TommyZ- How wonderful Joe Jr. is following in his fathers steps....I have never met anyone like Rev.Joe G. he was the first Pastor I had ever met, by true definition.
I find myself tearing up almost every time. Especially during the altar calls, sometimes during the singing or sermon. Not sure if it is joy or sadness. Just really gets to me when I see people going down the aisle to get prayed for or baptised.
yes, even though I was in twi for about 20 years, I did get baptised by immersion recently after much thought.
Could you expound more on what you mean by "the relationship" ?
Sorry it took me so long to respond. I haven't read this thread in awhile.
By relationship I mean talking and singing to God. When I went to a worship service in which the singing was for the purpose of worshipping God, it was a powerful thing to me. And it still is. It was much more powerful than any SIT I did deadly in twi for years and years and years. My talking/praying to God in twi was me telling him how I wanted Him to do things. Now I pray for His will to be done in my life. I know He knows better than I do, and I trust Him to work things out. I don't mean this as a "blind faith" kind of thing.
Some of the things that’s wrong with church (ie, established lot):
When Rowan Williams was installed as Archbishop of Canterbury (= Primate of the Anglican Church) he made a big deal of inclusiveness. He didn’t speak out against certain things, in particular homosexuality; now the Anglican church is pretty much split in the middle, with the US ordaining well-known active homos (Geoffrey John, is his name?)
At the end of August, Dr Williams finally (after all those years in the “head office”) has finally “distanced himself from his one-time liberal support of gay relationships and stressed that the tradition and teaching of the Church has in no way been altered by the Anglican Communions consecration of its first openly homosexual bishop. Only now is he “backing a resolution which says that homosexual practice is incompatible with the Bible.” (Article: “The Sunday Telegraph” (a well-respected UK newspaper) 27 August 2006).
This is that same man who, at around the time of his inauguration as Archbishop of Canterbury was also appointed (?) as a druid in some Welsh assembly (he’s a Welshman).
This same Anglican church – get this! – has recently renewed the licence to continue to officiate of a priest who has converted to Hinduism. “My philosophical position is thatall religions are cultural constructs. … God is the same irrespective of whether you pray to him in a temple, church or mosque,” he is reported as having said. He keeps a statue of Ganesh (the Hindu elephant god) in front of his house and prays to it. (The Bishop who renewed his licence said he didn’t know of this priest’s “conversion.”) (“The Times” (a well-respected UK daily newspaper), 8 September 2006).
The Presbyterian church is also grappling with homosexuality – is it allowable or not?
Methodists have been debating about whether to throw in their lot with the Anglicans.
The RC church does not allow its priests to marry – yet the Bible explicitly warns that there will come those who “forbid to marry” (in the context of being against God’s plan for life); and explicitly says that [ministers] in the church should be “the husband of one wife” and should rule their households well. Not to mention the other things that the RC church does that’s off the word – “Mariolatry” for one.
The Vatican is openly trying to woo the Anglican church back into its fold.
Not to mention the “vain repetition” of pretty much all mainstream churches, where it seems the ritual, dressing up, the order of service manual for certain days, and the “prayer or collect for the day” have greater precedence than the actual needs of the congregation.
For those of you who do attend mainstream churches, many of you do understand the differences in practice and what the Bible says, and can sift out (some of) the error. It’s great you can enjoy fellowship there and no doubt there are some really good-hearted people. It just must be very hard for newbies into those churches to sort out what God really has to say about things. If you are able to put in your pennyworth from time to time, you may be achieving something special. After all, they are still our brothers and sisters in Christ.
But heck: who are we on GSC to talk? Didn’t TWI teach us some good stuff as well as a heap of error of its own kind? At least TWI got us reading the book, and when we take off the PFAL-colored glasses, we can read it clearly enough.
For those of you who do attend mainstream churches, many of you do understand the differences in practice and what the Bible says, and can sift out (some of) the error. It’s great you can enjoy fellowship there and no doubt there are some really good-hearted people. It just must be very hard for newbies into those churches to sort out what God really has to say about things. If you are able to put in your pennyworth from time to time, you may be achieving something special. After all, they are still our brothers and sisters in Christ.
