All thats sounds great Z. Initially in the CFF reunion thread I was thinking about a lunch get together in the Phoenix area for who ever wanted to come. But I'm game to an overnight in Flagg or Tucson or where ever. Just let me know. Thanks.
no need to apologize to me for not wanting an outing in Phoenix in summer months. I've lived here too long to be ignorant of the related facts.
Last summer, I went to Patagonia Lake State Park. It was lovely. Cool, rainy and very pleasant.
I'm not physically up to camping, but I'd love to hang out there for a daytime get together.
Flagstaff is also nice, but I've been there more often. However, if there has been and will be enough rain to support wildflowers in the area, I'd love to photograph up there.
Someone ought to try to get Simonzelotes to join in the event too. He lives in Phoenix.
Tucson is about 75 miles and Phoenix is about 200 miles away (you get the idea...).
I don't mind doing "some" traveling...
I guess the questions come down to where and when.
The school year is starting to come to an end. Some of the people here are taking college courses and there weekends are involved in school work. There are also parents here who might be helping there kids with school work or attending the last "events" their kids will be particapating in this year. With this in mind, what do you think of having this get together after the school year?
I am in favor of getting together "someplace" in Tucson.
Let me also suggest,
that the "location" be "children friendly" if some of the parents decide they want to bring their kids. Like a peter piper pizza or park etc., where the kids could be entertained if we end up spending a lot of time talking.
I am most enthusiastic about Patagonia Lake State Park. Sonoita Creek feeds the lake. It is most refreshing in the summer compared to Tucson or Phoenix.
As Z can verify, the park is on the road (State Rt 82, I believe) between Patagonia and Nogales. But it doesn't present the feel of either Mexico or a hot, desperate desert.
I love photographing wildlife and birds in the area, as well as the variety of landscapes. Last summer, on the dirt road from Patagonia (the town, not the park) to a Nature Conservancy Preserve on Sonoita Creek, my kiddo and I happened upon a lethargic diamondback (no, not Curt Schilling), but a real reptilian sort, with a huge bulge (probably a mouse) in the middle, sitting sunning itself on a mild, cloudy afternoon.
I might be able to dig up some of the photos and send them by email to interested parties.
By way of disclaimer, it was indeed alive, but it couldn't seem to get itself out of the road. I shot it, but only with my camera. AND (the most important part) all of the pics were taken from the safety of my rental vehicle.
BUT, desert dwellers might be familiar with the Ocotillo plant, which might resemble a stiff, upside down octopus with tiny leaves and orange flowers.
Well, what I thought I was familiar with was soooo different from what I saw on the short trip from Rt 82 to the state park (not snakes) but thousands of Ocotillo, more richly green than any I've ever seen in the Phoenix area. And that was only the beginning of the wonderful scenery,
Again, it rained that day, in the middle of hot, thirsty days in Phoenix. Then, in Tucson on the way back to Phoenix that evening, again, in the middle of severe drought conditions, it deluged and was truly lovely.
I should also add that I will have a somewhat difficult time planning vacation until after my current custody situation is settled (in a couple of days) and the Arizona Legislature and Governor Napolitano agree on a state budget and the lawmakers adjourn Sine Die for the year. That might not happen until June 30 or the first week of July.
Thank you for your input. Your insights are most welcome.
I am hoping that more people will ?chime in?. Everybody?s opinion is important. I am hoping for a collective group effort on the where and when...
For the sake of argument let me through out a tentative date of: Saturday 12 July 2003.
I think Patagonia Lake would be fun.
The possible drawbacks ?could be?
1. It is a long ways away for the good folks up in the Phoenix area (I have also heard that people in the Phoenix area like to get away from the Phoenix area).
2. It might be very busy and difficult to get a site (I will check more into this).
July 12 is good for me. I too have custody issues the first week of July....I'll be out of town all that week. Planning to get a little Knott's Berry Farm in then too...
The Temps in Southern AZ (Patagonia and Cochise county) and In Northern AZ (Flaggstaff & Grand Canyon area) are not nearly as bad as in the Phoenix and Tucson area.
I just checked...
You can't reserve camp sites at AZ state parks, they are first come, first serve.
