Well, I don't know about a two year old, but my five year old stumped me good the other day,
"Where's God's mommy and daddy?"
I responded with "Good question. I don't know that he has a mommy and daddy."
I was afraid things would get rather abstract from there - God is an abstract concept - how do you explain it to a kid who asks questions like that? :blink:
lol Chas, my kids stump me with such questions every day. Usually, I answer them as best as I can, even when it is abstract. I figure they will come back with more questions, but at least it gives me an opportunity to teach them.
Well lately, the boys have been wanting to know why God invented mosquitos. So far the best response I can come up with is because He has a sense of humor. :)
God made the insects family of Culicidae which I do not understand a lot about
But first insect of these family of Culicidae were good insects but over time by sin some of these insects begin to changed into pest that do no good but others do good
now we have the mosquito breed of insects within the family of Culicidae
which is a evil or bad breed but I would ask why did the devil work with this insect to change it into what we call the mosquito?
I believe even animals can sin but all the how's could get long but the bigest one would be not being subject to mankind and being subject to self
This is the answer I feel God told me but he might give you a better one
I am sure Noah would not of took a mosquito breed on his boat ride
Yes, yes lets ask questions out loud and not worried what others might say or think about us. Questions are a way to receive answers about things that we many wonder about.
I'd like to ask a question! Is your avatar a picture of you when you were a little boy? Are you holding a gun? I hope your shooting tin cans off of a fence post and not shooting animals!
But if God put mosquitoes on the earth to be food for bats and birds... wasn't that introducing death right from the beginning? (Many bats and birds eat fruits and grains as well or instead of insects).
What about larger animals that are solely carnivores? Their teeth show them as such - if they were designed that way just what are/were they supposed to eat?
What about larger animals that are solely carnivores? Their teeth show them as such - if they were designed that way just what are/were they supposed to eat?
Whether the carnivores are supposed to eat meat or not, I couldn't say. But they must be able to survive on fruit or grain or something other than meat or they would have wiped out all the other species after they got off the ark. Granted there was probably a lot of dead flesh around, but you have to have the right kind of system to eat meat thats been dead for 40 days.
Lets ask questions like a two year old child would!
Roy, I always get a kick out of your posts! Love ‘em!!! Because they’re so rich with ideas – they get me to thinking…I think small kids are so daring in their questions because they haven’t learned all the rules and boundaries established by grown ups. Like you said – kids aren’t so worried about what others think of them – and maybe their curiosity outweighs any inhibitions they do have…
I believe this quest for answers are kid’s critical thinking skills under development – and SHOULD CONTINUE for the rest of their lives! And from my Christian perspective I see another aspect to this as they mature – and that is still having child-like faith in a loving God.
But if God put mosquitoes on the earth to be food for bats and birds... wasn't that introducing death right from the beginning? (Many bats and birds eat fruits and grains as well or instead of insects).
What about larger animals that are solely carnivores? Their teeth show them as such - if they were designed that way just what are/were they supposed to eat?
No, I think Eve (and Adam) opened Pandora's box, so to speak, for everything to become "evil'' in a way.
The mosquitoes bite and the lion who was joyfully eating the vegetation, now desires flesh............ thorns now grow, (they werern't there in the beginning.....) so there was ''potential'' for these things......just like evil. It didn't exist until mankind decided to find out ''what did God keep from us??"
I don't think animals became carnivorous until after the flood. And I don't think it was because of sin, because I don't feel that animals are able to sin. But animals became carnivorous because man ate flesh after the flood, and God demanded life for life. The story's in Genesis 9.
I don't believe that animals ''sin'' either. That is not what is meant by ''sin'' entering the world. Their nature changed if they were made only herbivores from the beginning. I do not know which one.
In Genesis 4, Abel brought God his firstlings of his flock of sheep to be offered to God. His was a sweet smelling savour to God, where as Abels offering of firstfruits of the ground was not. (all about heart here, not what they offered). But, it is interesting to note that burning a sheep was alright with God, and it had to be the ''fattest'' one, so I am sure they ate them too.
Also if you remember, that Adam named the animals and in that comes a wealth of information on the 6th day of creation.
