I just read this thread, and I KNOW Sprawled out. He is a great guy, very funny and intelligent.
It seems either people are not understanding he just put his opinion out there, or are picking on him. Or I am just missing why he is drawing such a response.
IF you reread the thread it doesn't seem to me he is being at all deserving of some of the responses he has recieved. Maybe I am wrong, but he's just seems like he is talking just like everyone else.
Sorry ya all.
Can NOT stand that narcisistic A- hole. He is so full of himself, I bet his turds look like "mim-me" (mimi-hims)
But you may not want to write his NAME out with that accusation -- not being found guilty he might be able to sue you for libel.
and i agree with you 100% about pat p. he was one of those (many) guys i always thought was a complete jerk, and wondered what anybody ever saw in him. but i never spend too much time wondering about him, because there were so many others just like him!
Dunno Dott, I think the world of you.....but when one insists on being insulting and snide to people on a consistant basis ...it can be difficult to see the smart, funny, great guy side of them I guess.....shrug
PinkLady, so sorry to hear about this abuse with your young son... Death to those that harm our children in this way is the ONLY sentence that seems appropriate!
The Teachings of The Way International lives via the teachings offered in many groups...
So do the thoughts and teachings of Martin Luther...
rascal, i don't know what it is, but for some reason i rubbed you the wrong way from day one. i think i even PM'd you about it not long after i arrived here. i really think you've read into my posts, in some cases, anyway. and maybe you just don't like the way i "talk."
but you're not alone. a few others here have had their problems with me, most of which i think has to do what i called the email syndrome a few posts back. or maybe it's just that i hold (and voice) unpopular views. all i know is i try to be considerate here. and i bite my tongue more often than not. i certainly don't think i've ever been anywhere near as nasty to anyone here as folks have been to me on occasion. of course, that's just my opinion. which is all i've got.
look on the bright side, rascal--at least you never have to deal with me in person. :D
Dunno, I don`t remember recieving a pm...maybe that might have cleared things up....lol
As far as rubbing me the wrong way.... guess it was all of the personal insults that threw me off track, it seems like you have been disgusted with most of grease spot in general since your arival...
You know, it isn`t someones view that generally draws fire... it`s when you have to insult a fellow poster to make your point that folks sometimes take acception to.
Anyway, Not that *I* have any room to talk as I am haven`t mastered the ability to present my ideas here without offending folks either
Sounds like the real you in person is an alright guy... I will try to see that guy in your posts from now on.
Dunno, I don`t remember recieving a pm...maybe that might have cleared things up....lol
i guess it was someone else.
As far as rubbing me the wrong way.... guess it was all of the personal insults that threw me off track, it seems like you have been disgusted with most of grease spot in general since your arival...
rascal, i've gone back over every one of my posts, and i just don't see "all of the personal insults." really. maybe we have different definitions of "insult." so much of it is point of view, i guess. when i look back, i see myself bending over backwards to be nice, to explain, to give people the benefit of the doubt--and often getting just the opposite in return. but i can't expect you to see things the way i do; you're not me!
and i wouldn't say i've been "disgusted with most of grease spot" at all. though sometimes i'm surprised by people. even shocked. but again, that's because of my point of view, and the expectations that go along with it.
Sounds like the real you in person is an alright guy... I will try to see that guy in your posts from now on.
Let's just say someone was from the south. Maybe Georgia. They might say, "Crush a tulip, honey I just cannot agree with you."
It would be kind.
They might let people out in traffic and realize that honking the horn is not going to make a long string of traffic move.
Now, take NYC. Let's just say someone is from NYC. They would all be honking and perhaps yelling out the window at non-moving traffic. (Which doesn't make the traffic move, but they feel better)
And if they do not agree with you they might just say, I f'ing do not get why in the h e l l (o) you would ever think like that?
And in NYC that would be having a very equal conversation. They really have no idea they can be bulls in the china shop.
