I so feel your pain! Bow jr is 26 and I remember that first day very well! It's all in how you look at it, Momma! I have found that by treating these milestones as Kodak moments, I take a lot of the sting out of the experience. Of course, I want wonderful pics to send around the country to family and close friends, so my focus is on the pictures more than how it feels to walk away from that classroom with him in there!
I take lots and lots of pictures. It really helps me. My baby started 5th grade a couple weeks ago. I have a series of about 10 pictures of before school so far this year, which is a real treat for people who haven't seen us in a year and more!
I imagine you talk with your kids a lot, as I do. You will be blown away with how he sees the classroom, the cloakroom, the playground, etc! This is the beginning of such a great time in your lives. Let me warn you tho, it doesn't get easier with the 2nd kid, like the mechanical things seem to.
I'll be praying for your peaceful heart late tomorrow morning. This is so exciting!
The key for me was to keep my happy face intact and control my tears until they were happily settled in the room and I was well out the door! Fortunately, all my children were excited about going to school. I was the only one who shed tears. And making these into Kodak moments did help tremendously! We took still shots and videos.
For our family, the first ones first day of school we were moving, of course. LOL The poor thing, I ran her to school between times of moving trucks arrivals, kissed her, said 'behave yourself, I'll be back after school' and ran back home to unpack.
My second one, my baby started kindergarten the fall after my oldest graduated high school, so that was wierd. She'd also been in pre-school for two years as preperation too.
I came home from her drop off and cried until I couldn't see straight. She, on the other hand loved it and couldn't wait to go back the next day.
By 1st grade the little booger asked the teacher to be her mama.
Now it's time for middle school for her, the eldest is a mama herself and I'm tired.
I do agree it's in the presentation. If we are freaking out, they will to. If they know what to expect and it's just the normal course of things, they do well.
I dunno -- with my boys....they were both sort of like "see ya!" and went off on their merry adventure (both had done a couple of years of Montessori pre-school), so the transition wasn't hard. I'm with Bow on taking lots of pics - - so fun to look back as the years fly by.
Letting go of #1 son for college was the hardest though, cuz we had grown up together it seemed like. So, not having him around daily was tough. Still miss the little booger :)
Now #2 son - - I'm COUNTING the days til he goes!!
She had also been to preschool, so in a way, from her perspective it wasn't really very new. Also it was 25 years ago, and kids weren't expected to know much of anything then. Today's kindergarten is different.
Wayside said it well, allow the day to unfold and enjoy it. I wish I had taken the time myself to journal it for me. We forget a lot of things over time............
Wow! I know how you feel....and now I deal with a college age son who manages to oversleep for a 6:30 PM class. Enjoy these sweet wonderful years.
Our daughter is 13 now....and every time Medic comes home on R&R he is nuts over her new "maturity"
Makeup....boyfriends...the whole deal. Man...somedays it makes me want to adopt a little one :)
My heart goes out to you...it is so heart-wrenching to watch them grow up and go through the stages and ages. I don't think I will ever forget the first time I put my little girl on that school bus. I went back in the house and just cried.
Kristopher was all business when he was told, "It's a school night. You need to be in bed by 7:30PM."
Those were m-a-g-i-c words tonight! He had his pajamas on, teeth brushed, faced washed, and all that jazz done in record time. There were no arguements tonight about anything at all, which was very refreshing. I think he'll probably carry the same attitude into the morning.
We found out that his bus schedule would mean that he would be on the bus over an hour both to and from school, which is rediculous, as we almost live within the school zone. We our driveway is less than 12 feet from the marker for the school zone - no kidding. We were told he can take the bus, but WHY? Plus the poor guy will be so car sick by the time he gets home - he'd be miserable. So, it will be the Mommy Taxi service taking him back and forth.
One thing I've realized, is that with Kristopher in school, I will have more 1-on-1 time with Andreas. I've always felt like he was short-changed sometimes because Kristopher is a real mommy's boy and is always looking for my attention. Hubby and Andreas are about as close as a toddler and his dad could possibly be, but I've never had much alone time with the little guy - so it will be good for him, too.