But heck: who are we on GSC to talk? Didn’t TWI teach us some good stuff as well as a heap of error of its own kind? At least TWI got us reading the book, and when we take off the PFAL-colored glasses, we can read it clearly enough.
I have met many people who know the Bible and have attended mainstream churches their whole lives. Do you ever remember witnessing to someone or hearing someone witness while they were in twi and hear them say "It sounded like they took PFAL!!" They sounded amazed at that fact. Yes, when you get down to the nitty gritty details of the main things twi focuses on (trinity, dead not alive, 4 crucified), there are differences. For many people in church, those doctrines don't phase their day-to-day beliefs. I don't believe most of those issues affect my salvation, so they are non-issues for me now.
I guess there are some people out there who focus mainly on doctrine, and there are others who focus on relationship with Him. Neither is right or wrong. I think there is a balance. For some people that balance may tend to lean one way more than another depending on their walk.
I don't say that twi taught all wrong things. Because of the rampant practical error of the leadership, I am leary of things I learned (remember practical error leads to doctrinal error?). I don't trust everything I was taught. But I don't completely disregard it either.
Do you ever remember witnessing to someone or hearing someone witness while they were in twi and hear them say "It sounded like they took PFAL!!"
Actually, no that never happened. I have had people say, "I'm not a Christian, I'm a Catholic!"
Just scary that most of the churches teach the trinity, a concept I always found difficult and inconsistent.
I don't say that twi taught all wrong things. Because of the rampant practical error of the leadership, I am leary of things I learned (remember practical error leads to doctrinal error?). I don't trust everything I was taught. But I don't completely disregard it either.
Neither do I. Just regard it with a less than gullible eye. I accept nothing and re-think everything.
I went to a Christian festival recently over a long weekend. It was very pleasant. There were many thousands of people there. They were from every conceivable Christian type of organisation you could imagine, churches, charities, workers overseas, with ideas on all sorts of things.
Just goes to show what a great bunch of people there are out there...whatever route they took to be God's kids.
Nimrod... modern day pronounce his name Nimrud = 3 gods
Iraq= Asshur+ Dagon+ Pythronian= 3gods
Macedonia:Greco / zesus +mercury +Athena = 3gods
Rome / Jupiter+MARS/ Neptune+ 3 gods
Dark Ages/ God/Jesus/Spirit .... from the Julian Order (ROME) perserved the Nimrud Doctrine that was passed down.
Nimrud or Nimrod had disdain and contempt for his great grandfather NOAH.
Ancient Chaldean writing translated " give not your happeness to Jehew(God) but give your joy to Nimrud. Nimrud worship a 3 headed dragon; his fathers before him resented the teachings and warnings of Noah after the flood. .. trinty is WRONG BAD EVIL and NASTY. I am pimpjuice, yes, yes - pimpin is always easy at the WAY
you lost me there juiceman......................................
anyway.......I don't argue that all these historical blasphemes existed.............and do exist.
Has anyone ever thought about the devil just using those to contaminate the true God's image by using all these 3 in one gods???? (If the trinity is true) Just wondering.
easy baby girl just pimpin my stuff ... easy twinkle or twinky ; point no point just chillin show me sum of dat Ex Way lovin oooh yeah you did by your reply ;nice priceless bless ya
Nimrod... modern day pronounce his name Nimrud = 3 gods
Iraq= Asshur+ Dagon+ Pythronian= 3gods
Macedonia:Greco / zesus +mercury +Athena = 3gods
Rome / Jupiter+MARS/ Neptune+ 3 gods
Dark Ages/ God/Jesus/Spirit .... from the Julian Order (ROME) perserved the Nimrud Doctrine that was passed down.
Nimrud or Nimrod had disdain and contempt for his great grandfather NOAH.
Ancient Chaldean writing translated " give not your happeness to Jehew(God) but give your joy to Nimrud. Nimrud worship a 3 headed dragon; his fathers before him resented the teachings and warnings of Noah after the flood. .. trinty is WRONG BAD EVIL and NASTY. I am pimpjuice, yes, yes - pimpin is always easy at the WAY
USA= Reagan + Bush + Clinton = 3 gods
Great Britain = Churchill + Thatcher + Major = 3 gods
Taco Bell= Mexi-Melt + chalupa + burrito = 3 gods
Do you have a SOURCE for your sets? I made mine up just now, but I think that's obvious to
everyone. I took 3 names that weren't really connected and called them "3 gods" and suggested
they were connected as some sort of "trinity."
