I'm not a big fan either.I have one of course but I don't really like it.People forget they are in public and talk about anything.I wish people would learn to keep their voices down.
I was waiting for the bus today and on the other side of the street was a man yelling.I couldn't tell if he was talking to himself or on the phone.
They only bother me when I see people driving carelessly with one stuck on the side of their head. Otherwise, let them do what they want in public. I love my cell phone because it makes it extremely convenience for to ask my hubby what size of kotex I should get!
Hey Cool- great to hear from you- got your post in my email a bit ago and felt compelled to respond.
Cellphones, like rap music, arguing spouses in a quite neighborhood can be annoying for all of us. Late night visitors or telephone calls rank right up there with that.
As a repair technician I deal in things that aren't quite right. In furnace diagnosis for instance, I trace thru what WORKS and find what doesn't. Once I've found the problem I can develop a course of action that will bring the results I desire. In my years of service as a repair technician I have NEVER once had a need to know who's fault it was that the unit was no longer working or working properly. Know what I mean?
When people invade your privacy, what do YOU do? Do you politely wait until they are off the phone and then give THEM your opinion, or just pi$$ and moan about it where the offender cannot possibly hear you, even IF he/she were willing to consider their accidental selfishness? Just curious.
That's the only thing I've found that truly works when people violate your boundaries so thoughtlessly. Well, there are plenty of people who have never been taught any better and haven't quite figured it out for themselves.
Life is like a supermarket. There's usually a complaint department. In our case the civil authorities can handle most unlawful violations of our personal liberties, but I believe God gave us all the ability to simply walk away and pick more worthy battles to occupy our energies. What do you think?
Hope you get your answer. Didn't mean to sound judgemental. I simply believe that the 'hands-on' approach will work much better in terms of your getting what YOU want.
I had an aunt who would unplug all the electrical appliances before going to bed. . .
I think cell phones are here to stay. And IMHO they bring us so closer.
My brother is deaf and uses some kind of one and I just had an IM conversation with him when he was on a train in Connecticut going to New York for a deaf conference of some kind.
I pray for wisdom and understanding for people using them.
Have read about the danger to brain waves and cancer, and pray for the kids that use them so constantly.
I don't hate 'em, but I don't like the way a lot of people use them. If I'm doing something around, I don't usually mind somebody calling me, but I don't like it in the car and in a few other places where I don't like interruptions.
Sometimes people who know you have a cell phone think they can call you whenever.....and they persist when you tell them it's not good to talk now - - like when I'm driving. So I've just learned to turn mine off at those times.Also, if you're having a face to face conversation with someone and they take a call and chat for a few minutes, I think that's just plain rude!
I wish other people would do the same - especially in places like concerts and movie theaters. I realize some people need to be instantly informed if something happens (like doctors) but they can put their phone on vibrate and they know they have to take a call, and the rest of us don't have to know about it!
Also the way people drive around here, if there's a phone attached to their ear, Bluetooth or otherwise, it's downright scary being on the same road as they are. Even though we now have a law about that very thing, for the most part I think people around here ignore it.
But - I do generally like mine. It has bailed me out of a jam more than once. I even think kids should have one for general safety and communication with home.
My feeling is that they're a necessary evil to some and a useful tool to others... and sometimes also serve to raise the level of self-importance of even others...
Perhaps the question should be " what's your opinion/perception of their MIS- use" Heck, even something good and pure like beer, for example, can be MIS-used.
Some topics/language shouldn't be made public~ excuse me, my young kids can hear you!
The Health Risk is a MAJOR concern, since we PERSONALLY know a man, who after two years working for a cell phone company, using a CELL PHONE for many hours a day, developed an APPLE SIZE, CANCEROUS Tumor directly above the ear he held that Cell Phone on... :(
We use the SPEAKER PHONE feature... Letting callers know~ “You’re on Speaker Phone”
And yes, I do enjoy the ease of communicating with the kids & hubby…
Perhaps the question should be " what's your opinion/perception of their MIS- use" Heck, even something good and pure like beer, for example, can be MIS-used.