Perhaps, that has happened in other threads but I just do not see it in this one.
Love to both of you.
Rascal, you are a sweet colorful patch of flowers on a warm summer day, you are kindness and I love you. I think of warm rolls in a woven basket covered by a red checkered cloth napkin, horses running free, and sweet music when I picture you at home.
You may walk out your door in the morning and see a lone cricket on your welcome mat. Recognizing his struggle to survive you pick him up and place him in the bushes before your children run out the door and inadvertently squash him. The kids hop in the van and as you drive them to school you wave at neighbor, lady Malone, and comment to her on her new floral dress. (Anything to make her feel better as the gossip is her husband has been cheating)
Sprawled Out - You are f'ing insane mother humper, and I f'ing like the upfront way you talk, you F. I see you in front of a glass window over-looking a city, with your f'ing lap top and your overly made up secretary in the next room.
You might get on the elevator already devoid of enough air for the 30 people squeezed into the descending box, and over hear another complaint about the pigeons huddled outside the office window and wonder when the struggle for life became such a nuisance to others.
As you get your coffee from the Vietnam vet in an eye patch, you shoot of a sarcastic remark to make him laugh. Then, you grab an extra roll to take to the receptionist as you heard her cheating husband walked out in her last night. You make a surly remark as you put it on her desk and notice her red swollen eyes. You want to compliment her but she seems to wear the same veriation of black suit day after day, and you do not want to be slapped with sexual harrassment. So, you just walk back into your office and plan your presentaion.
Allow me to introduce some others from GSC. Some have never been awakened by the sound of a jack-hammer on cement but by birds. Some gentle souls actually hang bird feeders and write music. One girl plays the mandolin. Several are involved in animal rescue. I know of at least one who whittles wood and another who makes beautiful woodwork Some stop at a corner pub on the way from work while others sit at a bookstore and enjoy a decaf.
When I had a run of life which nearly destroyed us, (husband lost job and has been in and out of illness) Some hunted me down and sent me helpful, needful things.
Most are innately kind. And many are ferociously loyal to gentle people who sometimes get picked on. I don’t know how many speak “NYC” but many speak to their gardens, to their patients, and still pray to a God whom they NEVER stopped believing in. Some ran out of the WAY barely alive, with a soul so torn apart it took them years of reading posts before they posted.
A few folks were yelled at by LCM for over 20 years and only stayed because their husband or wife was not ready to go. Some girls have been raped by leadership. Others have been drugged and woke next to the fat man some used to revere as the moggie.
In many ways we are all here to get fixed, help others get fixed, figure out what happened, seek something that was lost, understand how PFAL helped us but moggie hurt many of us, or all of the above.
So, when a poster who has been afraid to speak in TWI for 22 years says something and another person says, “What are you nuts, why would anyone think that?” Sometimes it retards the one speaking out for the first time in years. (Not that this is a quote.)
Yet, after one has been here 6 years and still thinks a certain way and you know they are not breathing for the first time, then a statement like that might be PERFECT.
IF you are perceived as hurting some of the “Family” here you will be pounced on as there is a strange connection and understanding between most of us.
I suggest until you get to know folks, you may want to learn how to speak a language other than “NYC” in an effort to be heard. ‘Cause you are also here as a result of being in a cult. You also have things to say and to HEAR. You have a huge heart and are hysterically funny. And maybe people can understand your delivery on the screen is not trying to be murderous.
Perhaps, just perhaps can you consider speaking as if you were talking to your cousin from Wissconsin, or Texas, or even Philly. Being mindful that their lives and hearts are just as full as yours but the approach is different.
Now, we argue and fight. We have different opinions. But for the most part, the disagreements can be civil. (For the most part! Some have become similar to the wild west)
I just hope you get to know some people and they you before some who would like you are turned off, and you by them. When it is “approach” rather than “content” that seems to starting the wild fires.
If you think I am wrong. Okay. Fine. I have been wrong before.
