Do you feel like God is showing you these things so that you can bless others? Have you considered writing all this down and making another Testament to the Bible? Like Joseph Smith (the Mormons' founder) did? Or do you see yourself more like a modern Edgar Cayce?
I bet that they are in there Pond it just takes practice, lots of practice to bring them to the fore.....- I never thought that I dreamt except some occasional nonsense dreams until I had a girlfriend who had been very serious about them for nearly 20 years. She woke up slowly and wrote everything down before thinking or doing anything else and became quite good at remembering all the intracacies and symbolism BUT as soon as a thought (..time to make the coffee) or I have to do so and so today )arose the dream would dissipate like a puff of smoke back into the ether and be very hard to recreate.
I think that most people are probably like that but dont know how or have given them enough value to push to be aware of them.
Im no dream interpreter, the ex girlfriend goes to a priest who is a Jungian dream analyst about once a month for spiritual direction. The interpretations , patterns of imagery are usually far removed froim the initial surface meanings. I dunno its way beyond me but it does serve her well.
I am much simpler in the way I read things the big point that I saw is --I hope that you still arent homeless--winter is coming on and that is not a dream
Dr. W told my hubby that it was available NOT TO DREAM.
That it was the only way to have a peaceful, ''sweet'' sleep, to not dream. So, we used to tell our kids, ''no dreams, sweet sleep'' and pray (and believe ) for that before bed! It was evil or something to dream all of the sudden. Well, there went all my cool inventions......
...but if you bought the van from the Talpot Theater didn't you then have someplace to rest your head? keep saying that you awoke and had no place to sleep... but you had that van didn't you? ...or was it a real van?
Greetings, grace and peace and mercy from Jehovah the Father of our Lord Jesus, and from Jesus Christ. My fellow Saints, I have often tried to herald forth the visions committed unto my trust, but was unable to fully interpret them and herald them forth, because of the infirmity of my flesh, and wrong doctrinal teaching that blinded my heart, but God whom is rich in mercy, humbled me, and had compassion upon me, a terrible sinner, and showed me mercy as I continue to press towards the mark of having Christ form within my heart, day by day endeavoring to become more Christ like by the Spirit of God. O praise be unto Spirit Jehovah whom always causes us to win the battle against our carnal nature by Spirit Christ Jesus that dwells within us.
My fellow Saints, the things that I write in this epistle are indeed controversial in the eyes many, but the controversy, and those that point to the infirmity of my flesh, causes me to become more humble and meek towards God, seeking his wisdom and knowledge and answers, so that I do not extend myself beyond or below the measure that God has given me for everyone of you. Indeed I did not count myself worthy of receiving a Gospel that will reconcile my people Israel unto Jehovah within his due time and season, and reconcile unto him Judah, and our Fellowheir Benjamin, and the Gentiles our Fellowheirs also. I pray for you all collectively as often as I remember to, and for many of you individually when I remember you, and I hope you will pray for me, as big a sinner as I have been in my life, I need all the prayer I can get. I will let my words be few, and write instead more plainly upon the table, some of the visions committed unto my trust.
While sitting upon my bed, the window of heaven open, and the Spirit sat me upon the straight path, lined upon both sides with the Palm Trees of the Priesthood of Abijjah, unto beyond the y intersection of two straight paths. And my father appeared standing within the straight path before the y intersection, and he was old and bald headed, and his eyes were waxing dim by reason of his age, and there appeared two men of Latin descent coming from off the side of the straight path, with well set heads of hair, and their eyes were darkened by reason of corruption, and they looked to and fro, and one went back and blocked the y intersection of the two straight paths, and the other came foreword and looked to and fro as he pulled a gun from under his shirt, and he placed it to my father’s head whom did not see the man with the gun, because his eyes had waxed dim by reason of his age.
Thus says Jehovah, the High Priest of the house of God has been killed by them whose eyes are blinded by reason of the Latin text corruption, and Judah and Israel have set up one head over them, but not by Jehovah, for the straight path is the head of the house of David, and he shall rule over his two wives, Judah and Israel, the y intersection of the two straight paths.
While I lay upon my bed, the window of heaven open, and Pope John Paul the 2nd stood fat, dressed in a white robe with a white shawl and white cap, standing in front of a great bookshelf, leaning on the seat of the High Priest of the house of God, and he took a breath in, and looked down and blew a puff of smoke at Joseph laying upon his bed.
Thus says Jehovah, the seat of the High Priest of the house of God is empty, made empty by them that were deceived by reason of the Latin text corruption, and Pope John Paul the 2nd had documentation in many languages that lead him away from God, and his breath was the breath of Satan that fights against the house of the heir by birthright of the house of Israel, the house of Joseph. Thus says Jehovah, Pope John Paul the 2nd ‘s prophecy will fail, and his appointed ministers will fail, for Jehovah is the Redeemer of the house of Israel.
While laying upon my couch I saw a great seed swim up the south wall,
swimming up into heaven, and as I sat up to look, a part of the trunk of a
man and his strong right arm and his right hand came from the east and stood
upon the south wall where his seed swam up into heaven, and in his right
hand there was a two fold wallet with three parts, and when I saw the
earthen vessel of great price, I could not help but to say, "OK. What is in
it?" And the right hand stretched out, and the strong right arm stretched
out, and the two fold wallet with three parts opened, and in the middle part
was a mirror, and as I leaned to look into it expecting to see myself, the
right hand leaned unto me, and a great silver white light sprang forth from
the mirror into my eyes, and I took up the Scriptures to see what these
things of the Kingdom of God mean.