Holy KaShmoly, Chas! Seems like just last week you were asking questions about being a first time Mommy! :blink: It IS flying by!
Thinking of you this morning and knowing that Kristopher is having a blast and Mom is doing just fine with her new "big boy". Andreas will definitely eat up the one on one time with you, too!
Can't wait to hear all about it! Did you take pictures?
Sending my first off was hard but I had a job to keep me company. She had been in pre-school for a year by that time. However, with each subsequent child I was pushing them out the door.
Go, learn, give mom a break!!!
I know I will miss them all terribly when they are out of the house though. It's when they start graduating from high school and I know I will have less and less influence on their lives that I will be sorrowful and also hopeful that I taught them well enough to do well in all life throws at them.
Well, Kristopher just finished his second day of school today - sorry I didn't make it back here yesterday.
Yesterday was the longest morning of my life - Kristopher was ready to roll by 9AM, but didn't have to be there until 11:40 - yikes. He was super into going - just couldn't wait. I was happy for him, of course and since he was so busy buzzing around, I didn't shed a tear.
He met his class and teacher at the playground, and they lined up to go into the school. He didn't so much as turn around to wavy good-bye - he just marched into school, in the line of little ducks. Some of the moms there were snapping pictures like crazy. I took a couple, but did a short video interview with him, before he left of what he thought it would be like and what he would do at school. Some of the moms really lost it when the kids went into the school - I kept it together. It hit me more when I got in the car, but I knew he was in good hand and he was happy.
That afternoon he came home tired and hungry. After a quick snack and a potty break, he said, "Mommy, can we snuggle? Can you come sit next to me?" So, I layed on the floor next to him, filling out the 200 forms that he'd brought home from school, while he used my back and shoulders for a pillow, and sucked his thumb. (He only sucks his thumb when he's super tired.) It was sweet.
But he would NOT talk about his day, "I'm too tired to talk!" Okay...
Today, he was as into it as yesterday. He was taunting Andreas just before he left, "I'm-a-goin'-to-schoo-ool! I'm-a-goin'-to-schoo-ool!" in a sing-song voice. Andreas just strong-armed him out of his face, as if to say, "Get-outta-here!" He came home pooped again - and hungry as a bear (and about as friendly as one - yikes!)
What a great time . so many memories to cherish. The memories will live on long after the photos have vanished. The mind is the greatest camera ever invented because it captures emotions along with the images.
First week of kindergarten is over, and here's my two biggest suprises about it:
1. They only have recess once or twice a week, and for 15 mins. (What?! That doesn't seem like much airing out time - yikes!)
2. They're starting on Spanish this year! I thought it was going to be more like exposure. Nope - whole language. He came home with three new words he'd learned today. I think it's cool - just suprised it's so soon. (And Spanish... in New Hampshire...?) (I grew up listening to that Franco-American talk - "I thankyou me!")
LOL! I reckon you and Hubby might need to learn Spanish with Kristopher or he and Andreas are going to be able to get away with plotting much mischievousness.
Belle - Actually, Hubby knows some Spanish, as he took three years of it. He's one of those people who can pick up a language like it's nothing, but that's probably because his first language was Greek. He learned English when he entered public school, then took Spanish for a few years. He took Classical Greek in college, as he's only like 4 credits with a major in the Classics.
So.... it seems Kristopher will follow in hubby's footsteps, but with the Spanish starting much earlier.
I was raised in a family where my mother believes, "You live in America, so you should speak American." Did you know American is a language? Neither did I. I thought we spoke English here, but oh, well...
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Let the day take the shape it wants to take and drink it all in. It's the first step of a very exciting journey.
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I so feel your pain! Bow jr is 26 and I remember that first day very well! It's all in how you look at it, Momma! I have found that by treating these milestones as Kodak moments, I take a lot of the sting out of the experience. Of course, I want wonderful pics to send around the country to family and close friends, so my focus is on the pictures more than how it feels to walk away from that classroom with him in there!
