In TWI we were taught to ignore our emotions. “Emotions are the icing on the cake.” “You don’t ‘follow your heart’.” “Control your mind!”
For those of you who left before LCM went off the really deep end -- this statement was an order. It was much more than just getting a grip on things. This was a yet one more way to control any criticism or angst one may have had listening to LCM's teachings. Don't get emotional about losing your house because of the "no debt" policy. Don't lose your cool if you lose your Corps or clergy status. And don't freak out when your Leadership tries to screw you -- literally! Don't let your emotions cloud your obedience to da MOG!!!
There have been several Christian and secular writers who have discussed the need to curb your emotions in certain situations. They are trying to help people take control of their own lives. TWI's take on emotions was used in order for THEM to take control of others. Big difference.
There is alot of interesting things to me sort of hidden in this thread-
-this from Belle immediately jumped out at me
Perhaps I wouldn’t have gotten involved so heavily and stayed so long had I paid closer attention to andrespected myself more to trust those feelings.
For all the rhetoric of TWIabout Christ in You, your the best and all their other one liners that they have, the bottom line of their organization is that they are better than you and that you cannot and should not trust yourself or your own inner voice, unless they do the correct lining up for you.....In ways I think it is why some have continued to be so dependant on that type of set up.....its a crippling theology that surpresses the real person and reinforces a shallow imitation that causes all sorts of very real problems beneath the veneer.
From Hiway;
I think the suppression of emotions was a key factor in turning out the nut jobs from the way corps. Never in my life had I seen such emotional outbursts based on nothing, than from some of these poor people.
Ive thought for years that TWI was a breeding ground for mental illness to one degree or another depending on the individual by basically pushing people to be internally in opposition to themselves and by repressing to a great degree their own god given impulses, which conflicts later came out in all sorts of bizarre and destructive ways. Not everybody--but it was rampant.
I for one am glad that I can now feel my emotions much more clearly moment to moment, enjoy them(or not) and deal with them appropriately as they occur, instead of ignorring them, pushing them down and storing them up them until they finally erupted like Mount Vesuvius.
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I've heard peole say GIGO means " garbage in/garbage out", but now I'm starting to think it might mean"glad I got out".
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Hope R.
For those of you who left before LCM went off the really deep end -- this statement was an order. It was much more than just getting a grip on things. This was a yet one more way to control any criticism or angst one may have had listening to LCM's teachings. Don't get emotional about losing your house because of the "no debt" policy. Don't lose your cool if you lose your Corps or clergy status. And don't freak out when your Leadership tries to screw you -- literally! Don't let your emotions cloud your obedience to da MOG!!!
There have been several Christian and secular writers who have discussed the need to curb your emotions in certain situations. They are trying to help people take control of their own lives. TWI's take on emotions was used in order for THEM to take control of others. Big difference.
Edited by Hope R.Link to comment
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Some threads really strike a nerve. For me, this is one of them. After mulling over everyone's posts I got inspired to write a poem for this thread.
Raised from the Dead
What happens when you're raised from the dead?
How is it done when you've been gone for a long while?
It's got to be an amazing sight to see –
on cold pale face – suddenly there dawns a warm smile.
I died in a dungeon – it was dark, dank, and boring.
There were no walls or chains that held me.
Just a rumor that there was no outside –
A spell was cast – a slow death guaranteed.
Some say it was a suicide – I can't argue with that -
but that solitary confinement drove me over the edge.
Cut off from those who loved me – who wouldn't have shoved me –
an hermetically sealed bag of emotions perched on the twelfth story ledge.
If the Warden snapped his fingers I could cry on cue,
or squelch a feeling that would have given life meaning.
Life got to be so dark, dank and boring –
A frustrated marionette in self-mourning – that felt like screaming.
What happened to raise me from the dead?
How was it done when feeling was gone for so long?
It's got to be an amazing sight to see –
in a cold dark heart – embers are rekindled – life dawns!
Like a wheel within a wheel -
there's me and there's what I can feel turning about.
I escaped from prison a long time ago –
now this resurrection is turning me inside out!
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ex that could have not been said better
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There is alot of interesting things to me sort of hidden in this thread-
-this from Belle immediately jumped out at me
For all the rhetoric of TWIabout Christ in You, your the best and all their other one liners that they have, the bottom line of their organization is that they are better than you and that you cannot and should not trust yourself or your own inner voice, unless they do the correct lining up for you.....In ways I think it is why some have continued to be so dependant on that type of set up.....its a crippling theology that surpresses the real person and reinforces a shallow imitation that causes all sorts of very real problems beneath the veneer.
From Hiway;
Ive thought for years that TWI was a breeding ground for mental illness to one degree or another depending on the individual by basically pushing people to be internally in opposition to themselves and by repressing to a great degree their own god given impulses, which conflicts later came out in all sorts of bizarre and destructive ways. Not everybody--but it was rampant.
I for one am glad that I can now feel my emotions much more clearly moment to moment, enjoy them(or not) and deal with them appropriately as they occur, instead of ignorring them, pushing them down and storing them up them until they finally erupted like Mount Vesuvius.
Life works much better with freedom to be me
anyway ----thats my 2 cents
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NOw don't you know that the correct quote according to usage was
"control your emotions so that at all times they conform to and can be changed with the present truth"????
Edited by templeladyLink to comment
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Supress your emotions, bury your intuition, ignore your gut feelings, DO NOT follow your heart...
...Sounds like a recipe for becoming a glassy eyed, mindless cult member...
...and we bought into it...

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I Love Bagpipes
Gosh T-bone....thanks for the poem. An apt description....and appropriate title.
It made me think of the emotional rape and soul murder (suicide) stated on Ala's thread.
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Temple lady..good point bout TP...seems like the present truth changes like a chemelian.(sp)
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