I'd guess "Legend" (the Richard Dean Anderson show) or "Peacemakers" (the Tom Berenger show on TNT), but neither of them would have referred to a "space helmet." (Both were set in the late 1800's.)
You watched the black-and-white Dr Who episodes with the First Doctor????
I wasn't sure they aired them in the US.....
that quote was actually from the Pilot serial "an Unearthly Child." when Who2 was hot in the 70's PBS did a special "the Making of Dr Who" which featured parts of the original episodes. When I heard it, it so reminded me of my Poli-Sci Prof that I wrote it on the cover of my binder.
I watched Dr. Who reruns on PBS in the early 80's. What amazed me was that the shows had no set length (30 min., 1 hr., whatever) but just sort of played until they were done.
I don't get the SciFi channel, but I have seen a couple of the new Dr. Whos. Seems to carry the spirit of the old (but in a one hour format!).
not Family Affair... Mid 90's sitcom had a tragic change in characters mid season, which was probably its death knell..
Here is a bit more
[Reading cards from the complaint box]
"You suck." "You suck." "Howard Stern rules." "If you can read this you are a dork." "Coupon for one free kiss from Joe if you are a girl." "We need more complaint cards." "Coupon for one free kiss from Joe if you are a guy."
[pulling out a fortune cookie slip] "You will go on a journey, happy long time." "Matthew is a moron." "No I'm not." "Yes you are." "No I'm not infinity." "Yes you are infinity plus one." And this one, "I have doobie in my funk," which I assume is some sort of reference to the Parliament Funkadelic song, "Chocolate City." Uh, "You got peanut butter in my chocolate. You got chocolate in my peanut butter. Together they taste like crap." "Matthew has been staring at me all day... and I like it." I don't think I get this one, it says, "I try to be good hard-worker-man, but refrigemater so messy, so so messy."
I think that one's probably from Milos, the janitor.
Oh. Refrigem... oh, then that one's legitimate.
[continues reading the complaint cards]
Uh, "Who's the black private dick who's the sex machine with all the chicks."
I thought we'd all enjoy that.
[reading one last card] And, "Help, I'm being held prisoner in a complaint box," which is actually kinda funny.
The first was a Discourse between Jimmy James (Steven Root) and a prospective bride
The Second was a staff meetig where David Nelson (Dave Foley) was reading comments from a suggestion box that he had placed in the office...
Phil Harman was the Character Change; Jon Lovitz replaced him following his Suicide
Interesting Trivia from the internet: During the credits, Dave Foley's name is shown over a shot of the twin towers of the World Trade Center. The towers were nicknamed David and Nelson. Foley's character is named Dave Nelson. According to Paul Simms, the shows creator, this is just a coincidence.
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Wow. This one's been dormant for a while... "Uh I've just been handed a news flash. The word "Canada" is unrhymeable. It's easier to - I don't know - get drunk and try to climb a bull
Some one take this for me I'm still cutting down Scotch Pines in the Yukon... Thanks
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Ok, here's another one.
"No one can pull the wool over my eyes. Cashmere maybe, but wool, never."
"Cuneiform, which is the oldest form of writing, was invented by the Assyrians.
But I read it as though it was Boustrophedon, you see?"
"I see fine. I also hear pretty good, too. But I didn't understand one word you said."
(BTW, Cuneiform was probably invented by the SUMERIANS-so the quoted statement
is correctly quoted, but factually wrong.)
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Ok, here's another one.
"No one can pull the wool over my eyes. Cashmere maybe, but wool, never."
"Cuneiform, which is the oldest form of writing, was invented by the Assyrians.
But I read it as though it was Boustrophedon, you see?"
"I see fine. I also hear pretty good, too. But I didn't understand one word you said."
(BTW, Cuneiform was probably invented by the SUMERIANS-so the quoted statement
is correctly quoted, but factually wrong.)
"Now how did I know it was inhabited? That helicopter pilot told me this place was out of sight man!"
"We MUST be way out! Get a load of these characters!"
"I don't know how we're going to explain to our friends that we spent several years with people
who aren't even in the social register."
"Do you think I began a dozen international corporations by stooping to thievery?"
"Well, of course not."
"Shows how naive you are. How else do you get to the top of the corporate ladder?"
"Why, do you know what it would take? It would take a polyester derivative of an organic hydroxide molecule."
