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Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]


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Thank you George-it was the Monkees.

The 'bird brain' line was from the pilot episode. It was Peter's 'introduction', with Micky dragging him by the collar.Peter was designed to be the 'dumb' Monkee in the beginning, which is interesting in that the other's real life personalities pretty much became their show character's, while Peter remained 'dumb'-though 'evolving' into a stoned hippie type dumb.

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It could be called Mid-life, perhaps you need glasses. :o

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Sorry to hear that!

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((((((Wordwolf))))))))))Yer up!

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Ok, let's see....

"...the sound a dog makes."

"Um............who is John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band, thankyouverymuch, I'll take Animal Sounds for $800 please!"

"No! Good Lord! We would've accepted 'bow-wow' or 'ruff'!"

"Ah, ruff. Just the way your mother likes it!"

"the category was Numbers, and you wrote.. ..a letter V. Well, I tell you what, my friend - V is a Roman numeral, so despite your best efforts, you answered correctly."

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Ok, let's see....

"...the sound a dog makes."

"Um............who is John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band, thankyouverymuch, I'll take Animal Sounds for $800 please!"

"No! Good Lord! We would've accepted 'bow-wow' or 'ruff'!"

"Ah, ruff. Just the way your mother likes it!"

"the category was Numbers, and you wrote.. ..a letter V. Well, I tell you what, my friend - V is a Roman numeral, so despite your best efforts, you answered correctly."

"Outer Space: The Last Frontier.

These are the trips of the Star Trek Enterprise. Its five year plan calls for us to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly fly where no man has gone in space. Live long, and be happy."

"We're very busy right now! If you haven't heard, Voldemort has returned and is trying to recruit the Dementors to take over Hogwarts!"

"Hey, Potter, cool it with the nerd stuff. Shut up."

"Listen, we got a place off campus and a mini-fridge filled with butterbeer."

"I'm sorry boys, we can't waste time. We'll celebrate after we defeat Voldemort."

"What a tease."

Edited by WordWolf
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Harry Potter is not a TV show.

That quote was not from any HP movie nor book.

Nor has JK Rowling authorized any TV show appearances

of any of the characters. (To the best of my knowledge.)

All of those quotes, however, ARE quotes from a TV show-

if not from the same EPISODE.

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Ok, let's see....

"...the sound a dog makes."

"Um............who is John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band, thankyouverymuch, I'll take Animal Sounds for $800 please!"

"No! Good Lord! We would've accepted 'bow-wow' or 'ruff'!"

"Ah, ruff. Just the way your mother likes it!"

"the category was Numbers, and you wrote.. ..a letter V. Well, I tell you what, my friend - V is a Roman numeral, so despite your best efforts, you answered correctly."

"Outer Space: The Last Frontier.

These are the trips of the Star Trek Enterprise. Its five year plan calls for us to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly fly where no man has gone in space. Live long, and be happy."

"We're very busy right now! If you haven't heard, Voldemort has returned and is trying to recruit the Dementors to take over Hogwarts!"

"Hey, Potter, cool it with the nerd stuff. Shut up."

"Listen, we got a place off campus and a mini-fridge filled with butterbeer."

"I'm sorry boys, we can't waste time. We'll celebrate after we defeat Voldemort."

"What a tease."

""Hey! Who's that Spartan doin' some Tai Chi?"

"It's me! It's me!"

""I said who's that Spartan doin' some Tai Chi?"

"It's me! It's me!"

"I deserve good things. I am entitled to my share of happiness. I refuse to beat myself up. I am attractive person. I am fun to be with."

"I'm going to do a terrific show today! And I'm gonna help people! Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me!"

"Well, I can tell by the empty bottle of Courvoisier that it is time to say goodnight."

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  WordWolf said:
Ok, let's see....

"...the sound a dog makes."

"Um............who is John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band, thankyouverymuch, I'll take Animal Sounds for $800 please!"

"No! Good Lord! We would've accepted 'bow-wow' or 'ruff'!"

"Ah, ruff. Just the way your mother likes it!"

"the category was Numbers, and you wrote.. ..a letter V. Well, I tell you what, my friend - V is a Roman numeral, so despite your best efforts, you answered correctly."

Those were from their Celebrity Jeopardy parodies. They kept bringing in a Sean Connery who kept

making rude comments about Alex Trebek's mother. And the celebrities could never get ANYTHING

right. Even Trebek himself has said he'd never keep his cool if faced with contestants that rude.

"Outer Space: The Last Frontier.

These are the trips of the Star Trek Enterprise. Its five year plan calls for us to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly fly where no man has gone in space. Live long, and be happy."

Patrick Stewart's monologue, when he hosts SNL. He deadpans that he's a Star Trek fountain

of trivia-and proceeds to recite all sorts of incorrect trivia. He dedicated this recital of

the traditional Star Trek opening-which is obviously incorrect- to Leonard Portnoy.

You know, the other medical officer, Dr Spock, the half-human, half-Volcano...

"We're very busy right now! If you haven't heard, Voldemort has returned and is trying to recruit the Dementors to take over Hogwarts!"

"Hey, Potter, cool it with the nerd stuff. Shut up."

"Listen, we got a place off campus and a mini-fridge filled with butterbeer."

"I'm sorry boys, we can't waste time. We'll celebrate after we defeat Voldemort."

"What a tease."

Lindsay Lohan hosts SNL. She plays Hermione in a Harry Potter spoof.

She's the only one who doesn't realize she's physically a lot hotter after the summer than she

was at the beginning of the summer, and all the guys keep reacting. In this quote,

Fred and George are trying to get somewhere with her.

""Hey! Who's that Spartan doin' some Tai Chi?"

"It's me! It's me!"

""I said who's that Spartan doin' some Tai Chi?"

"It's me! It's me!"

One of the many cheerleading segments, with the cheerleaders that never quite

make it onto the real Spartan cheerleading team, and show up to cheer for events

that they don't make, like swim meets and chess tournaments.

"I deserve good things. I am entitled to my share of happiness. I refuse to beat myself up. I am attractive person. I am fun to be with."

"I'm going to do a terrific show today! And I'm gonna help people! Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me!"

The opening for "Daily Affirmation, with Stuart Smalley."

"Well, I can tell by the empty bottle of Courvoisier that it is time to say goodnight."

The traditional signal for Leon Phelps, Ladies Man, to close his show-

he's out of Courvoisier.

And Frasier's had, like, a 10-year run, and I commented this show lasted a lot longer.

SNL's had more than 25 years in its run so far....

Go, Raf!

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"I need it, Richard. Give it to me."


"The speech. Why we do what we do."

"Oh, I am not really in the mood after..."

"PLEASE, Richard. I NEED it. Please give it to me. And don't just phone it in."


"Please! Can't you see how demoralized I am?"

"OK. There are heroes in this world. They're called District Attorneys. They don't get to have clients, people who smile at them at the end of the trial, who look them in the eye and say, "thank you." Nobody is there to appreciate the District Attorney, because we work for the state. And our gratitude comes only from knowing there's a tide out there. A tide the size of a tsunami coming out of a bottomless cesspool. A tide called crime, which, if left unchecked will rob every American of his freedom. A tide which strips individuals of the privilege of being able to, to walk down a dark street or take twenty dollars out of an ATM machine without fear of being mugged. All Congress does is talk, but it's the District Attorney who grabs his sword, who digs into the trenches and fights the fight. Who dogs justice day, after day, after day without thanks, without so much as a simple pat on the back. But we do it. We do it, we do it because we are the crusaders, the last frontier of American justice. Knowing that if a man cannot feel safe, he can never, never feel free."

"Thank you."

Edited by Raf
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