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Corps Tuition

Out There

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Gee Tom - I wish I make as much as you do. 262K in three years? Thats 87K a year. I'm a guide for a living and usually don't make quite that much. You are saying that back when you were in-residence you had a missed opportunity of 87K a year. thats how much in todays dollars. Figuring COLA and inflation thats around $175K a year in todays dollars.

You know I really enjoyed the time I spent in the corps so I guess I view things different than you. My question was how much did you pay to the Way Int. for tuition. I was interested in seeing how much the cost of what was called corps tuition went up.

By the way, do you make $10 an hour while you sleep between the hours of 12 and 6am?

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What about what it cost in self esteem when submitting to the humiliation of face meltings?

What about the cost of lives of the children that were eliminated because their conception was an inconvenient distraction from honoring our corpes commitment?

What about the sanity of our sisters and brothers who couldn`t handle vp` n lcm`s *freedom in christ* when it came to themselves or their spouses being the mog`s newest playtoy?

What about our brothers and sisters who died in attempting to obey their leaders directions?

Sometimes *cost* isn`t just about dollar amounts.

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12 and 6am?? What corps were you in?? Didn't you ever have Blast Partol, 24 hrs of prayer (we always got the 2am - 3am, or 3 to 4am shift, after aerobics points, chapel setup, etc), or go LEAD (hitchhike through the night, no time to sleep), or go Lightbearers, or any of the other 1000 things we did in the corps??

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And lets consider overtime and health care and retirement benefits. At least another 40%.

I remember going up to the tip of Wierwille library on a rickety aluminum ladder to clean those windows ... what about reckless endangerment?

And where is my commission for the guys I got "in the word" that sent their money in for years. And all the beer I had to drink for medication (ok, some of you saw shrinks and get other meds).

I think they owe a half mil per corpse grad. Plus 6% interest for 25 years ... make it a cool $2,000,000.

I call dibs on the first check.

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I never knew such an easy question like what was the cost of Corps Tuition would bring such a miriad of responses, very few of which helped answer the original question

TT i'm sorry you had such a negative feel for the time you spent in the Corps. I myself had a very enriching 3 years which I wouldn't trade for anything. I am very thankful for the time I was in the Way Corps. yes there were hassles and lots of them but I am a much better person for having gome through them.

Anybody out there, would you help answer my original question - Thanks

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I was in the Sickth Corps - and we needed $300 a month - that included our interim year.

That also included a reserve fund to be given to us when we graduated. If I remember correctly, the way it worked was - if you received all of your $300 sponsorship every month - $20 of it was put into your reserve fund while you were in residence. If you got your sponsorship on your interim year, $90 of it was put in your reserve fund and you got a "student aid" check from TWI for $200 (the other $10 was used for tapes, way rags, etc.). Our last year in-rez, the reserve went from $20 to $10 for some reason. When I graduated I received a check for $1440 to get started in my assigned area. This was 1978 - so it was really helpful. I was able to buy a used car and put a deposit down on an apartment.

I think we were the last Corpse to get that money. Something to do with the IRS. Anyone else remember?


Hey - TT - I never thought of it that way - great point. As far as getting $ for when you DID sleep - heck - you were there - they owned you. If they wanted to wake you up at 3:00 a.m. to "chase rabbits" - you got up! So IMO, TT's figuring is right on the money! :blink:

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Waysider, I sent you a personal message. We may know each other. I don't know about you, but I'll never eat familia again!

Watered Garden

PS: The Wayside is now a Marathon station. The Wagon Wheel (Broken Spoke) has gone through several metamorphoses and I don't know what it is now. The cow pasture we ran past every morning is a Grace Brethren Church.

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WG----Howdy neighbor!------I'll send you a PM when I can. I'm glad the Wayside wasn't a Marathon back then or I'd have to call myself The Marathoner and old age is setting in do'ntcha know. Maybe we can drag some other FL out of the shadows. Ditto on the familia( I saw how it was made).

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My Corps tuition was $3600.00 for my first in residence year but that did not include the extra costs, it seems, that others reported here bringing it to $4200.00 or $4300.00 a year.

