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Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]


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"Do you believe in the here-after?"


"Then you know what I'm here after!"

"We spent 35 million dollars on the space program. Now some people said that we should've given it to the poor."

"Now what do the poor know about running a space program?"

"How about coming up to my place?"

"Are you going to try anything fresh?"

"Nope. Same old stuff."

"Go to your room!"

"It's not fair."

"The preceding was recorded earlier because we were ashamed to do it now."

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"Do you believe in the here-after?"


"Then you know what I'm here after!"

"We spent 35 million dollars on the space program. Now some people said that we should've given it to the poor."

"Now what do the poor know about running a space program?"

"How about coming up to my place?"

"Are you going to try anything fresh?"

"Nope. Same old stuff."

"Go to your room!"

"It's not fair."

"The preceding was recorded earlier because we were ashamed to do it now."

"Hey, next week have we got a show... "

"This show has been prerecorded to give the cast a chance to get away."

"Miss Diller, what can a girl do about bad breath?"

"Keep your mouth shut."

"Do you know there's a small hotel in downtown Burbank?"

"No, but if you hum a few bars, I can fake it."

Edited by WordWolf
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well, now it sounds like 'Laugh -In'

Which it should, since it IS "Laugh-In."

I do believe he's right. The Burbank reference made it obvious. I assume the "hereafter" quotes were Arte Johnson with Ruth Buzzi.


I thought the announcer quotes about the prerecording were the best clue so far,

except for certain stock lines.

I was getting ready to begin posting the more famous stock lines, for that matter.

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you mean, "Sock it to me? Very interesting?" :biglaugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

"You hit him mighty hard, Pa."

"He was mighty big!"

"You can't buy it for money, marbles, or chalk Mr. Jackford. You are gonna keep your stock, your men, and your dogs off my property until I tell you different!"

"And if I don't?"

"I'll BURY them there!"

"Maybe I oughta rope & drag you for a while. A mouth full of foxtails might teach you some manners.....it taught me!"


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"A man doesn't run from a fight, Mark...but that doesn't mean you should go running *to* one, either."

‘‘When you start compromising principles, they’re no longer principles.’’

"You hit him mighty hard, Pa."

"He was mighty big!"

"You can't buy it for money, marbles, or chalk Mr. Jackford. You are gonna keep your stock, your men, and your dogs off my property until I tell you different!"

"And if I don't?"

"I'll BURY them there!"

"Maybe I oughta rope & drag you for a while. A mouth full of foxtails might teach you some manners.....it taught me!"


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, then...

Good evening. On Tuesday, we Americans will have the opportunity to exercise our role as citizens in a free democracy. Yet, only a third of the eligible voters will actually cast ballots. The other two-thirds are, in a sense, very lucky. Because they do not know what's going on.

Last week, I delivered a message on inflation. Since then, the dollar has dropped in value, the stock market has sustained record losses, and the whole sow price index increased 0.9%. In other words, our economic system is screwed, blued and tatooed! We just have to face the fact that there is simply no way to fight inflation in a capitolly-intensive, highly-technological, conflict-riddled, anything-for-a-thrill world of today. That's why, tonight, I want you to try to look for in inflation, an entirely new word: Inflation is our friend.

For example, consider this: in the year 2000, if current trends continue, the average blue-collar annual wage in this country will be $568,000. Think what this inflated world of the future will mean - most Americans will be millionaires. Everyone will feel like a bigshot. Wouldn't you like to own a $4,000 suit, and smoke a $75 cigar, drive a $600,000 car? I know I would! But what about people on fixed incomes? They have always been the true victims of inflation. That's why I will present to Congress the "Inflation Maintenance Program", whereby the U.S. Treasury will make up any inflation-caused losses to direct tax rebates to the public in cash. Then you may say, "Won't that cost a lot of money? Won't that increase the deficit?" Sure it will! But so what? We'll just print more money! We have the papers, we have the mints.. I can just call up the Bureau of Engraving and say, "Hi! This is Jimmy. Roll out some of them twenties! Print up a couple thousand sheets of those Century Notes!" Sure, all these dollars will cause even more inflation, but who cares? Everyone will be a millionaire!

In my speech last week, I said that America would have to undergo an austerity program, but since this revolutionary new approach welcomes inflation, our economy will be free to grow, and we can spend, spend, spend!


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Okay, then...

Good evening. On Tuesday, we Americans will have the opportunity to exercise our role as citizens in a free democracy. Yet, only a third of the eligible voters will actually cast ballots. The other two-thirds are, in a sense, very lucky. Because they do not know what's going on.

Last week, I delivered a message on inflation. Since then, the dollar has dropped in value, the stock market has sustained record losses, and the whole sow price index increased 0.9%. In other words, our economic system is screwed, blued and tatooed! We just have to face the fact that there is simply no way to fight inflation in a capitolly-intensive, highly-technological, conflict-riddled, anything-for-a-thrill world of today. That's why, tonight, I want you to try to look for in inflation, an entirely new word: Inflation is our friend.

For example, consider this: in the year 2000, if current trends continue, the average blue-collar annual wage in this country will be $568,000. Think what this inflated world of the future will mean - most Americans will be millionaires. Everyone will feel like a bigshot. Wouldn't you like to own a $4,000 suit, and smoke a $75 cigar, drive a $600,000 car? I know I would! But what about people on fixed incomes? They have always been the true victims of inflation. That's why I will present to Congress the "Inflation Maintenance Program", whereby the U.S. Treasury will make up any inflation-caused losses to direct tax rebates to the public in cash. Then you may say, "Won't that cost a lot of money? Won't that increase the deficit?" Sure it will! But so what? We'll just print more money! We have the papers, we have the mints.. I can just call up the Bureau of Engraving and say, "Hi! This is Jimmy. Roll out some of them twenties! Print up a couple thousand sheets of those Century Notes!" Sure, all these dollars will cause even more inflation, but who cares? Everyone will be a millionaire!

In my speech last week, I said that America would have to undergo an austerity program, but since this revolutionary new approach welcomes inflation, our economy will be free to grow, and we can spend, spend, spend!


Barrack Obama's State of the Union?

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  • modcat5 changed the title to Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]

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