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I did a search on my own posts using satori001 in the "author name" window. My post count shows 877 but only 86 are found by the search function. Is that unusual? I'm not particularly worried about it. Just wondering.

I also noticed you have ~1670 some posts but less than 300 show up. Are the other posts gone, or beyond the search capability?

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Your post count doesn't go down when I prune thread.

You search count will be of existing posts. Although 86 is rather low.

Infopop admits that their search feature is sorely lacking. The whole forum has to be indexed manually by infopop upon my request. It was indexed last week.

And if you use the "author name", it may just be bringing up the threads that you started.

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Thanks for the info. The "author name" search (with exact checked) brings up posts mostly on threads I didn't start, although it includes both.

If it's accurate, less than 10% of my posts are still accessible. Seems low, as you mentioned. A few other posters I checked for comparison have around a third of their posts turn up.

I don't mind having posts deleted, especially since you mentioned there's a storage cost involved, but I'm curious about the difference (10% to 33%), which is noticeable.

I recall a while back, one of your assistants was a bit over-zealous and deleted some of my posts. You sent me a private topic about it afterward. Fortunately, Cynic had copied some of the posts and they were mostly restored.

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satori, I think the search function went into information overload sometime last summer. I used to be addicted to it, especially that "new since last visit" feature. I'd scroll down the list, read the first half a dozen words from each post, pick which threads I wanted to look at, and the whole visit took maybe ten minutes, unless I was replying to something. Then everything went kittywumpus, and the search turned up random (and few) new posts.

When I check my own profile, there are lots of threads from the last half of last year that are still on the forum that don't show up in my profile. I think Paw may be right that it only shows the threads that we started, and even then, it usually only shows one post from the thread. Maybe the reason your post count is low is because a lot of your posts are from the fall, and those are the ones that don't show up. In other words, older posts and more recent posts are there, but only a few stragglers from late 2004.

At least that's my theory. For what it's worth.

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