and would you kindly explain how beer can be misused?lol
Clearly you're a man cool if you don't think the type of kotex that's selected is important...haha
Anyhow, my big beef with cell phones is people who think that they are being a safer driver by using a hands free set. Sure it frees your hands up a bit, but the amount of distraction level that one is under while talking on the phone remains just as high. If your reason for using it is that your hands are free, don't you think your instinct would be to drop the phone immediately if you see an accident coming? Thus both hands are again free. Your reaction time is already slowed down because you were distracted by the phone call...having a hands free set will not improve reaction time all that greatly. Sorry...I'm on my soap box! :)
I finally broke down and got one last summer--the kind you buy your minutes--and another 60 day's usage on a card at the stores. I'm glad i have one--but very few people have the number, because I bought it for my own conveineince-- not other's!! I LOVE to talk on the phone at home, but my cell phone is the exception. The only time I use it is when I go on long trips or if I'm out running around from store to store for errands. (We're 15 miles from anything, so I save up all the runs I have to do for one day-- and then hit 6-7 stores in a day. Nobody likes to go with me-- I wear em out!! LOL!) When I need to call my hubby, I park and then call him-- I HATE driving with it--and if he calls me, I answer, but tell him I'm in traffic, I'll call him back, and hang up on him--TICKS HIM OFF!!! LOL!!
I get irritated with people who want to chat for longs times with me when I am on my cell phone. I've told them I hate talking on the phone, and that i have had to pull over to talk, and they come back with--"You can drive and talk". Gee, I just TOLD THEM I AM UNCOMFORTABLE DRIVING AND TALKING!! HELLOOO???? (Actually only two people have done that, and I learned early on, to just not give out my cell phone number!!)
And, yes, I get irritated hearing other's conversations in public places, too. And embarrass myself a gazillion times, cuz I start to answer someone when they are all by themselves, and say, "Hiiiii, it's me", or ask a question, or something, and I think they were talking to me, and then see too late they have their little headset thingy on!! AKKKKK!!!
One of the funniest things I saw was one Sunday, (ya know, a whole lot less traffic) we were driving on a two-lane road, backed up behind a line of maybe 5-6 cars. The car in front was driving irratically, speeding up, slowing down, running over the center line a bit, etc-- At one point, the road opened up to four lanes and everybody got to pass the front car, where the driver was on his cell phone, oblivious to all the commotion he had caused. On his bumper was a bumper sticker;
Cellphones are like any other tool. A little etiquette goes a long way.
That said, I get aggrivated with people who talk on their phones like it's an old tin can with string to another one. I have a co-worker who we call "Bellicose" as his phone voice is loud enough to be heard on the entire floor.
Another thing that chaffs is the folks who talk about their restaraunt experience being ruined cause they could hear the coversation on the phone at the next table. I suppose if you could hear the coversation between the 2 or 3 people sitting there that would be OK? Other than true "fine dining" places, you will hear the people at the next table and their kids talking, screaming et cetera.
I find that as annoying or more than a cell phone conversation.
Myself, I live in an oncall 24/7 world. My oncall is 7 days long and I can and will be called a lot. Sometimes I'm out eating when I get called. I keep it low and to myself, but I still tend to get resentful and angry glares from other people. That's bullsh1t.
If you expect the perfect quiet dining experience, I figure you should have stayed home and not been out in public with OTHER PEOPLE AROUND. The arrogance of saying that you chose to to out and sit next to others, then blame them for intruding on YOUR privacy is pretty large. Nobody makes anyone go out and sit next to the unwashed cellphone toting masses.
Obviously that does not apply to those who are screaming into the phone.
I can't be without one, but the way they are used is mostly the problem. I tend to set mine with custom ringtones for those who I need to talk with when they call. (MsHAP is a real happy dancy type of tone)That way I know the approproiate response to whomever I am with at the time, or for what I am doing at the time.
I am not afraid to ignore intruding calls, and let them use my voice mail. In that regards it is a very good pager, which allows me to return a call at my own convenience. I almost NEVER interrupt a face to face conversation with someone to answer my phone. I refuse Call Waiting on both my cell and my various land lines. Whoever I am conversing with at the moment is the most important thing I am doing at this moment.
My boys use text messaging to my cellphone to tell me most stuff, even if it is "call me ASAP" Mostly its just stuff like "Howdy, I am going to the mountains or whatever"
I ALWAYS turn my phone to vibrate when out to dinner, in a meeting, wedding, funeral or meeting a client, etc. I rarely turn it off completely. It is part of what makes me available to my clients, family and subcontractors. It keeps me from having to wait around at the office to get a return call. This allows me to get to my jobs and do something profitable with that time. If I need to take a call, I usually go somewhere away from other conversation or doings out of respect for others and for my own privacy.
Talking while driving? That depends on the driving situation. Out here in the west, we have many long, open, uncongested roads. I can get a lot of things done while going up the lonely highway, and I believe I can do it safely. Men shaving or women doing eye makeup are a different story LOL. Driving around town, I will let it go to my VM and return the call when I pull off the road or get where I am going.
