Belle, you're gonna outlast me, but only by a few months. My date, January 27, 2050, at the ripe age of 94. I'm still shooting for 120 years.
So, on 01/27/50 I want to plan a big party to celebrate a wonderful life. And hopefully will live many more years to remember how much fun it was, and repeat it each year until I check out for good.
Since it will be January, and could be chilly in these parts, could we have the party at your house, Belle. Is your part of Florida still pleasant in January? Pleasant enough for skinny dipping? Woo hoo!
Hmmm. I did myself twice. The first time I put myself in normal mode. According to that, I die in 2025. The second time I put myself in optomistic mode. This change added 20 years to my life. Must be that law of believing.
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Tom Strange
It says I have a little over 20 years left... which is probably pretty accurate since no male in my family lives past 72...
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I have over a billion
My date is:
Friday, April 16, 2049
Which is just shy of my 96th birthday
---damn and I was looking forward to #96---
I guess that trip to climb Kilimanjaro is off
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Wednesday, June 8, 2050
Seconds left to live...
Does this mean I need to cancel the spa appointment for that day? :(
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I died on Tuesday May 9, 1995
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Thursday, October 7, 2060.
It ain't the 110 I always figured I live til, but I can't complain about 101!
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Should we send flowers?
Gees I tried it again, and I lost 20 years in the last 2 hours
Was it something in my dinner salad?
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Oh that's just stupid - according to it I've only got several secon........................................................
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Hey T! Arise, thou sluggard! You can't leave have to stick around and keep me company for the next 25 years.
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It says that when I die I'll be 103???
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Monday, June 29, 2020
Seconds left to live...437,020,322
condolences Krys
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Dec 22, 2010. Well. it'll look good on the stone. Only three Christmas's left!!! Guess I better make it count.
Since Krys is alive and kicking, I won't worry too much. Hi, Krys! Looking good!!
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Belle, you're gonna outlast me, but only by a few months. My date, January 27, 2050, at the ripe age of 94. I'm still shooting for 120 years.
So, on 01/27/50 I want to plan a big party to celebrate a wonderful life. And hopefully will live many more years to remember how much fun it was, and repeat it each year until I check out for good.
Since it will be January, and could be chilly in these parts, could we have the party at your house, Belle. Is your part of Florida still pleasant in January? Pleasant enough for skinny dipping? Woo hoo!
See y'all there!
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Every time you click it, you get a different date. I quit at August 1, 2051 which would be 4 weeks shy of my 99th birthday. I'll take that.
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Tom Strange
TBone... I didn't think she was gonna let you get away with that...
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Tonto -- If you lay on holy hands -- ya might ressurect *him* from the dead! ;)
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Ron G.
Ha ha ha
This thing's a joke.
It says I only have 18 seconds left.
Isn't that silly? Why if that were true, I'd drop dead right about n
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Bye Ron.
Should we send someone for you?
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Wednesday, July 31, 2052
I'll only be 91... maybe I should try it again?
Thursday, June 24, 2055
Tuesday, August 11, 2065
Monday, June 26, 2056
Friday, July 6, 2063
Friday, July 31, 2065
I pick the third one... 104 sounds better... 91 is way too young!
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This calculator takes more thing into consideration. My score came out to 87 years, so there's actually a chance I might see a grandchild.
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Says I'll die when I'm 69. Or maybe that was while doing.....uh, nevermind! :)
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Postscript to my figures..."That is if I die"
Heck I always have one eye on the sky!
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Hmmm. I did myself twice. The first time I put myself in normal mode. According to that, I die in 2025. The second time I put myself in optomistic mode. This change added 20 years to my life. Must be that law of believing.
Edited by johniamLink to comment
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What a hoot this thread is. I spit coke on the screen when I learned of our ghostly friend with wings.
I don't make it as long as most you folks. My one time said the end of 2023. :(
Rick, send me the link to the survey that offered that option. <_<
Y'all are just too funny.
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