"Watch your language! You're in the presence of a lady!"
"Acidus Salicilicus! (That's aspirin.)"
"Acidus Salicilius, yes! I'll buy you one, I'll buy you a dozen!"
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Still hanging from a big Doug Fir.... it really sounds tlike that place where Ginger and Mary Ann spent some time
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I agree with wasway. Sounds like "Gilligan's Island."
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So, wasway,
is your plan for the foreseeable future to give the answers- or drop giveaway hints that tell
everyone else the answer, ending the question-
only to not take a turn posting shows and so on?
It takes time to pick a good show/movie/whatever, and to find good quotes from them,
and so on. With us taking turns, we all get to guess, and we all put time into posting them.
Have you decided to skip the "work" on the threads?
It's fine for you to do so-but posting the answers or giveaways that hand off the answers
isn't fair if you're not going to take your turn like everyone else.
You could always guess the answers and pm the person and let the rest of us
play normally.
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Yes, it was Gilligan's Island.
"No one can pull the wool over my eyes. Cashmere maybe, but wool, never."
Mr Howell.
"Cuneiform, which is the oldest form of writing, was invented by the Assyrians.
But I read it as though it was Boustrophedon, you see?"
"I see fine. I also hear pretty good, too. But I didn't understand one word you said."
The Professor and Gilligan, when they found that tablet with the directions off the island.
(BTW, Cuneiform was probably invented by the SUMERIANS-so the quoted statement
is correctly quoted, but factually wrong.)
His explanation continued that all ancient forms of writing went from right to left (like Cuneiform),
but he read from left to right (like Boustrophedon.)
That's incorrect- Boustrophedon alternates direction with lines- it's "oxbow-turning."
Here's a sample of how that works:
Boustrophedon is a style of writing where the written lines alternated directions, so that the first line reads
.left to right from reads line next the but right to left from
"Now how did I know it was inhabited? That helicopter pilot told me this place was out of sight man!"
"We MUST be way out! Get a load of these characters!"
That episode when that Beatles-like group landed on the island.
"I don't know how we're going to explain to our friends that we spent several years with people
who aren't even in the social register."
Mr and Mrs Howell, of course.
"Do you think I began a dozen international corporations by stooping to thievery?"
"Well, of course not."
"Shows how naive you are. How else do you get to the top of the corporate ladder?"
Mr Howell and the Professor.
"Why, do you know what it would take? It would take a polyester derivative of an organic hydroxide molecule."
"Watch your language! You're in the presence of a lady!"
The Professor and Mrs Howell.
"Acidus Salicilicus! (That's aspirin.)"
"Acidus Salicilius, yes! I'll buy you one, I'll buy you a dozen!"
The Professor and Mrs Howell, when Mrs Howell was trying to make Mr Howell jealous, and whispered
to the Professor to say something scientific.
So, it's supposed to be waysider's turn, but I'm flexible about who takes it.
Therefore, whoever DOES post the next one, it's THEIR turn!
(Free shot for any poster.)
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I'll post another.
Please, no cheating/looking it up, and no posting spoilers if you looked it up.
"Your arrogance is nearly as great as your ignorance."
"There is no indignity in being afraid to die, but there is a terrible shame in being afraid to live."
"It was your instincts and intuition against my logic, and you succeeded."
"You know, I am so constantly outwitting the opposition, I tend to forget the delight and satisfaction of the arts...
the gentle art of fisticuffs."
"What do you think of that, now, eh? A Viking helmet."
"What do you mean, 'maybe'? What do you think it is, a space helmet for a cow?"
"How do you know?"
"I don't know, I'm guessing."
""He's fortunate. I spared him."
"You mean you missed him."
"I think you'll find, Sir, that I'm qualified to deal with practically everything, if I choose."
""Jo, it's a pity escapology wasn't part of your curriculum."
"Funny you should say that. Look."*having slipped a restraint*
"Look, try and use your intelligence, man, even if you are a politician."
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I'd guess "Legend" (the Richard Dean Anderson show) or "Peacemakers" (the Tom Berenger show on TNT), but neither of them would have referred to a "space helmet." (Both were set in the late 1800's.)
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It's neither show, and I'm fairly confident neither man appeared on this show, nor were asked to appear
on this show.
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"So you're my replacements.
A dandy and a clown!"
