In TWI we were taught to ignore our emotions... I think the reason we were taught to ignore those emotions was because they know they are full of it. They know they could never have gotten the WC to control and treat people the way they do/didif they couldn't get the WC to ignore their feelings. Getting the lemmings like me to control ours was easier because they didn't ask as much from us as from the WC. (Not that they didn't ask for an awful lot from us.)
Yup !!!!!! A great idea for a thread, Belle. As I mentioned on another thread - emotions can motivate people to action. Thus, emotions represent a potential threat to any party trying to maintain control over another. Because the action the "emotional person" might take doesn't fit in with the control-freaks' agenda.
Emotions are man's servant, not his master. There's nothing wrong with controlling your mind.
Remember the man born blind whom Jesus healed? Remember his parents? They certainly had emotions for the healing of their son, yet they blew off these emotions in favor of pleasing the Jews. Yes, emotions can be a barometer of sorts about certain things, but they aren't in charge, nor are they supposed to be.
I think the suppression of emotions was a key factor in turning out the nut jobs from the way corps. Never in my life had I seen such emotional outbursts based on nothing, than from some of these poor people.
Of course it was really 'spiritual anger'. Yes, God was very upset that you missed that dust on top of the refigerator.
To me, it's another example of avoiding the extremes... certainly you shouldn't let your emotions run every decision over your logic. But we were taught to completely ignore every feeling we had (oh, but at the same time we thought we were getting so good at listening to that still, small voice!!).
I watched my ex repeatedly shut down our young son's outpouring of one emotion or another (hurt, upset, angry, whatever) by telling him to control his mind NOW. Yet, this same man wondered why this same son never showed him any affection. Well, he!!s-be!!s, you can't have it both ways. Either emotions are okay or they aren't. The kid was just responding to what his dad was teaching.
Emotions are man's servant, not his master. There's nothing wrong with controlling your mind.
A little too much way babble for me.
Too many WC expressed inappropriate anger under the guise of controlling their minds.
JC was moved with compassion many times which lead to many miracles. He yielded his mind to the emotion where controlling his mind (as you put it) would have stopped the necessary action. Sadly, it did me many times.
Sometimes it is the emotion that holds us true to our conviction. TWI only wanted us to have conviction to their benefit. Controlling the mind often meant having your mind controlled by TWI.
TWI purged us of compassion by controlling our minds.
Once again, WW, you so succinctly and eloquently say what I was thinking!
I wonder if our emotions are that "still small voice". When we pay attention to them, why we're feeling a certain way and act in a way to get or stay on the positive side of the continuum, we are healthier, we make proper decisions about our lives.
TWI didn't want us to experience emotions unless they furthered the agenda of TWI. "Control your mind" meant "don't bother me; you're being inconvenient."
I think, if we look back on the times we experienced "negative" emotions in TWI, those were times we were being manipulated and suppressing concerns, thoughts and observances that would have led us out of the belly of the monster.
We "faked" excitement and enthusiasm because it's the emotion that was expected of us.
When that car cuts you off you'd better be in control of your emotions so you can figure out an escape route - otherwise you'll be paralyzed with fear and get smashed!
It's not wrong to control your emotions; that's why we don't accept tantrums from toddlers! But suppressing them is a horse of a different color! People with suppressed emotions are easily lead with few complaints. They are also prone heart disease and stomach problems and high blood pressure. ...And who knows what kinds of mental and emotional difficulties we're all escaping from!
Krys, isn't it the fear that alerts you to a dangerous situation and then it's up to you as to how you react?
Children don't get in trouble for being angry, frustrated or feeling whatever it is that's causing them to feel that way - they get in trouble for how they react to their feelings.
I consider it more learning how to behave within whatever emotional state we find ourselves as opposed to controlling our emotions. When I was dealing with the death of my aunt, I was careful to continue my work-ethic during business hours, but allowed myself to grieve, weep till I heaved, sleep..... whatever - I never tried to control how I felt, merely how I conducted myself. We control our responses to our emotions, not our emotions.