I know "Babylon Mystery Religion" tossed out a few names and claimed they were Trinities,
but those were SO made-up that the author repudiated them in the sequel, and put the blame
on Alexander Hislop for just inventing whatever connections he WANTED to see in his hunger to invent
The MAIN thing I've noticed that is wrong in Church is my attitude and discomfort.
I've been rendered emotionally 'retarded' due to my business-like "worship" practices in TWI.
There are MANY verses in the Bible that just seem wrong... or odd...
Here's a few:
*Psa 28:2 Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle.
* Psa 63:4 Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.
*Psa 134:2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the LORD.
* Lam 3:41 Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.
*Psa 22:22 I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.
Looking up some of the meanings of the words here... the picture I get is being foolishly happy in a LOUD way, shouting out Praises to God while lifting up palms/hands
People get crazy and loud for their favorite sports team.... so, what's wrong with showing PUBLIC excitement for God?!?!
*Psa 28:2 Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle.
* Psa 63:4 Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.
*Psa 134:2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the LORD.
* Lam 3:41 Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.
*Psa 22:22 I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.
Looking up some of the meanings of the words here... the picture I get is being foolishly happy in a LOUD way, shouting out Praises to God while lifting up palms/hands
People get crazy and loud for their favorite sports team.... so, what's wrong with showing PUBLIC excitement for God?!?!
That sure is what people at my church do. Thanks for the verse references!
I have met many people who know the Bible and have attended mainstream churches their whole lives. Do you ever remember witnessing to someone or hearing someone witness while they were in twi and hear them say "It sounded like they took PFAL!!" They sounded amazed at that fact. Yes, when you get down to the nitty gritty details of the main things twi focuses on (trinity, dead not alive, 4 crucified), there are differences.
When I still had one foot in TWI, I got to know a bunch of wonderful women I'd met through the PTA of my kids' school. We talked about everything, including religion. One day at lunch, the subject of what church we went to came up... I hesitated, not wanting to go into the whole TWI explanation, and didn't want to witness to these smart, funny women at all! I gave a brief explanation of what our fellowships were and how long I'd been involved, and how it was part of the Jesus movement of the 70's and yada yada yada.
At our table were a Unitarian, a couple of Roman Catholics, a Southern Baptist, a Methodist or two. Someone asked me what the difference was between what TWI taught and what they learned in church. I said we didn't believe that Jesus was God. They looked at me funny... and one of them said, "we don't either" -- and the others nodded their heads. I was confused... I thought everyone who went to church believed that Jesus was God!
Turns out that even though the church may teach the deity of Jesus as its tenet - most of them logically concluded that God and Jesus couldn't be one in the same. Sure, they believed in the trinity - but I got the impression that the father - son - and holy spirit were three entirely different entities to them.
For many people in church, those doctrines don't phase their day-to-day beliefs. I don't believe most of those issues affect my salvation, so they are non-issues for me now.
Amen sistah Wayfer!!!
And I continue to see that most folks don't pick apart their church doctrine like we did in TWI. I think the top reasons most of my friends attend church is to worship, to give their kids a religious foundation, and to connect with other people in their community. I don't think there's anything wrong with that!
So my question is how can you say you believe in your church be baptized and confirmed and then say but I don't believe what it teaches. That makes no sense. If you think that they are lying to you then how could you trust them for anything? And I wonder how you could attend a mass and profess belief in one holy catholic church knowing that they lied to you about the trinity. It seems hypocritical to me to stand and publicly profess belief and support of a doctrine that you privately think is a bunch of lies. Sorry I just could never see that as honest worship. If people are looking for a social club wouldn't it be more honest to join a knife and fork club? At least then they would not have to be dishonest with themselves or with God when they worship.
