dmiller--i guess we have different definitions of "nice." i thought i was being perfectly nice, especially considering how rude and inconsiderate i felt your "who cares?" response was. obviously, I cared, or i wouldn't have asked. me, personally, i wouldn't consider that particularly nice (i.e., amiably pleasant, kind, agreeable).
i even thought i was being nice in my initial response to tom strange's "bite me." i thought that was far from nice, and completely uncalled for, and tried to make light of it.
i guess we disagree on what's nice and what's not. fine with me--too much "likemindedness" makes me uncomfortable.
Pat & Mary Powell have a Geer-ish group here in the Tampa Bay area.
If you look at the Cortright site (Believer Home Pages ) you'll find links to a multitude of different spin-off groups of various sizes. On some of those pages, there are links to even more.
And I'm sure there are more people in those groups than there are currently in TWI.
dmiller--i guess we have different definitions of "nice." i thought i was being perfectly nice, especially considering how rude and inconsiderate i felt your "who cares?" response was. obviously, I cared, or i wouldn't have asked. me, personally, i wouldn't consider that particularly nice (i.e., amiably pleasant, kind, agreeable).
i even thought i was being nice in my initial response to tom strange's "bite me." i thought that was far from nice, and completely uncalled for, and tried to make light of it.
i guess we disagree on what's nice and what's not. fine with me--too much "likemindedness" makes me uncomfortable.
so thanks. it's been "nice" disagreeing with you!
Ya know --- it's been nice *disagreeing* with ya also.
You haven't a clue, as to what I said or meant
Sorry to hear that you are so wrapped up in your own ideologies,
that you can't see (or listen to) a different perspective.,
I tried to say I always try to be nice, and ya know what??????\
I'm betting that most of the posters here will agree.
(but you don't).
I am willing to listen. I am willing to discuss.
I toss out opinions for discussion here on the board,
I'm willing to listen to rebuttals, (unlike you),
and YOU seem to find a problem with that.
Fine, So be it.
It is YOU that I see as being the (what-do-you-want-to-call-it)
Now -- if you don't like that --- too bad.
You're earning the title. :(
(my IMHO))
Sorry -- I don't usually *backlash* this way --
but you just pi$$ed me off about what I thought was an honest comment
I made in one of the earlier posts ...
You can either aplogize now, or try to cover your tracks ... <_<
well, dmiller, you're right about that--i don't understand what you're talking about. i had no idea this was about ideologies, perspectives, discussions or rebuttals. i just thought it was about courtesy.
i guess i can chalk part of all this up to the old email syndrome--no body language, inflection, etc. but for the most part, i just feel we're on two completely different wavelengths. and i don't see any further back-and-forth changing anything--certainly not within the limitations of this medium. i've already explained as much as i know how to. and what you just posted only communicates to me that we're just talking ourselves farther and farther apart.
as for your closing comment, i don't apologize under pressure anymore. especially when i think i'm the one OWED the apology. if i wanted to submit to that baloney, i wouldn't have left twi. the sad truth is, sometimes when i'm hanging around here, i feel as though i haven't.
Sprawled- just a thought here something to consider perhaps that screaming kid throwing a tantrum you have flashing as your avatar doesn't help your case, couple it with your tag line under it and I'd bet you are already perceived subconciously as a bad boy. I know of a few people here that have changed theirs because of peoples concepts based on them. Maybe this would be a good topic Do our avatar's subconciously shape our picture of what the person might be like?
eye of the beholder, i guess, white dove. to me, he wasn't throwing a tantrum--he was making faces at twi.
but i changed it--any better?
as for the tag line, i have nothing to do with that, do i? right now, it looks to me like someone's editorializing. if so, that's kinda f'ed up, isn't it?
Oh for the love of God, I hate to draw people to my own website, but I have to. I don't care if anyone believes what is written in this article or not. It was written in 1997, updated and posted in June 2001, over five years ago.
Yep now your an angel serving wine and cheese. lol By the way you can change your member title by going to my controls, edit profile, then change the title under member title. If you want to.