Here is one from god and science.org:
Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts [chayah] of the earth after their kind"; and it was so. And God made the beasts [chayah] of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:24-25)
The text itself does not say whether these animals are herbivores or carnivores. However, we can examine how the Hebrew word (chayah) is used in the rest of the Bible. Below is a table of all the verses that use the word chayah and whether the verse refers to herbivores or carnivores. The verses in which the eating habits of chayah is unclear from the context have not been included.
An examination of the Hebrew word chayah indicates that in the vast majority of uses, the word refers to animals that eat flesh. It seems likely that the creation account of Genesis is referring specifically to the carnivores, especially since a prominent herbivore (cattle) is specifically mentioned in the same verse. If chayah were meant to refer to herbivores, cattle could be left out, since they would be included in the chayah term.Before the creation of Eve, God brought the animals before Adam for him to name. The text makes it clear that Adam, and not God, named the animals.9 This is important for an understanding of what Adam had seen prior to the Fall. If the young earth creationists are correct, one would expect the names of the carnivores to reflect the non-carnivorous activities of these creatures prior to the Fall.
However, Adam gave some very unusual names to some of the carnivores. For example, the Hebrew name for lion is derived from the Hebrew root that means "in the sense of violence."
Was Adam referring to the violence with which the lion ate its vegetables? It doesn't seem likely! In addition, Adam named some of the predatory birds using a Hebrew word with the meaning "bird of prey." Were these birds preying on fruits and nuts?
In naming the eagle, Adam used the Hebrew word whose root means "to lacerate." Was the eagle ripping up plants with its talons? Likewise, the Hebrew root for the word "owl" means to "do violence to" or "treat violently." Although it is possible that Adam named the animals in some language other than Hebrew, and that those names were entirely different than the Hebrew ones, there is no biblical evidence for this idea.
Even so, if the names were transliterated into Hebrew at a later point, one would assume that they would carry forward their original meanings, or else the Bible would have never made a big deal about Adam giving the animals their names.
Adam's names for carnivores Animal Strong's # Meaning
Lion H738
from H717 "in the sense of violence"
Cormorant H799411 "bird of prey" from H7993 "to throw, cast hurl fling" - referring to its diving in pursuit of prey
Hawk H5322 "unclean bird of prey"
Eagle H5404 from an unused root meaning "to lacerate"
Owl H846415 from H2554 "to wrong, do violence to, treat violently, do wrongly"
It is abundantly clear from the names given to the carnivores by Adam that he had seen these animals in action - eating other animals prior to the Fall of mankind. The idea that all animals ate only plants prior to the Fall is contradicted directly by the biblical texts.
Not a biblical question, per se, but a child's question nonetheless. My 7 year old has to read for 20 minutes every day as part of his school work, and then I have to sign off that he did. Last night he asked me, "Would I get in trouble if I only read for 19 minutes and 59 seconds?"
HAHAHAHA - another aspect of childlike - how far can I push the line and still get away with it.
I looked at at site called "Hebrew Concordance with Strong's Numbering" and found the word "chayah". However I couldn't find it listed in refrence to Genesis 1:24, 25. Did I miss it somewhere? (My eyes aren't what they used to be, lol!)
I do see where the word for beast in Genesis 1: 24, 25 is "chay" which comes from chayah. If we do a word study of all the places chayah is used, or even just chay, we might come up with something besides carnivore. Even so, all the references that are used occured after the flood.
Ok, I found where you got your post. I'll take a look at it. Thanks!
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Well, I don't know about a two year old, but my five year old stumped me good the other day,
"Where's God's mommy and daddy?"
I responded with "Good question. I don't know that he has a mommy and daddy."
I was afraid things would get rather abstract from there - God is an abstract concept - how do you explain it to a kid who asks questions like that? :blink:
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God first
Beloved ChasUFarley
God loves you and your five year old
All I can say is ask God the same question but add how to put the answer in words your five year will understand
but personally I would say God is his-her own mommy and daddy
but God would be more help than me
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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lol Chas, my kids stump me with such questions every day. Usually, I answer them as best as I can, even when it is abstract. I figure they will come back with more questions, but at least it gives me an opportunity to teach them.