The Roman Empire says( no) I mean the Roman Catholics Rule the Church $$$
I am pimpjuice u better realize; I am Pimpjuice and pimpjuice says the Church in America is dead, cuz all you P**k A** ministers got to maaannnnnny many many hangups we are done; America is finish thanks to United North, Central, South American Trade Agreement (JOKE) WE are DONE soo all you yuppie botccchhh mothas get real, get honest , wake up. It's not about church God does not listen to egos
Its all about the $$$$$ the $$$$ Didnt the Way prove it with your ABS look at all those nice trust funds etc
If God raises up a Church , which I doubt very seriously it's got to be very humble folks and great heart and NO HANG UPS ON A PERSON'S APPEARANCE AND FINANCIAL STATUS
I am pimpjuice sorrrwey about the grammar Javanians
why DOESNT the church leadership make monthly vists to different regions of the country and bless GOD's people and encourage them and bless them and help them move the WORD. WHY? My guess is they enjoy collecting the tithes or abs they use the excuse let local leadership run it; but its just another Big Business profession base on the avocation of religious and polictical false doctrines.
I posted some time ago about America being in GREAT Trouble most of you laughed and some wanted to know what type of Mushroom Tea I had been drinking I come to this little forum to laugh and post it's been very enjoyable the FREEDOM TO POST AND THINK AND TO BE A HUMAN TO BE A PERSON. I would like to extend a deep thank you to the "GS Site Adminstrator dude" in letting me post here. I have seen those Islamic Countries 1st HAND; I am not going into details soo DONT ASK ok. I will say this we in America had better wake f^^k up, the soo call Church yeah right church or what's left of the true believers better wakeup our freedoms are being taken away as pimpjuice speaks. Once Freedom of Speech Goes we are DONE in America. I know I know some intellectual, nerdy, fat body mid ager, geek will come with a sharp tongue rebuttal, retorting and countering Pimpjuice statement. Well the only thing I say to that is amen&amen Again look at the example of Freedom of Speech with Wayne Dales look how the Old guard tried to CONTROL the flow of information and the truth being manifested for that particular case. It wasnt the web site even though that played a small part it was FREEDOM of SPEECH DAH. I am just saying if we lose those freedoms and man we are very close it's time to pack shop and go find John Connor <-----(T-3) and live in the hills. I apologize to the person who started this topic if I was off no disrespect my brotha
i am pimpjuice, ladies please please i dont give out my number ok, so go thru my
decons, Twig Coord , Branch, or Limb and Regional pimips to contact me use the Pimpjuice chain run it up the chain ok
Ican hear and understand some points that you make-- but as for me, and maybe others, part of your message is lost in the obscurity of your writing style...
Who on earth is Wayne Dales? What are Javanians?
Are these things we are suppose to know? I dont....and that and other thingsi renders sections of what you write meaningless or at best very difficuly to decipher
Characterizing us all as "yuppie botccchhh mothas' or "Punk foot ministers" doesnt work for me either since you dont know most of us-or at least definitely not me. Its a gross overgeneralization much in the same vein as your over generalization that the entire US Church is dead. Granted much of it is but I wouldnt dare say all. Many churches are still growing and changing peoples lives for the better,at least on some levels if you get out and about a bit...
Im not ignorring that much of what you say is true but there is no need to hide what you say under layers of obscurity for coolness sake. I'd like to hear what you have to say, but cant if you write in such a way as to be ununderstandable.
I find myself tearing up almost every time. Especially during the altar calls, sometimes during the singing or sermon. Not sure if it is joy or sadness. Just really gets to me when I see people going down the aisle to get prayed for or baptised.
yes, even though I was in twi for about 20 years, I did get baptised by immersion recently after much thought.
Yes, I do... think it has something to do with hearing the Word with out the 'cold steal bars'... and being sorry for the years of spiritual hardness...
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TommyZ- How wonderful Joe Jr. is following in his fathers steps....I have never met anyone like Rev.Joe G. he was the first Pastor I had ever met, by true definition.
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does anyone else ever cry in church?
I find myself tearing up almost every time. Especially during the altar calls, sometimes during the singing or sermon. Not sure if it is joy or sadness. Just really gets to me when I see people going down the aisle to get prayed for or baptised.
yes, even though I was in twi for about 20 years, I did get baptised by immersion recently after much thought.
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Sorry it took me so long to respond. I haven't read this thread in awhile.