But I truly am writing out of a place of LOVE be it right or wrong.
And maybe some of the posters here can understand, you're life is less flowery and more to the point and you really are not trying to harm anyone.
Play nice. Fight fair. And if it get rough go for it.... :blink:
Hears my thoughts. Many many thoughts & emotions. I thank God every day (figuratively speaking) for the freedom to speak my mind. Because we live in a free-to-speak-your-mind-country and I left twi. If nobody would talk about what they know about other people, especially a %%%person, we would be a bunch of dummies. I know 1 thing for sure, Mr. Pat man better watch out hes got a Mother that fight-en mad. I wish a bunch of guys could just go and beat up Mr. Pat man. That's how we used 2 take care of the bad ones 50 years ago. As 4 the splinter groups, what ever floats your boat,turns your crank, blows your horn, or toots your whistle if you r timid. I've never been to any other group since I left twi 4 yrs ago. It seems like its been 8 or 10 yrs, I've did so much
thank you, dot. you're a sweetheart. and thanks for the coffee, rascal.
my only comment is this: i don't live in new york CITY. i know that people who have never been here often picture new york as one sprawling metropolis, and are surprised to find that it isn't. i grew up on long island, and am back there today. it's a suburban place you'd probably find familiar--not all that different from the places i lived in texas, washington, massachusetts, and even kansas! i have never been awakened by the sound of a jackhammer. (i have, on occasion, awakened with a jackhammer in my head. but i was younger then.) just a clarification, because my experience is that new york is often misunderstood.
as for me, i'm not a tough guy. in fact, i've always been quite the opposite. but i am very definitely a new yorker. the realization of that is what brought me back here after traipsing around the country for all those years. today, i live on a lake. really, a lake! last night, i walked on the beach. next month, i'm spending a weekend in the mountains. that's the new york i live in. (of course, it's nice that i can hop in my car and be in midtown manhattan in about an hour!) you guys should check it out sometime. i think you'd be pleasantly surprised.
I work for a man who has been here 30 years. 30 years!
And he tells me all the time that the "yankee" in him gets him in trouble.
I am not really debating the actual place, just the bit of the NYC speak, pardon. NY speak. I think that is where people may have missed "you."
My Dr. boss, well he has a cabin and lives in a plush community but he is still a "city" boy and can come across caustic when he is just being a regular Joe. People "miss" HIM all the time. And he is a real genuine "good" guy. Like you a real "good" one.
This is my inference, I apologize for doing a lousy job coming across the screen.
You are a great guy and I hope people can see that in you and if they don't they are missing a really wonderful man, that's it. Sorry, if my attempt was offensive. No, you are not a "tough" guy. But a bit of a polished yankee "city" type if I were casting you in a movie. You shot it straight from the hip and I find that refreshing.
I am not sure how to articulate what I wish to convey. I guess I wanted people to back off and meet the real YOU. And I wanted you to meet some of these wonderful people before everyone was fighting and missed each other.
And with you and Rascal, I wanted you both to entertain the thought that although you are in different "worlds" you are not worlds apart.
Rascal, I would like you to meet a NY man who is direct, funny and sometimes when he writes -- it reads as if he is shouting. Sprawled a wonderful guy who shoots it straight. HE is direct. I am sure he isn't trying to sound as if he is yelling, he is just talking
Sprawled: This is Rascal, she LOVES animals and likes to be able to share without feeling as if her every word is under the microscope. It has been done to her (not by you) so she is sensitive to it. Please keep that in mind in your replies.
Your cofee is getting cold, ya need sugar?
Okay, I am done.
Now, let's get back to cutting up Pat P. the narcississtic A - hole
He says forgive the for they know not what they do.
He says to forgive, he says none of Gods people are condemed , praise a mighty God.
Jesus did ask us to love one another He COMMNADED IT!
