It's forbidden for Trills to get back to the previous host life, and that includes family.
Sure explains why Curzon Dax hung out with Sisko,
then Jadzia Dax hung out with Sisko,
then Ezri Dax hung out with Sisko and everyone Jadzia hung out with.....
Then again, they also were specified as AVOIDING romantic relationships,
considering them as a weakness of the young.
Meanwhile, the first Trill we ever meet, Kareel Odan has no problem with them
no matter who's carrying the Odan symbiont,
(3 different hosts try to lip-mash Beverly Crusher)
and the Dax symbiont has no problem with that,
(Curzon died by Jamaharon, Jadzia got married....)
the Kahn symbiont has no problem with that
(the Kahn host married the Dax host....)
etc, etc.
From "A Man Alone".....
"DAX: It's time I explain that Trills don't look for romance the way humans do.
In fact, we consider it quite a nuisance.
BASHIR: A nuisance... ?
DAX: It is a weakness of the young... and although a Trill host may have these kinds of...(beat, distasteful)... feelings occasionally, it is our wish to live on a higher plane... to try to rise above those sorts of temptations..."
Anyone want me to post a counter-example, like Dax flirting in "Meridian"?
The writers weren't exactly consistent in their depictions of Trills and their
Then again, what they kept trying to say on paper ended up-predictably-
to be bad television and bad for the WRITERS.
(I hope I'm not spoiling anyone's fun- this is how I have fun! :) )
(I hope I'm not spoiling anyone's fun- this is how I have fun! :) )
Remind me to share some time how I tied together Black Zero and an old World's Finest comic. Anyway...
"Space must have seemed a whole lot bigger back then. It's not surprising they had to bend the rules a little. They were a little slower to invoke the Prime Directive, and a little quicker to pull their phasers. Of course, the whole bunch of them would be booted out of Starfleet today. But I have to admit: I would have loved to ride shotgun at least once with a group of officers like that."
"If you're going to remain on my ship, you're going to have learn how to appreciate a joke. And don't tell me Vulcans don't have a sense of humor; because I know better."
That wouldn't be the DS9 episode that interfaced with The Trouble With Tribbles, would it?
No. Not even the right series.
The World's Finest story was from the 60's. Some scientist thought he had blown up Krypton. Superman "punished" him by making him see the destruction on some magic viewer that could dial up old light waves. Anyway, we see Jor-el saying something like, "A ray from Earth has been sent to stop our destruction -- but it's not having any effect!" The scientist is released from all the grief he's carried for years. Flash forward to the 70's and, I believe, and Action comic (maybe Superman). The evil Black Zero finds out that the instability in Krypton's core is subsiding, so he blows the planet up with a big bomb. Apparently (and unbeknown to DC's editors), the Earth scientist HAD succeeded in halting Krypton's destruction, only to have Black Zero finish the job. (As a final note, I seem to remember Superman teaming up with criminal Jax-ur to capture Black Zero. (After all, Krypton was his home, too.) Jax-ur gets exposed to red kryptonite, giving him a head like Medusa, and he turns Black Zero to stone! How DID they think this stuff up?) :)
"Enthraxic citrus peel, orange juice with just a hint of papalla seed extract. An experimental blend."
"The success rate of your culinary experiments has not been high."
"Ensign Golwat tried some yesterday, and she thought it was delicious. In fact, she had a second glass, and she never has seconds."
"Ensign Golwat is Bolian. Her tongue has a cartilaginous lining. It would protect her against even the most corrosive acid."
"If you were human, I'd say you had a severe panic attack."
"I am not human."
"No kidding."
"We could have just asked her."
"Asking female officers for their clothing could lead to misunderstanding."
"Space must have seemed a whole lot bigger back then. It's not surprising they had to bend the rules a little. They were a little slower to invoke the Prime Directive, and a little quicker to pull their phasers. Of course, the whole bunch of them would be booted out of Starfleet today. But I have to admit: I would have loved to ride shotgun at least once with a group of officers like that."