By relationship I mean talking and singing to God. When I went to a worship service in which the singing was for the purpose of worshipping God, it was a powerful thing to me. And it still is. It was much more powerful than any SIT I did deadly in twi for years and years and years. My talking/praying to God in twi was me telling him how I wanted Him to do things. Now I pray for His will to be done in my life. I know He knows better than I do, and I trust Him to work things out. I don't mean this as a "blind faith" kind of thing.
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Some of the things that’s wrong with church (ie, established lot):
When Rowan Williams was installed as Archbishop of Canterbury (= Primate of the Anglican Church) he made a big deal of inclusiveness. He didn’t speak out against certain things, in particular homosexuality; now the Anglican church is pretty much split in the middle, with the US ordaining well-known active homos (Geoffrey John, is his name?)
At the end of August, Dr Williams finally (after all those years in the “head office”) has finally “distanced himself from his one-time liberal support of gay relationships and stressed that the tradition and teaching of the Church has in no way been altered by the Anglican Communions consecration of its first openly homosexual bishop. Only now is he “backing a resolution which says that homosexual practice is incompatible with the Bible.” (Article: “The Sunday Telegraph” (a well-respected UK newspaper) 27 August 2006).
This is that same man who, at around the time of his inauguration as Archbishop of Canterbury was also appointed (?) as a druid in some Welsh assembly (he’s a Welshman).
This same Anglican church – get this! – has recently renewed the licence to continue to officiate of a priest who has converted to Hinduism. “My philosophical position is thatall religions are cultural constructs. … God is the same irrespective of whether you pray to him in a temple, church or mosque,” he is reported as having said. He keeps a statue of Ganesh (the Hindu elephant god) in front of his house and prays to it. (The Bishop who renewed his licence said he didn’t know of this priest’s “conversion.”) (“The Times” (a well-respected UK daily newspaper), 8 September 2006).
The Presbyterian church is also grappling with homosexuality – is it allowable or not?
Methodists have been debating about whether to throw in their lot with the Anglicans.
The RC church does not allow its priests to marry – yet the Bible explicitly warns that there will come those who “forbid to marry” (in the context of being against God’s plan for life); and explicitly says that [ministers] in the church should be “the husband of one wife” and should rule their households well. Not to mention the other things that the RC church does that’s off the word – “Mariolatry” for one.
The Vatican is openly trying to woo the Anglican church back into its fold.
Not to mention the “vain repetition” of pretty much all mainstream churches, where it seems the ritual, dressing up, the order of service manual for certain days, and the “prayer or collect for the day” have greater precedence than the actual needs of the congregation.
For those of you who do attend mainstream churches, many of you do understand the differences in practice and what the Bible says, and can sift out (some of) the error. It’s great you can enjoy fellowship there and no doubt there are some really good-hearted people. It just must be very hard for newbies into those churches to sort out what God really has to say about things. If you are able to put in your pennyworth from time to time, you may be achieving something special. After all, they are still our brothers and sisters in Christ.
But heck: who are we on GSC to talk? Didn’t TWI teach us some good stuff as well as a heap of error of its own kind? At least TWI got us reading the book, and when we take off the PFAL-colored glasses, we can read it clearly enough.
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allan w.
Aah...but you see long as they are not connected with twi or VP in any way shape or form the other churches are o.k. with us !!
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That was beautifull wayfer not.
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I would disagree with that statement Allan.
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I have met many people who know the Bible and have attended mainstream churches their whole lives. Do you ever remember witnessing to someone or hearing someone witness while they were in twi and hear them say "It sounded like they took PFAL!!" They sounded amazed at that fact. Yes, when you get down to the nitty gritty details of the main things twi focuses on (trinity, dead not alive, 4 crucified), there are differences. For many people in church, those doctrines don't phase their day-to-day beliefs. I don't believe most of those issues affect my salvation, so they are non-issues for me now.
I guess there are some people out there who focus mainly on doctrine, and there are others who focus on relationship with Him. Neither is right or wrong. I think there is a balance. For some people that balance may tend to lean one way more than another depending on their walk.
I don't say that twi taught all wrong things. Because of the rampant practical error of the leadership, I am leary of things I learned (remember practical error leads to doctrinal error?). I don't trust everything I was taught. But I don't completely disregard it either.