In the kingdom some may have some misery realizing we ALLL will have a life to live together.
with our personality , and OH NO!!! past sins and future sins.
hopefully we will learn how to have the King reign in a much more peaceful place and be able to truly love as He loves us.
i will say this about the off shoot they are defending the obligation to share the good news of the gospel to the best of their ability. God honors that and people are recieving eternal life because of their efforts!!!
do they sin ? have they sinned ? will they sin again?
yes we all have will and do. and guess what we are often wrong in how we think and do life. That is why we needed a SAviour.
At the end of the day i know God will honor those who attempted to help others worship HIM , more than those who taught hate and bitterness.
Well said ! doing something is better than setting under a Rock with the iinformation we have .
You might like to add the name of the Way in Great Britain, which changed it's name to Christian Counselling and Teaching in 1997.
After the departure of the "coach driver", they were no longer able to steer their vehicle properly and lost a lot of passengers.
You might be interested to know that in 1998 the organisation was down to a mere £19,312 received as abundant sharing. It's total income for the year was only £50,197 including AS, classes, book sales, conferences and interest.
In spite of this, it was able to pay it's "leader" (Rob@rt Wi1kinson) renumeration and benefits to the sum of £56,047. His wife also received a salary of £22,000, a joint income for the Wilkinson family of some £77,047.
Explain to me how these figures work?
Also, I find this all a bit confusing, since Mr W1lkinson had told me that he received no income for his work, and worked on a voluntary basis. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't paying yourself an income in contradiction of the Articles of Association of the Company?
You might also like to ask Rob@rt the question "What happened to the proceeds from the sale of G@rtmore House?".
You guys with V1nce F1nnegan can probably get hold of him as V1nce seems to have welcomed him with open arms since he "fled" to the States. I wonder how much of the money has ended up in V1nce's coffers?
Oh, yes and I do have proof that money/assets were transferred to the States before Mr W1lkinson fled there.
Not my honest opinion guys, just some plain facts and questions.
There were/are people a lot higher up in some of those organisations who are perfectly innocent, but like me they were/are just naive and easily manipulated. They are nice people. I have no problem with them because I was there. I cannot condemn people who only do what I did myself, how can I?
These are my honest opinions now. If anyone knows differently, let him speak up.
You have to be careful to be sure that it's God first. If the organisation is first or the leader, you're on sticky ground. You cannot write to them and expect a considered response because they do not consider your reasonings valid. After all, God's going to tell THEM first. Except they have already put their organisation ahead of God. In the O/T it was known as idolatory.
So there's no way of explaining to them that they're going in the wrong direction with some of their doctrine, it's not easy, anyway.
Pinklady: I'm sorry to hear that you have been through such a turmoil. You are not alone - others have been treated in a similar way. Typical letter ... many sent out with similar tones.
Designed to manipulate and intimidate. Don't let this guy think he's getting away with it. We're on to him. Did he tell you not to share the contents of the letter with anyone else and to return the letter to him after you'd read it?
I could post more on that organisation, but I have to consider whether it's worth getting kneecapped first. Oh yes it's known to his followers that threats of physical violence have been made against those that stand in his way. Very Christ-like, I'm sure.
JohnIam : did you read POP. It's absolutely implicit in that book that Mr G@@r is the new MOG. This is interpreted that way by his commited followers. Other ministers are derided because "they did not go with the Man of God".
And does he correct his followers for thinking this way? How can he when he has set them up to believe it!
Can you see how people are being manipulated.
And regarding A/S: Mr G@@r is way intelligent enough to know that the Way's teaching on A/S is unscriptural. But does he correct the wrong teaching? Why should he! No, not when the cash is already flowing in. Why risk fyunking things up?
At one point I believed that so long as people were helping to make the Word known, it didn't matter if they were autocrats, businessocrats or ministerocrats. But you know what is written, I'm sure: regarding elders in 1Tim 3 that they should be blameless ... of good behaviour, given to hospitality ... of good report .... etc. I think not, mr G@@r, why have you taken it upon yourself to deceive so many? Do you not know that a recompense will be required?
