I do the same as Tom ... the little light gets brighter and it's really time ... I always just fill all the way up, no reason to waste time putting in $5. Of course now $10 only gets you a quarter tank at most.
There is a station not far from here that does full service for certain hours like 3 days a week for the same price. The old guy that came up to me was the same guy that had his face painted on the window advertising the full service ... which was kinda funny. I hadn't thought that it would be helpful for the elderly. If they can't get their own gas, it isn't long before they shouldn't be driving?
Holy Tapdancing Christ, What kind of drugs are they doing in Ohio?
I buy gas when I need to buy gas, Is that hard to figure out?
Now your question on the fillup part--this is a little more intricate, I always stick the card in and fill it up --but a month or so ago I was filling up my big work van and it stopped at $100.00 which hit some sort of weird psychological barrier for me (being the first time Ive ever put a hundred bucks of gas in a vehicle), so a few times Ive put in $40.00 or 50.00 which somehow makes me think Im getting some sort of better deal. I'll go back to filling it again soon.
The only time I DON'T fill up is on the weekends...gas prices always rise here right before the weekend and then go back down at the beginning of the week. If that weren't the case I'd fill up whenever I needed to. However, I have this weird compulsion about checking gas prices. I cannot drive past a gas station without looking at the gas prices. I feel like I have to go back and look if I make myself drive by without looking...OCD?
I don't take many long trips anymore, so usually once/month does it for me. And I fill it at my favorite place. In the winter, I also try to keep it close to full, so I stop more often.
I fill up when I need gas. I don't care which day it is, and I ususally go to the closest station. If there is a 10 cent difference, I don't care. When I am filling up my car, usually 14 gallons, it means an extra $1.40. Is it worth driving farther than paying the extra $1.40??? I don't think so. My time is worth more than that.
I try to time the fillup so that I have a nearly full tank Saturday morning. I usually end up doing a lot of unpredictable driving over the weekend and I don't like to stop for gas.
I usually fill up right after I run out of gas on the side of the road somewhere and AAA has come to my rescue. No kidding, this seems to happen to me quite a lot. I hate stopping for gas.
I get worried about this stuff. Once my kid had to go to the ER and I had to stop for gas first. Never again.
Also someone told me once about how it's bad for my cars engine to let my gas get below 1/4 tank. I have no idea if that's true or not, it might have been the same person that told me male urine will keep skunks away, but then they were nowhere around to pay the bail money. <_< Differant thread.
Usually if I need it, it's mondays when I fill up. I do not fill up on weekends if I can help it. They raise the prices here too usually about thursday afternoon or friday, then drop them again on monday am. Not always, which keeps the consumer wondering.
I too try to keep mine about a quarter tank - altho I just took a road trip and let it go below that sometimes. I heard it was better for the engine to keep it at least at a quarter tank from my ex-husband and most of what he said turned out to be good advice.
I enjoy the 'fill-up' version of a gas purchase when the price is on the down swing.
How OFTEN?... well, that depends on how much running around has gone on... anywhere from twice a day to twice a month. This summer, we rode our bikes to the beach & back home.. so, didn't need much gas with all those beach days... For the 6 hour trips to Grandpa's... fill up twice in a day.
Our gas seems to fluctuate during the week also, being higher on weekends.
My dad still reminds me that having a nearly empty tank isn't good, since there would be a better chance of condensation inside the tank, and keeping it on the 'full side' would help to prevent water getting in the tank.
Since he worked 34 years for GM , I guess he knows what he's talking about.
I'm with you Shellon... NEVER want to run out of gas in an emergency... that must have been un-nerving!
usuallywhen I am at Costco...once every couple weeks or so. I cant go more than 2 weeks usually cuz I have a honkin' big Yukon....28 gallons every 2 weeks = Costco = 70.00
I fill up when I get to 1/4 tank, but sometimes 1/4 inch below E Depends on how much time I have and if it's raining.
The question came to mind after reading the TWIt article on proper parenting. It's posted in the About the Way section if you're interested..... but "they" suggest in that article that one fills their car up on the week-ends to make more time during the week. Seemed a little odd to me. I thought most folks filled up when they needed to and not on any "time" schedule. :huh:
It's nice to know I'm not the only one who does that. ^_^
.... but "they" suggest in that article that one fills their car up on the week-ends to make more time during the week. Seemed a little odd to me. I thought most folks filled up when they needed to and not on any "time" schedule. :huh:
The 9 to 5'er types I knew liked to get those little chores done during the week so they have their weekend more free and clear. It seems twi just enjoys telling people how to live their lives, or maybe it really is part of conditioning their flock to obey. :wacko:
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Tom Strange
I fill up whenever the little light goes on (or within 40 miles of that happening)... no matter what time or day it is...
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You forgot a question.
Do you have to apply for a 2nd (or 3rd) mortgage to fill up that gas tank? ... Particularly if its one of those Buick full size honkers?
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I do the same as Tom ... the little light gets brighter and it's really time ... I always just fill all the way up, no reason to waste time putting in $5. Of course now $10 only gets you a quarter tank at most.
There is a station not far from here that does full service for certain hours like 3 days a week for the same price. The old guy that came up to me was the same guy that had his face painted on the window advertising the full service ... which was kinda funny. I hadn't thought that it would be helpful for the elderly. If they can't get their own gas, it isn't long before they shouldn't be driving?
Why does twi say to fill up on weekends?
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Cuz that's when they expect you to drive a-l-l the way to Headquarters for their Sunday Night Service.