Behold, Jehovah revealed his promised seed of the south Kingdom, of the house of David, unto whom was given the tribe of Benjamin our Fellowheir, and the Gentiles were made Fellowheirs, to partake of our promised Salvation, who has believed our report, and unto whom has the arm of Jehovah been revealed? For he has grown up before Jehovah as a tender plant, as a root out of a dry ground, he has no form nor comeliness, and when we saw him, there was no beauty causing that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, and we hid as it were our faces from him, he was
despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he has borne our grief, and
carried our sorrows, yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and
afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our
iniquities, the chastisement of our peace is upon him, and with his stripes
we were healed. All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way, though Jehovah lays upon him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth, he was brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he
opened not his mouth, he was taken from prison and from judgment, and who declared his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living,
for the transgression of my people was he stricken, and he made his grave
with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, because he had done no
violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth, yet it pleased Jehovah to
bruise him, he had put him to grief, when Jehovah made his soul an offering
for sin, he saw his seed, and he prolonged his days saying unto my Adown,
"sit you here at my right hand till I set your enemies to stool your feet,"
and the pleasure of Jehovah prospers in his hand, he sees the travail of his
soul, and is satisfied, "by his knowledge my righteous servant justified
many," says Jehovah, "for he has borne their iniquities, therefore will I
divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the
strong, because he had poured out his soul unto death, and he was numbered
with the transgressors, and he bare the sin of many, and makes intercession
for the transgressors. but a remnant of the south Kingdom shall be saved,
and the north Kingdom shall rise, for unto one tribe of Joseph has been
given ten tribes. Hear, O my people, and I will testify unto you, O Israel,
if you will hearken unto me, there shall no strange God be in you, neither
shall you worship any strange God. I am Jehovah your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, open your mouth wide, and I will fill it."
my husband has a letter from VPW saying something like dreams are just dreams, they mean nothing.
haha Vic the bibleman, never read about people dreaming in his holy book?
Many people got direction and insights via dreams in the Bible that I read...of course if you dont like that you can just toss it out ...( or hash it to pieces--as he used to say)... and make up your own rules like Vic did
Re:"I have often tried to herald forth the visions committed unto my trust, but was unable to fully interpret them..."
But much of the book of Revelation is uninterpreted is it not? Does that make it not the Word of God? So do you feel your prophecy is the Word as well? And if so shouldn't it be included as a new Testament of Jesus Christ?
Joseph-------------Since you have already posted the text of these visions, would it be possible to paraphrase now or summarize in a rhythm that is more consistant with modern speech. In other words, describe them in the same way you might describe what took place during the course of a day when you were busy running personal errands? ----Just curious.
I think people Do dream, I do not know if it is a goood thing or bad.
I have when I was a child one dream the same one.. for about a year.
and sometimes if i fall asleep during the day a light sleep like in a chair or something( I know how sad but true these days) I wake up and think of something i was just thinking but it couldnt have been .. but it a tiny little thing not a story or anything spectacular.
and it always always frightens me to! i freak out trying to make sure were I am who I am.. I do not like that.
i do not think i would like to dream. not at all , my kid dreamed nightmares and they frightened her so I could hardly convince her it never really happened when she woke up.
Im glad I do not. and if it was a super good dream and I woke up that would be a bummer to, so i just rather sleep and not have like a show in it.
I like that tv comercial with the beaver and abe linclon and the space suit guy in the background talking to the dude about his dreams and how they miss him. haha
Hi everyone! Right now I am in a public forum where there are some that believe God still works today, working in the new testament of the blood of our Lord Jesus, similar to the way that he did in the old testament where he foretold of his Son working within us in these latter days, and there are some who will believe that when they have heard enough to believe to see it for themselves, and there are some who believe God don’t work anymore fulfilling his old testament prophecy, since the first coming of our Lord Jesus, and there are some who believe God never worked this way and never will. So I have decided to just let what God has committed to my trust to speak for itself, instead of trying to convince people with one on one arguments, and possibly offend someone in so doing, for the Gospel of the Kingdom is not in word only, but is the power of God in manifestation, and it will reconcile men unto God within their hearts. Even though there is a continual sorrow in my heart, knowing that I cannot change the past to make things right where I sinned against God and offended some, and knowing that a lot of people here were hurt on both sides of the Pro-Way and Anti-Way Ministry, and the same is true concerning other religious organizations also. So I cannot help but to turn to God for answers, as I endeavor to heal broken hearts. So the only thing that I can do for anyone on any side, is to ask for forgiveness where I offended anyone, and to share these things that have always been healing to my heart to mediate upon and do, and become more obedient unto the visions and the Scripture, and invite them which are cast out into my spiritual home, the house of Joseph, if they have but a willing heart. Right now I am not interested in starting another ministry organization, I am just interested in sharing what great love God has given me for each one of you, and to fellowship with as many of you as I can.
Sometimes I see and hear visions that I am either too embarrassed about to reveal the content of the vision right away, or I am afraid that the content of the vision may offend someone. But when I back off from speaking any thing that I have seen or heard in the Kingdom of God, I begin to become conscious of all my past sins and shortcomings, and then when I read the law of Jehovah that is normally a joy for me to read, his laws magnify in my eyes the wickedness of my past sins, and seeing my wickedness, at times I become so sick and tired of myself, that I wish I could just lay down and die. And though lately I have been repenting in fear and trembling before I get to that point, that was too often when I would be brought before Jehovah, asking for mercy, knowing that Jehovah spoke unto Cain and Esau and Balaam and Judas Iscariot, and they were disobedient unto his voice, and fulfilled Jehovah’s foreknowledge of them as vessels of dishonor. So not desiring to be like a vessel of dishonor, I confess my shortcomings and believe upon the blood of my Lord Jesus which was shed for my forgiveness, and for yours. And though he is faithful to forgive us, that does not erase the past hurt that we have done to anyone. So the only way I know of to heal any past hurt that I have done, is to ask for forgiveness, and begin speaking and doing the things that I have seen and heard in the Kingdom of God. If I do this willingly I have rewards laid up for me from God, but if I fall away from speaking the truth committed unto my trust, I have no where to hide from Jehovah, no not in this life, nor in that last day when the Lord Jesus appears and the dead in Christ arise, and I rest my head and hide my face upon his breast, and Paul our Fellowheir stands face to face with him, standing head and shoulders above me, and not just us two will stand as one with the Lord Jesus, but all who have believed the Gospel of the new testament committed unto us, and all the prophets and the people who believed in the old testament will be there too, because they are represented by the cloud in the vision. Paul wrote us how big of sinner he was, and yet while on his way to jail and kill more believers, Jesus called unto him and committed the Gospel unto his trust, to fulfill some the prophecy of our Fellowheir. Well, it is still the new testament in his blood, and the Lord Jesus will continue to work calling sinners unto repentance until the Father brings to pass that last day of his Son’s appearing, and until then the Father will continue to fulfill his prophecy in his Son, until the Son has fulfilled all the prophecy of the Law of Jehovah within these latter days, calling each of the foreknown unto the ministry within the due time and season predetermined by the Father.
