When he held the red-colored lens in front of the pair - - the red colored wire disappeared! So, the wire he could see was the green colored one…Perhaps the technician’s red lens hiding trick is analogous to the way TWI’s skewed interpretation of the Bible affects its followers – it can render certain things virtually invisible!
How interesting! So PFAL colored glasses must be pink or red, because they certainly made the Red Thread disappear!
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How interesting! So PFAL colored glasses must be pink or red, because they certainly made the Red Thread disappear!
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Wow - good one, Twinky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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andy Bear
'Twinky' date 12:48 PM'
How interesting! So PFAL colored glasses must be pink or red, because they certainly made the Red Thread disappear!
So that what I been missing for the last 2o years . I just changed glasses Thanks 1
3 Paws up
for Bear that not easy to do .
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