I hear Babe's Cabaret in Scottsdale has great air conditioning......
Seriously,though,I wouldn't mind spending maybe a good part of a day meeting up with some Gsers....I don't know if I'd be up for a camping weekend,but from Phx, I can get to most parts of the state in a few hours,and I love road trips in Az.,anyway......
Geez,I used to drive six hours to go to headquarters to see the Sunday night service,and turn around and drive home...'Course gas was cheaper then,and I was just a little younger.........
The air conditioning issue should be considered... How about a nice restaurant? In TUcson? :)--> I won't be with anyplace would work for me...maybe afterwards we can get matching tatoos to mark the occasion! :D-->
My 13 year old might think about killing me if I got one, since I am trying to break her of a habit of writing herself notes on her arms and legs with a nearly permanent marker.
Seriously, Z is correct, but I would phrase it differently...
Patagonia Lake State Park is substantially milder than either Phoenix or Tucson in the summer.
And all of you Arizona folks know that 80-85 degrees is most pleasant around here.
Saturday would be crowded, but a midweek would not. I can't say for July 12 yet.
And simon, I think you'd love the place. It's much more comfortable than running a 10K in Emporia in March.
Rocky is correct, I should have phrased the comment concerning the temperatures better.
As Rocky stated, Patagonia Lake is a very pretty area. It can also be a crowded area. I have been in long lines waiting to enter the park and I have talked to friends who have been turned away because the park was full. Weekdays would be less crowded than weekends. How would weekdays be for everybody?
For a quick re-cap:
The places that have been mentioned for a meeting place are:
A Cabaret in Phoenix
A Restaurant in Tucson
At Patagonia lake
People who have thus far shown an interest in attending are:
NoLongerlurking (who would be a welcome guest from California if she could make it)
And myself.
A general time frame of 12 July 2003 is up for consideration.
Two activities that were brought up that I would take a pass on would be getting a tattoo and running 10 K.
Hi there you wonderful AZ people. I moved from Flagstaff about 2 years ago. I moved to Flag in 86' so I was a pretty long time resident considering "Way" years and the nomadic lifestyle attached to it. I really miss Flag and hope to move back one day. If you would like cooler temps there is some awesome camping around the Morman Lake area and I'm pretty sure you would see an elk or two depending on when you go. I love the outdoors and sure wish I could join you all! I think your going to have a great time together wherever you decide to have your rondevous. If you would like some more ideas on places up north let me know.
Simonthemostest, I want to come back to AZ! Can't believe I'm missing that place like I do. I'm not a very good coordinator though, more like a go with the flow, potluck, kind of person. And Zshot, thanks for the welcome should I come back. Have you guys ever had grilled elk steak or elk burgers? It is really good. I have been taught if it "runs" it's okay to eat as it will be very lean. Okay, end of the derailment!
You and Zillions of Arizona in the winter.
And it's been a wonderfully mild spring so far (thank you God).
Since you listed Italian food with such emphasis, then I recommend Oregano's. I know they have them in Flag so OhshucksImnotinArizona should be familiar. I think they have at least one in Tucson, and I know I love 'em (a bottomless or endless bowl of pasta for six bucks).
Rockybalboa I loved Oreganos! What is that dessert they serve called, the huge warm chocolate chip cookie with ice cream on top? Their pizza is the best!
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Here are a couple links...
Also, the Tucson desert musuem might be nice also (of course we we have to get there early in the morning)
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All thats sounds great Z. Initially in the CFF reunion thread I was thinking about a lunch get together in the Phoenix area for who ever wanted to come. But I'm game to an overnight in Flagg or Tucson or where ever. Just let me know. Thanks.
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no need to apologize to me for not wanting an outing in Phoenix in summer months. I've lived here too long to be ignorant of the related facts.
Last summer, I went to Patagonia Lake State Park. It was lovely. Cool, rainy and very pleasant.
I'm not physically up to camping, but I'd love to hang out there for a daytime get together.
Flagstaff is also nice, but I've been there more often. However, if there has been and will be enough rain to support wildflowers in the area, I'd love to photograph up there.
Someone ought to try to get Simonzelotes to join in the event too. He lives in Phoenix.
