You all are going to have a good time! I remember the grilled chicken pizza being very good.
Uhot, I've been to the Grand Canyon (what a place to watch a sunrise!) but not the other places you mentioned. Have you ever hiked in Bear Canyon to Seven Falls in the Tucson area? Beautiful! If you all go to the Oreganos in Flag you'll have cool weather and good food. The one in Flag has a nice covered patio area.
The one in Tempe has a covered patio, and they have gone one better than the misting systems for the coming warm season... they have three evap coolers in place to blow nice cool air on folks. Probably similar or same in Tucson.
Besides being closer for Z, Tucson is closer to nice (and COOL) places like Patagonia Lake State Park, Sonoita Creek preserve and lovely places to watch lots of birds, for example, Ramsey Canyon, which is closer to Sierra Vista, is the BEST place to check out hummingbirds.
italian food....hmmm... being a 2nd generation italian and having been raised by my italian grandparents, i must say i am pretty picky about my italian food...ain't nothing that compares to grandma's. :D--> are you sure this oreganos place is good? might i suggest riazzi's? those cooks come from italy. i also hear mancuso's is good....but i have never been there.
then again...we could all meet at my place and my mom and i could cook the real stuff. ;)--> only kidding, i could never get my mom to agree to all that cooking....of course, depends on how many people we are talking about. now, grandma, she would have cooked for an army...heehee..
anyway, i am interested in this az get-together.
my last final exam for this semester was last night but i am taking 2 summer weekends or fridays are better for me. i think i can make july 12th.
hey, where is weout? they live around these parts, too. gotta have weout there...xo
Zshot.....I'm pretty much technically impaired,otherwise I would be more than happy to run to serve in this matter,but maybe you should set up one of those polls where people vote on the when,where, and so forth of the Az. get-together.....
You are as well and I'd count on you to work your kitchen magic! Honestly, though, I do have plenty of room and would love to host a get together...My community has a couple of pools, but the shade trees are too small to provide shade....
Scuse the interruption from the peanut gallery . . .
To start a poll, it's reaaaaallllly easy.
Go to the top of the screen, and at the top you see the GreaseSpot Cafe banner, then you see the "Resources etc" drop down list, a couple of lines lower you see "Chat room", the "".
The first blue bar starts out with "New". Click on that, then click "Poll".
The plan is fine with me 'cept sometime in July or Aug. I'm going back east for a couple of weeks....not sure exactly when yet....If I'm in the state July 12,it sounds good to me....I"ll even bring some chips....
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Thank you Rockymountainhigh!
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Oreganos sounds good to me.
Can we get a consencus?
If we agree on the place, the next would be the date and time...
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I'm in!
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You all are going to have a good time! I remember the grilled chicken pizza being very good.
Uhot, I've been to the Grand Canyon (what a place to watch a sunrise!) but not the other places you mentioned. Have you ever hiked in Bear Canyon to Seven Falls in the Tucson area? Beautiful! If you all go to the Oreganos in Flag you'll have cool weather and good food. The one in Flag has a nice covered patio area.
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Oreganos sounds good to me. Having it in Flagstaff sounds even better!
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The one in Tempe has a covered patio, and they have gone one better than the misting systems for the coming warm season... they have three evap coolers in place to blow nice cool air on folks. Probably similar or same in Tucson.
Besides being closer for Z, Tucson is closer to nice (and COOL) places like Patagonia Lake State Park, Sonoita Creek preserve and lovely places to watch lots of birds, for example, Ramsey Canyon, which is closer to Sierra Vista, is the BEST place to check out hummingbirds.
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Oregano's in either town is fine with long as we don't have to wear nametags...
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Simon has brought up a good point.
We don't have to wear name tags and chairs don't need to be strung.
The Tucson area would be easier for Karmicdebt and myself.
This sounds like it's going to be fun
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hey...tempe sounds good to me...heehee
italian food....hmmm... being a 2nd generation italian and having been raised by my italian grandparents, i must say i am pretty picky about my italian food...ain't nothing that compares to grandma's.
:D--> are you sure this oreganos place is good? might i suggest riazzi's? those cooks come from italy. i also hear mancuso's is good....but i have never been there.
then again...we could all meet at my place and my mom and i could cook the real stuff.
;)--> only kidding, i could never get my mom to agree to all that cooking....of course, depends on how many people we are talking about. now, grandma, she would have cooked for an army...heehee..
anyway, i am interested in this az get-together.
my last final exam for this semester was last night but i am taking 2 summer weekends or fridays are better for me. i think i can make july 12th.
hey, where is weout? they live around these parts, too. gotta have weout there...xo
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Jen---I'm a second generation Italian as well...I'll make the sauce if you bring the cannoli! We can have it at my house!
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Cannoli's, hey now your talkin! One of my favorite deserts!!!
I'm game Tucson area. Patagonia Lake State Park sounds like a cool spot!
Just name the place and the time and I'll try and get there with the wife.
July 12th would work for me.
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Zshot.....I'm pretty much technically impaired,otherwise I would be more than happy to run to serve in this matter,but maybe you should set up one of those polls where people vote on the when,where, and so forth of the Az. get-together.....
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I wish I was smart enough to figure out how to put up a poll here.
Anybody, HELP!!!!
I should mention that Karmicdebt is a fantastic cook and a wonderfull hostess.
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karmicdebt are too kind, but it's true!
You are as well and I'd count on you to work your kitchen magic! Honestly, though, I do have plenty of room and would love to host a get together...My community has a couple of pools, but the shade trees are too small to provide shade....
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Scuse the interruption from the peanut gallery . . .
To start a poll, it's reaaaaallllly easy.
Go to the top of the screen, and at the top you see the GreaseSpot Cafe banner, then you see the "Resources etc" drop down list, a couple of lines lower you see "Chat room", the "".
The first blue bar starts out with "New". Click on that, then click "Poll".
Then just type away.
That's it.
Back to your regularly scheduled program . . .
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Steve!.....Mind your own business....Can't you tell when someone's trying to dodge responsibilities?
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sir yes sir, simplesimon, i didn't mean it, please don't yell at me . . .
Hey, waitaminnit! Be fruitful, and multiply - but not in those words!
Hey, you got time to lean, you got time to clean! er, if you've got time to post, you've got time to post a poll!
Don't use "lack of knowledge" as an excuse!
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molto bene, karmicdebt.....sounds like a plan.. do i have to make them from scratch?...heehee
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Let me ask a question...
Does anybody have a problem with meeting at Karmicdebt's house (southern Tucson) on 12 July 2003?
I myself like the idea. I think it will be a good place to just chat for awhile.
I myself am looking forward to meeting all of you more than a "lunch" someplace.
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Zshot said;
"Does anybody have a problem with meeting at Karmicdebt's house (southern Tucson) on 12 July 2003?"
No problem with me!
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perhaps the lack of response is because it seemed to be asking to hear from those who do have a problem with it...
however, it might be nice to acknowledge, as Outin88 did, that it is a good plan.
so, at this point, it sounds good to me.
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Rocky and Outin88
Thank you for your responce.
You are much better at wording and phrasing things better than I do. Thank you.
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no problem Z, and you did fine, nothing wrong with how you worded... I was just adding 2 cents worth.
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The plan is fine with me 'cept sometime in July or Aug. I'm going back east for a couple of weeks....not sure exactly when yet....If I'm in the state July 12,it sounds good to me....I"ll even bring some chips....
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