I dropped out of Corps before going in residence after doing the following:

1. Got a spiritual partner who was willing to pay MY ENTIRE TUITION. But, orders came down that if the spiritual partner had left TWI, we had to drop them. This one had. I could not accept full tuition. I had to give the money back.

2. Went to Advanced Class 1992 and a lot of people knew me. I gathered up well over the $3600.00 in pledges in that class once again paying for my first year in residence. AGAIN, LCM announced in the auditorium that no one was allowed to hit up people at the Advanced Class (I was not the only one...there were others and complaints were made). I only hit up people that knew me there in TWI, though. Others hit up just about everybody. LCM said we had to return pledges or money to those and restrict ourselves to raising money in our own geographical area or town. Again, the money went back.

3. The people in my geographical area were already hit up from about a dozen or more, mostly girls, trying to go Corps and by the time I got there, almost all were already tapped out. I got no pledges from any Corps but did raise another $853.00 in actual money I sent in...again...but failed to make my first $1400.00 installment. BTW, TWI kept the $853.00 I had raised and said it could be credited to the next year. They would not return it.

4. My Corps coordinator and area leader accused me of not believing hard enough. I was told as I entered my second year of Apprentice Corps...to go WOW to learn to believe better. I needed $600.00 cash. No, it could not come from the $853.00 because that was promised for Corps residency.

5. My twig coordinator had a business and wanted me working it while they went to the Rock. I was promised $650.00 for two weeks of work while they took a week to prepare and another week at the ROA. I also had assigned duties and had to drive back and forth from Columbus, Ohio to New Knoxville after working for him every night of the ROA. I did WOW burgers and cleaning. I then went home after midnight every night. I also signed up for WOW at the Rock as I promised.

6. When it came time to get paid and get the money in (second wave WOWs I remember...we had until October 1 to pay)...I went to get my pay and was given only $150.00. I never saw the rest or the $500.00.

7. The word went out my "believing" was bad and possibly due to devil spirits. I was shunned by local believers.

8. I made a decision to finally take control of my life and challenged my area coordinator that I was not going Corps or WOW after all and was going to get a job not run by anyone in TWI and I was now refusing to tithe, since my tithe was not working as expected. (I tithed up to 15% of my pitiful low income). I asked for the $853.00 to be returned to me so I could return it to the givers. I was refused. I then requested that they return it themselves then to the individuals who did give, all standing believers. That request was turned down. None of my spiritual partners got anything back. Most forgave my debt. The ones that didn't I had to pay back. I had been told in the past they did return money to spiritual partners so at this time I was at a loss.

9. I got hate mail from local believers and Corps in the area. No joke. Accusations of devil possession. Turning my back on God. Stay away from their fellowships and families, this kind of thing. I ignored the mail.

10. I began to get phone calls telling me I was off the Word from these same people who were marking and avoiding me. This was their way of M&A I suppose. I got to the point I could not take it anymore.

One Corps guy called and kept telling me how off the Word I was and abandoned by God because I wasn't doing what leadership told me to do and disobeyed LCM. I finally said that if he didn't stop calling I would meet him at his own house. He hung up on me. That was stupid I know. I should have just called the police. I was avoided since. It was a blessing considering my situation.

11. My life took off immediately after TWI. I have done better since. MUCH better.

12. The only greasespot I saw was changing my oil on a new car I bought.


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  Out There said:
I never knew such an easy question like what was the cost of Corps Tuition would bring such a miriad of responses, very few of which helped answer the original question

TT i'm sorry you had such a negative feel for the time you spent in the Corps. I myself had a very enriching 3 years which I wouldn't trade for anything. I am very thankful for the time I was in the Way Corps. yes there were hassles and lots of them but I am a much better person for having gome through them.

Anybody out there, would you help answer my original question - Thanks

Enriching 3 years?...and you STILL believe that?...

...perhaps some professional councilling might help.

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Waysider and Out There,

Thank you very much. I did feel a lot freer...after about six months. I had a feeling of dread for about that long thinking God was really going to abandon me, even though HE really did rescue me.

The name "Eagle" comes from one of my favorite bands..."The Eagles". However, having a patriotic side, I really liked the name.

Steve Spencer (Eagle)

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