I am interested in hearing any dreams and or visions that any of you have seen also.
Why do you ask for an interpretation when you are stating so much that you believe to be truth. What if the interpretation is not what you believe or think?
Dreams can be another way to operate the gift of tongues, tongues with interpretation, or prophecy
Keep on dreaming my friend
As I read your post and your dreams some were tongues with interpretation and others were word of prophecy
What we can do awake can be done asleep to
And yes this is the word of God a new book the book of Joseph Loegering has God’s works in your heart
we all are books but few share our book with others
About Joseph Smith like some talk about just a small part of “The Mormon Book” is the book of Joseph Smith and most parts are books he translated from a older translation which he hid because he wanted to put his name on them
but all of these has been lost and hiding
Yes I will pray for you
Just because you feel you can not all ways interpret them means nothing because when I prophecy I do not all ways understand everything I write but in due time I do
Yes D Miller said “I don't get all this * Isreal * stuff.” and that because of differ backgrounds you me and D Miller were raised in
dreams can be good and they can be good too
a good dream is our spirit of Christ reaching us to comfort, teach, or love us and a bad dreams is our soul’s deepest fears
Yes All we can do is share what God gives us to share
You can read by prophecies which are like dreams just look up post by “year2027"
some times I dream about something before I prophecy about it
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
ps here a example
of tongues with interpretation
build up
"When I was in King’s County, Seattle Washington, I was yet homeless, so I bought a van from the Taproot Theater, and I made my bed there, and I slept until morning "
the tongue begin
"when I awoke with no place left to rest my head upon my bed, and I found myself in a vision, and behold earth was no more, and heaven was open, and the Son of David appeared within the cloud, standing with a clean shaven face, having longer than shoulder length hair, wearing a one piece white robe, standing head and shoulders above Joseph, holding Joseph about the waist with his two arms crossed about the midst of Joseph’s back, holding him with Joseph’s face and his two arms hidden, as Joseph rest his bald head upon the breast of the Son of David, standing with his two legs hidden behind Joseph’s two legs and two feet that hung below the cloud, and Joseph was dressed in a two part garment, a blue shirt that covered his trunk, and blue pants that covered his hind parts down unto his two white tennis shoes. And when I saw the vision,"
the interpretation
"I cried out, “Ok, where is God?” When all of a sudden I realized that it was I that Jesus was holding within the vision, as I rest my head and hid my face upon his breast, and I found myself within the vision within invisibleness in all directions, and then I realized, God can be seen by nobody at any time, and within him within every time we all dwell, and within every time the Word which became flesh within due time and season, is always revealed within the bosom of the Father, and they declare one the other. And then I found myself upon my bed, resting in, and rejoicing within the Father of our Lord revealed by the Spirit of Prophecy."
hope this helps
prophecy by dream
"when I awoke with no place left to rest my head upon my bed, and I found myself in a vision, and there appeared a great field of well kept grass, and the Spirit laid me upon the grass of Ephraim, and I looked unto the south, and there was a well built red barn with white trim, and behold the barn leaned southward ready to fall, and I cried out, “I am a carpenter, I can raise it up again!” And the Spirit caught me up and carried me northward and laid me upon the grass the grass of Ephraim, next to a rock wall that enclosed the grass field, with a great grove of trees within the midst, and amidst the grove of trees there was a well built rock farmhouse, and when I saw it, I cried out, “Maybe I should redeem it for my own!” When the Spirit picked me up and carried me straight through the wall of the rock farmhouse, and when inside the women with long hair that were bent over searching their baggage, stopped searching and stood up next to their baggage, and they all looked up at me expecting to receive something. Hear O Israel, within my body as cup, the Father has always been there, and he sent his Son within as my cup, my silver cup whereby I drink and divine, Says Jehovah of hosts. “Open your mouths wide and breath in, and I will fill it, and there will be no strange God within you, I am Jehovah that delivered Israel from the land of Egypt.” And I found myself upon my bed, resting in, and rejoicing within the Redeemer of Israel, Jehovah of hosts whom Redeemed us all by the blood of our Lord revealed by the Spirit of Prophecy."
I Awake is spiritual awaking you have reach a place to receive from above
Remember this, whom the Lord loves he corrects, if I am off I get his correction, and I share his doctrine reproof and correction with them that I love.
I will rewrite this that I wrote to Raf in another post. It will give you a better idea of what I am looking for when I say, “who can interpret dreams and visions by the Spirit?“ I find it interesting that people would change my words to answer me. I was awake at the time I saw the VISIONS, so they are not DREAMS that either come from God or from stress while you are asleep. Most of the DREAMS that I have while asleep come from stress, and I only have one DREAM about President Putin of Russia, that I believe is of God. And I have not written it out and posted it, because it is personal guidance to me. The visions that I wrote are like the Apostles and Prophets wrote in the scripture, I wrote mine for the same reason they did, God entrusted them to me, and they are doctrinal guidance to the church called by God, not called by my visions alone. We are laborers together with God, without his dreams and visions we labor for ourselves or for someone else, like what was and is happening in the Way Ministry, and like what was and is happening in many other ministries, and that is where people get hurt, just look at all the ex followers of these ministries or religions on the internet.