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You could count me in....Heck,I'd join Jehovah's witnesses,if they'd let me knock on doors somewhere else in the summer.....
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Tucson, Tucson, Tucson.... but, I am willing to travel haven't ventured out to many parts of AZ yet...
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Concerning location...
I am by FT Huachuca (Sierra Vista)...
Tucson is about 75 miles and Phoenix is about 200 miles away (you get the idea...).
I don't mind doing "some" traveling...
I guess the questions come down to where and when.
The school year is starting to come to an end. Some of the people here are taking college courses and there weekends are involved in school work. There are also parents here who might be helping there kids with school work or attending the last "events" their kids will be particapating in this year. With this in mind, what do you think of having this get together after the school year?
I am in favor of getting together "someplace" in Tucson.
Let me also suggest,
that the "location" be "children friendly" if some of the parents decide they want to bring their kids. Like a peter piper pizza or park etc., where the kids could be entertained if we end up spending a lot of time talking.
Please continue to make comments or suggestions.
I think this could be fun...
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I am most enthusiastic about Patagonia Lake State Park. Sonoita Creek feeds the lake. It is most refreshing in the summer compared to Tucson or Phoenix.
As Z can verify, the park is on the road (State Rt 82, I believe) between Patagonia and Nogales. But it doesn't present the feel of either Mexico or a hot, desperate desert.
I love photographing wildlife and birds in the area, as well as the variety of landscapes. Last summer, on the dirt road from Patagonia (the town, not the park) to a Nature Conservancy Preserve on Sonoita Creek, my kiddo and I happened upon a lethargic diamondback (no, not Curt Schilling), but a real reptilian sort, with a huge bulge (probably a mouse) in the middle, sitting sunning itself on a mild, cloudy afternoon.
I might be able to dig up some of the photos and send them by email to interested parties.
By way of disclaimer, it was indeed alive, but it couldn't seem to get itself out of the road. I shot it, but only with my camera. AND (the most important part) all of the pics were taken from the safety of my rental vehicle.
BUT, desert dwellers might be familiar with the Ocotillo plant, which might resemble a stiff, upside down octopus with tiny leaves and orange flowers.
Well, what I thought I was familiar with was soooo different from what I saw on the short trip from Rt 82 to the state park (not snakes) but thousands of Ocotillo, more richly green than any I've ever seen in the Phoenix area. And that was only the beginning of the wonderful scenery,
Again, it rained that day, in the middle of hot, thirsty days in Phoenix. Then, in Tucson on the way back to Phoenix that evening, again, in the middle of severe drought conditions, it deluged and was truly lovely.
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I should also add that I will have a somewhat difficult time planning vacation until after my current custody situation is settled (in a couple of days) and the Arizona Legislature and Governor Napolitano agree on a state budget and the lawmakers adjourn Sine Die for the year. That might not happen until June 30 or the first week of July.
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Thank you for your input. Your insights are most welcome.
I am hoping that more people will ?chime in?. Everybody?s opinion is important. I am hoping for a collective group effort on the where and when...
For the sake of argument let me through out a tentative date of: Saturday 12 July 2003.
I think Patagonia Lake would be fun.
The possible drawbacks ?could be?
1. It is a long ways away for the good folks up in the Phoenix area (I have also heard that people in the Phoenix area like to get away from the Phoenix area).
2. It might be very busy and difficult to get a site (I will check more into this).
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July 12 is good for me. I too have custody issues the first week of July....I'll be out of town all that week. Planning to get a little Knott's Berry Farm in then too...
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Uh, isn't it a little WARM around those parts on July 12?
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The Temps in Southern AZ (Patagonia and Cochise county) and In Northern AZ (Flaggstaff & Grand Canyon area) are not nearly as bad as in the Phoenix and Tucson area.
I just checked...
You can't reserve camp sites at AZ state parks, they are first come, first serve.
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I hear Babe's Cabaret in Scottsdale has great air conditioning......
Seriously,though,I wouldn't mind spending maybe a good part of a day meeting up with some Gsers....I don't know if I'd be up for a camping weekend,but from Phx, I can get to most parts of the state in a few hours,and I love road trips in Az.,anyway......