"If you're going to remain on my ship, you're going to have learn how to appreciate a joke. And don't tell me Vulcans don't have a sense of humor; because I know better."
then Ezri Dax hung out with Sisko and everyone Jadzia hung out with.....
One could say that the Dax symbiont was prone to disrespect rules. Curzon and Jadzia were known for not conforming with "normal" standards.
As for Ezri, she was never taught the rules of the "joined ones", she wasn't supposed to be joined with a symbiont. I guess it gave her less chances to fight the impulses of going back to Dax previous host friends.
Then again, they also were specified as AVOIDING romantic relationships,
considering them as a weakness of the young.
Meanwhile, the first Trill we ever meet, Kareel Odan has no problem with them
no matter who's carrying the Odan symbiont,
(3 different hosts try to lip-mash Beverly Crusher)
and the Dax symbiont has no problem with that,
(Curzon died by Jamaharon, Jadzia got married....)
the Kahn symbiont has no problem with that
(the Kahn host married the Dax host....)
etc, etc.
From "A Man Alone".....
"DAX: It's time I explain that Trills don't look for romance the way humans do.
In fact, we consider it quite a nuisance.
BASHIR: A nuisance... ?
DAX: It is a weakness of the young... and although a Trill host may have these kinds of...(beat, distasteful)... feelings occasionally, it is our wish to live on a higher plane... to try to rise above those sorts of temptations..."
Anyone want me to post a counter-example, like Dax flirting in "Meridian"?
The writers weren't exactly consistent in their depictions of Trills and their
Then again, what they kept trying to say on paper ended up-predictably-
to be bad television and bad for the WRITERS.
Nothing they did with Odan was supposed to stick for long. He was a character in one episode and that was it. The mistake was to try to make one of the main characters in DS9 be of that species.
The most notorious of the changes was the appearance, as they probably thought it wasn't that great to have a pretty girl playing Jadzia to then put an ugly prosthetic in her forehead.
And I'm sure Trills see relationships and romance in a different way that humans. If you are in a relationship with a joined Trill, then you know than when the host die, you have to end the relationship, no matter than a part of your beloved one is in another host. And for what we saw in "Rejoined" that part of the new entity can still have feelings for their former partner. That has to make a difference.ç
Starting a new life with all the experiences, memories and feelings of the previous one has to change the way they see all aspects of life. Do you remember how Jadzia didn't care that much about the details of her wedding with Worf? Even when it was her only marriage, Dax had married several times already.
Then again, I find terribly odd that when everyone speak of Trills they talk about all Trills in general, when I'm thinking there must be a big difference between the ones joined to symbionts and the ones that aren't.
(I hope I'm not spoiling anyone's fun- this is how I have fun! :) )
( :D keep going. I'm having fun answering your post.
I hope people don't mind that I'm answering this several days later, when we're all suppose to be trying to guess other episode)
One could say that the Dax symbiont was prone to disrespect rules. Curzon and Jadzia were known for not conforming with "normal" standards.
As for Ezri, she was never taught the rules of the "joined ones", she wasn't supposed to be joined with a symbiont. I guess it gave her less chances to fight the impulses of going back to Dax previous host friends.
Good point about Ezri.
However, DAX was who told us that it was bad to HAVE relationships, etc.
If Dax thought the rule was a bad rule, that was an odd time to leave it out.
(I blame the writers. They kept coming up with sensible rules for symbionts that
were good ideas on paper, but made for more boring television.
For example, Ezri Dax was supposed to stay away from DS9.
Did the audience want that? Heck no! They wanted Dax back-
Ezri if they couldn't have Jadzia.)
Nothing they did with Odan was supposed to stick for long. He was a character in one episode and that was it. The mistake was to try to make one of the main characters in DS9 be of that species.
The most notorious of the changes was the appearance, as they probably thought it wasn't that great to have a pretty girl playing Jadzia to then put an ugly prosthetic in her forehead.