Yes, they are kind of a necessary evil in this world today. You could certainly get along without them, and I did for many years, but when I got one, I found it was very handy. I don't talk much on mine and it's the only phone I have. With cable internet and living and driving around by myself the vast majority of the time, I felt much safer with a cell phone, but don't need a home phone.
I have an unlimited plan and use around 500-600 minutes a month. I have seen phone bills with as many as 6000 minutes a month on them. If you're talking that much, how do you have any time to do anything to talk to someone else about? In other words, some people have no life.
I have seen phone bills with as many as 6000 minutes a month on them. If you're talking that much, how do you have any time to do anything to talk to someone else about? In other words, some people have no life.
I don't have a cellphone. I just don't want to be tied to my phone. It stays home when I go away. Oy.
I was climbing down from Bradbury Mountain on July 4th. Passing a beautiful overlook, I could hear man speaking loudly. Yup, on top of a mountain, sharing his cellphone conversation with the world about nothing important.
I only really hate those bluetooth ear thingies. People are walking around looking like Borg...
You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. You will comply. Become one with the collective.
Dooj, for giggles, read (or get the audiobook) to Stephen King's "Cell." (Just skip the gory descriptions.) The people all turn into zombies one day when listening to their cellphones. King makes a lot of snide inferences about people blindly accepting technology, just because it's there.
Son Jake and I were listening to it on a trip. Then our jaws dropped open as we passed a college campus, and EVERYONE on the sidewalks seemed to have one pressed to their ear. We wanted to lean out and shout, "Don't do it!"
I will probably succumb and get one someday. God help me.
cell lover here. but it is the security not the minutes I love .
I also have a land phone .
funny story about those borg thingsin the ear...
so im walking down the street and this guy is what appeared pointing his hands at me and tlaking so i walk up to him and he is still tlaking and asked a question.. so I answered him .
he looked at me pointed to his ear and turned around to finish his conversation on the phone.
I felt left out .
but i have learned to just ignore l talking to what appears to be me or their self on the street anymore.
sad but true.
no cell conversation do not bother me typicaly if it is a movie or a place that requires concentration they take it to the bathroom or what not.
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woops i meant to put this up in the open forum
will any one do it for me? i don't know how! thanks
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I'm not a big fan either.I have one of course but I don't really like it.People forget they are in public and talk about anything.I wish people would learn to keep their voices down.
I was waiting for the bus today and on the other side of the street was a man yelling.I couldn't tell if he was talking to himself or on the phone.
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They only bother me when I see people driving carelessly with one stuck on the side of their head. Otherwise, let them do what they want in public. I love my cell phone because it makes it extremely convenience for to ask my hubby what size of kotex I should get!
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Hey Cool- great to hear from you- got your post in my email a bit ago and felt compelled to respond.
Cellphones, like rap music, arguing spouses in a quite neighborhood can be annoying for all of us. Late night visitors or telephone calls rank right up there with that.
As a repair technician I deal in things that aren't quite right. In furnace diagnosis for instance, I trace thru what WORKS and find what doesn't. Once I've found the problem I can develop a course of action that will bring the results I desire. In my years of service as a repair technician I have NEVER once had a need to know who's fault it was that the unit was no longer working or working properly. Know what I mean?
When people invade your privacy, what do YOU do? Do you politely wait until they are off the phone and then give THEM your opinion, or just pi$$ and moan about it where the offender cannot possibly hear you, even IF he/she were willing to consider their accidental selfishness? Just curious.
That's the only thing I've found that truly works when people violate your boundaries so thoughtlessly. Well, there are plenty of people who have never been taught any better and haven't quite figured it out for themselves.
Life is like a supermarket. There's usually a complaint department. In our case the civil authorities can handle most unlawful violations of our personal liberties, but I believe God gave us all the ability to simply walk away and pick more worthy battles to occupy our energies. What do you think?
Hope you get your answer. Didn't mean to sound judgemental. I simply believe that the 'hands-on' approach will work much better in terms of your getting what YOU want.
Much love,
Uncle Stubby
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I only really hate those bluetooth ear thingies. People are walking around looking like Borg...
You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. You will comply. Become one with the collective.
Hey! maybe this post should have been in the "About the Way" forum!

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Kit Sober
I had an aunt who would unplug all the electrical appliances before going to bed. . .
I think cell phones are here to stay. And IMHO they bring us so closer.
My brother is deaf and uses some kind of one and I just had an IM conversation with him when he was on a train in Connecticut going to New York for a deaf conference of some kind.
I pray for wisdom and understanding for people using them.
Have read about the danger to brain waves and cancer, and pray for the kids that use them so constantly.
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I don't hate 'em, but I don't like the way a lot of people use them. If I'm doing something around, I don't usually mind somebody calling me, but I don't like it in the car and in a few other places where I don't like interruptions.
