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Total "membership" of splinter groups?

sprawled out

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so much of this geer discussion really boils down to what his motivation is. could he be running a business and still be pure of heart? sure--businesses aren't inherently evil. the problem is really with G**r himself. his character, or lack thereof, has been attested to over and over in this thread and others. i haven't done an exhaustive count, but it certainly seems that the overwhelming majority of people who have had PERSONAL dealings with G**r have come away with a negative impression, myself included.

so it's really not a matter of whether it's a business or a ministry, whether he should be profiting from the sale of the "Word of God," or any of that. ultimately, it's all about the fact that, according to people with first-hand knowledge, he's not to be trusted. do you really want to be involved with, learn from, give money to or in any way support someone who's proven himself to be so thoroughly despicable?

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Whats wrong? *the word* as a product for a business would lack in the understanding, love, and compassion that is necessary as an honest representative for God...

One lives and speaks it, and is an example because that is what they are, not because they have a product to promote.

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  Pete said:
White Dove

I think your logic needs considering in greater depth.

A distibution company that distributes materials that are written by the owner of the distribution company.

Ehrm, you might like to give that a second thought. The company's not responsible for the material, even though the owner of the company writes the materials? I think that there is a flaw in your logic somewhere.

If they were just distributing bibles, then your logic might stand. but the material being distributed is most certainly NOT independent literature. So they do have a lot of responsibility for what they are distributing.

You're telling me that he has no responsibility for what he's written? Please clarify.

Well Pete Johniam pretty much answered your question, but if you would have read the post you'd have figured that out. not once did I say he was not responsible for the things he authored wrote or even compiled. I'll say it reeeeeeal slow here; those are things he has control over. His to control, He can direct the use of those things, They are his to administer how he sees fit.

What he does not have responsibility for or control over is when someone uses a product and also happens to be a psycho and does something rude, offensive ,immoral ,illegal, destructive or otherwise. It's a product! that does not make one responsible for the behavior of the users. Gee I drank a coke today so if I beat my wife I guess it's coca-cola's fault. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Not really it's my fault. Thats where the blame goes ........

Edited by WhiteDove
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Whats wrong? *the word* as a product for a business would lack in the understanding, love, and compassion that is necessary as an honest representative for God...

One lives and speaks it, and is an example because that is what they are, not because they have a product to promote.

Well Rascal I agree with you ! But there is always a business side of a ministry to contend with, we live in a world where other people get paid for service rendered like office rent ,equipment sold and so forth. The way had a business side to keep it running unfortunately it took precedence over the teaching and fellowship side of things too often. Once you start distributing a CD ,book or class you have costs and are in business to at least recover those. I don't think that the understanding, love, and compassion necessarily goes away from the person but your right it most times is not evidenced in the sale of the item. I don't really have a solution for that except to give it away and hope that donations cover your cost, but from experience that does not always work out to the same price as your bills. I know as for our fellowship when someone requests something we mail it out for free if possible, if we receive a donation we use it to mail out the next thing for someone else. It works out for us but then we don't have the overhead of pre printing a lot of books, binders and CD's either. The bookstore items we buy and sell for the cost we have in them but I doubt that also translates into understanding, love, and compassion. I suppose we all have to do what we think works for each of us.

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See, that's the catch.

A lot of people did very different things, and all thought they were "upholding scripture."

And thought that they were "paying the price" to do so.

Your right WW they did. so we would need to examine the scripture to see who's behavior was according to scripture.

Fear ,control, screaming at people, hate, praying others were dead, singing of washing in the blood of others, lying ,and a few others you get the idea I'm sure are clearly not scriptural. I guess that tells us who was not upholding scripture. they paid a price for sure no doubt, but not for upholding scripture..

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quote: ultimately, it's all about the fact that, according to people with first-hand knowledge, he's not to be trusted. do you really want to be involved with, learn from, give money to or in any way support someone who's proven himself to be so thoroughly despicable?

Well, I go to a fellowship full of people who have had personal experiences with CG who respect him.

quote: Whats wrong? *the word* as a product for a business would lack in the understanding, love, and compassion that is necessary as an honest representative for God...

I happened to see Orel Roberts on the Donahue show in the 80s and those crazies were giving him the same treatment. Donahue asked him why he charged money for his hospital. Orel said dryly that it'd be pretty hard to pay the electric bills without money. God, they flamed that poor man. Hey, Rascal, how about the Nelson or Cambridge bible publishing companies? Do those companies provide "understanding, love, and compassion" to the churches and other places they supply with their bibles? No, but SOMEBODY does, right? Well, hopefully.

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  johniam said:
Well, I go to a fellowship full of people who have had personal experiences with CG who respect him.

do your thing, then, johniam. it's a puzzle to me. all i know is, i had honest questions. wrote him thoughtful letters. and he refused to answer my questions, twisted my words to make accusations that were completely unfounded, and wrote me off.

as far as i'm concerned, i know who and what he is.

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Well, my friend, I did read your post, and I read it very carefully, so you should be careful about those little suppositions. :nono5:

You have no imagination or you would understand what I'm writing.

