The culture has changed. TWI will never be what it was. Never. What it was isn't exactly something to brag about anyways. TWI has changed. Most of the people involved are very different from "the good ol' daze" and policies whether written or unwritten are beyond repair without starting over completely and forming a different group all together.
To put it in one word...
Unless they can destory the internet, twi will never be able to have a comeback. Here, their past will forever be exposed, their wrong or incorrect doctrine will be proven false, the lawsuits will be spotlighted (is that a word), and their website will be laughed at. With the exception of a few wacked coolaid drinkers, dispite whatever twi says people of this age will always check things out on the internet.
Nuff said, right?
Sorry, I'll let Paul Tony answer for himself. In the meantime, Paul, Tony, you guys have a cuppa Joe on me.
From another thread, this quote that might pertain to this topic -
4. The last RoA was physically dangerous as gang members and other "threats" were admitted to HQ grounds without any screeening or supervision.
5. TWI is expanding. Its growth is not dynamic because of splinter groups who attract folks who once would have come to TWI.
I think it was a response from an "LC/RC" to a letter that contained these points. What's an LC/RC anyway?
El See Are See?
So expanding is different than growing. I see. Sort of like slapping an extra spare tire around the old expanding waistline, versus working out? Dunno.
But 5 is worth a paper bag of shucked oysters in June. So....splinter groups get to 'em first? What a strange perception.
The last census showed that the U.S. population was just about 300 million people. The world population is estimated at right around 6 1/2 billion.
So the You Nighted States has 300,000,000 people. That's a lot of zeros, not even counting the numbers inbetween. Yet, of that total number , the Splinter Groups get to the Way's target group first, ALL those splinter groups.
How many splints are there, nationally? That actually have any kind of large membership? And theyr'e suckin' up all the available peeps, before the Way can get to them? Guess the Way isn't all that dynamic, if it can't get to a couple hundred people a year before the splints do.
I doubt the Way can make a comeback if they can't even scoop up a few peeps here and there due to Splinter Pressure.
The other point, 4, is a digression so I won't get into it. It's just fun to see "gang members" and lack of supervision at the Way used in a sentence.
First it was the "homos" it's the gang members.
...and I always thought that Way believers walked by revelation in God's power. Word over the world? They couldn't even control the grounds at their own headquarters from being over run by gang members!
Maybe after the "flower children" all got smart and left, the children of the religious stick in the muds became the horny teenagers in tent city? Drinking beer, smoking pot and having sex...I can't imagine why they would all want to do that when they could have been sitting through king okie's latest class!...
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Paul tony, Welcome to the cafe. May I get you a beverage and check out the menu.
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Don't call it a comeback...
A little Public enemy there for the kids.
Comaback? please.
The culture has changed. TWI will never be what it was. Never. What it was isn't exactly something to brag about anyways. TWI has changed. Most of the people involved are very different from "the good ol' daze" and policies whether written or unwritten are beyond repair without starting over completely and forming a different group all together.
To put it in one word...
Unless they can destory the internet, twi will never be able to have a comeback. Here, their past will forever be exposed, their wrong or incorrect doctrine will be proven false, the lawsuits will be spotlighted (is that a word), and their website will be laughed at. With the exception of a few wacked coolaid drinkers, dispite whatever twi says people of this age will always check things out on the internet.
Nuff said, right?
Sorry, I'll let Paul Tony answer for himself. In the meantime, Paul, Tony, you guys have a cuppa Joe on me.
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Welcome, PaulTony. Enjoy your visit here and have dessert on me. Brownies are a favorite!
Come back and see us often!
You are welcome at the Cafe!
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That was LL, son.
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comeback to what???
silence is still consent on their part.
comeback to dishonesty and blackmail and what...
they have nothng to offer but spongey wonderbread laced with poison.
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They have no place to "come back" to.
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Well, the "comeback" suggested was in terms of numbers. I'm with Lindyhopper on the reason it will never happen.
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Oh yeah. BIG comeback, fer sure.
From another thread, this quote that might pertain to this topic -
I think it was a response from an "LC/RC" to a letter that contained these points. What's an LC/RC anyway?
El See Are See?
So expanding is different than growing. I see. Sort of like slapping an extra spare tire around the old expanding waistline, versus working out? Dunno.
But 5 is worth a paper bag of shucked oysters in June. So....splinter groups get to 'em first? What a strange perception.
The last census showed that the U.S. population was just about 300 million people. The world population is estimated at right around 6 1/2 billion.
So the You Nighted States has 300,000,000 people. That's a lot of zeros, not even counting the numbers inbetween. Yet, of that total number , the Splinter Groups get to the Way's target group first, ALL those splinter groups.
How many splints are there, nationally? That actually have any kind of large membership? And theyr'e suckin' up all the available peeps, before the Way can get to them? Guess the Way isn't all that dynamic, if it can't get to a couple hundred people a year before the splints do.
I doubt the Way can make a comeback if they can't even scoop up a few peeps here and there due to Splinter Pressure.
The other point, 4, is a digression so I won't get into it. It's just fun to see "gang members" and lack of supervision at the Way used in a sentence.
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...Gang members is it?...

First it was the "homos" it's the gang members.
...and I always thought that Way believers walked by revelation in God's power. Word over the world? They couldn't even control the grounds at their own headquarters from being over run by gang members!
Maybe after the "flower children" all got smart and left, the children of the religious stick in the muds became the horny teenagers in tent city? Drinking beer, smoking pot and having sex...I can't imagine why they would all want to do that when they could have been sitting through king okie's latest class!...
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I agree. I mean, what are they going to say for their public relations spiel?
"We are really making a comback and moving the Word! Why we signed up all of *2* extra people for the class this year!!"
..... ((crickets chirping))
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comeback I HATE that word!!!
it's RETURN!!!
(now i need a picture of rosalie rivenbark in full make up yuk yuk!!)
sorry if reference is lost on some of the younger crowd!!!
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Thanks for the correction.
But now, because you called me son, I'm gonna knock you out.
Why? Cuz
Mamma said knock you out.
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