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sprawled out
gee, now i understand, tom. i didn't realize you were nobly defending a couple of nice guys. i thought you were just being an a**hole. thanks for clearing that up.
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Dot Matrix
I just read this thread, and I KNOW Sprawled out. He is a great guy, very funny and intelligent.
It seems either people are not understanding he just put his opinion out there, or are picking on him. Or I am just missing why he is drawing such a response.
IF you reread the thread it doesn't seem to me he is being at all deserving of some of the responses he has recieved. Maybe I am wrong, but he's just seems like he is talking just like everyone else.
Sorry ya all.
Can NOT stand that narcisistic A- hole. He is so full of himself, I bet his turds look like "mim-me" (mimi-hims)
But you may not want to write his NAME out with that accusation -- not being found guilty he might be able to sue you for libel.
Just trying to protect you.
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sprawled out
thank you, dot. very sweet of you.
and i agree with you 100% about pat p. he was one of those (many) guys i always thought was a complete jerk, and wondered what anybody ever saw in him. but i never spend too much time wondering about him, because there were so many others just like him!
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Dunno Dott, I think the world of you.....but when one insists on being insulting and snide to people on a consistant basis ...it can be difficult to see the smart, funny, great guy side of them I guess.....shrug
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The Teachings of The Way International lives via the teachings offered in many groups...
So do the thoughts and teachings of Martin Luther...
Interesting History~
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sprawled out
rascal, i don't know what it is, but for some reason i rubbed you the wrong way from day one. i think i even PM'd you about it not long after i arrived here. i really think you've read into my posts, in some cases, anyway. and maybe you just don't like the way i "talk."
but you're not alone. a few others here have had their problems with me, most of which i think has to do what i called the email syndrome a few posts back. or maybe it's just that i hold (and voice) unpopular views. all i know is i try to be considerate here. and i bite my tongue more often than not. i certainly don't think i've ever been anywhere near as nasty to anyone here as folks have been to me on occasion. of course, that's just my opinion. which is all i've got.
look on the bright side, rascal--at least you never have to deal with me in person. :D
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Dunno, I don`t remember recieving a pm...maybe that might have cleared things up....lol
As far as rubbing me the wrong way.... guess it was all of the personal insults that threw me off track, it seems like you have been disgusted with most of grease spot in general since your arival...
You know, it isn`t someones view that generally draws fire... it`s when you have to insult a fellow poster to make your point that folks sometimes take acception to.
Anyway, Not that *I* have any room to talk as I am haven`t mastered the ability to present my ideas here without offending folks either
Sounds like the real you in person is an alright guy... I will try to see that guy in your posts from now on.
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sprawled out
i guess it was someone else.
rascal, i've gone back over every one of my posts, and i just don't see "all of the personal insults." really. maybe we have different definitions of "insult." so much of it is point of view, i guess. when i look back, i see myself bending over backwards to be nice, to explain, to give people the benefit of the doubt--and often getting just the opposite in return. but i can't expect you to see things the way i do; you're not me!
and i wouldn't say i've been "disgusted with most of grease spot" at all. though sometimes i'm surprised by people. even shocked. but again, that's because of my point of view, and the expectations that go along with it.
thanks. i'd appreciate it.
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Dot Matrix
Let's just say someone was from the south. Maybe Georgia. They might say, "Crush a tulip, honey I just cannot agree with you."
It would be kind.
They might let people out in traffic and realize that honking the horn is not going to make a long string of traffic move.
Now, take NYC. Let's just say someone is from NYC. They would all be honking and perhaps yelling out the window at non-moving traffic. (Which doesn't make the traffic move, but they feel better)
And if they do not agree with you they might just say, I f'ing do not get why in the h e l l (o) you would ever think like that?
And in NYC that would be having a very equal conversation. They really have no idea they can be bulls in the china shop.