2 groups not mentioned are Christian Research Fellowship started by the late John Hendricks and now run by daughter Rochelle in Destiny, FL and Alan and Lin Michaelsen in Marietta,GA. The other is Ken Petty's Emmaus Bible Fellowship in Oracle, Arizona. Both have revamped the old Power For Abundant Living Class with a few tweaks and spin. Both unfortunately do not document their quotations, including quotes from VPW and Walter J. Cummins, no footnotes/endnotes or bibliography for other resources.
You can add Pat Powell in Tampa, Fl as a splinter group following Chris Geer. He is really into control and abuse. He actually threw me out for questioning him! Ha! He sexually abused my 5 year old son and is currently under investigation, Two of my older kids are still in brainwashed against me I have not seen them in over 3 years. I wrote Chris Geer about his abuse and for help in the situation, and he said he can't be responsible for the moral character of his liscensees!!!!
Can you imagine the apostle Paul saying that?? God's word is not a business, however there are many profiting. It is spiritual abuse, and I guess I have bigger resposibility to expose these men because of my children. Well I'm, up for the challenge. Once you shine a light on darkness, the truth can shine. These men never help people or the community. Chris Geer has a p. o. box and the checks keep pouring in. He keeps promising the advanced class. How long has it been? 15 years? He gets 25 percent of abs. Why are people so blind? HE is not earning that money and he is a mean s.o.b. !!!!!
Of course he'd say that he is not responsible-He was a disciple of the master of no personal responsibility--VPW-I wouldnt expect him to say any less---but that doesnt necessarily make it so.
Various diocese of the Catholic Church have been held responsible for sexual abuse by their priest/employees are paying out $$$ now, and the leaders in Rome have taken heat as well. Id check a lawyer-in fact a few lawyers before I dropped it because HE has a problem with personal responsibility
Pat Powell??? Sexually abusing 5 year old boys? OMG!!
Pinklady, I am so sorry! Words cannot convey how badly I feel.
He was the first person I was brought to when they started the process of asking (demanding) me to leave the corps. I too asked way too many questions. And this was years ago, over 20 years ago!
I always thought he was creepy. He would pick me up if I was walking near him. I mean physically lift me off my feet while I was walking to class or work. I told him I didn't like it, but I don't think he really cared what I liked. What kind of man goes around picking up random women? Nut cases! But wow! who would have thought exactly how creepy he was? I am again, so sorry.
Thanks for the support, My husband left when I started the investigation because he is a Geerite! I wrote Chris back after he said he cant be responsible and reproved him on the subject. He wrote me a very nasty letter basically trying to blame me for my kids being abused and brainwashed!!! I quess he did not like that. He wants them to stay with Pat, after all more followers and more money!!!
You can add Pat Powell in Tampa, Fl as a splinter group following Chris Geer. He is really into control and abuse. He actually threw me out for questioning him! Ha! He sexually abused my 5 year old son and is currently under investigation, Two of my older kids are still in brainwashed against me I have not seen them in over 3 years. I wrote Chris Geer about his abuse and for help in the situation, and he said he can't be responsible for the moral character of his liscensees!!!!
Gee, he seemed so nice during the few minutes I met him.
Could it be that he's manipulated his image, and the man he really was when
"no one was looking" was very different from the man we were shown in public?
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sprawled out
gee, now i understand, tom. i didn't realize you were nobly defending a couple of nice guys. i thought you were just being an a**hole. thanks for clearing that up.
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sprawled out
dmiller--i guess we have different definitions of "nice." i thought i was being perfectly nice, especially considering how rude and inconsiderate i felt your "who cares?" response was. obviously, I cared, or i wouldn't have asked. me, personally, i wouldn't consider that particularly nice (i.e., amiably pleasant, kind, agreeable).
i even thought i was being nice in my initial response to tom strange's "bite me." i thought that was far from nice, and completely uncalled for, and tried to make light of it.
i guess we disagree on what's nice and what's not. fine with me--too much "likemindedness" makes me uncomfortable.
so thanks. it's been "nice" disagreeing with you!