Actually, that's EXACTLY what happened. They fitted Terry Farrell with a smaller
version of that forehead, and someone in charge HATED it.
It would have made a LOT more sense to say that Jadzia Dax was a (fill-in-the-blank),
from a joined species SIMILAR TO THE TRILL.
And I'm sure Trills see relationships and romance in a different way that humans. If you are in a relationship with a joined Trill, then you know than when the host die, you have to end the relationship, no matter than a part of your beloved one is in another host. And for what we saw in "Rejoined" that part of the new entity can still have feelings for their former partner. That has to make a difference.ç
Starting a new life with all the experiences, memories and feelings of the previous one has to change the way they see all aspects of life. Do you remember how Jadzia didn't care that much about the details of her wedding with Worf? Even when it was her only marriage, Dax had married several times already.
Then again, I find terribly odd that when everyone speak of Trills they talk about all Trills in general, when I'm thinking there must be a big difference between the ones joined to symbionts and the ones that aren't.
Except for that one visit to their homeworld, the shows only use Trills who were
joined with a symbiont. I wouldn't mind them using a few Trill who are not joined
in some series or another, even if they're minor walk-on characters.
( :D keep going. I'm having fun answering your post.
I hope people don't mind that I'm answering this several days later, when we're all suppose to be trying to guess other episode)
Well, since we're stuck on the current one, I don't think anyone will mind too much.
At the GSC, if someone dislikes your post, they will let you know in no uncertain terms.
"You'll find that more happens on the bridge of a starship than just carrying out orders and observing regulations. There is a sense of loyalty to the men and women you serve with. A sense of family. Those two men on trial... I served with them for a long time. I owe them my life a dozen times over. And right now they're in trouble and I'm going to help them; let the regulations be damned."
"That is a most illogical line of reasoning."
"You better believe it. Helm, engage!"
"Mr. Sulu, I see they have finally given you the captaincy you deserve."
"Thank you, Kang."
"Do not let it end prematurely."
"Enthraxic citrus peel, orange juice with just a hint of papalla seed extract. An experimental blend."
"The success rate of your culinary experiments has not been high."
"Ensign Golwat tried some yesterday, and she thought it was delicious. In fact, she had a second glass, and she never has seconds."
"Ensign Golwat is Bolian. Her tongue has a cartilaginous lining. It would protect her against even the most corrosive acid."
"If you were human, I'd say you had a severe panic attack."
"I am not human."
"No kidding."
"We could have just asked her."
"Asking female officers for their clothing could lead to misunderstanding."
"Space must have seemed a whole lot bigger back then. It's not surprising they had to bend the rules a little. They were a little slower to invoke the Prime Directive, and a little quicker to pull their phasers. Of course, the whole bunch of them would be booted out of Starfleet today. But I have to admit: I would have loved to ride shotgun at least once with a group of officers like that."
"If you're going to remain on my ship, you're going to have learn how to appreciate a joke. And don't tell me Vulcans don't have a sense of humor; because I know better."
"Outstanding! I may have to give you a promotion."
"That was not my motivation, Captain. I am not attempting to curry favor with you in any way."
[laughing] "Mr. Tuvok, if you're going to remain on my ship, you're gonna have to learn how to appreciate a joke. And don't tell me Vulcans don't have a sense of humor, because I know better."
"I will... work on it, sir."
"Structure. Logic. Function. Control. A structure cannot stand without a foundation. Logic is the foundation of function. Function is the essence of control. I am in control. I am in control."
"You'll find that more happens on the bridge of a starship than just carrying out orders and observing regulations. There is a sense of loyalty to the men and women you serve with. A sense of family. Those two men on trial... I served with them for a long time. I owe them my life a dozen times over. And right now they're in trouble and I'm going to help them; let the regulations be damned."
"That is a most illogical line of reasoning."
"You better believe it. Helm, engage!"