I find that when I go to interpret by the Spirit, any dream or vision written in the scripture, or told to me from others, the first thing God tells me is where the dream or vision came from, like from God, from a devil, from the person's stress, or from the persons imagination. All scripture and dreams and visions are to be interpreted by the Spirit, not by an individual. Though he missed that they were VISIONS, not DREAMS, I see one poster that used an analogy of tongues with interpretation, that is right, he points out the vision part, and the interpretation part done by inspiration of God. I know by Spirit he is walking with God, now we need others. The spiritual awakening that he points out does not just pertain to me, but to all Israel. Jehovah the Redeemer of all Israel will write the new covenant within their hearts in this predetermined time and season revealed by the Spirit of God, yes just like in the first century church, we are living epistles, with writing not engraved in stone, or written with ink upon paper, or written with fonts on the internet, but written in our hearts by the Spirit of God.
I find emotional or intellectual judgments pro or anti, of any scripture, dream or vision, to be what a person thinks about it by the flesh, and not what the Spirit says about it.
Teaching scripture without the Spirit's interpretation, is what caused so many to get hurt in the Way Ministry. Most of the time in the Twigs, all they had was VPW’s and LCM's interpretation, not the Spirit of God‘s interpretation. So I am not looking for your interpretation to add to the hurt, I am looking for people who can interpret scripture and dreams and visions by the Spirit of God, so that we can heal people’s broken hearts.
Dmiller’s statement, “I don't get all this *Israel* stuff.” deserves an honest answer.
Blindness in part happened to Israel when Jesus Christ came, and Paul of the tribe of Benjamin, our Fellowheir, was given revelation to make the Gentiles Fellowheirs, fellow citizens of the promises of the new covenant made to Israel. Paul and his followers fulfils the prophecy of Saul of the tribe of Benjamin, our Fellowheir, whom stood head and shoulders above all Israel. But to make the Gentiles Fellowheirs of our inheritance is not foretold of anywhere in the prophecy of the old testament. But this revelation of the calling of the Gentiles was given first to Peter, and then to the Apostle Paul in the predetermined time and season chosen by the Father to fulfill some of the prophecy of our Fellowheir. To show that the tribe of Benjamin, our Fellowheir, was given to the house of David, Jesus stands head and shoulders above me in the cloud in this predetermined time and season revealed by the Spirit of God.
At the time of the ascension the disciples asked of Jesus, saying, “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.” I cannot by the power of my own soul determine to restore the Kingdom unto Israel, but by the power of God in the visions the Kingdom is restored unto Israel. You have heard it said, “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us–ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” Brethren, having seen in the visions that last day when earth is no more, reveals that the Kingdom must be restored unto Israel before that last day when the dead in Christ arise first, and those which remain are caught up together with them into the cloud of old testament witnesses whom foretold by the Spirit all these things.
No Prophecy of the Scripture can be let loose and done by anyone, until it is reveled by the Spirit of God calling them which he has foreknown. Behold I show you a mystery, the seven churches in the scroll of revelations though they are written to at the same time by John, each church foretells of one day, and one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord’s day is the first coming of our Lord Jesus, and from there each church is a thousand years. Ephesus is when Apostles stood against false Apostles for a thousand years, and Smyrna is when true Jews stood against false Jews a thousand years, and now Pergamos, the fortified place and time is when true Israel stands against false Israel for a thousand years. In the visions I labor eating hand to mouth the hidden manna from out Lord Jesus, and sword of his mouth will fight against them that have forsaken him. Let us not eat things offered unto Idols like Pope John Paul the 2nd had prophesied to do, contrary to the house of Joseph, the anointed head of Israel.
Now that is what I like, I was going to write a vision about a coming war on the last post, but I decided not to, and a believer sent me a specific e-mail, which says,
“If God shares a dream with you do not be afraid to share it but watch who you share it with
I know a war is coming but I do not know all the details because I am not good on some kind of details”
My brother in Christ. Thank you for the e-mail establishing the thoughts of Christ in my heart, I tried to warn some on the east coast, because of this vision, but they would not hear me at all, and had me arrested for telling the vision.
We are in the day of Pergamos, the fortified place and time, and all the so called extra security forces set up by the Government only takes away more of our Liberty, and it will get worse, and after this vision comes to pass, I will be on my to Russia.
In this vision I appeared walking with some children and a woman that stood head and shoulders above us was following us, when suddenly the east coast went up in smoke, too much smoke to be an A-bomb, it had to be an H-bomb, and the woman turned to me and asked, “What about the radiation?”
God caused me to become a Nuclear and Biological and Chemical warfare instructor in the US Army, so I know the only thing that you can do after a Nuclear Blast, is to get away from the blast area, and wash as much dust off you as you can daily, to remove the radioactive dust. And take Iodine Salt Tablets to prevent goiters or Thyroid Cancer, because the Radio Active Dust from a Nuclear blast contains Radio Active Iodine, and if you don’t have enough Stable Iodine in your system, the Radio Active Iodine will get in your Thyroid and cause goiters or Thyroid Cancer.
The children in the vision are the children of Israel called by my Gospel, and the woman standing head and sholders above us is the church called by Paul’s Gospel.
And to those using Dream and Vision interchangeably, I will say I am sorry too! I did not mean to imply that the words dreams and visions were interchangeable. I did use a reference to Joseph in Egypt, and that is why you used the word Dream instead of Vision. I intended to use a reference of scripture that sowed the method of interpretation I was looking for, instead of using VPW's method of how scripture interprets itself or some other method to interpret spiritual things.
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Whoa Joe, :blink:
God bless you,
so with that I
gotta think about this and what you are saying.
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Say Joe,
Do you feel like God is showing you these things so that you can bless others? Have you considered writing all this down and making another Testament to the Bible? Like Joseph Smith (the Mormons' founder) did? Or do you see yourself more like a modern Edgar Cayce?
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Very "biblical" rhythm to it.
I for one am ready for another holy book.
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Re:"I for one am ready for another holy book."
But how can we be sure that Joseph is a true prophet?
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I think the Bible says something like, "Try the prophets..."
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I have only dreamed once, and it was the same dream for about a year, when I was a child.
since then i wonder what dreams are like I hear people talk of what they are like I have no clue .
i wake up and i see the wall in the room i sleep in and get up and think coffee, no memory of anything ever.
