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Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]


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"Why did these people give up all their things, and head west in covered wagons?"

"Cause if they headed east, they would have drowned?"


"Mike, a voice just came out of the radiator and it sounded a lot like God!"

"No, ..., that's Jimmy."

"You call Him Jimmy?"


"Okay, what in the name of Jimmy is going on down here?"

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Sorry: danged real life getting in the way of the important things, like the name that TV show thread!

"What does RSVP mean?"

"Don't be an idiot, Stinky, it means Refreshments Served at Vito's Party!"


"My father built this cabin by hand."

"Wow! No tools or anything? Cool!"


"What do you know about guys?"

"Well, I've been one for fifteen years."

"But you're nineteen."

"Interesting story..."

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"It's not like Diana to forget things. She's usually very efficient."

"Really? She seems so plain and uninteresting. Her coloring is rather like wet Bisquick, and I'm sure she's blind as a bat without those glasses."

"You work for a man?"


"So he tells you what to do and you do it?"



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"Pappy" was often 'quoted' on this show. I thought this was easy for the codgers here, but this series has been strangely absent from reruns or dvd's. It's only one of my 5 favorite shows.

It began with 1 person quoting pappy, then soon became 2. There were 2 more 'pretenders' later in the series, but they don't count.

oh-and no-it's not Popeye, though Poopdeck Pappy is a fine character.

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Yes, it's Maverick.

The movie is nowhere near as entertaining as the series was. The original series that is, not the 80's 'Bret Maverick'.

It was nice in the Gibson film that James Garner turned out to be Pappy. Garner did play Pappy once in the original series in a dual role, though the character was more effective when being referred to, without seeing him.

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Ok, let's see....

"Is anyone else having problems concentrating on this? I just can't seem to concentrate."

"Maybe we should send you to a concentration camp."

"Maury, I am out of control. Yeah, I use drugs. I can do what I waunt, biatch! Yeah, I have sex, and I don't use protection!"

" Don't worry. There are no stupid answers, just stupid people. "

"Do your impersonation of David Caruso's career!"

"You know what? I've learned something today..."

"Well, that about does it. If you have any questions, I'll leave information packets up front."

"Oh that's good, we need some more toilet paper."

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"Is anyone else having problems concentrating on this? I just can't seem to concentrate."

"Maybe we should send you to a concentration camp."

"Maury, I am out of control. Yeah, I use drugs. I can do what I waunt, biatch! Yeah, I have sex, and I don't use protection!"

" Don't worry. There are no stupid answers, just stupid people. "

"Do your impersonation of David Caruso's career!"

"You know what? I've learned something today..."

"Well, that about does it. If you have any questions, I'll leave information packets up front."

"Oh that's good, we need some more toilet paper."

Respect my authorit-ay!"

"But, I'm a psychic."

"No, dude. You're a douche."

"I'm not a douche. What if I really believed dead people talk to me?"

"Then, you're a STUPID douche."

"Umm, Mom..."

"Yes, honey?"

"Um, can I got to the Special Olympics and beat all the special children?"

"No, honey, I believe that is for special children."

"You mean, I'm not special? I thought you said I was special!"

"Okay, children. Let's all gather around and bob for stupid apples now. You go first, Bebe.

That's good. Just use those mouth muscles like the girls in Beijing."

"TIMAH! And the Lords of the Underworld!"

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  • modcat5 changed the title to Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]

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