"Mr. Sulu, I see they have finally given you the captaincy you deserve."
"Thank you, Kang."
"Do not let it end prematurely."
"Enthraxic citrus peel, orange juice with just a hint of papalla seed extract. An experimental blend."
"The success rate of your culinary experiments has not been high."
"Ensign Golwat tried some yesterday, and she thought it was delicious. In fact, she had a second glass, and she never has seconds."
"Ensign Golwat is Bolian. Her tongue has a cartilaginous lining. It would protect her against even the most corrosive acid."
"If you were human, I'd say you had a severe panic attack."
"I am not human."
"No kidding."
"We could have just asked her."
"Asking female officers for their clothing could lead to misunderstanding."
"Space must have seemed a whole lot bigger back then. It's not surprising they had to bend the rules a little. They were a little slower to invoke the Prime Directive, and a little quicker to pull their phasers. Of course, the whole bunch of them would be booted out of Starfleet today. But I have to admit: I would have loved to ride shotgun at least once with a group of officers like that."
I was hoping that at least Maddy would have gotten this one. As Voyager episodes go, it was pretty memorable. In "Flashback," Tuvok is having psychotic episodes due to a repressed memory from early in his Starfleet career, when he was aboard the Excelsior at the time of "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country." Janeway agrees to help him by mind-melding, to get inside his memories. There were some obvious credibility concerns when Janeway is actually visible to the other crewmembers in Tuvok's memory; but it was nice to see Capt. Sulu, Cmdr. Janice Rand, and Kang. (I think this was an attempt to start a Sulu-based show.)
"some more blood, Chekov.the needle won't hurt, Chekov.take off your shirt, Chekov.roll over, Chekov.breathe deeply ,Chekov. blood sample, Chekov.marrow sample, Chekov. If I live long enough,I'll run out of samples"
"Where did your race get this ridiculous predilection for resistance, hmm? You examine any object. You... you question everything. Is it not enough to accept what is?"
"Jackson, the crew member who returned to the ship – you wondered what killed him. I made an image of him. In the essence of my thoughts, the image was Jackson. And when I killed the image, and knew that it was dead, he died!"
Well done! I was certain I would have to give more clues.
Don't forget, boys and girls, you need to name the series, also. (I'll let it pass this time. It was the original series. A married couple, members of yet another near-omnipotent race, quarrel over the Enterprise while appearing as a witch and warlock.)
Well done! I was certain I would have to give more clues.
Don't forget, boys and girls, you need to name the series, also. (I'll let it pass this time. It was the original series. A married couple, members of yet another near-omnipotent race, quarrel over the Enterprise while appearing as a witch and warlock.)
Go ahead, hiway!
Personally, I think if they remembered the EXACT episode title,
I think we can skip having them name the series.
Not that it isn't a good thing to name the series also,
but if they were EXACT, I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
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Sure explains why Curzon Dax hung out with Sisko,
then Jadzia Dax hung out with Sisko,
then Ezri Dax hung out with Sisko and everyone Jadzia hung out with.....
Then again, they also were specified as AVOIDING romantic relationships,
considering them as a weakness of the young.
Meanwhile, the first Trill we ever meet, Kareel Odan has no problem with them
no matter who's carrying the Odan symbiont,
(3 different hosts try to lip-mash Beverly Crusher)
and the Dax symbiont has no problem with that,
(Curzon died by Jamaharon, Jadzia got married....)
the Kahn symbiont has no problem with that
(the Kahn host married the Dax host....)
etc, etc.
From "A Man Alone".....
"DAX: It's time I explain that Trills don't look for romance the way humans do.
In fact, we consider it quite a nuisance.
BASHIR: A nuisance... ?
DAX: It is a weakness of the young... and although a Trill host may have these kinds of...(beat, distasteful)... feelings occasionally, it is our wish to live on a higher plane... to try to rise above those sorts of temptations..."
Anyone want me to post a counter-example, like Dax flirting in "Meridian"?