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I bet that they are in there Pond it just takes practice, lots of practice to bring them to the fore.....- I never thought that I dreamt except some occasional nonsense dreams until I had a girlfriend who had been very serious about them for nearly 20 years. She woke up slowly and wrote everything down before thinking or doing anything else and became quite good at remembering all the intracacies and symbolism BUT as soon as a thought (..time to make the coffee) or I have to do so and so today )arose the dream would dissipate like a puff of smoke back into the ether and be very hard to recreate.
I think that most people are probably like that but dont know how or have given them enough value to push to be aware of them.
Im no dream interpreter, the ex girlfriend goes to a priest who is a Jungian dream analyst about once a month for spiritual direction. The interpretations , patterns of imagery are usually far removed froim the initial surface meanings. I dunno its way beyond me but it does serve her well.
I am much simpler in the way I read things the big point that I saw is --I hope that you still arent homeless--winter is coming on and that is not a dream
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Dr. W told my hubby that it was available NOT TO DREAM.
That it was the only way to have a peaceful, ''sweet'' sleep, to not dream. So, we used to tell our kids, ''no dreams, sweet sleep'' and pray (and believe
) for that before bed! It was evil or something to dream all of the sudden. Well, there went all my cool inventions......
Never worked.
Done with that mess. Dream away.
Continue our Joeseph friend............................
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Get with the program, willya!
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Tom Strange
...but if you bought the van from the Talpot Theater didn't you then have someplace to rest your head? keep saying that you awoke and had no place to sleep... but you had that van didn't you? ...or was it a real van?
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Greetings, grace and peace and mercy from Jehovah the Father of our Lord Jesus, and from Jesus Christ. My fellow Saints, I have often tried to herald forth the visions committed unto my trust, but was unable to fully interpret them and herald them forth, because of the infirmity of my flesh, and wrong doctrinal teaching that blinded my heart, but God whom is rich in mercy, humbled me, and had compassion upon me, a terrible sinner, and showed me mercy as I continue to press towards the mark of having Christ form within my heart, day by day endeavoring to become more Christ like by the Spirit of God. O praise be unto Spirit Jehovah whom always causes us to win the battle against our carnal nature by Spirit Christ Jesus that dwells within us.
My fellow Saints, the things that I write in this epistle are indeed controversial in the eyes many, but the controversy, and those that point to the infirmity of my flesh, causes me to become more humble and meek towards God, seeking his wisdom and knowledge and answers, so that I do not extend myself beyond or below the measure that God has given me for everyone of you. Indeed I did not count myself worthy of receiving a Gospel that will reconcile my people Israel unto Jehovah within his due time and season, and reconcile unto him Judah, and our Fellowheir Benjamin, and the Gentiles our Fellowheirs also. I pray for you all collectively as often as I remember to, and for many of you individually when I remember you, and I hope you will pray for me, as big a sinner as I have been in my life, I need all the prayer I can get. I will let my words be few, and write instead more plainly upon the table, some of the visions committed unto my trust.
While sitting upon my bed, the window of heaven open, and the Spirit sat me upon the straight path, lined upon both sides with the Palm Trees of the Priesthood of Abijjah, unto beyond the y intersection of two straight paths. And my father appeared standing within the straight path before the y intersection, and he was old and bald headed, and his eyes were waxing dim by reason of his age, and there appeared two men of Latin descent coming from off the side of the straight path, with well set heads of hair, and their eyes were darkened by reason of corruption, and they looked to and fro, and one went back and blocked the y intersection of the two straight paths, and the other came foreword and looked to and fro as he pulled a gun from under his shirt, and he placed it to my father’s head whom did not see the man with the gun, because his eyes had waxed dim by reason of his age.
Thus says Jehovah, the High Priest of the house of God has been killed by them whose eyes are blinded by reason of the Latin text corruption, and Judah and Israel have set up one head over them, but not by Jehovah, for the straight path is the head of the house of David, and he shall rule over his two wives, Judah and Israel, the y intersection of the two straight paths.
While I lay upon my bed, the window of heaven open, and Pope John Paul the 2nd stood fat, dressed in a white robe with a white shawl and white cap, standing in front of a great bookshelf, leaning on the seat of the High Priest of the house of God, and he took a breath in, and looked down and blew a puff of smoke at Joseph laying upon his bed.
Thus says Jehovah, the seat of the High Priest of the house of God is empty, made empty by them that were deceived by reason of the Latin text corruption, and Pope John Paul the 2nd had documentation in many languages that lead him away from God, and his breath was the breath of Satan that fights against the house of the heir by birthright of the house of Israel, the house of Joseph. Thus says Jehovah, Pope John Paul the 2nd ‘s prophecy will fail, and his appointed ministers will fail, for Jehovah is the Redeemer of the house of Israel.
While laying upon my couch I saw a great seed swim up the south wall,
swimming up into heaven, and as I sat up to look, a part of the trunk of a
man and his strong right arm and his right hand came from the east and stood
upon the south wall where his seed swam up into heaven, and in his right
hand there was a two fold wallet with three parts, and when I saw the
earthen vessel of great price, I could not help but to say, "OK. What is in
it?" And the right hand stretched out, and the strong right arm stretched
out, and the two fold wallet with three parts opened, and in the middle part
was a mirror, and as I leaned to look into it expecting to see myself, the
right hand leaned unto me, and a great silver white light sprang forth from
the mirror into my eyes, and I took up the Scriptures to see what these
things of the Kingdom of God mean.