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Maybe it is all in the presentation sprawled. I have had the impression of extended middle finger in most of your posts as well...shrug
Whether you intend it or not, that is the impression given.
You have been offering back handed insults since your arrival friend, you just happened to jump the wrong two guys this time.
They are above reproach and you attacked them personally apparently because you personally didn`t care for the pov they presented.
Your call buddy, but don`t whine foul when people take exception to your mischaracterization and heavy handedness in these threads.
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Tom Strange
c'mon... let's all hold hands as we gather 'round the s'mores and sing... koom-bye-yah my lord... koom-bye-yah...
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will there be brewskis with the smores, mistah strange?????

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i will allow this miscommunication to continue if you serve me enough beer
in fact i will add to it
you're welcome
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Tom Strange
of course my brother alfa! ...always and forever!
and myseestorEx... yes dear... yes.
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Hope R.
Pat & Mary Powell have a Geer-ish group here in the Tampa Bay area.
If you look at the Cortright site (Believer Home Pages ) you'll find links to a multitude of different spin-off groups of various sizes. On some of those pages, there are links to even more.
And I'm sure there are more people in those groups than there are currently in TWI.
Edited by Hope R.Link to comment
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:blink: ...
AAccckkkkk .... HHaacckkkkk.... {{{gags & hurls}}}
Holy Law of the Prophet Emeritus of THE, Garth, Number 12:
"Thou Shalt NOT combine beer of any kind with sweets! Such is an Abomination to the taste glands, let alone one's stomach!!"
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Ya know --- it's been nice *disagreeing* with ya also.
You haven't a clue, as to what I said or meant
Sorry to hear that you are so wrapped up in your own ideologies,
that you can't see (or listen to) a different perspective.,
I tried to say I always try to be nice, and ya know what??????\
I'm betting that most of the posters here will agree.
(but you don't).
I am willing to listen. I am willing to discuss.
I toss out opinions for discussion here on the board,
I'm willing to listen to rebuttals, (unlike you),
and YOU seem to find a problem with that.
Fine, So be it.
It is YOU that I see as being the (what-do-you-want-to-call-it)
Now -- if you don't like that --- too bad.
You're earning the title. :(
(my IMHO))
Sorry -- I don't usually *backlash* this way --
but you just pi$$ed me off about what I thought was an honest comment
I made in one of the earlier posts ...
You can either aplogize now, or try to cover your tracks ... <_<
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sprawled out
well, dmiller, you're right about that--i don't understand what you're talking about. i had no idea this was about ideologies, perspectives, discussions or rebuttals. i just thought it was about courtesy.
i guess i can chalk part of all this up to the old email syndrome--no body language, inflection, etc. but for the most part, i just feel we're on two completely different wavelengths. and i don't see any further back-and-forth changing anything--certainly not within the limitations of this medium. i've already explained as much as i know how to. and what you just posted only communicates to me that we're just talking ourselves farther and farther apart.
as for your closing comment, i don't apologize under pressure anymore. especially when i think i'm the one OWED the apology. if i wanted to submit to that baloney, i wouldn't have left twi. the sad truth is, sometimes when i'm hanging around here, i feel as though i haven't.
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Sprawled- just a thought here something to consider perhaps that screaming kid throwing a tantrum you have flashing as your avatar doesn't help your case, couple it with your tag line under it and I'd bet you are already perceived subconciously as a bad boy. I know of a few people here that have changed theirs because of peoples concepts based on them. Maybe this would be a good topic Do our avatar's subconciously shape our picture of what the person might be like?
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sprawled out
eye of the beholder, i guess, white dove. to me, he wasn't throwing a tantrum--he was making faces at twi.
but i changed it--any better?
as for the tag line, i have nothing to do with that, do i? right now, it looks to me like someone's editorializing. if so, that's kinda f'ed up, isn't it?
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There are still Geerites out there?