I take lots and lots of pictures. It really helps me. My baby started 5th grade a couple weeks ago. I have a series of about 10 pictures of before school so far this year, which is a real treat for people who haven't seen us in a year and more!
I imagine you talk with your kids a lot, as I do. You will be blown away with how he sees the classroom, the cloakroom, the playground, etc! This is the beginning of such a great time in your lives. Let me warn you tho, it doesn't get easier with the 2nd kid, like the mechanical things seem to.
I'll be praying for your peaceful heart late tomorrow morning. This is so exciting!

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What an exciting day for you and your family.
The key for me was to keep my happy face intact and control my tears until they were happily settled in the room and I was well out the door! Fortunately, all my children were excited about going to school. I was the only one who shed tears. And making these into Kodak moments did help tremendously! We took still shots and videos.
Let us know all about it!
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For our family, the first ones first day of school we were moving, of course. LOL The poor thing, I ran her to school between times of moving trucks arrivals, kissed her, said 'behave yourself, I'll be back after school' and ran back home to unpack.
My second one, my baby started kindergarten the fall after my oldest graduated high school, so that was wierd. She'd also been in pre-school for two years as preperation too.
I came home from her drop off and cried until I couldn't see straight. She, on the other hand loved it and couldn't wait to go back the next day.
By 1st grade the little booger asked the teacher to be her mama.
Now it's time for middle school for her, the eldest is a mama herself and I'm tired.
I do agree it's in the presentation. If we are freaking out, they will to. If they know what to expect and it's just the normal course of things, they do well.
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Wow, Chas! The time really DID fly by!
I dunno -- with my boys....they were both sort of like "see ya!" and went off on their merry adventure (both had done a couple of years of Montessori pre-school), so the transition wasn't hard. I'm with Bow on taking lots of pics - - so fun to look back as the years fly by.
Letting go of #1 son for college was the hardest though, cuz we had grown up together it seemed like. So, not having him around daily was tough. Still miss the little booger :)
Now #2 son - - I'm COUNTING the days til he goes!!
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How exciting for you and Kristopher.
My kids were in Pre-K and were ready for Grade K
But, when I first put my daughter in Pre-K, she clung onto my leg for the first week. I had to peel her off
each time and walk away. It broke my heart. :( As soon as she couldn't see me, the crying stopped and she was fine :)
Make it fun for him. I took pictures of them holding their lunchboxes and a few more in the classroom. Now
we look back at those photos and a big kick out of them.
Good Luck Chas, you'll be fine :)
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I cried a little...but not that she saw.
She had also been to preschool, so in a way, from her perspective it wasn't really very new. Also it was 25 years ago, and kids weren't expected to know much of anything then. Today's kindergarten is different.
Wayside said it well, allow the day to unfold and enjoy it. I wish I had taken the time myself to journal it for me. We forget a lot of things over time............
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medic's wife
Wow! I know how you feel....and now I deal with a college age son who manages to oversleep for a 6:30 PM class. Enjoy these sweet wonderful years.
Our daughter is 13 now....and every time Medic comes home on R&R he is nuts over her new "maturity"
Makeup....boyfriends...the whole deal. Man...somedays it makes me want to adopt a little one :)
My heart goes out to you...it is so heart-wrenching to watch them grow up and go through the stages and ages. I don't think I will ever forget the first time I put my little girl on that school bus. I went back in the house and just cried.
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Kristopher was all business when he was told, "It's a school night. You need to be in bed by 7:30PM."
Those were m-a-g-i-c words tonight! He had his pajamas on, teeth brushed, faced washed, and all that jazz done in record time. There were no arguements tonight about anything at all, which was very refreshing. I think he'll probably carry the same attitude into the morning.
We found out that his bus schedule would mean that he would be on the bus over an hour both to and from school, which is rediculous, as we almost live within the school zone. We our driveway is less than 12 feet from the marker for the school zone - no kidding. We were told he can take the bus, but WHY? Plus the poor guy will be so car sick by the time he gets home - he'd be miserable. So, it will be the Mommy Taxi service taking him back and forth.