Behold, Jehovah revealed his promised seed of the south Kingdom, of the house of David, unto whom was given the tribe of Benjamin our Fellowheir, and the Gentiles were made Fellowheirs, to partake of our promised Salvation, who has believed our report, and unto whom has the arm of Jehovah been revealed? For he has grown up before Jehovah as a tender plant, as a root out of a dry ground, he has no form nor comeliness, and when we saw him, there was no beauty causing that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, and we hid as it were our faces from him, he was
despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he has borne our grief, and
carried our sorrows, yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and
afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our
iniquities, the chastisement of our peace is upon him, and with his stripes
we were healed. All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way, though Jehovah lays upon him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth, he was brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he
opened not his mouth, he was taken from prison and from judgment, and who declared his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living,
for the transgression of my people was he stricken, and he made his grave
with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, because he had done no
violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth, yet it pleased Jehovah to
bruise him, he had put him to grief, when Jehovah made his soul an offering
for sin, he saw his seed, and he prolonged his days saying unto my Adown,
"sit you here at my right hand till I set your enemies to stool your feet,"
and the pleasure of Jehovah prospers in his hand, he sees the travail of his
soul, and is satisfied, "by his knowledge my righteous servant justified
many," says Jehovah, "for he has borne their iniquities, therefore will I
divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the
strong, because he had poured out his soul unto death, and he was numbered
with the transgressors, and he bare the sin of many, and makes intercession
for the transgressors. but a remnant of the south Kingdom shall be saved,
and the north Kingdom shall rise, for unto one tribe of Joseph has been
given ten tribes. Hear, O my people, and I will testify unto you, O Israel,
if you will hearken unto me, there shall no strange God be in you, neither
shall you worship any strange God. I am Jehovah your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, open your mouth wide, and I will fill it."
Love and prayers
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Bliss-- yeah, my husband has a letter from VPW saying something like dreams are just dreams, they mean nothing.
I've heard it taught that it was available not to dream, too. If you did dream, it meant you were out of fellowship!
Joseph--Back in the day, people use to do hits of acid, and see visions like you see.
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Sorry! I posted under Drty's name! He doesn't really have a husband!
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haha Vic the bibleman, never read about people dreaming in his holy book?
Many people got direction and insights via dreams in the Bible that I read...of course if you dont like that you can just toss it out ...( or hash it to pieces--as he used to say)... and make up your own rules like Vic did
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Re:"I have often tried to herald forth the visions committed unto my trust, but was unable to fully interpret them..."
But much of the book of Revelation is uninterpreted is it not? Does that make it not the Word of God? So do you feel your prophecy is the Word as well? And if so shouldn't it be included as a new Testament of Jesus Christ?
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I don't get all this *Isreal* stuff. :unsure:
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Joseph-------------Since you have already posted the text of these visions, would it be possible to paraphrase now or summarize in a rhythm that is more consistant with modern speech. In other words, describe them in the same way you might describe what took place during the course of a day when you were busy running personal errands? ----Just curious.
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I think people Do dream, I do not know if it is a goood thing or bad.
I have when I was a child one dream the same one.. for about a year.
and sometimes if i fall asleep during the day a light sleep like in a chair or something( I know how sad but true these days) I wake up and think of something i was just thinking but it couldnt have been .. but it a tiny little thing not a story or anything spectacular.
and it always always frightens me to! i freak out trying to make sure were I am who I am.. I do not like that.
i do not think i would like to dream. not at all , my kid dreamed nightmares and they frightened her so I could hardly convince her it never really happened when she woke up.
Im glad I do not. and if it was a super good dream and I woke up that would be a bummer to, so i just rather sleep and not have like a show in it.
I like that tv comercial with the beaver and abe linclon and the space suit guy in the background talking to the dude about his dreams and how they miss him. haha
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allan w.
I think people also have visions of grandeur and 'worship me' syndrome !!
Unfortunately there will always be 'well meaning schmucks' that listen and then get 'burnt'
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Hi everyone! Right now I am in a public forum where there are some that believe God still works today, working in the new testament of the blood of our Lord Jesus, similar to the way that he did in the old testament where he foretold of his Son working within us in these latter days, and there are some who will believe that when they have heard enough to believe to see it for themselves, and there are some who believe God don’t work anymore fulfilling his old testament prophecy, since the first coming of our Lord Jesus, and there are some who believe God never worked this way and never will. So I have decided to just let what God has committed to my trust to speak for itself, instead of trying to convince people with one on one arguments, and possibly offend someone in so doing, for the Gospel of the Kingdom is not in word only, but is the power of God in manifestation, and it will reconcile men unto God within their hearts. Even though there is a continual sorrow in my heart, knowing that I cannot change the past to make things right where I sinned against God and offended some, and knowing that a lot of people here were hurt on both sides of the Pro-Way and Anti-Way Ministry, and the same is true concerning other religious organizations also. So I cannot help but to turn to God for answers, as I endeavor to heal broken hearts. So the only thing that I can do for anyone on any side, is to ask for forgiveness where I offended anyone, and to share these things that have always been healing to my heart to mediate upon and do, and become more obedient unto the visions and the Scripture, and invite them which are cast out into my spiritual home, the house of Joseph, if they have but a willing heart. Right now I am not interested in starting another ministry organization, I am just interested in sharing what great love God has given me for each one of you, and to fellowship with as many of you as I can.