Perhaps, that has happened in other threads but I just do not see it in this one.
Love to both of you.
Rascal, you are a sweet colorful patch of flowers on a warm summer day, you are kindness and I love you. I think of warm rolls in a woven basket covered by a red checkered cloth napkin, horses running free, and sweet music when I picture you at home.
You may walk out your door in the morning and see a lone cricket on your welcome mat. Recognizing his struggle to survive you pick him up and place him in the bushes before your children run out the door and inadvertently squash him. The kids hop in the van and as you drive them to school you wave at neighbor, lady Malone, and comment to her on her new floral dress. (Anything to make her feel better as the gossip is her husband has been cheating)
Sprawled Out - You are f'ing insane mother humper, and I f'ing like the upfront way you talk, you F. I see you in front of a glass window over-looking a city, with your f'ing lap top and your overly made up secretary in the next room.
You might get on the elevator already devoid of enough air for the 30 people squeezed into the descending box, and over hear another complaint about the pigeons huddled outside the office window and wonder when the struggle for life became such a nuisance to others.
As you get your coffee from the Vietnam vet in an eye patch, you shoot of a sarcastic remark to make him laugh. Then, you grab an extra roll to take to the receptionist as you heard her cheating husband walked out in her last night. You make a surly remark as you put it on her desk and notice her red swollen eyes. You want to compliment her but she seems to wear the same veriation of black suit day after day, and you do not want to be slapped with sexual harrassment. So, you just walk back into your office and plan your presentaion.
Loving you like crazy.
Now that is an exaggeration
But you get the point
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Dot Matrix
I live in Goergia, I truly hope I did not insult either of you.
Not trying to insult anyone, but I offer a perspective (exaggerated to make a point)
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Lol .... Thanks (((((Dott))))) I love you gal.
Thanks dearly for your input and understanding.
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Dot Matrix
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sprawled out
thank you, dot. maybe that should be required reading for gsc.
(a secretary??!! i don't even have a laptop!)
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Dot Matrix
((((sprawled out))))))
You got the point. Smile.
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Dot Matrix
Now Sprawled out
Allow me to introduce some others from GSC. Some have never been awakened by the sound of a jack-hammer on cement but by birds. Some gentle souls actually hang bird feeders and write music. One girl plays the mandolin. Several are involved in animal rescue. I know of at least one who whittles wood and another who makes beautiful woodwork Some stop at a corner pub on the way from work while others sit at a bookstore and enjoy a decaf.
When I had a run of life which nearly destroyed us, (husband lost job and has been in and out of illness) Some hunted me down and sent me helpful, needful things.
Most are innately kind. And many are ferociously loyal to gentle people who sometimes get picked on. I don’t know how many speak “NYC” but many speak to their gardens, to their patients, and still pray to a God whom they NEVER stopped believing in. Some ran out of the WAY barely alive, with a soul so torn apart it took them years of reading posts before they posted.
A few folks were yelled at by LCM for over 20 years and only stayed because their husband or wife was not ready to go. Some girls have been raped by leadership. Others have been drugged and woke next to the fat man some used to revere as the moggie.
In many ways we are all here to get fixed, help others get fixed, figure out what happened, seek something that was lost, understand how PFAL helped us but moggie hurt many of us, or all of the above.
So, when a poster who has been afraid to speak in TWI for 22 years says something and another person says, “What are you nuts, why would anyone think that?” Sometimes it retards the one speaking out for the first time in years. (Not that this is a quote.)
Yet, after one has been here 6 years and still thinks a certain way and you know they are not breathing for the first time, then a statement like that might be PERFECT.
IF you are perceived as hurting some of the “Family” here you will be pounced on as there is a strange connection and understanding between most of us.
