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Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]


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After all, the guy died wearing a peanut suit, killed by an elephant.

Yeah--born in a trunk, died in a trunk!

Okay.   Forget what he was wearing! Suppose he hadn't been dressed as a peanut--would it still be funny?

...It could have been worse... he could have gone as Billy Banana--and had a gorilla peel him to death.

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"I saw your insurance chart once and it says the life expectancy of the average man is..."

"For your information, I look barely in my '40s. That hardly qualifies me for the home for the aged. Yet."

"You've been around so long and seen so much and done so much, and still manage to look so good."

"Thanks a lot!"

"I think you look real young. Honest. Younger than Joe Phillips' dad, younger than Claude Mesner's uncle, why even younger than..."

"Before you have me back in kindergarten, see who's at the door, will you?"


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"Aww! Turn Blue."

"This is a special delivery for Dad from the Universal Alumni Association."

"I wonder how much money they want now."

"Why don't you hold it up to the light so you can see it better?"

"Never thought of that. [Holds it up to the light] Can't see a thing."

"As long as it's addressed to me, do you mind letting me have it?"

"I saw your insurance chart once and it says the life expectancy of the average man is..."

"For your information, I look barely in my '40s. That hardly qualifies me for the home for the aged. Yet."

"You've been around so long and seen so much and done so much, and still manage to look so good."

"Thanks a lot!"

"I think you look real young. Honest. Younger than Joe Phillips' dad, younger than Claude Mesner's uncle, why even younger than..."

"Before you have me back in kindergarten, see who's at the door, will you?"


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Nope. Older show. Let me un-modify the quotes.

"Aww! Turn Blue."

"This is a special delivery for Dad from the Universal Alumni Association."

"I wonder how much money they want now."

"Bud, why don't you hold it up to the light so you can see it better?"

"Never thought of that. [Holds it up to the light] Can't see a thing."

"As long as it's addressed to me, do you mind letting me have it?"

"I saw your insurance chart once and it says the life expectancy of the average man is..."

"For your information, I look barely in my '40s. That hardly qualifies me for the home for the aged. Yet."

"You've been around so long and seen so much and done so much, and still manage to look so good."

"Thanks a lot!"

"I think you look real young. Honest. Younger than Joe Phillips' dad, younger than Claude Mesner's uncle, why even younger than..."

"Bud, before you have me back in kindergarten, see who's at the door, will you?"


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I'm working on a novel. Going on six years now. I think I might finish it tonight.

You're writing a novel?

No, reading it.

What are you all sitting around here like a bunch of wimps for?

It's what wimps do.

And everyone knows that hate is not the opposite of love. Indifference is.

Well, whatever you say. I really don't care.

You know, I really think I can put together a great Thanksgiving dinner. This'll be the second one that I've cooked, and believe me, the first one was not the disaster that my family said it was. Those kids had a pretty good time in that ambulance.

Interesting little article here. It says that, uh... the average human being only uses seventeen percent of his brain. Boy, you realize what that means? We don't use a full, uh... sixty-four percent.

Some don't use even more.

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Okie Dokie Steve! Here goes:

...Do you realize the danger you're in? If you live like one of them for a year... without practicing your trade... you become one of them.

Exactly... I want nothing more than to be married, be a good housewife and a helpmate to the man I love.

To think I would ever hear my own daughter say a thing like that!

Mother, you're treating me like a baby!

You are a baby. You've barely learned to fly.

Well, we haven't planned to do a lot of flying.



That's an interesting brew. What does it do?

I was trying to bake a cake. Mother, I don't know how I'm going to manage. I've got to do the dishes, clean the kitchen, vacuum and dust, make the beds, shop and then prepare dinner.

What's that?

It washes dishes.

Imagine! Do you know the right words?

You don't use words... you just press this button.

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