Sometimes I see and hear visions that I am either too embarrassed about to reveal the content of the vision right away, or I am afraid that the content of the vision may offend someone. But when I back off from speaking any thing that I have seen or heard in the Kingdom of God, I begin to become conscious of all my past sins and shortcomings, and then when I read the law of Jehovah that is normally a joy for me to read, his laws magnify in my eyes the wickedness of my past sins, and seeing my wickedness, at times I become so sick and tired of myself, that I wish I could just lay down and die. And though lately I have been repenting in fear and trembling before I get to that point, that was too often when I would be brought before Jehovah, asking for mercy, knowing that Jehovah spoke unto Cain and Esau and Balaam and Judas Iscariot, and they were disobedient unto his voice, and fulfilled Jehovah’s foreknowledge of them as vessels of dishonor. So not desiring to be like a vessel of dishonor, I confess my shortcomings and believe upon the blood of my Lord Jesus which was shed for my forgiveness, and for yours. And though he is faithful to forgive us, that does not erase the past hurt that we have done to anyone. So the only way I know of to heal any past hurt that I have done, is to ask for forgiveness, and begin speaking and doing the things that I have seen and heard in the Kingdom of God. If I do this willingly I have rewards laid up for me from God, but if I fall away from speaking the truth committed unto my trust, I have no where to hide from Jehovah, no not in this life, nor in that last day when the Lord Jesus appears and the dead in Christ arise, and I rest my head and hide my face upon his breast, and Paul our Fellowheir stands face to face with him, standing head and shoulders above me, and not just us two will stand as one with the Lord Jesus, but all who have believed the Gospel of the new testament committed unto us, and all the prophets and the people who believed in the old testament will be there too, because they are represented by the cloud in the vision. Paul wrote us how big of sinner he was, and yet while on his way to jail and kill more believers, Jesus called unto him and committed the Gospel unto his trust, to fulfill some the prophecy of our Fellowheir. Well, it is still the new testament in his blood, and the Lord Jesus will continue to work calling sinners unto repentance until the Father brings to pass that last day of his Son’s appearing, and until then the Father will continue to fulfill his prophecy in his Son, until the Son has fulfilled all the prophecy of the Law of Jehovah within these latter days, calling each of the foreknown unto the ministry within the due time and season predetermined by the Father.
I am interested in hearing any dreams and or visions that any of you have seen also.
Love and prayers
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Interesting posts Joseph.
Why do you ask for an interpretation when you are stating so much that you believe to be truth. What if the interpretation is not what you believe or think?
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God first
Beloved Joseph Loegering
God loves us all my dear friends
Dreams can be another way to operate the gift of tongues, tongues with interpretation, or prophecy
Keep on dreaming my friend
As I read your post and your dreams some were tongues with interpretation and others were word of prophecy
What we can do awake can be done asleep to
And yes this is the word of God a new book the book of Joseph Loegering has God’s works in your heart
we all are books but few share our book with others
About Joseph Smith like some talk about just a small part of “The Mormon Book” is the book of Joseph Smith and most parts are books he translated from a older translation which he hid because he wanted to put his name on them
but all of these has been lost and hiding
Yes I will pray for you
Just because you feel you can not all ways interpret them means nothing because when I prophecy I do not all ways understand everything I write but in due time I do
Yes D Miller said “I don't get all this * Isreal * stuff.” and that because of differ backgrounds you me and D Miller were raised in
dreams can be good and they can be good too
a good dream is our spirit of Christ reaching us to comfort, teach, or love us and a bad dreams is our soul’s deepest fears
Yes All we can do is share what God gives us to share
You can read by prophecies which are like dreams just look up post by “year2027"
some times I dream about something before I prophecy about it
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
ps here a example
of tongues with interpretation
build up
"When I was in King’s County, Seattle Washington, I was yet homeless, so I bought a van from the Taproot Theater, and I made my bed there, and I slept until morning "
the tongue begin
"when I awoke with no place left to rest my head upon my bed, and I found myself in a vision, and behold earth was no more, and heaven was open, and the Son of David appeared within the cloud, standing with a clean shaven face, having longer than shoulder length hair, wearing a one piece white robe, standing head and shoulders above Joseph, holding Joseph about the waist with his two arms crossed about the midst of Joseph’s back, holding him with Joseph’s face and his two arms hidden, as Joseph rest his bald head upon the breast of the Son of David, standing with his two legs hidden behind Joseph’s two legs and two feet that hung below the cloud, and Joseph was dressed in a two part garment, a blue shirt that covered his trunk, and blue pants that covered his hind parts down unto his two white tennis shoes. And when I saw the vision,"
the interpretation
"I cried out, “Ok, where is God?” When all of a sudden I realized that it was I that Jesus was holding within the vision, as I rest my head and hid my face upon his breast, and I found myself within the vision within invisibleness in all directions, and then I realized, God can be seen by nobody at any time, and within him within every time we all dwell, and within every time the Word which became flesh within due time and season, is always revealed within the bosom of the Father, and they declare one the other. And then I found myself upon my bed, resting in, and rejoicing within the Father of our Lord revealed by the Spirit of Prophecy."
hope this helps
prophecy by dream
"when I awoke with no place left to rest my head upon my bed, and I found myself in a vision, and there appeared a great field of well kept grass, and the Spirit laid me upon the grass of Ephraim, and I looked unto the south, and there was a well built red barn with white trim, and behold the barn leaned southward ready to fall, and I cried out, “I am a carpenter, I can raise it up again!” And the Spirit caught me up and carried me northward and laid me upon the grass the grass of Ephraim, next to a rock wall that enclosed the grass field, with a great grove of trees within the midst, and amidst the grove of trees there was a well built rock farmhouse, and when I saw it, I cried out, “Maybe I should redeem it for my own!” When the Spirit picked me up and carried me straight through the wall of the rock farmhouse, and when inside the women with long hair that were bent over searching their baggage, stopped searching and stood up next to their baggage, and they all looked up at me expecting to receive something. Hear O Israel, within my body as cup, the Father has always been there, and he sent his Son within as my cup, my silver cup whereby I drink and divine, Says Jehovah of hosts. “Open your mouths wide and breath in, and I will fill it, and there will be no strange God within you, I am Jehovah that delivered Israel from the land of Egypt.” And I found myself upon my bed, resting in, and rejoicing within the Redeemer of Israel, Jehovah of hosts whom Redeemed us all by the blood of our Lord revealed by the Spirit of Prophecy."
I Awake is spiritual awaking you have reach a place to receive from above
hope this helps
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Remember this, whom the Lord loves he corrects, if I am off I get his correction, and I share his doctrine reproof and correction with them that I love.
I will rewrite this that I wrote to Raf in another post. It will give you a better idea of what I am looking for when I say, “who can interpret dreams and visions by the Spirit?“ I find it interesting that people would change my words to answer me. I was awake at the time I saw the VISIONS, so they are not DREAMS that either come from God or from stress while you are asleep. Most of the DREAMS that I have while asleep come from stress, and I only have one DREAM about President Putin of Russia, that I believe is of God. And I have not written it out and posted it, because it is personal guidance to me. The visions that I wrote are like the Apostles and Prophets wrote in the scripture, I wrote mine for the same reason they did, God entrusted them to me, and they are doctrinal guidance to the church called by God, not called by my visions alone. We are laborers together with God, without his dreams and visions we labor for ourselves or for someone else, like what was and is happening in the Way Ministry, and like what was and is happening in many other ministries, and that is where people get hurt, just look at all the ex followers of these ministries or religions on the internet.