I suggest until you get to know folks, you may want to learn how to speak a language other than “NYC” in an effort to be heard. ‘Cause you are also here as a result of being in a cult. You also have things to say and to HEAR. You have a huge heart and are hysterically funny. And maybe people can understand your delivery on the screen is not trying to be murderous.
Perhaps, just perhaps can you consider speaking as if you were talking to your cousin from Wissconsin, or Texas, or even Philly. Being mindful that their lives and hearts are just as full as yours but the approach is different.
Now, we argue and fight. We have different opinions. But for the most part, the disagreements can be civil. (For the most part! Some have become similar to the wild west)
I just hope you get to know some people and they you before some who would like you are turned off, and you by them. When it is “approach” rather than “content” that seems to starting the wild fires.
If you think I am wrong. Okay. Fine. I have been wrong before.
But I truly am writing out of a place of LOVE be it right or wrong.
And maybe some of the posters here can understand, you're life is less flowery and more to the point and you really are not trying to harm anyone.
Play nice. Fight fair. And if it get rough go for it.... :blink:
((((Sprawled Out))))
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Right on, Dot!
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What a beautifull way you see us here ((((Dott)))) Lol, ok...message recieved.
Sprawled can this simple country bumpkin buy your sorry a$$ a cup of coffee?
(is that how to say it in nyc ese?)
Hope you understand the intent in spite of my vile accent :D
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sprawled out
thank you, dot. you're a sweetheart. and thanks for the coffee, rascal.
my only comment is this: i don't live in new york CITY. i know that people who have never been here often picture new york as one sprawling metropolis, and are surprised to find that it isn't. i grew up on long island, and am back there today. it's a suburban place you'd probably find familiar--not all that different from the places i lived in texas, washington, massachusetts, and even kansas! i have never been awakened by the sound of a jackhammer. (i have, on occasion, awakened with a jackhammer in my head. but i was younger then.) just a clarification, because my experience is that new york is often misunderstood.
as for me, i'm not a tough guy. in fact, i've always been quite the opposite. but i am very definitely a new yorker. the realization of that is what brought me back here after traipsing around the country for all those years. today, i live on a lake. really, a lake! last night, i walked on the beach. next month, i'm spending a weekend in the mountains. that's the new york i live in. (of course, it's nice that i can hop in my car and be in midtown manhattan in about an hour!) you guys should check it out sometime. i think you'd be pleasantly surprised.
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Dot Matrix
I got ya.
I work for a man who has been here 30 years. 30 years!
And he tells me all the time that the "yankee" in him gets him in trouble.
I am not really debating the actual place, just the bit of the NYC speak, pardon. NY speak. I think that is where people may have missed "you."
My Dr. boss, well he has a cabin and lives in a plush community but he is still a "city" boy and can come across caustic when he is just being a regular Joe. People "miss" HIM all the time. And he is a real genuine "good" guy. Like you a real "good" one.
This is my inference, I apologize for doing a lousy job coming across the screen.
You are a great guy and I hope people can see that in you and if they don't they are missing a really wonderful man, that's it. Sorry, if my attempt was offensive. No, you are not a "tough" guy. But a bit of a polished yankee "city" type if I were casting you in a movie. You shot it straight from the hip and I find that refreshing.
I am not sure how to articulate what I wish to convey. I guess I wanted people to back off and meet the real YOU. And I wanted you to meet some of these wonderful people before everyone was fighting and missed each other.
And with you and Rascal, I wanted you both to entertain the thought that although you are in different "worlds" you are not worlds apart.
Rascal, I would like you to meet a NY man who is direct, funny and sometimes when he writes -- it reads as if he is shouting. Sprawled a wonderful guy who shoots it straight. HE is direct. I am sure he isn't trying to sound as if he is yelling, he is just talking
Sprawled: This is Rascal, she LOVES animals and likes to be able to share without feeling as if her every word is under the microscope. It has been done to her (not by you) so she is sensitive to it. Please keep that in mind in your replies.
Your cofee is getting cold, ya need sugar?
Okay, I am done.