"When I say, 'run', run. RUN!"
"... If you are him it should fit. That settles it!"
"I'd like to see a butterfly fit into a chrysalis case after it spreads its wings."
"Oh, I see you've re-decorated, I don't like it.
You haven't been trying to play this have you?"
“The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of altering their views to fit the facts,
they alter the facts to fit their views...which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.”
"“First things first, but not necessarily in that order.”
""What are we going to do now?"
"Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?"
""Nothing to do with you surprises me any more."
"Thank you for the compliment."
""So why don't you consult those all-powerful superiors of yours?"
"Oh, right now they're far from superior. That's why they left it up to me and me and me."
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So, wasway,
is your plan for the foreseeable future to give the answers- or drop giveaway hints that tell
everyone else the answer, ending the question-
only to not take a turn posting shows and so on?
Honestly WW, I just didn't want to be a hog about it, and give others a chance to play..
But.. I will unwrap this scarf and Tell You Who you are Quoting

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Took me a minute to get that scarf unwrapped.
I got it on the very first Quote "Your arrogance is nearly as great as your ignorance." I had that quote on a binder when I was in School
'Dr Who"
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I have to leave for work So I am going to post this one now. If "Dr Who" isn't correct, please disregard.
Melanie, I'm single, you're single, what do you say we get married?
Well, I'm glad you finally decided on the direct approach.
Well, I'm a businessman at heart.
As am I. What's your offer?
Single rich male seeks matrimony.
Primary residence?
Westchester County.
Would you be open to considering a secondary residence in Manhattan?
Central Park West?
Done. Time spent together?
8 hours, 5 days a week.
7 hours, 12 hours weekends.
55 hours aggregate, specifics to be determined later.
I'm amenable to that. Children?
Done. But, one of them has to be a male.
I'll see what I can do. Vacation?
December, Hawaii.
June, the Vineyard.
June, fine, but Hawaii.
Nope, the Vineyard.
Is that a deal breaker for you?
I'm afraid so.
Me too. Well, we gave it a shot.
I'm sure you'll find a better match.
Thanks for the time.
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You watched the black-and-white Dr Who episodes with the First Doctor????
I wasn't sure they aired them in the US.....
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I thought these were the quotes that would to start ringing a bell.
"So you're my replacements.
A dandy and a clown!"
During "the Three Doctors", when all 3 Doctors were crossed in time, this was what
the First said to the other 2.
William Hartnell died shortly after this special. They rewrote the script so he could participate.
He was supposed to be a full adventurer, but he was suffering from dementia at times,
wasn't up to the running around, and his memory often clicked off.
So they rewrote the script so he was able to fill his scenes seated, with cue cards right next to
the camera, and he sounded perfectly intelligent as he advised the other 2 Doctors.
There was also one scene filmed of him in his garden. The other Doctors rehearsed to respond
to the prefilmed Hartnell scenes so it seemed they were all on together.
The promotional pics showed them all standing together, which he was able to do.
Mrs Hartnell said he was delighted to participate, and it meant a lot to him to do so.
"When I say, 'run', run. RUN!"
The Second Doctor said that a LOT.
"... If you are him it should fit. That settles it!"
"I'd like to see a butterfly fit into a chrysalis case after it spreads its wings."
The Doctor after a "regeneration."
For those unfamiliar with Doctor Who, The Doctor (no other name) is a TimeLord from Gallifrey.
The TimeLords travel through time and space in their craft. The Doctor's first companion named
his craft TARDIS-Time And Relative Dimensions In Space- since it's bigger on the inside
than the outside. When a Gallifreyan is fatally wounded, he/she goes into hibernation,
and leaves hibernation looking completely different.
(This happened every time a different actor was going to play The Doctor.)
"Oh, I see you've re-decorated, I don't like it.
You haven't been trying to play this have you?"
"The Three Doctors", 2nd Doctor to 3rd Doctor, upon viewing the TARDIS control room
and his own recorder flute.
“The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of altering their views to fit the facts,
they alter the facts to fit their views...which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.”
"“First things first, but not necessarily in that order.”
""What are we going to do now?"
"Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?"
The second (funnier) Doctor, during the crisis in "the Three Doctors".
""Nothing to do with you surprises me any more."
"Thank you for the compliment."
"The Brig" of UNIT, upon discussion with both Doctors he knew, "the Three Doctors."