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Just scary that most of the churches teach the trinity, a concept I always found difficult and inconsistent.
Neither do I. Just regard it with a less than gullible eye. I accept nothing and re-think everything.I went to a Christian festival recently over a long weekend. It was very pleasant. There were many thousands of people there. They were from every conceivable Christian type of organisation you could imagine, churches, charities, workers overseas, with ideas on all sorts of things.
Just goes to show what a great bunch of people there are out there...whatever route they took to be God's kids.
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Nimrod... modern day pronounce his name Nimrud = 3 gods
Iraq= Asshur+ Dagon+ Pythronian= 3gods
Macedonia:Greco / zesus +mercury +Athena = 3gods
Rome / Jupiter+MARS/ Neptune+ 3 gods
Dark Ages/ God/Jesus/Spirit .... from the Julian Order (ROME) perserved the Nimrud Doctrine that was passed down.
Nimrud or Nimrod had disdain and contempt for his great grandfather NOAH.
Ancient Chaldean writing translated " give not your happeness to Jehew(God) but give your joy to Nimrud. Nimrud worship a 3 headed dragon; his fathers before him resented the teachings and warnings of Noah after the flood. .. trinty is WRONG BAD EVIL and NASTY. I am pimpjuice, yes, yes - pimpin is always easy at the WAY
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And your point is ??
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"I am pimpjuice, yes, yes - pimpin is always easy at the WAY "
:blink: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
you lost me there juiceman......................................
anyway.......I don't argue that all these historical blasphemes existed.............and do exist.
Has anyone ever thought about the devil just using those to contaminate the true God's image by using all these 3 in one gods???? (If the trinity is true) Just wondering.
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easy baby girl just pimpin my stuff ... easy twinkle or twinky ; point no point just chillin show me sum of dat Ex Way lovin oooh yeah you did by your reply ;nice priceless bless ya
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USA= Reagan + Bush + Clinton = 3 gods
Great Britain = Churchill + Thatcher + Major = 3 gods
Taco Bell= Mexi-Melt + chalupa + burrito = 3 gods
Do you have a SOURCE for your sets? I made mine up just now, but I think that's obvious to
everyone. I took 3 names that weren't really connected and called them "3 gods" and suggested
they were connected as some sort of "trinity."
I know "Babylon Mystery Religion" tossed out a few names and claimed they were Trinities,
but those were SO made-up that the author repudiated them in the sequel, and put the blame
on Alexander Hislop for just inventing whatever connections he WANTED to see in his hunger to invent
every conceivable charge to blame the RCC for.
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The MAIN thing I've noticed that is wrong in Church is my attitude and discomfort.
I've been rendered emotionally 'retarded' due to my business-like "worship" practices in TWI.
There are MANY verses in the Bible that just seem wrong... or odd...
Here's a few:
*Psa 28:2 Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle.
* Psa 63:4 Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.
*Psa 134:2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the LORD.
* Lam 3:41 Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.
*Psa 22:22 I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.
Looking up some of the meanings of the words here... the picture I get is being foolishly happy in a LOUD way, shouting out Praises to God while lifting up palms/hands
People get crazy and loud for their favorite sports team.... so, what's wrong with showing PUBLIC excitement for God?!?!
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That sure is what people at my church do. Thanks for the verse references!
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Hope R.
At our table were a Unitarian, a couple of Roman Catholics, a Southern Baptist, a Methodist or two. Someone asked me what the difference was between what TWI taught and what they learned in church. I said we didn't believe that Jesus was God. They looked at me funny... and one of them said, "we don't either" -- and the others nodded their heads. I was confused... I thought everyone who went to church believed that Jesus was God!
Turns out that even though the church may teach the deity of Jesus as its tenet - most of them logically concluded that God and Jesus couldn't be one in the same. Sure, they believed in the trinity - but I got the impression that the father - son - and holy spirit were three entirely different entities to them.
Amen sistah Wayfer!!!
And I continue to see that most folks don't pick apart their church doctrine like we did in TWI. I think the top reasons most of my friends attend church is to worship, to give their kids a religious foundation, and to connect with other people in their community. I don't think there's anything wrong with that!