One thing I've realized, is that with Kristopher in school, I will have more 1-on-1 time with Andreas. I've always felt like he was short-changed sometimes because Kristopher is a real mommy's boy and is always looking for my attention. Hubby and Andreas are about as close as a toddler and his dad could possibly be, but I've never had much alone time with the little guy - so it will be good for him, too.
Well, it's a school night...
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Holy KaShmoly, Chas! Seems like just last week you were asking questions about being a first time Mommy! :blink: It IS flying by!
Thinking of you this morning and knowing that Kristopher is having a blast and Mom is doing just fine with her new "big boy". Andreas will definitely eat up the one on one time with you, too!
Can't wait to hear all about it! Did you take pictures?
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don't forget cookies and milk when they get home!
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Sending my first off was hard but I had a job to keep me company. She had been in pre-school for a year by that time. However, with each subsequent child I was pushing them out the door.
Go, learn, give mom a break!!!
I know I will miss them all terribly when they are out of the house though. It's when they start graduating from high school and I know I will have less and less influence on their lives that I will be sorrowful and also hopeful that I taught them well enough to do well in all life throws at them.
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Well, Kristopher just finished his second day of school today - sorry I didn't make it back here yesterday.
Yesterday was the longest morning of my life - Kristopher was ready to roll by 9AM, but didn't have to be there until 11:40 - yikes. He was super into going - just couldn't wait. I was happy for him, of course and since he was so busy buzzing around, I didn't shed a tear.
He met his class and teacher at the playground, and they lined up to go into the school. He didn't so much as turn around to wavy good-bye - he just marched into school, in the line of little ducks. Some of the moms there were snapping pictures like crazy. I took a couple, but did a short video interview with him, before he left of what he thought it would be like and what he would do at school. Some of the moms really lost it when the kids went into the school - I kept it together. It hit me more when I got in the car, but I knew he was in good hand and he was happy.
That afternoon he came home tired and hungry. After a quick snack and a potty break, he said, "Mommy, can we snuggle? Can you come sit next to me?" So, I layed on the floor next to him, filling out the 200 forms that he'd brought home from school, while he used my back and shoulders for a pillow, and sucked his thumb. (He only sucks his thumb when he's super tired.) It was sweet.
But he would NOT talk about his day, "I'm too tired to talk!" Okay...
Today, he was as into it as yesterday. He was taunting Andreas just before he left, "I'm-a-goin'-to-schoo-ool! I'm-a-goin'-to-schoo-ool!" in a sing-song voice. Andreas just strong-armed him out of his face, as if to say, "Get-outta-here!" He came home pooped again - and hungry as a bear (and about as friendly as one - yikes!)
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What a great time . so many memories to cherish. The memories will live on long after the photos have vanished. The mind is the greatest camera ever invented because it captures emotions along with the images.
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soon enough, you will be dealing with your feelings of pride when they get their first job after college. enjoy this week, it all goes by quickly.
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First week of kindergarten is over, and here's my two biggest suprises about it:
1. They only have recess once or twice a week, and for 15 mins. (What?! That doesn't seem like much airing out time - yikes!)
2. They're starting on Spanish this year! I thought it was going to be more like exposure. Nope - whole language. He came home with three new words he'd learned today. I think it's cool - just suprised it's so soon. (And Spanish... in New Hampshire...?) (I grew up listening to that Franco-American talk - "I thankyou me!")
Things have changed...
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thats too funny you
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LOL! I reckon you and Hubby might need to learn Spanish with Kristopher or he and Andreas are going to be able to get away with plotting much mischievousness.
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Belle - Actually, Hubby knows some Spanish, as he took three years of it. He's one of those people who can pick up a language like it's nothing, but that's probably because his first language was Greek. He learned English when he entered public school, then took Spanish for a few years. He took Classical Greek in college, as he's only like 4 credits with a major in the Classics.
So.... it seems Kristopher will follow in hubby's footsteps, but with the Spanish starting much earlier.
I was raised in a family where my mother believes, "You live in America, so you should speak American." Did you know American is a language? Neither did I. I thought we spoke English here, but oh, well...
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