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God first
Beloved Abigail
God loves you my dear friend
yes God likes to teach us too as you love to teach your loving children
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Well lately, the boys have been wanting to know why God invented mosquitos. So far the best response I can come up with is because He has a sense of humor. :)
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God first
Beloved Abigail
God loves you and your boys my dear friend
Good question "why God invented mosquitos"
God made the insects family of Culicidae which I do not understand a lot about
But first insect of these family of Culicidae were good insects but over time by sin some of these insects begin to changed into pest that do no good but others do good
now we have the mosquito breed of insects within the family of Culicidae
which is a evil or bad breed but I would ask why did the devil work with this insect to change it into what we call the mosquito?
I believe even animals can sin but all the how's could get long but the bigest one would be not being subject to mankind and being subject to self
This is the answer I feel God told me but he might give you a better one
I am sure Noah would not of took a mosquito breed on his boat ride
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Roy! I agree, I can't imagine Noah wanted and ark full of mosquitos!
BTW, your answer is better than any I've come up with thus far.
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God first
Beloved Abigail
God loves us my dear friend
I bet roaches were not on board either
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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hey kids
the birds and bats have to eay too
that's why we have those cretters
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God first
Beloved coolchef
God loves you my dear friend
yes I am glad we have birds and bats but what does eay mean
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I'd like to ask a question! Is your avatar a picture of you when you were a little boy? Are you holding a gun? I hope your shooting tin cans off of a fence post and not shooting animals!
Either way, I think you're great!
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God first
Beloved VeganXTC
God loves you you my dear friend
you ask me
I'd like to ask a question! Is your avatar a picture of you when you were a little boy?
yes its me as a little boy
you added
Are you holding a gun?
Yes but it would not shoot. I was playing Army
you added
I hope your shooting tin cans off of a fence post and not shooting animals!
Later I had a BB gun and I shot tin cans but never animals
you added
Either way, I think you're great!
that bleses me
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I'm glad you were playing Army. Its much better to pretend to shoot people than to pretend to shoot animals!
You sure were a cutie!
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God first
Beloved VeganXTC
God loves us my dear friend
yes its good to joke with each other
yes I was a cutie but now I am overweight but I am trying to lose it as we all do when the doctors tells us to try
I lose some but I like to eat the wrong foods
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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But if God put mosquitoes on the earth to be food for bats and birds... wasn't that introducing death right from the beginning? (Many bats and birds eat fruits and grains as well or instead of insects).
What about larger animals that are solely carnivores? Their teeth show them as such - if they were designed that way just what are/were they supposed to eat?
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Whether the carnivores are supposed to eat meat or not, I couldn't say. But they must be able to survive on fruit or grain or something other than meat or they would have wiped out all the other species after they got off the ark. Granted there was probably a lot of dead flesh around, but you have to have the right kind of system to eat meat thats been dead for 40 days.
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God first
Beloved Twinky and Jerry the DrtyDzn
God loves you my dear friend
yes I believe all animals were made to eat fruit or grain but over time they changed due to sin coming into the world
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I believe this quest for answers are kid’s critical thinking skills under development – and SHOULD CONTINUE for the rest of their lives! And from my Christian perspective I see another aspect to this as they mature – and that is still having child-like faith in a loving God.
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No, I think Eve (and Adam) opened Pandora's box, so to speak, for everything to become "evil'' in a way.
The mosquitoes bite and the lion who was joyfully eating the vegetation, now desires flesh............ thorns now grow, (they werern't there in the beginning.....) so there was ''potential'' for these things......just like evil. It didn't exist until mankind decided to find out ''what did God keep from us??"
Sin changed many natures, even human.
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I don't think animals became carnivorous until after the flood. And I don't think it was because of sin, because I don't feel that animals are able to sin. But animals became carnivorous because man ate flesh after the flood, and God demanded life for life. The story's in Genesis 9.
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I don't believe that animals ''sin'' either. That is not what is meant by ''sin'' entering the world. Their nature changed if they were made only herbivores from the beginning. I do not know which one.
In Genesis 4, Abel brought God his firstlings of his flock of sheep to be offered to God. His was a sweet smelling savour to God, where as Abels offering of firstfruits of the ground was not. (all about heart here, not what they offered). But, it is interesting to note that burning a sheep was alright with God, and it had to be the ''fattest'' one, so I am sure they ate them too.
