Im so glad to see that your beginning to touch the real side of life, sometimes it seems a little scarry, because my whole life was defined for me, and yes, I always got the desired results in my efforts..I think I have been in a grey zone and little break thru of light have been surfacing..Ive been rushing trying to put things together in the past few years, that I have continued to walk by things and not feel.TOday I discovered, I havent been feeling..just pushing and pushing...busy, busy doing..even in my quiet time I am not still.....still to me can be boring...Im not use to Idleness..
THe peices will come together again....
what a lovely poem...thank you for being bold enough to share of your many talent's.
I forgot how long you're out now Piper! But that was much like it was for me when I starte getting it together again.GSC wasn't around then and I really felt alone and it was scary. So much of my life revolved around the organization that I almost wasn't sure what to do with all the time on my hands. The first thing I did was slow down all the other things in my life that I had to rush through and take stock of what was important and what was not.
Then I appreciated all the time (to say nothing of the money) I had found for myself and began to resume some of my favorite things that had been put on hold. It's good to be praying about this because God has not left you, in fact, sometimes I even felt He was a bit closer with all the garbage gone.
I liked your poem too. Some people have a way with words that I don't, so I appreciate it when I see it.
It looks like you're beginning to rebuild already. Congratulations!
Isn't it wonderful to realize you can take all those shattered pieces and sculpt a life that is you? Once I fugured out it was really possible to change my life, it maked meeting each day much easier. And the truly great aspect is once you acquire the skills necessary, you can use them everyday to accomplish goals and dreams never thought possible. Just little things like smiling at more people and saying thank you. And big things like deciding to return to school, or change jobs, or get over being shy, or become dynamic in a relationship.
ILB, I truly enjoyed reading your poem, knowing that you are on the road to recovery.
Last Saturday, at our 21st annual bluegrass festival, one of the bands had a man that played bagpipes. Even though I have never met you, I thought of you and how much you would have enjoyed it.
A humble thank you for your kind words and encouragements. I feel my poem doesn't do justice to the vivid mind pic I had...but it gets the point across.
Act2...Thanks for thinking of me. Maybe my screename will come in handy for extra prayers.
Krys....officially it will be one year in a few months. It has been one of the hardest things I've done, yet so much richness has transpired...and many deep, real, intimate relationships/reunions.
:) A year ago at this time I awoke each morning battling a deep, vast emptiness inside. That no longer happens...the emptiness is gone. PRAISE GOD...completely GONE!!! That doesn't mean life has been a piece of cake (no where near)...but there is depth and meaning...and I am no longer living/supporting something I really don't believe in.
This poem posted by Dancing on the doctrinal sums up those shattered pieces:
WW----I can't begin to understand if they removed it because of the poverty reference or the trinitarian tone but thank you for reminding me how loving GOD really is.
I am in tears over that song/poem from Dancing. Thank you, Dancing, and thank you, Pipes. It sums up my path over the last twenty years. I continue to stumble, but I always, always, know Jesus's arms are around me.
finding your own north star sums up the process ofbecoming who you are menat to be.
it has the process of becoming your own self and it is spot on !!1
I think people tend to believe the journeys we take in life are solitary.. that we may be the only one who feels this way .
so we do not communicate well or listen to those who do not want us to become our true self.
codependecy is a huge issue in our society today we can find freedom to become..
but it is a process this book will help in the very least you feel your not alone in what is happening.
the thing I have learned in life is to really relish change.. I do love it and look forward to the difficult times in life when change must happen because i get to be a new me !!!
Sunnyfla, I love those two songs! I have been singing them to babies for 24 years. My youngest baby is 11 now and I don't get to do the sing her to sleep thing very often anymore; I miss it. Those two and Amazing Grace have always been my girls' favorites.
Had to get my tear bottle out again...sweet tears.
BTW: I changed a line in my poem, because in my mind pic I'd pick up a piece and look at it and decide whether or not to throw it in the trash. ( Just couldn't think of words for the rhythm composing the orginal.) :) :
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Geeesh Bagpipes, brings me to tears.
Im so glad to see that your beginning to touch the real side of life, sometimes it seems a little scarry, because my whole life was defined for me, and yes, I always got the desired results in my efforts..I think I have been in a grey zone and little break thru of light have been surfacing..Ive been rushing trying to put things together in the past few years, that I have continued to walk by things and not feel.TOday I discovered, I havent been feeling..just pushing and pushing...busy, busy doing..even in my quiet time I am not still.....still to me can be boring...Im not use to Idleness..
THe peices will come together again....
what a lovely poem...thank you for being bold enough to share of your many talent's.
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I forgot how long you're out now Piper! But that was much like it was for me when I starte getting it together again.GSC wasn't around then and I really felt alone and it was scary. So much of my life revolved around the organization that I almost wasn't sure what to do with all the time on my hands. The first thing I did was slow down all the other things in my life that I had to rush through and take stock of what was important and what was not.