I find that when I go to interpret by the Spirit, any dream or vision written in the scripture, or told to me from others, the first thing God tells me is where the dream or vision came from, like from God, from a devil, from the person's stress, or from the persons imagination. All scripture and dreams and visions are to be interpreted by the Spirit, not by an individual. Though he missed that they were VISIONS, not DREAMS, I see one poster that used an analogy of tongues with interpretation, that is right, he points out the vision part, and the interpretation part done by inspiration of God. I know by Spirit he is walking with God, now we need others. The spiritual awakening that he points out does not just pertain to me, but to all Israel. Jehovah the Redeemer of all Israel will write the new covenant within their hearts in this predetermined time and season revealed by the Spirit of God, yes just like in the first century church, we are living epistles, with writing not engraved in stone, or written with ink upon paper, or written with fonts on the internet, but written in our hearts by the Spirit of God.
I find emotional or intellectual judgments pro or anti, of any scripture, dream or vision, to be what a person thinks about it by the flesh, and not what the Spirit says about it.
Teaching scripture without the Spirit's interpretation, is what caused so many to get hurt in the Way Ministry. Most of the time in the Twigs, all they had was VPW’s and LCM's interpretation, not the Spirit of God‘s interpretation. So I am not looking for your interpretation to add to the hurt, I am looking for people who can interpret scripture and dreams and visions by the Spirit of God, so that we can heal people’s broken hearts.
Dmiller’s statement, “I don't get all this *Israel* stuff.” deserves an honest answer.
Blindness in part happened to Israel when Jesus Christ came, and Paul of the tribe of Benjamin, our Fellowheir, was given revelation to make the Gentiles Fellowheirs, fellow citizens of the promises of the new covenant made to Israel. Paul and his followers fulfils the prophecy of Saul of the tribe of Benjamin, our Fellowheir, whom stood head and shoulders above all Israel. But to make the Gentiles Fellowheirs of our inheritance is not foretold of anywhere in the prophecy of the old testament. But this revelation of the calling of the Gentiles was given first to Peter, and then to the Apostle Paul in the predetermined time and season chosen by the Father to fulfill some of the prophecy of our Fellowheir. To show that the tribe of Benjamin, our Fellowheir, was given to the house of David, Jesus stands head and shoulders above me in the cloud in this predetermined time and season revealed by the Spirit of God.
At the time of the ascension the disciples asked of Jesus, saying, “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.” I cannot by the power of my own soul determine to restore the Kingdom unto Israel, but by the power of God in the visions the Kingdom is restored unto Israel. You have heard it said, “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us–ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” Brethren, having seen in the visions that last day when earth is no more, reveals that the Kingdom must be restored unto Israel before that last day when the dead in Christ arise first, and those which remain are caught up together with them into the cloud of old testament witnesses whom foretold by the Spirit all these things.
No Prophecy of the Scripture can be let loose and done by anyone, until it is reveled by the Spirit of God calling them which he has foreknown. Behold I show you a mystery, the seven churches in the scroll of revelations though they are written to at the same time by John, each church foretells of one day, and one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord’s day is the first coming of our Lord Jesus, and from there each church is a thousand years. Ephesus is when Apostles stood against false Apostles for a thousand years, and Smyrna is when true Jews stood against false Jews a thousand years, and now Pergamos, the fortified place and time is when true Israel stands against false Israel for a thousand years. In the visions I labor eating hand to mouth the hidden manna from out Lord Jesus, and sword of his mouth will fight against them that have forsaken him. Let us not eat things offered unto Idols like Pope John Paul the 2nd had prophesied to do, contrary to the house of Joseph, the anointed head of Israel.
Love and prayers
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Now that is what I like, I was going to write a vision about a coming war on the last post, but I decided not to, and a believer sent me a specific e-mail, which says,
“If God shares a dream with you do not be afraid to share it but watch who you share it with
I know a war is coming but I do not know all the details because I am not good on some kind of details”
My brother in Christ. Thank you for the e-mail establishing the thoughts of Christ in my heart, I tried to warn some on the east coast, because of this vision, but they would not hear me at all, and had me arrested for telling the vision.
We are in the day of Pergamos, the fortified place and time, and all the so called extra security forces set up by the Government only takes away more of our Liberty, and it will get worse, and after this vision comes to pass, I will be on my to Russia.
In this vision I appeared walking with some children and a woman that stood head and shoulders above us was following us, when suddenly the east coast went up in smoke, too much smoke to be an A-bomb, it had to be an H-bomb, and the woman turned to me and asked, “What about the radiation?”
God caused me to become a Nuclear and Biological and Chemical warfare instructor in the US Army, so I know the only thing that you can do after a Nuclear Blast, is to get away from the blast area, and wash as much dust off you as you can daily, to remove the radioactive dust. And take Iodine Salt Tablets to prevent goiters or Thyroid Cancer, because the Radio Active Dust from a Nuclear blast contains Radio Active Iodine, and if you don’t have enough Stable Iodine in your system, the Radio Active Iodine will get in your Thyroid and cause goiters or Thyroid Cancer.
The children in the vision are the children of Israel called by my Gospel, and the woman standing head and sholders above us is the church called by Paul’s Gospel.
And to those using Dream and Vision interchangeably, I will say I am sorry too! I did not mean to imply that the words dreams and visions were interchangeable. I did use a reference to Joseph in Egypt, and that is why you used the word Dream instead of Vision. I intended to use a reference of scripture that sowed the method of interpretation I was looking for, instead of using VPW's method of how scripture interprets itself or some other method to interpret spiritual things.
Love and prayers
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