Are Lurch and Thing included in the picture? What about cousin It? Did the Moynihans coordinate thier outfits with the Adams Family by wearing all black?
That is not such good etiquette. It should be taught.
“Of course, as Outreach Ambassadors, the Moynihans have been working heartily to bring the Word to the hungry hearts in their community. They have gotten acquainted with the city and the people of Southampton by going out witnessing. They’ve been speaking God’s Word door-to-door, at neighborhood social functions, and at local shops. They have weekly household fellowship meetings as well as weekly outreach events for their fellowship and others in the branch.”
Sorry to inform you, Bobbie and Dottie. High speed Internet is prevalent in many of those door to doors. I know you have been out of touch with technology and all but it has been called the world wide web for a while now. Ha! We'll be sure to say hi to the ones who Google THE WAY INTERNATIONAL when they arrive here asking questions.
They shall know the truth ant the truth shall set them free.
Sounds like you are enjoying your pre-retirement years in style. Personally if people your old age came to my door I would consider calling the police. It's weird!!!
There’s a nice little poem by Sarah Shroyer on the Renewed Mind.
Surely there are no more Shroyers in TWI! Is she related to Rev. J? Please tell me no!
Way Corps of 2006- Even if all the people in the picture were grads, man! 10 people total?
And Michael Fort's still in? Well, I shouldn't be surprised. But I am!
Count Your Blessings, See What God Has Done! By Louiselle Perry
At the end of Ms. Perry’s article is a “Read and Do” section. About 1/3 of the page looks like a piece of notebook paper with lines on it. The heading of this blank, lined section is Read and Do: How can I apply this teaching in my life?
** I guess this is proof things have changed with TWI – it’s worse!! Now they’re printing homework assignments on the articles right in the magazine??? Are folks going to have to turn these in at their next fellowship? **
I wouldn't worry too much about the people who still go to fellowship. Are there any blessings to count while involved in TWI? This homework should take 15 seconds, tops.
There’s a recap of the Advanced Class of 2006 – “Nearly two hundred fifty students seated in the vee pee double ewe prevailing wurd auditorium received over forty hours of teaching….”
What?? No recap on how many of those students successfully *snacked* during breaks??
Such an important item to budget for -- and no report. Sigh. :(
LOL! "Adams Family" Well, I guess if the name fits.....
DMiller, I didn't look for a report back to the field on the successful snacking during the class. I'll have to read the whole article to see if they reported on that aspect of the spiritually significant events.
I can’t tell exactly how many folks graduated because the picture is confusing. There are FOUR nicely dressed young ladies on the back row and SIX folks in suits or old fuddy duddy dresses on the front row. :/
Surely they wouldn’t send out a picture with SIX leaders for FOUR students, would they?
The 4 in the back row are corps grads, the 6 in the front are: R@co, M@F@ddens, Fox, B@lchalks.
This was a closing statement that sounds so right on and all until you really read it. They have allowed adequate room to claim what they will enforce on these women as the months go by. And they would have done it in a legal enough fashion to have written warnings of what would follow if they remained corps. With those 4 women feeling all warm and fuzzy inside equipped with the inside "know" and good stuff. God bless their hearts. I'll pray for them that they find their way to real service and if not there see the sign above the exit.
No one can ever believe for me or for you, even when we go to others for counsel and support, which we have to do at times in order to be successful. The responsibility to believe remains ours-to take the Word that is taught, the counsel we receive, and make it happen.
So...Donna Martindale has taken Dorothy Owens old job...hmmm, I wonder if she teaches them how to "lead songs" too?...Come to think of it, she DOES look a little like Dorothy in her advanced years...
I'm sure that they're spinning it like they're tightening the requirements and raising the standards.
During my last few years "in" there were several people from my area who went into the Way Corps. The ones who, in my opinion, would have made good compassionate leaders were kicked out before graduating. The biggest horse's foot of the bunch successfully graduated and is still in as far as I know.
I'm sure that they're spinning it like they're tightening the requirements and raising the standards.
During my last few years "in" there were several people from my area who went into the Way Corps. The ones who, in my opinion, would have made good compassionate leaders were kicked out before graduating. The biggest horse's foot of the bunch successfully graduated and is still in as far as I know.
If my math is correct........that would be the 34th WC.
Four Way Corps graduates.........??????????????? Imagine the expenses at gunnysack land to accommodate a "corps training location" for these four graduates?? The innies abs at work.
I know, I know.........really, in actuality, camp gunnison is an investment, an asset for the twi books, a rocky mountain getaway for the bigwigs, and a nest egg for the corporation.
They have to keep the place up, these in-rez folks do that so they don't have to pay someone, and the money that the students pay take care of their expenses so as long as they want to keep Gunnison it's not a bad idea.
If my math is correct........that would be the 34th WC.
Four Way Corps graduates.........??????????????? Imagine the expenses at gunnysack land to accommodate a "corps training location" for these four graduates?? The innies abs at work.
I know, I know.........really, in actuality, camp gunnison is an investment, an asset for the twi books, a rocky mountain getaway for the bigwigs, and a nest egg for the corporation.
Skyrider -
My apologies, but I was referring to this sentence....
"The biggest horse's foot of the bunch successfully graduated and is still in as far as I know."
Can you imagine being one of the four corps graduates?