The writers weren't exactly consistent in their depictions of Trills and their
Then again, what they kept trying to say on paper ended up-predictably-
to be bad television and bad for the WRITERS.
(I hope I'm not spoiling anyone's fun- this is how I have fun! :) )
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Remind me to share some time how I tied together Black Zero and an old World's Finest comic. Anyway...
"Space must have seemed a whole lot bigger back then. It's not surprising they had to bend the rules a little. They were a little slower to invoke the Prime Directive, and a little quicker to pull their phasers. Of course, the whole bunch of them would be booted out of Starfleet today. But I have to admit: I would have loved to ride shotgun at least once with a group of officers like that."
"If you're going to remain on my ship, you're going to have learn how to appreciate a joke. And don't tell me Vulcans don't have a sense of humor; because I know better."
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I don't know the episode, but I am curious about the connection to a World's Finest comic.
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That wouldn't be the DS9 episode that interfaced with The Trouble With Tribbles, would it?
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No. Not even the right series.
The World's Finest story was from the 60's. Some scientist thought he had blown up Krypton. Superman "punished" him by making him see the destruction on some magic viewer that could dial up old light waves. Anyway, we see Jor-el saying something like, "A ray from Earth has been sent to stop our destruction -- but it's not having any effect!" The scientist is released from all the grief he's carried for years. Flash forward to the 70's and, I believe, and Action comic (maybe Superman). The evil Black Zero finds out that the instability in Krypton's core is subsiding, so he blows the planet up with a big bomb. Apparently (and unbeknown to DC's editors), the Earth scientist HAD succeeded in halting Krypton's destruction, only to have Black Zero finish the job. (As a final note, I seem to remember Superman teaming up with criminal Jax-ur to capture Black Zero. (After all, Krypton was his home, too.) Jax-ur gets exposed to red kryptonite, giving him a head like Medusa, and he turns Black Zero to stone! How DID they think this stuff up?) :)
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"Enthraxic citrus peel, orange juice with just a hint of papalla seed extract. An experimental blend."
"The success rate of your culinary experiments has not been high."
"Ensign Golwat tried some yesterday, and she thought it was delicious. In fact, she had a second glass, and she never has seconds."
"Ensign Golwat is Bolian. Her tongue has a cartilaginous lining. It would protect her against even the most corrosive acid."
"If you were human, I'd say you had a severe panic attack."
"I am not human."
"No kidding."
"We could have just asked her."
"Asking female officers for their clothing could lead to misunderstanding."
"Space must have seemed a whole lot bigger back then. It's not surprising they had to bend the rules a little. They were a little slower to invoke the Prime Directive, and a little quicker to pull their phasers. Of course, the whole bunch of them would be booted out of Starfleet today. But I have to admit: I would have loved to ride shotgun at least once with a group of officers like that."
"If you're going to remain on my ship, you're going to have learn how to appreciate a joke. And don't tell me Vulcans don't have a sense of humor; because I know better."
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One could say that the Dax symbiont was prone to disrespect rules. Curzon and Jadzia were known for not conforming with "normal" standards.
As for Ezri, she was never taught the rules of the "joined ones", she wasn't supposed to be joined with a symbiont. I guess it gave her less chances to fight the impulses of going back to Dax previous host friends.
Nothing they did with Odan was supposed to stick for long. He was a character in one episode and that was it. The mistake was to try to make one of the main characters in DS9 be of that species.
The most notorious of the changes was the appearance, as they probably thought it wasn't that great to have a pretty girl playing Jadzia to then put an ugly prosthetic in her forehead.
And I'm sure Trills see relationships and romance in a different way that humans. If you are in a relationship with a joined Trill, then you know than when the host die, you have to end the relationship, no matter than a part of your beloved one is in another host. And for what we saw in "Rejoined" that part of the new entity can still have feelings for their former partner. That has to make a difference.ç
Starting a new life with all the experiences, memories and feelings of the previous one has to change the way they see all aspects of life. Do you remember how Jadzia didn't care that much about the details of her wedding with Worf? Even when it was her only marriage, Dax had married several times already.