Can't do that on a near empty tank o' gas, donchaknow.
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They tell people when to buy gas?????
Holy Tapdancing Christ, What kind of drugs are they doing in Ohio?
I buy gas when I need to buy gas, Is that hard to figure out?
Now your question on the fillup part--this is a little more intricate, I always stick the card in and fill it up --but a month or so ago I was filling up my big work van and it stopped at $100.00 which hit some sort of weird psychological barrier for me (being the first time Ive ever put a hundred bucks of gas in a vehicle), so a few times Ive put in $40.00 or 50.00 which somehow makes me think Im getting some sort of better deal. I'll go back to filling it again soon.
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The only time I DON'T fill up is on the weekends...gas prices always rise here right before the weekend and then go back down at the beginning of the week. If that weren't the case I'd fill up whenever I needed to. However, I have this weird compulsion about checking gas prices. I cannot drive past a gas station without looking at the gas prices. I feel like I have to go back and look if I make myself drive by without looking...OCD?
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your gas prices rise on the weekends and fall in priace during the midweek???
well that is something all together i would say.
here they just rise it appears everyday.
Inthe winter i keep a full tank. well I used to times have changedso I will see this winter.
now the light tells me i neverever waitined for that light.. now i will do ten twenty if i got it.
depends on the pluraity of the situation for me.
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I don't take many long trips anymore, so usually once/month does it for me. And I fill it at my favorite place. In the winter, I also try to keep it close to full, so I stop more often.
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i fill up as little as possible because it's so depressing
i didn't know the way international had suggestions on when to fill up. did you have to do it in pairs or could you go it alone to the pump ?
just imagine your abundant sharing if those lovemobile coaches were still out and about ? snort
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I fill up when I need gas. I don't care which day it is, and I ususally go to the closest station. If there is a 10 cent difference, I don't care. When I am filling up my car, usually 14 gallons, it means an extra $1.40. Is it worth driving farther than paying the extra $1.40??? I don't think so. My time is worth more than that.
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I try to time the fillup so that I have a nearly full tank Saturday morning. I usually end up doing a lot of unpredictable driving over the weekend and I don't like to stop for gas.
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Excie -- of course you had to *pump* in pairs.
Otherwise -- you'd have been re-enacting the *orginal sin*,
(according to the *literal -- I wish you could read it in the original*) format from docvic.
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I usually fill up right after I run out of gas on the side of the road somewhere and AAA has come to my rescue. No kidding, this seems to happen to me quite a lot. I hate stopping for gas.
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I get worried about this stuff. Once my kid had to go to the ER and I had to stop for gas first. Never again.
Also someone told me once about how it's bad for my cars engine to let my gas get below 1/4 tank. I have no idea if that's true or not, it might have been the same person that told me male urine will keep skunks away, but then they were nowhere around to pay the bail money. <_< Differant thread.
Usually if I need it, it's mondays when I fill up. I do not fill up on weekends if I can help it. They raise the prices here too usually about thursday afternoon or friday, then drop them again on monday am. Not always, which keeps the consumer wondering.
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I too try to keep mine about a quarter tank - altho I just took a road trip and let it go below that sometimes. I heard it was better for the engine to keep it at least at a quarter tank from my ex-husband and most of what he said turned out to be good advice.
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I enjoy the 'fill-up' version of a gas purchase when the price is on the down swing.
How OFTEN?... well, that depends on how much running around has gone on... anywhere from twice a day to twice a month. This summer, we rode our bikes to the beach & back home.. so, didn't need much gas with all those beach days... For the 6 hour trips to Grandpa's... fill up twice in a day.
Our gas seems to fluctuate during the week also, being higher on weekends.
My dad still reminds me that having a nearly empty tank isn't good, since there would be a better chance of condensation inside the tank, and keeping it on the 'full side' would help to prevent water getting in the tank.
Since he worked 34 years for GM , I guess he knows what he's talking about.
I'm with you Shellon... NEVER want to run out of gas in an emergency... that must have been un-nerving!
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usuallywhen I am at Costco...once every couple weeks or so. I cant go more than 2 weeks usually cuz I have a honkin' big Yukon....28 gallons every 2 weeks = Costco = 70.00
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Ron G.
I never let my vehicles get below half a tank...when they run. That keeps everything cleaner and inhibits condensation.
In normal circumstances, I buy gas whenever I damn well please.
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Most people think that the E light means empty, but after owning 4 or 5 Fords in a row I have finally realized it means "EASE over chump, it's over."
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ROFLMAO! Y'all are wonderful!!
I fill up when I get to 1/4 tank, but sometimes 1/4 inch below E
Depends on how much time I have and if it's raining. 
The question came to mind after reading the TWIt article on proper parenting. It's posted in the About the Way section if you're interested..... but "they" suggest in that article that one fills their car up on the week-ends to make more time during the week. Seemed a little odd to me. I thought most folks filled up when they needed to and not on any "time" schedule. :huh:
It's nice to know I'm not the only one who does that. ^_^
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The 9 to 5'er types I knew liked to get those little chores done during the week so they have their weekend more free and clear. It seems twi just enjoys telling people how to live their lives, or maybe it really is part of conditioning their flock to obey. :wacko:
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How pathetic, to think THEY think they have authority.....
Now that I remember, I sat thru a fellwship and the BC taught on cleaning up those pesky dust webs..It makes you more spiritual, ya know.
Of course she wasnt on hourly pay..so she didnt care..lol
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