...lemme see now...between the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th corps...there was what? maybe 2500 of us? was easy to get lost in the crowd...but 4?...just FOUR??????
"Who's gonna volunteer for kitchen duty tonight?"...they all look at each other...Oh man! what a sh *t sandwich that must be!!!
It is harder on the smaller corps groups without question; I learned 10 minutes was precious. I've heard they already have more than 4 for the next group (counting children).
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Yes, actually.
The Moynihans with the Adams Family.....
Are Lurch and Thing included in the picture? What about cousin It? Did the Moynihans coordinate thier outfits with the Adams Family by wearing all black?
Just curious.
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Did she include a part about ministers not screwing other mens wives?
Thats definitely bad manners
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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Ha, ha, ha, from me to.
“Of course, as Outreach Ambassadors, the Moynihans have been working heartily to bring the Word to the hungry hearts in their community. They have gotten acquainted with the city and the people of Southampton by going out witnessing. They’ve been speaking God’s Word door-to-door, at neighborhood social functions, and at local shops. They have weekly household fellowship meetings as well as weekly outreach events for their fellowship and others in the branch.”
Sorry to inform you, Bobbie and Dottie. High speed Internet is prevalent in many of those door to doors. I know you have been out of touch with technology and all but it has been called the world wide web for a while now. Ha! We'll be sure to say hi to the ones who Google THE WAY INTERNATIONAL when they arrive here asking questions.
They shall know the truth ant the truth shall set them free.
Sounds like you are enjoying your pre-retirement years in style. Personally if people your old age came to my door I would consider calling the police. It's weird!!!
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"putting forth focused believing action to move God’s Word "
That lingo in wayville gives me the heebeejeebees............... :blink:
ALL works driven, and self-centered. Glad that is over.
I put my ''focus'' on building my relationship with Christ, then I "do'' what he tells me to ''act'' on.............
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Way Corps of 2006- Even if all the people in the picture were grads, man! 10 people total?
And Michael Fort's still in? Well, I shouldn't be surprised. But I am!
I wouldn't worry too much about the people who still go to fellowship. Are there any blessings to count while involved in TWI? This homework should take 15 seconds, tops.
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allan w.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing a picture of the Adams, no, I mean the way one !!
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Half the Shroyer's are still in TWI, and all of them are either at HQ, are Corps, or are HFC's/assistant's. Sara Shroyer would be John's niece in law.
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What?? No recap on how many of those students successfully *snacked* during breaks??
Such an important item to budget for -- and no report. Sigh. :(
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LOL! "Adams Family"
Well, I guess if the name fits.....
DMiller, I didn't look for a report back to the field on the successful snacking during the class. I'll have to read the whole article to see if they reported on that aspect of the spiritually significant events.
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The 4 in the back row are corps grads, the 6 in the front are: R@co, M@F@ddens, Fox, B@lchalks.
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This was a closing statement that sounds so right on and all until you really read it. They have allowed adequate room to claim what they will enforce on these women as the months go by. And they would have done it in a legal enough fashion to have written warnings of what would follow if they remained corps. With those 4 women feeling all warm and fuzzy inside equipped with the inside "know" and good stuff. God bless their hearts. I'll pray for them that they find their way to real service and if not there see the sign above the exit.
© twi for paragraph I quoted.
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So...Donna Martindale has taken Dorothy Owens old job...hmmm, I wonder if she teaches them how to "lead songs" too?...Come to think of it, she DOES look a little like Dorothy in her advanced years...
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Four Way Corps graduates. :lol:
I'm sure that they're spinning it like they're tightening the requirements and raising the standards.
During my last few years "in" there were several people from my area who went into the Way Corps. The ones who, in my opinion, would have made good compassionate leaders were kicked out before graduating. The biggest horse's foot of the bunch successfully graduated and is still in as far as I know.
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Sounds about right to me.
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Is that the 21st WC?
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Etiquette is the grammar of the language of civilized behavior.
So, Mrs. Martindale probably forgot to mention that... what a bunch of animals
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If my math is correct........that would be the 34th WC.
Four Way Corps graduates.........??????????????? Imagine the expenses at gunnysack land to accommodate a "corps training location" for these four graduates?? The innies abs at work.

I know, I know.........really, in actuality, camp gunnison is an investment, an asset for the twi books, a rocky mountain getaway for the bigwigs, and a nest egg for the corporation.
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You were real close, their 35th.
And afterthought.
They have to keep the place up, these in-rez folks do that so they don't have to pay someone, and the money that the students pay take care of their expenses so as long as they want to keep Gunnison it's not a bad idea.
Did I say that!
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Skyrider -
My apologies, but I was referring to this sentence....
"The biggest horse's foot of the bunch successfully graduated and is still in as far as I know."
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Oops.....I see your emphasis now.
I'm still chuckling that there were only four corps graduates.
How low will the numbers go? If only one stays.....will they keep the program programming?
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Can you imagine being one of the four corps graduates?
...lemme see now...between the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th corps...there was what? maybe 2500 of us? was easy to get lost in the crowd...but 4?...just FOUR??????
"Who's gonna volunteer for kitchen duty tonight?"...they all look at each other...Oh man! what a sh *t sandwich that must be!!!

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When they all leave there will be barely enough to have their own corps thread
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It is harder on the smaller corps groups without question; I learned 10 minutes was precious. I've heard they already have more than 4 for the next group (counting children).
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