I dunno, maybe we're saying the same thing?
ex, I think that as ses like Finnegan were really angry about other things and took them out on us. I think they must hate themselves for being so dependent on such an evil organization for a paycheck. They have to hate themselves for having to lick Rosie's nether regions and do whatever she tells them to do. They had to kiss vee pee's, then craig's and now Rosie's. It's got to be terribly emasculating to know that your power is fake. They're scared to death that we'll notice and figure the louder they yell, the more it hides what true wimps and sell-outs they really are.
Thankfully, that only worked for a little while for most of us who are here. :)
"We control our resposes to our emotions, not our emotions" ----You hit the nail on the head.(IMO) TWI didn't only want to control our responses, they wanted to control our emotions. It was OK for a limb leader to get "spurtualy" mad over chairs that weren't straight but heaven help the lowly believer who wanted to go home for his grandfathers' funeral, visit a dying relative or fall for some other such "trick of the devil", as they were quick to label these types of events.
One time I was mopping the floor at the limb HQ when a visiting VIP from INTERNATIONAL HQ( that's what we called it then) approached me. After the usual "GOD bless", he asked me if I was enjoying what I was doing. I told him I didn't care much for mopping floors but was pleased to know my efforts would bless others. He shook his head in disgust and reproved me for my lack of renewed mind. He said I just "didn't get it" and flew into a tirade about how someday I would see the "big" picture. It must have been prophesy because now that someday is here I think I "get it " and I see the "big " picture. WOW! to think I was right there in the presence of such a profound revelation.
Y'know they didn't just control "negative" emotions. Early in rez we were preparing for a big w/e. We'd set up tables, clothes, all sorts of things and the lobbies did look nice. A sp.ptnr had sent me some flowers (how kind!!) and would be in. I was excited about everyone coming in (therefore it must have been early in rez) and whatever this big event was, and went skipping joyfully down the corridor - only to be called back by the Corps Coordinator and being reproved and told, "Dignity - have more dignity".
Thought then that was a sad response to being excited about the believers coming in - I thought (but pushed the thought away real quick) of David's wife Michal despising him because he was joying in the Lord and dancing in the street.
Of course there is nothing wrong with “controlling your mind.” Controlling your actions is controlling your mind. Controlling how you deal with emotions is controlling your mind. Yelling at a young child who is screaming and crying, “CONTROL YOUR THINKING!” might be a clue that there was something wrong with the way twi was using the phrase.
Without emotion life is lifeless. Emotion moves us to action. Emotion makes life meaningful.
Everytime I hear the phrase "control your emotions" I change it in my head to "regulate my emotions." I can feel intensely and then determine whether or not to act on it. I can regulate how I feel by applying certain techniques I learned (outside TWI of course). TWI taught me to suppress my emotions under scripture in the guise of the renewed mind. The result is soul suicide....and for me was physical illness.
I also have a physiological condition that effects me to the point that I really have a hard time controlling my thoughts. I have to tell myself at those times..."this will always passes" and i have to remind myself that "these thoughts/feelings are a distortion." When this condition flares I sometimes have to literally talk myself through simple tasks.
BTW: I think I'll start that thread I've been thinking about...does God have emotions?
I had a WOW Sister, who was interm Corps, who whenever I disagreed with her in any way, even over what I wanted for dinner, told me to renew my mind.
I finally had enough and told her that my mind is my own, and not yours. I'll renew it when I want to, and not when you want me to. And I was really mad when I said it.
Picture if you will - Bob (me) is 6'5" , 242 lbs. (this was a long time ago. ) and raging mad. Renee is all of 5'2" and maybe 105 pounds.
Have you never heard of the TWI law of praying that God would remove you feelings from you, and even remove your human traits that you might serve the Man of god better , and do his orders without hesitstion.
Then that also applied to their recruitment through sex, and their swapping of partners, this is the level of sickness they were into. They are not just a little off the main stream.
Have you never heard of the TWI law of praying that God would remove you feelings from you, and even remove your human traits that you might serve the Man of god better , and do his orders without hesitstion.
Have you never heard of the TWI law of praying that God would remove you feelings from you, and even remove your human traits that you might serve the Man of god better , and do his orders without hesitstion.
I was in for 17 years and never heard anything remotely like that.