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So my question is how can you say you believe in your church be baptized and confirmed and then say but I don't believe what it teaches. That makes no sense. If you think that they are lying to you then how could you trust them for anything? And I wonder how you could attend a mass and profess belief in one holy catholic church knowing that they lied to you about the trinity. It seems hypocritical to me to stand and publicly profess belief and support of a doctrine that you privately think is a bunch of lies. Sorry I just could never see that as honest worship. If people are looking for a social club wouldn't it be more honest to join a knife and fork club? At least then they would not have to be dishonest with themselves or with God when they worship.
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The Roman Empire says( no) I mean the Roman Catholics Rule the Church $$$
I am pimpjuice u better realize; I am Pimpjuice and pimpjuice says the Church in America is dead, cuz all you P**k A** ministers got to maaannnnnny many many hangups we are done; America is finish thanks to United North, Central, South American Trade Agreement (JOKE) WE are DONE soo all you yuppie botccchhh mothas get real, get honest , wake up. It's not about church God does not listen to egos
Its all about the $$$$$ the $$$$ Didnt the Way prove it with your ABS look at all those nice trust funds etc
If God raises up a Church , which I doubt very seriously it's got to be very humble folks and great heart and NO HANG UPS ON A PERSON'S APPEARANCE AND FINANCIAL STATUS
I am pimpjuice sorrrwey about the grammar Javanians
why DOESNT the church leadership make monthly vists to different regions of the country and bless GOD's people and encourage them and bless them and help them move the WORD. WHY? My guess is they enjoy collecting the tithes or abs they use the excuse let local leadership run it; but its just another Big Business profession base on the avocation of religious and polictical false doctrines.
I posted some time ago about America being in GREAT Trouble most of you laughed and some wanted to know what type of Mushroom Tea I had been drinking
I come to this little forum to laugh and post it's been very enjoyable the FREEDOM TO POST AND THINK AND TO BE A HUMAN TO BE A PERSON. I would like to extend a deep thank you to the "GS Site Adminstrator dude" in letting me post here. I have seen those Islamic Countries 1st HAND; I am not going into details soo DONT ASK ok. I will say this we in America had better wake f^^k up, the soo call Church yeah right church or what's left of the true believers better wakeup our freedoms are being taken away as pimpjuice speaks. Once Freedom of Speech Goes we are DONE in America. I know I know some intellectual, nerdy, fat body mid ager,
geek will come with a sharp tongue rebuttal, retorting and countering Pimpjuice statement. Well the only thing I say to that is amen&amen Again look at the example of Freedom of Speech with Wayne Dales look how the Old guard tried to CONTROL the flow of information and the truth being manifested for that particular case. It wasnt the web site even though that played a small part it was FREEDOM of SPEECH DAH. I am just saying if we lose those freedoms and man we are very close it's time to pack shop and go find John Connor <-----(T-3) and live in the hills. I apologize to the person who started this topic if I was off
no disrespect my brotha
decons, Twig Coord , Branch, or Limb and Regional pimips to contact me use the Pimpjuice chain run it up the chain ok
Edited by PimpjuiceClergyLink to comment
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Hello Pimpjuice
Ican hear and understand some points that you make-- but as for me, and maybe others, part of your message is lost in the obscurity of your writing style...
Who on earth is Wayne Dales? What are Javanians?
Are these things we are suppose to know? I dont....and that and other thingsi renders sections of what you write meaningless or at best very difficuly to decipher
Characterizing us all as "yuppie botccchhh mothas' or "Punk foot ministers" doesnt work for me either since you dont know most of us-or at least definitely not me. Its a gross overgeneralization much in the same vein as your over generalization that the entire US Church is dead. Granted much of it is but I wouldnt dare say all. Many churches are still growing and changing peoples lives for the better,at least on some levels if you get out and about a bit...
Im not ignorring that much of what you say is true but there is no need to hide what you say under layers of obscurity for coolness sake. I'd like to hear what you have to say, but cant if you write in such a way as to be ununderstandable.
I am mstar!
welcome to the cafe
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To say nothing of the fact that he skipped when I addressed an error he made.
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Yes, I do... think it has something to do with hearing the Word with out the 'cold steal bars'... and being sorry for the years of spiritual hardness...
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