Then I appreciated all the time (to say nothing of the money) I had found for myself and began to resume some of my favorite things that had been put on hold. It's good to be praying about this because God has not left you, in fact, sometimes I even felt He was a bit closer with all the garbage gone.
I liked your poem too. Some people have a way with words that I don't, so I appreciate it when I see it.
It looks like you're beginning to rebuild already. Congratulations!
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Great poem, Bagpipes! A very good description of the on-going healing process we experience.
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Stayed Too Long
Isn't it wonderful to realize you can take all those shattered pieces and sculpt a life that is you? Once I fugured out it was really possible to change my life, it maked meeting each day much easier. And the truly great aspect is once you acquire the skills necessary, you can use them everyday to accomplish goals and dreams never thought possible. Just little things like smiling at more people and saying thank you. And big things like deciding to return to school, or change jobs, or get over being shy, or become dynamic in a relationship.
You have a great road a head of you!!
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ILB, I truly enjoyed reading your poem, knowing that you are on the road to recovery.
Last Saturday, at our 21st annual bluegrass festival, one of the bands had a man that played bagpipes. Even though I have never met you, I thought of you and how much you would have enjoyed it.
Keep up the good work.
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I Love Bagpipes
A humble thank you for your kind words and encouragements. I feel my poem doesn't do justice to the vivid mind pic I had...but it gets the point across.
Act2...Thanks for thinking of me. Maybe my screename will come in handy for extra prayers.
Krys....officially it will be one year in a few months. It has been one of the hardest things I've done, yet so much richness has transpired...and many deep, real, intimate relationships/reunions.
:) A year ago at this time I awoke each morning battling a deep, vast emptiness inside. That no longer happens...the emptiness is gone.
PRAISE GOD...completely GONE!!!
That doesn't mean life has been a piece of cake (no where near)...but there is depth and meaning...and I am no longer living/supporting something I really don't believe in.
This poem posted by Dancing on the doctrinal sums up those shattered pieces:
~A Poem of God's Grace~
I did not know His love before,
the way I know it now.
I could not see my need for Him,
my pride would not allow.
I had it all, without a care,
the "Self-sufficient" lie.
My path was smooth, my sea was still,
not a cloud was in my sky.
I thought I knew His love for me,
I thought I'd seen His grace,
I thought I did not need to grow,
I thought I'd found my place.
But then the way grew rough and dark,
the storm clouds quickly rolled;
The waves began to rock my ship,
I found I had no hold.
The ship that I had built myself
was made of foolish pride.
It fell apart and left me bare,
with nowhere else to hide
I had no strength or faith to face
the trials that lay ahead,
And so I simply spoke His name
and bowed my weary head.
His loving arms enveloped me,
and then He helped me stand.
He said, "You still must face this storm,
but I will hold your hand."
So through the dark and lonely night
He guided me through pain.
I could not see the light of day
or when I'd smile again.
Yet through the pain and endless tears,
my faith began to grow.
I could not see it at the time,
but my light began to glow.
I saw God's love in brand new light,
His grace and mercy, too.
For only when all self was gone could
Jesus Christ's love shine through.
It was not easy in the storm,
I sometimes wondered why.
At times I thought, "I can't go on."
I'd hurt, and doubt, and cry.
But Jesus never left my side
He guided me each day.
Through pain and strife,
through fire and flood,
He helped me all the way.
And now I see as ne'er before
how great His love can be
How in my weakness He is strong,
how Jesus cares for me!
He worked it all out for my good,
although the way was rough.
He only sent what I could bear,
and then He said, "Enough!"
He raised His hand and said, "Be still!"
He made the storm clouds cease.
He opened up the gates of joy
and flooded me with peace.
I saw His face now clearer still,
I felt His presence strong,
I found anew His faithfulness,
He never did me wrong.
And now I know more storms will come,
but only for my good,
For pain and tears have helped me grow
as nothing ever could.
I still have so much more to learn
as Christ works in me;
If in the storm I'll love Him more,
that's where I want to be!
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Hey bagpipes
Love your structure. Actually looks like an intact lidded urn!
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You got me thinking of a Christian hymn that we sang PART OF,
and never sang the last verse.
It contradicted Session I of pfal
and "Christians Should Be Prosperous", you see....
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
(Words and music: Ira F. Stanphill © 1950)
"I don't know about tomorrow; I just live from day to day.
I don't borrow from its sunshine, For its skies may turn to grey.
I don't worry o'er the future, For I know what Jesus said.
And today I'll walk beside Him, For He knows what is ahead.
Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow And I know who holds my hand.
Every step is getting brighter As the golden stairs I climb;
Every burden's getting lighter, Every cloud is silver-lined.
There the sun is always shining, There no tear will dim the eye;
At the ending of the rainbow Where the mountains touch the sky.
Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow And I know who holds my hand.
I don't know about tomorrow; It may bring me poverty.
But the one who feeds the sparrow, Is the one who stands by me.
And the path that is my portion May be through the flame or flood;
But His presence goes before me And I'm covered with His blood.
Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow And I know who holds my hand."
Edited by WordWolfLink to comment
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WW----I can't begin to understand if they removed it because of the poverty reference or the trinitarian tone but thank you for reminding me how loving GOD really is.
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Beautiful poem B Pipes! I used to feel like a trapped moth trying to get to the light.
One of my favorite songs from TWI days is Tell Me Why.
"Tell me why the stars do shine,
Tell me why the ivy twine,
Tell me why the sky so blue,
And I will tell you just why I love you.
Because God made the stars to shine,
Because God made the ivy twine,
Because God made the sky so blue,
Because God made you that's why I love you"
I used to sing this my daughters as they drifted off to sleep at night.
They loved it too.
Thanks again for the inspiration!
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Welcome chiwawa! It's nice to see you - - make yourself at home here and enjoy the conversations.
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I am in tears over that song/poem from Dancing. Thank you, Dancing, and thank you, Pipes. It sums up my path over the last twenty years. I continue to stumble, but I always, always, know Jesus's arms are around me.
Luv ya.
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Pipes and Dancing,
Beautiful poems. Thanks for sharing them.
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how beautiful
may your journey be healing every step
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Here's one that I sang to my kids at night before bed.
Peace Peace wonderful peace
Coming down from the Father above
Sweep over my Spirit forever I pray
In fabulous billows of love.
Got any rivers you think are uncrossable
Got any mountains you can not tunnel through
God specializes in things called impossible
And He can do..... what..... no other power can do
They absolutely LOVE it!!!!!!!
ILB, Those poems were lovely!!
Welcome ciwawa... I love that song too
WW, That is my all time favorite.. I never knew of the extra verse. Thanks for shareing it :)
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the book
finding your own north star sums up the process ofbecoming who you are menat to be.
it has the process of becoming your own self and it is spot on !!1
I think people tend to believe the journeys we take in life are solitary.. that we may be the only one who feels this way .
so we do not communicate well or listen to those who do not want us to become our true self.
codependecy is a huge issue in our society today we can find freedom to become..
but it is a process this book will help in the very least you feel your not alone in what is happening.
the thing I have learned in life is to really relish change.. I do love it and look forward to the difficult times in life when change must happen because i get to be a new me !!!
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Sunnyfla, I love those two songs! I have been singing them to babies for 24 years. My youngest baby is 11 now and I don't get to do the sing her to sleep thing very often anymore; I miss it. Those two and Amazing Grace have always been my girls' favorites.
Now I have grandbabies!! :)
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I Love Bagpipes
I inquired of Dancing where he/she got this poem and this was Dancing's response. Click on the website; it's worth the couple minutes.
Dancing's post from doctrinal (can't remember the thread..something about love and words started by Sirguessalot..I think):
"I found it on the internet somewhere. Changed a couple of words.
Made it a book and now a class!
Bringing in millions now......
Ha just kidding. I didn't write it.
But I did find it on the internet, and changed a couple of words.
here's one place that has it-
googled the title...
but that's not where i got it.
it says author unknown, but they are now huh...."
BTW: LOL Dancing....bringing in millions. Can we share in the royalties?
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I Love Bagpipes
Catcup...I don't think I would have noticed that, the urn.
Way cool. Thanks. :)
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Hey Pipes
A poem in your honor:
The distance between us,
spans years, spans time and place,
but the distance between us, is only a breath, only a trace.
The distance between us, is nothing when we embrace, once again.
The distance between us, melts into time and space. And the distance between us, brings us together, joining us in His grace.
Love you,
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I Love Bagpipes
Thank you..
Had to get my tear bottle out again...sweet tears.
BTW: I changed a line in my poem, because in my mind pic I'd pick up a piece and look at it and decide whether or not to throw it in the trash. ( Just couldn't think of words for the rhythm composing the orginal.) :) :
" 'Where do I start to pick up the pieces?'
The answer came,
'One at a time. Some you trash,
And keep 'em.' "
My times with you? ...I'm keeping 'em.
Looking FORWARD to Texas!!!!
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I Love Bagpipes
(Ex10...I hope you don't mind me fine tuning the rhythm of your poem. It's beautiful.)
The distance between us,
spans years, spans time and place.
But the distance between us,
is only a breath, only a trace.
The distance between us,
is nothing when we embrace,
once again.
The distance between us,
melts into time and space.
And the distance between us,
brings us together,
joining us in His grace.
I love you T...
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Glad you liked my attempt at poetry, pipes.
Amazing what comes from the heart when one can't sleep.
Love yu too, darlin. Can't wait to see you.
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