Geez,I used to drive six hours to go to headquarters to see the Sunday night service,and turn around and drive home...'Course gas was cheaper then,and I was just a little younger.........
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The air conditioning issue should be considered... How about a nice restaurant? In TUcson?
:)--> I won't be with anyplace would work for me...maybe afterwards we can get matching tatoos to mark the occasion!
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Karm, what's your favorite tat so far?
(short for tattoo, btw)
My 13 year old might think about killing me if I got one, since I am trying to break her of a habit of writing herself notes on her arms and legs with a nearly permanent marker.
Seriously, Z is correct, but I would phrase it differently...
Patagonia Lake State Park is substantially milder than either Phoenix or Tucson in the summer.
And all of you Arizona folks know that 80-85 degrees is most pleasant around here.
Saturday would be crowded, but a midweek would not. I can't say for July 12 yet.
And simon, I think you'd love the place. It's much more comfortable than running a 10K in Emporia in March.
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Rocky is correct, I should have phrased the comment concerning the temperatures better.
As Rocky stated, Patagonia Lake is a very pretty area. It can also be a crowded area. I have been in long lines waiting to enter the park and I have talked to friends who have been turned away because the park was full. Weekdays would be less crowded than weekends. How would weekdays be for everybody?
For a quick re-cap:
The places that have been mentioned for a meeting place are:
A Cabaret in Phoenix
A Restaurant in Tucson
At Patagonia lake
People who have thus far shown an interest in attending are:
NoLongerlurking (who would be a welcome guest from California if she could make it)
And myself.
A general time frame of 12 July 2003 is up for consideration.
Two activities that were brought up that I would take a pass on would be getting a tattoo and running 10 K.
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Party pooper!
You know me...I have no job commitments at this time. My schedule is open.
PS: You're doing the cooking, right?
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Hi there you wonderful AZ people. I moved from Flagstaff about 2 years ago. I moved to Flag in 86' so I was a pretty long time resident considering "Way" years and the nomadic lifestyle attached to it. I really miss Flag and hope to move back one day. If you would like cooler temps there is some awesome camping around the Morman Lake area and I'm pretty sure you would see an elk or two depending on when you go. I love the outdoors and sure wish I could join you all! I think your going to have a great time together wherever you decide to have your rondevous. If you would like some more ideas on places up north let me know.
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Ohbesaved.....Move back to Arizona and coordinate this thing..You can get volunteers to help with set-up...
I can go during the week,and I'll go anywhere that it's cooler......
If it's to be it's up
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Let me through out another question...
If, we meet at someplace to eat...
What are some of the likes/dis-likes?
For me...
Italian food, is it's own food group.
Mexican food is always good.
I like good oriental food.
In general, I am a "meat and potatoes" kind of guy.
If I eat sea food, I turn all sorts of "pretty" colors... Then I might do a scene from the exorcist (guess which one...).
Of course, we could find a grill...
I think it's sometimes funny to see how different people like their grilled foods.
I have seen the range go from a "light sunburn" to "burnt sacrifice".
you would be most welcome to come back and do that "c" word
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Simonthemostest, I want to come back to AZ! Can't believe I'm missing that place like I do. I'm not a very good coordinator though, more like a go with the flow, potluck, kind of person. And Zshot, thanks for the welcome should I come back. Have you guys ever had grilled elk steak or elk burgers? It is really good. I have been taught if it "runs" it's okay to eat as it will be very lean. Okay, end of the derailment!
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think about the wonderful winters here in Arizona.
With the Grand Canyon, Kartchner Caverns, Collosol Cave, Arizona is a holy place
I love Arizona in the winter time
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You and Zillions of Arizona in the winter.
And it's been a wonderfully mild spring so far (thank you God).
Since you listed Italian food with such emphasis, then I recommend Oregano's. I know they have them in Flag so OhshucksImnotinArizona should be familiar. I think they have at least one in Tucson, and I know I love 'em (a bottomless or endless bowl of pasta for six bucks).
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Rockybalboa I loved Oreganos! What is that dessert they serve called, the huge warm chocolate chip cookie with ice cream on top? Their pizza is the best!
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