Then again, I find terribly odd that when everyone speak of Trills they talk about all Trills in general, when I'm thinking there must be a big difference between the ones joined to symbionts and the ones that aren't.
( :D keep going. I'm having fun answering your post.
I hope people don't mind that I'm answering this several days later, when we're all suppose to be trying to guess other episode)
Edited by MaddyLink to comment
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Good point about Ezri.
However, DAX was who told us that it was bad to HAVE relationships, etc.
If Dax thought the rule was a bad rule, that was an odd time to leave it out.
(I blame the writers. They kept coming up with sensible rules for symbionts that
were good ideas on paper, but made for more boring television.
For example, Ezri Dax was supposed to stay away from DS9.
Did the audience want that? Heck no! They wanted Dax back-
Ezri if they couldn't have Jadzia.)
Actually, that's EXACTLY what happened. They fitted Terry Farrell with a smaller
version of that forehead, and someone in charge HATED it.
It would have made a LOT more sense to say that Jadzia Dax was a (fill-in-the-blank),
from a joined species SIMILAR TO THE TRILL.
Except for that one visit to their homeworld, the shows only use Trills who were
joined with a symbiont. I wouldn't mind them using a few Trill who are not joined
in some series or another, even if they're minor walk-on characters.
Well, since we're stuck on the current one, I don't think anyone will mind too much.
At the GSC, if someone dislikes your post, they will let you know in no uncertain terms.
(So if they mind, we'll know very soon.) :)
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"You'll find that more happens on the bridge of a starship than just carrying out orders and observing regulations. There is a sense of loyalty to the men and women you serve with. A sense of family. Those two men on trial... I served with them for a long time. I owe them my life a dozen times over. And right now they're in trouble and I'm going to help them; let the regulations be damned."
"That is a most illogical line of reasoning."
"You better believe it. Helm, engage!"
"Mr. Sulu, I see they have finally given you the captaincy you deserve."
"Thank you, Kang."
"Do not let it end prematurely."
"Enthraxic citrus peel, orange juice with just a hint of papalla seed extract. An experimental blend."
"The success rate of your culinary experiments has not been high."
"Ensign Golwat tried some yesterday, and she thought it was delicious. In fact, she had a second glass, and she never has seconds."
"Ensign Golwat is Bolian. Her tongue has a cartilaginous lining. It would protect her against even the most corrosive acid."
"If you were human, I'd say you had a severe panic attack."
"I am not human."
"No kidding."
"We could have just asked her."
"Asking female officers for their clothing could lead to misunderstanding."
"Space must have seemed a whole lot bigger back then. It's not surprising they had to bend the rules a little. They were a little slower to invoke the Prime Directive, and a little quicker to pull their phasers. Of course, the whole bunch of them would be booted out of Starfleet today. But I have to admit: I would have loved to ride shotgun at least once with a group of officers like that."
"If you're going to remain on my ship, you're going to have learn how to appreciate a joke. And don't tell me Vulcans don't have a sense of humor; because I know better."
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"Outstanding! I may have to give you a promotion."
"That was not my motivation, Captain. I am not attempting to curry favor with you in any way."
[laughing] "Mr. Tuvok, if you're going to remain on my ship, you're gonna have to learn how to appreciate a joke. And don't tell me Vulcans don't have a sense of humor, because I know better."
"I will... work on it, sir."
"Structure. Logic. Function. Control. A structure cannot stand without a foundation. Logic is the foundation of function. Function is the essence of control. I am in control. I am in control."
"You'll find that more happens on the bridge of a starship than just carrying out orders and observing regulations. There is a sense of loyalty to the men and women you serve with. A sense of family. Those two men on trial... I served with them for a long time. I owe them my life a dozen times over. And right now they're in trouble and I'm going to help them; let the regulations be damned."
