have collapsed.
It appears that Duane's wife Beth is also facing criminal charges.
I am sorry for the lawbreaking, but still hope and pray things work out for them.
I am thankful for the kindness of Christ they bring into the world. And I am thankful they let people see their whole lives of living Christianity.
It's so much more than preaching from the pulpit.
"I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day," and that's what this show has given to me.
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Kit (and all others) --
I've never seen this guy's show. I don't know what it is about, except for what I hear about him being a bounty hunter. Now -- I also hear about him being a Christian, and doing good in schools, etc. That's all well and fine, but I fail to understand how his work as a bounty hunter is either validated by his being a christian, or his profession of belief makes him a *godly* man, if he breaks the law of this country, or that of another.
My only reference to Docvic, was the comparision of a *seemingly* godly man going against the *status quo*, and being vindicated for said actions, based on their beliefs, versus their actions. Docvic certainly did not measure up, and I suspect this guy doesn't either, though in a different category of recrimination.
If Dog is a christian, buddhist, muslim, atheist, etc., and promotes that on his tv program --- fine.
But if he breaks the law in any given country, his religion does not give him a *free pass* from the consequences.
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Gentle Servant
I am glad a rapist who thought he could break the law (much more extreme lawbreaker) is
behind bars for his crimes. Maybe the U.S. should work a little harder to get Mexico to be
more cooperative in capturing criminals who are hiding out there. As for what this says
about Dog's Christianity, I do not see what they did as wrong. Wouldn't you break the law
if God told you to. What about David and the shewbread. Or Christ healing on the Sabbath.
I think God's will transcends man's laws especially corrupt ones in Mexico.
I hope Mexico has as much trouble extraditing Dog team as the U.S. has had extraditing people
out of Mexico historically. Wow, aren't we lucky we haven't been convicted on all our crimes.
Jaywalking included. Speeding. Cheating on our taxes. Oh, and aren't you glad you are not
convicted in court for the thoughts you've had. Jesus said to look at a woman with lust is the
same as adultery. I think we all better keep a little grace and mercy around and remember
that love is the fulfilling of the law.
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Next time you break the law, and get hauled before the judge, try that excuse you said here on him/her.
See how fast you wind up in the 'drunk tank'.
"Wouldn't you break the law if God told you to."
Uhmmmm, ..... no!
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George Aar
For what it's worth (probably not all that much), I've always thought that "Dog" was just a bit full of himself and more than a little on the loony side. Maybe it's the hair, I dunno, but I've never really taken the guy all that seriously.
Yeah, I think he would have done well in the pro-wrestling industry if he hadn't heard the call to do bounty hunting...
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Is THAT what this Dog guy claims?????? that God told him to do it?
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I had seen the commercials for this guy, but until he got arrested, I had no idea it was supposed to be a "reality" show. I though it was something like "Reno 911."
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Linda Z
That's so weird, because in the credits at the opening of each episode, I could swear it says Tim's his brother. Either I'm going blind or A&E needs to get its story straight. I'm more inclined to believe the former, but I looked to see what it said after seeing the article posted here. Now I'm really confused. Nothing new.
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Stayed Too Long
I have not heard that, but maybe he has.
Going to Mexico and capturing this rapist is what really propelled him to the top. There were reporters around and he got lots of publicity, which I believe he was after. Why would he go to another country to perform an act he could be imprisoned for if not for the publicity and the potential for mega$$$$. I doubt if he went down there out of any sense of "moral duty" or anything like that, but padding his wallet certainly could enter into the equation.
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Kit Sober
As much as I don't like to admit it, Reno 911 is true, too true.
There's Dallas Swat. Dog the Bounty Hunter and Reno 911.
Embarrasing but true.
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Gentle Servant
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Well did you catch the episode last night?
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Linda Z
I watched some, and I'm more confused than ever about Tim Chapman's relationship to Duane Chapman. :)
In the opening credits, it shows Beth, with the line "Dog's wife." Then it shows Leland, with the line "Dog's son." then it shows Tim, with the line "Dog's brother."
During the actual show, Dog referred at one point to Tim as his "blood brother," but then later Beth referred to Tim as her brother-in-law. We may never know.
I think they're as confused as I am!
I didn't watch the whole "Family Speaks" episode re: the Mexican incident, because I fell asleep.
More later...I'm at work.
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According to the "Meet the Posse" link on www.dogthebountyhunter.com, Tim is not related to Duane. Tim is the son of Diane Wimberly, another bondsperson from Colorado. He heard about Duane Chapman when he was seventeen, and looked upon Dog first as the father he never had, then as a brother. He came to work for Dog in 1992 after working for his own maternal grandparents bond business for many years.
Hard to say what's going to happen next. Hope it works out for them.
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