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Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]


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Wow, either you're really good, or I'm making these way too easy!!

Night Court it is!!

Either that or we like the same stuff cuz' there's plenty of times that I don't have a clue.

The "time served" part may have triggered a memory-Judge Stone said that a lot in sentencing.

This was my thinking:

Read the quotes - thought Comedy.

Keyed in on "Your Honor" - thought Courtroom Comedy.

The only Courtroom Comedy that I know of is Night Court, which I like, watch (even in reruns) and think is hilarious.

So, really it was a lucky guess - I don't actually have any superhuman powers of TV show discernment. :biglaugh:

Anyway, here's a new one:

When your mother-in-law and me was goin' around together, it was two years - we never - I never - I mean absolutely nothin', not 'til the wedding night.

Yeah, and even then...

I just thank God I'm an atheist.

Little boys who play with dolls grow up to be other boys' roommates.

Whatever happened to the good old days when kids was scared to death of their parents?

Edited by bfh
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Here's the previous clues:

When your mother-in-law and me was goin' around together, it was two years - we never - I never - I mean absolutely nothin', not 'til the wedding night.

Yeah, and even then...

I just thank God I'm an atheist.

Little boys who play with dolls grow up to be other boys' roommates.

Whatever happened to the good old days when kids was scared to death of their parents?

Here's some new clues:

Who put the last roll of terlit paper on the spool up there?

I did.

I mighta knew that. The terlit paper is supposed to go over the spool not under.

Hey it just occurred to me, Mickey Mouse is black.

Mickey Mouse ain't got no race. He represents all men.

Oh, I guess that's why Walt made him a mouse.

Well in the words of Harry S. Truman, if it's too hot in the kitchen, stay away from the cook.

How did you hurt your back?

Lifting a hibachi.

What a dope, you lifted a motorcycle?

The Lord wants you to come to him on your knees, not wigglin' and jigglin' 'til your parts fall off.

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"I worry. I mean, little things bother me. I'm a worrier. I mean, little insignificant details - I lose my appetite. I can't eat. My wife, she says to me, 'you know, you can really be pain.'"

"I gotta take off this coat. I can't think in this coat...THE COAT, I can't think in the coat."

"I don't thinks it's proving anything Doc, as a matter of fact I don't even know what it means. It's just one of those things that gets in my head and keeps rolling around in there like a marble."


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"Oh, my God, what is this? Why is he wearing a helmet?"

"To protect his head."

"It must be so uncomfortable."

"Oh, he'll get used to it. I used to wear one when I was his age."

"Your parents made you wear a helmet?"



"I thought you were afraid of heights."

"Snakes trump heights. It goes-germs, needles, milk, death, snakes, mushrooms, heights, crowds, elevators."


"So you remember how many empty boxes you saw?"

It's a blessing, and a curse. It's a gift... and a curse.""

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The first 2 quotes are from Yosemite Sam- The first while he's trying to 'draw a gun', the second during a shootout with Bugs Bunny on a train.

it's either 'Bugs Bunny Rides Again',

or one of the other Bugs, Sam westerns.

The next 2 quote are from Bugs-can't remember the title off hand but it's one of the 2 that feature the mad scientist and his odd, hairy ,monster.

Bugs feels like he's being watched from his rabbit hole because he is-by the mad scientist .

Bugs says the 'little slice of heaven' remark, as he tries to leave the scientists castle by packing a suitcase with clothes he doesn't own.

That good enough ?

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