Anyway, hope you have a nice life, all the same. :wave:

By the way, you might want to watch out for those distribution companies that operate mind-control techniques on their followers ... how do they do that, I wonder?



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There you go Pete, imagining things see that's where I got it wrong dude I thought you were talking about reality. I suppose in an imaginary world anything is possible. I don't know I'll try it sometime, maybe.

You have a nice life too Pete in whatever world you choose. Cheers Dude!

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Mr. WhiteDove,

This is Tina, the friend of Pinklady's. I checked myself on the misreading of your postings. So I read more postings.

I agree, you don't know Pinklady's situation first hand, but I do.

Your right there are two sides to every story but I did not mention her story to you.??!

People post their feelings here, correct me if I am wrong but I believe that this site is specifically for those who have been spiritually abused by The Way and G-rite splinters. Splinters hurt (ouch), sorry, in a funny mood :-)

It seems by what you have said to me that you have some unresolved issues about people placing blame. I am sorry for your encounter with this spirit that has hurt you in the past.!!!

I saw brotherly love as a warning for your well being and you turned it into a debate.

I understand and respect your concern about people accusing leaders or any others of wrong doings without proof, people can be hurt by what others say I have been there!! If you would like to talk I will be understanding.

Bottom line, I have loyalty to Jesus Christ because he died for me, that is proof.

Peace & Love,


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sprawled out, your discussion with johniam perfectly illlustrates that "trust" is a very subjective matter between people. Here today, gone tomorrow, or not even there at all to begin with.

The fact that someone respects Geer amounts to a "good for them" in my book johniam. Someone else may not.

But - the one thing that "Christians" mostly agree is worthy of their trust is the bible. And it doesn't matter that somene profits from reselling the thing that God has supposedly given to us, His people? Jseus said the spirit would lead us into truth. Plus shipping and handling.

Whoever said there's a sucker born every minute could have replaced that with Christian. The very same people who wont trust someone because of their conduct will trust someone else whose conduct is presently acceptable to sell them knowledge of God.


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Hey there Tina friend of pink lady

People post their feelings here, correct me if I am wrong but I believe that this site is specifically for those who have been spiritually abused by The Way and G-rite splinters.
Since you are new here I thought the link for about us would answer your question


I must say it is interesting talking to another personality through pink lady it's ok just a little hard to know who you are talking to sometimes. :blink:

Your right there are two sides to every story but I did not mention her story to you.??!

Correct as I said I only know what she posted here at GreaseSpot

It seems by what you have said to me that you have some unresolved issues about people placing blame. I am sorry for your encounter with this spirit that has hurt you in the past.!!!
Not exactly- I have a problem with people assuming blame for something that is not related like when someone sues a restaurant for burning themselves on hot coffee. Duh coffee is hot unless you are ordering iced coffee. If you are not bright enough to figure out how to drink it then you should not have any. By the same logic to blame someone miles away who provided a CD class, for someone else's, irrational behavior is not logical. I have sat through that class and nowhere in it is any even remote glimpse of anyone promoting the type of behavior pink lady described . That leads me to the conclusion that the behavior must have come from another source. Logically that would be where the blame should be focused. To assume that someone should involve themselves in a matter that they have no part in is ludicrous.
Bottom line, I have loyalty to Jesus Christ because he died for me, that is proof.

Not sure what you are saying here I understand the loyalty to Jesus Christ thing but that sounds like a statement to me. How is that proof, or what is that proof of ?

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For the record ~~~ I send a small donation to CES/STFI monthly for their websites.

What they do with that money is THEIR BUSINESS.

I don't hold them accountable to prove to me that they spent it on

Truth Or Tradition.

Now -- They also have a *class*, available on tape/cd/whatever.

I've never taken that *class*, nor have I been to a CES/STFI fellowship.

Nor has that *class* been "pushed" as a prerequisite, before you can

*Move further with the Lord* -- or some such thing.

If one chooses to buy it/ and run it -- it's theirs. No strings attached.

If CES/STFI were to *franchise* their teachings and the *class* as Geer has done,

I would drop them like a hot potato.

I have ZERO USE for folks who are in it to make a buck or two.

I respect integrity, and and I respect honest work.

I also respect those who try to work the Word.

Some here will say that CES is a splinter group ---

mouthing docvic-ism's with a new slant.

Maybe -- but they DON'T *franchise* their teachings to the highest bidder.

With CG *marketing* his "business via the Word",

says volumes to me.

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White Dove, this is pinklady. YOu are right that one can not hold someone accountable for someone else's actions, however, When that someone. i.e. Geer has Knowlege of one of his liscensee's abusing women and children, then I believe that person has a moral and spiritual obligation to reprove and dissassociate himself

Geer did get involved in my situation, via letters and he choose to allow and condone that behavior. HE may not say these things in his classes, however it is how you live your life and how much you love people. He just does not have the love and in God's book that is the most important thing.

J. C. says If you have a problem with a brother to go to him with 2 witnesses and if he won't hear you go to to church. I followed the correct steps. That is why I am telling my story.

My freind gave you some very good advice, people are just trying to warn you out of brotherly concern, but as I have found out by my kids, if someone is asleep he won't hear you.