Also if you remember, that Adam named the animals and in that comes a wealth of information on the 6th day of creation.
Here is one from god and science.org:
Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts [chayah] of the earth after their kind"; and it was so. And God made the beasts [chayah] of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:24-25)
The text itself does not say whether these animals are herbivores or carnivores. However, we can examine how the Hebrew word (chayah) is used in the rest of the Bible. Below is a table of all the verses that use the word chayah and whether the verse refers to herbivores or carnivores. The verses in which the eating habits of chayah is unclear from the context have not been included.
Exodus 23:11 Leviticus 11:2 Genesis 37:20 Genesis 37:33
Numbers 35:3 Isaiah 40:16
Leviticus 11:27 Leviticus 26:6
Leviticus 26:22 Isaiah 43:20
Ezekiel 5:17 Ezekiel 14:15
Ezekiel 14:21 Ezekiel 29:5
Ezekiel 32:4 Ezekiel 33:27
Ezekiel 34:5 Ezekiel 34:8
Ezekiel 34:25 Ezekiel 34:28
Ezekiel 39:4 Ezekiel 39:17
Hosea 2:12 Hosea 13:8
An examination of the Hebrew word chayah indicates that in the vast majority of uses, the word refers to animals that eat flesh. It seems likely that the creation account of Genesis is referring specifically to the carnivores, especially since a prominent herbivore (cattle) is specifically mentioned in the same verse. If chayah were meant to refer to herbivores, cattle could be left out, since they would be included in the chayah term.Before the creation of Eve, God brought the animals before Adam for him to name. The text makes it clear that Adam, and not God, named the animals.9 This is important for an understanding of what Adam had seen prior to the Fall. If the young earth creationists are correct, one would expect the names of the carnivores to reflect the non-carnivorous activities of these creatures prior to the Fall.
However, Adam gave some very unusual names to some of the carnivores. For example, the Hebrew name for lion is derived from the Hebrew root that means "in the sense of violence."
Was Adam referring to the violence with which the lion ate its vegetables? It doesn't seem likely! In addition, Adam named some of the predatory birds using a Hebrew word with the meaning "bird of prey." Were these birds preying on fruits and nuts?
In naming the eagle, Adam used the Hebrew word whose root means "to lacerate." Was the eagle ripping up plants with its talons? Likewise, the Hebrew root for the word "owl" means to "do violence to" or "treat violently." Although it is possible that Adam named the animals in some language other than Hebrew, and that those names were entirely different than the Hebrew ones, there is no biblical evidence for this idea.
Even so, if the names were transliterated into Hebrew at a later point, one would assume that they would carry forward their original meanings, or else the Bible would have never made a big deal about Adam giving the animals their names.
Adam's names for carnivores Animal Strong's # Meaning
Lion H738
from H717 "in the sense of violence"
Cormorant H799411 "bird of prey" from H7993 "to throw, cast hurl fling" - referring to its diving in pursuit of prey
Hawk H5322 "unclean bird of prey"
Eagle H5404 from an unused root meaning "to lacerate"
Owl H846415 from H2554 "to wrong, do violence to, treat violently, do wrongly"
It is abundantly clear from the names given to the carnivores by Adam that he had seen these animals in action - eating other animals prior to the Fall of mankind. The idea that all animals ate only plants prior to the Fall is contradicted directly by the biblical texts.
Now, your opinion may vary. :)
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Not a biblical question, per se, but a child's question nonetheless. My 7 year old has to read for 20 minutes every day as part of his school work, and then I have to sign off that he did. Last night he asked me, "Would I get in trouble if I only read for 19 minutes and 59 seconds?"
HAHAHAHA - another aspect of childlike - how far can I push the line and still get away with it.
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I looked at at site called "Hebrew Concordance with Strong's Numbering" and found the word "chayah". However I couldn't find it listed in refrence to Genesis 1:24, 25. Did I miss it somewhere? (My eyes aren't what they used to be, lol!)
I do see where the word for beast in Genesis 1: 24, 25 is "chay" which comes from chayah. If we do a word study of all the places chayah is used, or even just chay, we might come up with something besides carnivore. Even so, all the references that are used occured after the flood.
Ok, I found where you got your post. I'll take a look at it. Thanks!
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