"That is a most illogical line of reasoning."
"You better believe it. Helm, engage!"
"Mr. Sulu, I see they have finally given you the captaincy you deserve."
"Thank you, Kang."
"Do not let it end prematurely."
"Enthraxic citrus peel, orange juice with just a hint of papalla seed extract. An experimental blend."
"The success rate of your culinary experiments has not been high."
"Ensign Golwat tried some yesterday, and she thought it was delicious. In fact, she had a second glass, and she never has seconds."
"Ensign Golwat is Bolian. Her tongue has a cartilaginous lining. It would protect her against even the most corrosive acid."
"If you were human, I'd say you had a severe panic attack."
"I am not human."
"No kidding."
"We could have just asked her."
"Asking female officers for their clothing could lead to misunderstanding."
"Space must have seemed a whole lot bigger back then. It's not surprising they had to bend the rules a little. They were a little slower to invoke the Prime Directive, and a little quicker to pull their phasers. Of course, the whole bunch of them would be booted out of Starfleet today. But I have to admit: I would have loved to ride shotgun at least once with a group of officers like that."
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The "we never saw Voyager" crowd requests another show.....
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I was hoping that at least Maddy would have gotten this one.
As Voyager episodes go, it was pretty memorable. In "Flashback," Tuvok is having psychotic episodes due to a repressed memory from early in his Starfleet career, when he was aboard the Excelsior at the time of "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country." Janeway agrees to help him by mind-melding, to get inside his memories. There were some obvious credibility concerns when Janeway is actually visible to the other crewmembers in Tuvok's memory; but it was nice to see Capt. Sulu, Cmdr. Janice Rand, and Kang. (I think this was an attempt to start a Sulu-based show.)
Hailing frequencies open. (Free post!)
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Since no one posted any new quotes, I'll leave you with a very easy one...
"Sir, I protest. I am not a merry man."
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Indeed. The classic NG episode "Qpid." (The line was spoken by Worf.)
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"May I say, Captain, that you are receiving a fine officer!"
"Thank you for your opinion. We will determine that for ourselves."
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Don't know the title, but that's the one where Riker learns to eat g'aaa (sic) for a sabbatical on a Klingon ship.
Good episode. Riker is one character I liked more as the show developed, but could never convince anyone else.
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Right. "A Matter of Honor." (And, by the way, I believe it's spelled 'gagh'.)
You're up.
Edited by GeorgeStGeorgeLink to comment
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C'mon, hiway. You're up!
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alright-since he's on my mind..
"some more blood, Chekov.the needle won't hurt, Chekov.take off your shirt, Chekov.roll over, Chekov.breathe deeply ,Chekov. blood sample, Chekov.marrow sample, Chekov. If I live long enough,I'll run out of samples"
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Yeah. Too bad about Walter's son.
Ironic that the episode you picked was "The Deadly Years." (Kirk and landing party all get old except for Chekov.)
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"Go back... go back... go back!"
"Remember the curse!"
"Wind shall rise..."
"And fog descend..."
"So leave here, all, or meet your end!"
"Where did your race get this ridiculous predilection for resistance, hmm? You examine any object. You... you question everything. Is it not enough to accept what is?"
"Jackson, the crew member who returned to the ship – you wondered what killed him. I made an image of him. In the essence of my thoughts, the image was Jackson. And when I killed the image, and knew that it was dead, he died!"
"You can't think a man to death."
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sounds like "Catspaw"
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Well done! I was certain I would have to give more clues.
Don't forget, boys and girls, you need to name the series, also. (I'll let it pass this time. It was the original series. A married couple, members of yet another near-omnipotent race, quarrel over the Enterprise while appearing as a witch and warlock.)
Go ahead, hiway!
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Personally, I think if they remembered the EXACT episode title,
I think we can skip having them name the series.
Not that it isn't a good thing to name the series also,
but if they were EXACT, I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
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