You have to find out for yourself, One day you will hit the same wall we all did by following and trusting in men.

I have no no bad feelings for you. I will pray for you. It really does not matter who believes my story , the warning is there for those who have ears to hear, God bless! Have a great day!!!

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Thanks for your concern Pink Lady and friend Tina but I willl be fine. As I said I have no close association with Word Promotions or any other exway ministers for that matter. I keep them all at arms length and it's my arm so I control how close they have enterence into my life.

I wish you peace and safety in your choices for the future.

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Pink- I'm not sure that C G**r would ever get very involved with any fellowship situation unless it related to the operation of one of his classes, or it involved someone whom he had a personal ongoing relationship with.

He definitely is not a minister that is associated with any particular fellowship, he is a clearing house for Word Promotions newletters, classes and asundry research products. It is all business when it comes to liscensing his class instructors, but not ministerial.

Your conventional definitions just don't fit here. I am sorry for what you're going through, but you will never get the kind of support you expected from G**r, he never intended to do so.

Get that kind of support from friends, family, legal resources, law enforcement, another church, GS posters, but not G**r.

I don't personally know about G_er, but I know for a fact that the coach driver before him was a wife abuser, if the example came from the top down, then there'd be no natural sympathy for you.

Edited by but now I see
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White Dove, at least you read everything on here and are not afraid of information. My husband thinks I am possessed for believing anything on here about Dr. or Chris!!

I think its scary not to look at anything and to be so closed minded but he was in this since he was 16, so he is just a victim. I just wished he could have realized that this is not worth giving up your family for.

I don;t have bitterness or hatred toward him, I still care for him. I just feel sorry for those who are in denial. peace and love!!!!!!

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For a minute there I was thinking Ken somebody else and almost gagged. :o So glad I was wrong!

Please join us for some of the famous GSpot Wine. :)

I'm thinking CFF has exceeded the non-acknowledged membership in TWI these days.


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  heartman said:
YOu left out christian family Fellowship who has about 3000 Us wide and several more in South amerca and India.

K&n Suddu+h in Florida has a bunch also.

Actually, if this number is correct, CFF nationally has passed twi globally.

(Or twi passed CFF, depending on which direction you're counting from.)

I wonder when Ke# Su**uth moved from Texas to Florida.

BTW, heartman,

please don't post entire names without knocking out at least one letter.

Otherwise, search engines jump straight to any discussions we have about them,

and they haven't given their approval for their full names here.

(General exemption is given for twi's board of directors/trustees,

and usually nobody else unless they post here.)


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Sorry for the delay in responding to your previous post.

My friend, I never mentioned anything about an imaginary world.

I was, of course referring to your apparent inability to take on board new ideas, which is a legitimate use of the word 'imagination'. However, you seem to have decided just to twist the meaning to suit your own purposes and to try and have a cheap laugh at someone else's expense.

If I have in some way offended you personally, this was not my intention and if this is the case than I offer my sincere aplogies. I am more interested in being involved in a legitimate debate over some very important issues than getting involved a personal slanging match with you. Perhaps we can try to be less inflamatory in future correspondence as I'm sure we both have important things to bring to this forum and we deserve to treat each other with a bit more respect.



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Pete you have not offended me.

You have no imagination or you would understand what I'm writing.
I was, of course referring to your apparent inability to take on board new ideas,

You presume I have the inability to take on new ideas, because I do not accept yours which I find to be most illogical. That's called considering and processing and making a logical choice what I choose to believe, not the same. I also wonder why one would need imagination to understand your points, perhaps you could just be clear and concise so that people would not be reduced to imagining what you mean.

Bottom line we will not agree on this issue as I said Word Promotions /Chris Geer is only responsible for things authored or compiled; those are things he has control over. His to control, He can direct the use of those things, They are his to administer how he sees fit.

What he does not have responsibility for or control over is when someone uses a product of his and also happens to be a psycho and does something rude, offensive ,immoral ,illegal, destructive or otherwise. It's a product! that does not make one responsible for the behavior of the users.

I realize that it is fashionable to shift blame today on someone else for your misuse of a product, like the lawsuit for burning your mouth on coffee. But that is not again an idea that I wish to concur with. Sorry but IMHO it is a large leap to assume someone has responsibility for the actions of someone miles away, that listened to a CD, that had nothing to do with the incident that occurred. The fault lies with the perpetrator. Unless you have some evidence that he was directed in some way to commit this crime by Word Promotions that I have not seen it is no different than saying Charles Swindoll is somehow responsible because someone murdered a person and had listened to one of his teachings.

Pete you apparently have an issue with Word Promotions/Chris Geer and that is fine, I have at times some as well. but I wont allow those to place responsibility, fault, blame where none is connected. Until I see something tangible to prove otherwise I won't assume guilt because of other predisposed issues.

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I suppose that word productions should come with a warning lable and disclaimer of responsibility.

Something along the lines of ...... *warning the people distributing this product are not necessarily christian and contact could possibly be hazardous to your health, family and well being. Further more, the manufacturer disclaims any responsibility for damage caused, families destroyed, and health lost due to the application of the contents here in*

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