""So why don't you consult those all-powerful superiors of yours?"
"Oh, right now they're far from superior. That's why they left it up to me and me and me."
"The Brig", again, addressing the Doctor. He was referring to the TimeLords, who resorted to a desperate
tactic by bringing the Doctor's other selves from their own times.
"The Three Doctors" was a really famous story in Doctor Who. I vaguely recall seeing part of
it when it aired in the US originally. (Very vaguely, I didn't have an introduction to him and
couldn't follow the story without one.)
I was getting ready to post quotes from the Fourth Doctor, the one with the scarf.
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that quote was actually from the Pilot serial "an Unearthly Child." when Who2 was hot in the 70's PBS did a special "the Making of Dr Who" which featured parts of the original episodes. When I heard it, it so reminded me of my Poli-Sci Prof that I wrote it on the cover of my binder.
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My earliest memory of Dr Who on PBS was Who3- Jon Pertwee, the guy with the
white curly hair, lace collar, and sci-fi car.
Patrick Traughton was the guy with the flute and the bowl haircut like Moe from the
Three Stooges. Was there really a time when he was the Doctor and it was popular
in the US? Wow.
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I watched Dr. Who reruns on PBS in the early 80's. What amazed me was that the shows had no set length (30 min., 1 hr., whatever) but just sort of played until they were done.
I don't get the SciFi channel, but I have seen a couple of the new Dr. Whos. Seems to carry the spirit of the old (but in a one hour format!).
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Meanwhile, I'll take a wild swing on your show.
"Family Affair"?
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not Family Affair... Mid 90's sitcom had a tragic change in characters mid season, which was probably its death knell..
Here is a bit more
[Reading cards from the complaint box]
"You suck." "You suck." "Howard Stern rules." "If you can read this you are a dork." "Coupon for one free kiss from Joe if you are a girl." "We need more complaint cards." "Coupon for one free kiss from Joe if you are a guy."
[pulling out a fortune cookie slip] "You will go on a journey, happy long time." "Matthew is a moron." "No I'm not." "Yes you are." "No I'm not infinity." "Yes you are infinity plus one." And this one, "I have doobie in my funk," which I assume is some sort of reference to the Parliament Funkadelic song, "Chocolate City." Uh, "You got peanut butter in my chocolate. You got chocolate in my peanut butter. Together they taste like crap." "Matthew has been staring at me all day... and I like it." I don't think I get this one, it says, "I try to be good hard-worker-man, but refrigemater so messy, so so messy."
I think that one's probably from Milos, the janitor.
Oh. Refrigem... oh, then that one's legitimate.
[continues reading the complaint cards]
Uh, "Who's the black private dick who's the sex machine with all the chicks."
I thought we'd all enjoy that.
[reading one last card] And, "Help, I'm being held prisoner in a complaint box," which is actually kinda funny.
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Ok, tragic replacement.
That's 3 shows I can think of.
90's- that eliminates one show.
The other two were both set in NYC, which your initial quote suggested.
I was going to go with one, but on reflection I'm going with the other.
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The first was a Discourse between Jimmy James (Steven Root) and a prospective bride
The Second was a staff meetig where David Nelson (Dave Foley) was reading comments from a suggestion box that he had placed in the office...
Phil Harman was the Character Change; Jon Lovitz replaced him following his Suicide
Interesting Trivia from the internet: During the credits, Dave Foley's name is shown over a shot of the twin towers of the World Trade Center. The towers were nicknamed David and Nelson. Foley's character is named Dave Nelson. According to Paul Simms, the shows creator, this is just a coincidence.
Your Turn WW
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Well, I couldn't find any good quotes for the Banana Splits, so here's something else.
" Most Americans don't realize what we owe to the ancient Incas. Very few appreciate they gave us the white potato and many varieties of Indian corn."
"Now whenever I eat mashed potatoes, I for one will think of the Incas."
"Am I ever glad I take good care of my teeth!"
"True. You owe your life to dental hygiene."
"He's from Philadelphia."
"How did you know?"
"You dipped your diphthong. People from Philadelphia are known for that."
"Would you like to come in for a glass of milk and cookies?"
"I'm afraid it's rather late. Why, it's 10:30!"
Knowing this set of posters, I imagine someone's already got it!
(Although I'm confident I'd need another set if I were guessing.)
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