Oh for the love of God, I hate to draw people to my own website, but I have to. I don't care if anyone believes what is written in this article or not. It was written in 1997, updated and posted in June 2001, over five years ago.
But here it is:
Drawing Swords
That guy was responsible for the entire blow-up of the TWI ministry. Don't know whether to thank the Motorcoach guy or curse him.
Thought about it. He is cursed.
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Yep now your an angel serving wine and cheese. lol By the way you can change your member title by going to my controls, edit profile, then change the title under member title. If you want to.
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allan w.
that was wonderful Eagle, thankyou.
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Amen. It's been a while since I've been to your site. Thanks for the link (again). :)
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
2 groups not mentioned are Christian Research Fellowship started by the late John Hendricks and now run by daughter Rochelle in Destiny, FL and Alan and Lin Michaelsen in Marietta,GA. The other is Ken Petty's Emmaus Bible Fellowship in Oracle, Arizona. Both have revamped the old Power For Abundant Living Class with a few tweaks and spin. Both unfortunately do not document their quotations, including quotes from VPW and Walter J. Cummins, no footnotes/endnotes or bibliography for other resources.
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You can add Pat Powell in Tampa, Fl as a splinter group following Chris Geer. He is really into control and abuse. He actually threw me out for questioning him! Ha! He sexually abused my 5 year old son and is currently under investigation, Two of my older kids are still in brainwashed against me I have not seen them in over 3 years. I wrote Chris Geer about his abuse and for help in the situation, and he said he can't be responsible for the moral character of his liscensees!!!!
Can you imagine the apostle Paul saying that?? God's word is not a business, however there are many profiting. It is spiritual abuse, and I guess I have bigger resposibility to expose these men because of my children. Well I'm, up for the challenge. Once you shine a light on darkness, the truth can shine. These men never help people or the community. Chris Geer has a p. o. box and the checks keep pouring in. He keeps promising the advanced class. How long has it been? 15 years? He gets 25 percent of abs. Why are people so blind? HE is not earning that money and he is a mean s.o.b. !!!!!
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Aw pink lady I am so sorry that yoiur family has suffered under these monsters.
Chris can`t be responsible for his licencees??? He sure as he ll can...he can refuse to allow them to be licensed and selling his product.
Where is the love of God? Where is the protection for children that jesus was so adamant about.
What a scum bag, what a fraud.
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Id question that as well.
Of course he'd say that he is not responsible-He was a disciple of the master of no personal responsibility--VPW-I wouldnt expect him to say any less---but that doesnt necessarily make it so.
Various diocese of the Catholic Church have been held responsible for sexual abuse by their priest/employees are paying out $$$ now, and the leaders in Rome have taken heat as well. Id check a lawyer-in fact a few lawyers before I dropped it because HE has a problem with personal responsibility
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Pat Powell??? Sexually abusing 5 year old boys? OMG!!
Pinklady, I am so sorry! Words cannot convey how badly I feel.
He was the first person I was brought to when they started the process of asking (demanding) me to leave the corps. I too asked way too many questions. And this was years ago, over 20 years ago!
I always thought he was creepy. He would pick me up if I was walking near him. I mean physically lift me off my feet while I was walking to class or work. I told him I didn't like it, but I don't think he really cared what I liked. What kind of man goes around picking up random women? Nut cases! But wow! who would have thought exactly how creepy he was? I am again, so sorry.
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Thanks for the support, My husband left when I started the investigation because he is a Geerite! I wrote Chris back after he said he cant be responsible and reproved him on the subject. He wrote me a very nasty letter basically trying to blame me for my kids being abused and brainwashed!!! I quess he did not like that. He wants them to stay with Pat, after all more followers and more money!!!
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Not to mention if they get out and open up to what goes on in Geers fellowship he could be in deep sh!t
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Gee, he seemed so nice during the few minutes I met him.
Could it be that he's manipulated his image, and the man he really was when
"no one was looking" was very different from the man we were shown in public?
Hm, sounds familiar...
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