Sometimes people who know you have a cell phone think they can call you whenever.....and they persist when you tell them it's not good to talk now - - like when I'm driving. So I've just learned to turn mine off at those times.Also, if you're having a face to face conversation with someone and they take a call and chat for a few minutes, I think that's just plain rude!
I wish other people would do the same - especially in places like concerts and movie theaters. I realize some people need to be instantly informed if something happens (like doctors) but they can put their phone on vibrate and they know they have to take a call, and the rest of us don't have to know about it!
Also the way people drive around here, if there's a phone attached to their ear, Bluetooth or otherwise, it's downright scary being on the same road as they are. Even though we now have a law about that very thing, for the most part I think people around here ignore it.
But - I do generally like mine. It has bailed me out of a jam more than once. I even think kids should have one for general safety and communication with home.
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Tom Strange
My feeling is that they're a necessary evil to some and a useful tool to others... and sometimes also serve to raise the level of self-importance of even others...
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Perhaps the question should be " what's your opinion/perception of their MIS- use" Heck, even something good and pure like beer, for example, can be MIS-used.
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My OPINION is...
Some topics/language shouldn't be made public~ excuse me, my young kids can hear you!
The Health Risk is a MAJOR concern, since we PERSONALLY know a man, who after two years working for a cell phone company, using a CELL PHONE for many hours a day, developed an APPLE SIZE, CANCEROUS Tumor directly above the ear he held that Cell Phone on... :(
We use the SPEAKER PHONE feature... Letting callers know~ “You’re on Speaker Phone”
And yes, I do enjoy the ease of communicating with the kids & hubby…
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and would you kindly explain how beer can be misused?lol
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Clearly you're a man cool if you don't think the type of kotex that's selected is important...haha
Anyhow, my big beef with cell phones is people who think that they are being a safer driver by using a hands free set. Sure it frees your hands up a bit, but the amount of distraction level that one is under while talking on the phone remains just as high. If your reason for using it is that your hands are free, don't you think your instinct would be to drop the phone immediately if you see an accident coming? Thus both hands are again free. Your reaction time is already slowed down because you were distracted by the phone call...having a hands free set will not improve reaction time all that greatly. Sorry...I'm on my soap box! :)
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Psalm 71 one
I finally broke down and got one last summer--the kind you buy your minutes--and another 60 day's usage on a card at the stores. I'm glad i have one--but very few people have the number, because I bought it for my own conveineince-- not other's!! I LOVE to talk on the phone at home, but my cell phone is the exception. The only time I use it is when I go on long trips or if I'm out running around from store to store for errands. (We're 15 miles from anything, so I save up all the runs I have to do for one day-- and then hit 6-7 stores in a day. Nobody likes to go with me-- I wear em out!! LOL!) When I need to call my hubby, I park and then call him-- I HATE driving with it--and if he calls me, I answer, but tell him I'm in traffic, I'll call him back, and hang up on him--TICKS HIM OFF!!! LOL!!
I get irritated with people who want to chat for longs times with me when I am on my cell phone. I've told them I hate talking on the phone, and that i have had to pull over to talk, and they come back with--"You can drive and talk". Gee, I just TOLD THEM I AM UNCOMFORTABLE DRIVING AND TALKING!! HELLOOO????
(Actually only two people have done that, and I learned early on, to just not give out my cell phone number!!)
And, yes, I get irritated hearing other's conversations in public places, too. And embarrass myself a gazillion times, cuz I start to answer someone when they are all by themselves, and say, "Hiiiii, it's me", or ask a question, or something, and I think they were talking to me, and then see too late they have their little headset thingy on!! AKKKKK!!!
One of the funniest things I saw was one Sunday, (ya know, a whole lot less traffic) we were driving on a two-lane road, backed up behind a line of maybe 5-6 cars. The car in front was driving irratically, speeding up, slowing down, running over the center line a bit, etc-- At one point, the road opened up to four lanes and everybody got to pass the front car, where the driver was on his cell phone, oblivious to all the commotion he had caused. On his bumper was a bumper sticker;
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Cellphones are like any other tool. A little etiquette goes a long way.
That said, I get aggrivated with people who talk on their phones like it's an old tin can with string to another one. I have a co-worker who we call "Bellicose" as his phone voice is loud enough to be heard on the entire floor.
Another thing that chaffs is the folks who talk about their restaraunt experience being ruined cause they could hear the coversation on the phone at the next table. I suppose if you could hear the coversation between the 2 or 3 people sitting there that would be OK? Other than true "fine dining" places, you will hear the people at the next table and their kids talking, screaming et cetera.