Now, let's get back to cutting up Pat P. the narcississtic A - hole
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sprawled out
you did not do a lousy job. i just thought it was a good time and place to do a little NY PR.
thanks again, dot.
and as for pat p., YEAH!
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andy Bear
Well said ! doing something is better than setting under a Rock with the iinformation we have .
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You might like to add the name of the Way in Great Britain, which changed it's name to Christian Counselling and Teaching in 1997.
After the departure of the "coach driver", they were no longer able to steer their vehicle properly and lost a lot of passengers.
You might be interested to know that in 1998 the organisation was down to a mere £19,312 received as abundant sharing. It's total income for the year was only £50,197 including AS, classes, book sales, conferences and interest.
In spite of this, it was able to pay it's "leader" (Rob@rt Wi1kinson) renumeration and benefits to the sum of £56,047. His wife also received a salary of £22,000, a joint income for the Wilkinson family of some £77,047.
Explain to me how these figures work?
Also, I find this all a bit confusing, since Mr W1lkinson had told me that he received no income for his work, and worked on a voluntary basis. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't paying yourself an income in contradiction of the Articles of Association of the Company?
You might also like to ask Rob@rt the question "What happened to the proceeds from the sale of G@rtmore House?".
You guys with V1nce F1nnegan can probably get hold of him as V1nce seems to have welcomed him with open arms since he "fled" to the States. I wonder how much of the money has ended up in V1nce's coffers?
Oh, yes and I do have proof that money/assets were transferred to the States before Mr W1lkinson fled there.
Not my honest opinion guys, just some plain facts and questions.
Draw your own conclusions.
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Dot Matrix
WOW Pete
I know the Wilkerson's. I hate to hear they might be creeps as well. I didn't know...
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Dot Matrix
There were/are people a lot higher up in some of those organisations who are perfectly innocent, but like me they were/are just naive and easily manipulated. They are nice people. I have no problem with them because I was there. I cannot condemn people who only do what I did myself, how can I?
These are my honest opinions now. If anyone knows differently, let him speak up.
You have to be careful to be sure that it's God first. If the organisation is first or the leader, you're on sticky ground. You cannot write to them and expect a considered response because they do not consider your reasonings valid. After all, God's going to tell THEM first. Except they have already put their organisation ahead of God. In the O/T it was known as idolatory.
So there's no way of explaining to them that they're going in the wrong direction with some of their doctrine, it's not easy, anyway.
Pinklady: I'm sorry to hear that you have been through such a turmoil. You are not alone - others have been treated in a similar way. Typical letter ... many sent out with similar tones.
Designed to manipulate and intimidate. Don't let this guy think he's getting away with it. We're on to him. Did he tell you not to share the contents of the letter with anyone else and to return the letter to him after you'd read it?
I could post more on that organisation, but I have to consider whether it's worth getting kneecapped first. Oh yes it's known to his followers that threats of physical violence have been made against those that stand in his way. Very Christ-like, I'm sure.
JohnIam : did you read POP. It's absolutely implicit in that book that Mr G@@r is the new MOG. This is interpreted that way by his commited followers. Other ministers are derided because "they did not go with the Man of God".
And does he correct his followers for thinking this way? How can he when he has set them up to believe it!
Can you see how people are being manipulated.
And regarding A/S: Mr G@@r is way intelligent enough to know that the Way's teaching on A/S is unscriptural. But does he correct the wrong teaching? Why should he! No, not when the cash is already flowing in. Why risk fyunking things up?
At one point I believed that so long as people were helping to make the Word known, it didn't matter if they were autocrats, businessocrats or ministerocrats. But you know what is written, I'm sure: regarding elders in 1Tim 3 that they should be blameless ... of good behaviour, given to hospitality ... of good report .... etc. I think not, mr G@@r, why have you taken it upon yourself to deceive so many? Do you not know that a recompense will be required?
This is Pete signing out.
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