I find that as annoying or more than a cell phone conversation.
Myself, I live in an oncall 24/7 world. My oncall is 7 days long and I can and will be called a lot. Sometimes I'm out eating when I get called. I keep it low and to myself, but I still tend to get resentful and angry glares from other people. That's bullsh1t.
If you expect the perfect quiet dining experience, I figure you should have stayed home and not been out in public with OTHER PEOPLE AROUND. The arrogance of saying that you chose to to out and sit next to others, then blame them for intruding on YOUR privacy is pretty large. Nobody makes anyone go out and sit next to the unwashed cellphone toting masses.
Obviously that does not apply to those who are screaming into the phone.
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You can have my cell phone when you pry my cold dead fingers....this is the attitude of my 13-year-old...LOL
When the FFA allows their use on airplanes...(imagine trying to take a nap with some person screaming at their kids or spouse)
It's the inconsideration of people that use them
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I have one, but I don't like them. I don't like people driving while talking and I don't like people talking in public places on them.
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I can't be without one, but the way they are used is mostly the problem. I tend to set mine with custom ringtones for those who I need to talk with when they call. (MsHAP is a real happy dancy type of tone)That way I know the approproiate response to whomever I am with at the time, or for what I am doing at the time.
I am not afraid to ignore intruding calls, and let them use my voice mail. In that regards it is a very good pager, which allows me to return a call at my own convenience. I almost NEVER interrupt a face to face conversation with someone to answer my phone. I refuse Call Waiting on both my cell and my various land lines. Whoever I am conversing with at the moment is the most important thing I am doing at this moment.
My boys use text messaging to my cellphone to tell me most stuff, even if it is "call me ASAP" Mostly its just stuff like "Howdy, I am going to the mountains or whatever"
I ALWAYS turn my phone to vibrate when out to dinner, in a meeting, wedding, funeral or meeting a client, etc. I rarely turn it off completely. It is part of what makes me available to my clients, family and subcontractors. It keeps me from having to wait around at the office to get a return call. This allows me to get to my jobs and do something profitable with that time. If I need to take a call, I usually go somewhere away from other conversation or doings out of respect for others and for my own privacy.
Talking while driving? That depends on the driving situation. Out here in the west, we have many long, open, uncongested roads. I can get a lot of things done while going up the lonely highway, and I believe I can do it safely. Men shaving or women doing eye makeup are a different story LOL. Driving around town, I will let it go to my VM and return the call when I pull off the road or get where I am going.
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my life changed the day i could find my kid without driving around
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Yes, they are kind of a necessary evil in this world today. You could certainly get along without them, and I did for many years, but when I got one, I found it was very handy. I don't talk much on mine and it's the only phone I have. With cable internet and living and driving around by myself the vast majority of the time, I felt much safer with a cell phone, but don't need a home phone.
I have an unlimited plan and use around 500-600 minutes a month. I have seen phone bills with as many as 6000 minutes a month on them. If you're talking that much, how do you have any time to do anything to talk to someone else about? In other words, some people have no life.
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Those people are called teens.

Edited by moony3424Link to comment
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i have said thank you to god more than many times for cell phones
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I don't have a cellphone. I just don't want to be tied to my phone. It stays home when I go away. Oy.
I was climbing down from Bradbury Mountain on July 4th. Passing a beautiful overlook, I could hear man speaking loudly. Yup, on top of a mountain, sharing his cellphone conversation with the world about nothing important.
Dooj, for giggles, read (or get the audiobook) to Stephen King's "Cell." (Just skip the gory descriptions.) The people all turn into zombies one day when listening to their cellphones. King makes a lot of snide inferences about people blindly accepting technology, just because it's there.
Son Jake and I were listening to it on a trip. Then our jaws dropped open as we passed a college campus, and EVERYONE on the sidewalks seemed to have one pressed to their ear. We wanted to lean out and shout, "Don't do it!"
I will probably succumb and get one someday. God help me.
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i don't need god's help with this one
i ain't never gonna have one
unless my wife tells me to!

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cell lover here. but it is the security not the minutes I love .
I also have a land phone .
funny story about those borg thingsin the ear...
so im walking down the street and this guy is what appeared pointing his hands at me and tlaking so i walk up to him and he is still tlaking and asked a question.. so I answered him .
he looked at me pointed to his ear and turned around to finish his conversation on the phone.
I felt left out .
but i have learned to just ignore l talking to what appears to be me or their self on the street anymore.
sad but true.
no cell conversation do not bother me typicaly if it is a movie or a place that requires concentration they take it to the bathroom or what not.
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