Who said it? If it was during the 90s or later, that would explain why I never heard it.
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Yup !!!!!! A great idea for a thread, Belle. As I mentioned on another thread - emotions can motivate people to action. Thus, emotions represent a potential threat to any party trying to maintain control over another. Because the action the "emotional person" might take doesn't fit in with the control-freaks' agenda.
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thats why we became robots......didnt have to use a brain or sad..
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Emotions are man's servant, not his master. There's nothing wrong with controlling your mind.
Remember the man born blind whom Jesus healed? Remember his parents? They certainly had emotions for the healing of their son, yet they blew off these emotions in favor of pleasing the Jews. Yes, emotions can be a barometer of sorts about certain things, but they aren't in charge, nor are they supposed to be.
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I think the suppression of emotions was a key factor in turning out the nut jobs from the way corps. Never in my life had I seen such emotional outbursts based on nothing, than from some of these poor people.
Of course it was really 'spiritual anger'. Yes, God was very upset that you missed that dust on top of the refigerator.
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To me, it's another example of avoiding the extremes... certainly you shouldn't let your emotions run every decision over your logic. But we were taught to completely ignore every feeling we had (oh, but at the same time we thought we were getting so good at listening to that still, small voice!!).
I watched my ex repeatedly shut down our young son's outpouring of one emotion or another (hurt, upset, angry, whatever) by telling him to control his mind NOW. Yet, this same man wondered why this same son never showed him any affection. Well, he!!s-be!!s, you can't have it both ways. Either emotions are okay or they aren't. The kid was just responding to what his dad was teaching.
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A little too much way babble for me.
Too many WC expressed inappropriate anger under the guise of controlling their minds.
JC was moved with compassion many times which lead to many miracles. He yielded his mind to the emotion where controlling his mind (as you put it) would have stopped the necessary action. Sadly, it did me many times.
Sometimes it is the emotion that holds us true to our conviction. TWI only wanted us to have conviction to their benefit. Controlling the mind often meant having your mind controlled by TWI.
TWI purged us of compassion by controlling our minds.
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There was quite a double-standard about emotions in twi.
Emotions were WRONG when:
A) They were inconvenient.
If we're running a class, can't feel sadness over the death of a family
member. "Control your mind."
B) They said whatever the leader du jour wasn't saying.
"Your emotions are tricking you away from The Truth."
C) ONE emotion is being demanded and you have ANOTHER.
"You're supposed to be enthusiastic about door-to-door witnessing,
not dreading it!"
Emotions were RIGHT when:
A) the leader du jour demanded one.
If a class is running, you're supposed to be excited about it.
B) If the leader du jour is the one having the emotion.
If YOU yell, it's a capital crime; if the leader yells, it's "spiritual."
vpw yelled plenty in his time-all "spiritual."
"I yell because you can take it!" and other excuses for him
not to "control his mind."
(Of course, if he'd controlled his mind better, he'd have left
fewer victims in his wake.)
lcm yelled so often that he invented new terms like
"spiritual anger" and so on.
lcm also cursed so much that some kids on staff learned to
curse from listening to lcm.
Local leaders were entitled to share the bellowing at the peons.
Seems that the only emotions allowed were anger and fear-
so long as you called them "spiritual anger" and "genuine spiritual suspicion."
Compassion, mercy and love NEVER were-
unless it was in the strict context of
"I'd like you to bless me with some sexual congress now."
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Once again, WW, you so succinctly and eloquently say what I was thinking!
I wonder if our emotions are that "still small voice". When we pay attention to them, why we're feeling a certain way and act in a way to get or stay on the positive side of the continuum, we are healthier, we make proper decisions about our lives.
TWI didn't want us to experience emotions unless they furthered the agenda of TWI. "Control your mind" meant "don't bother me; you're being inconvenient."
I think, if we look back on the times we experienced "negative" emotions in TWI, those were times we were being manipulated and suppressing concerns, thoughts and observances that would have led us out of the belly of the monster.
We "faked" excitement and enthusiasm because it's the emotion that was expected of us.
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When that car cuts you off you'd better be in control of your emotions so you can figure out an escape route - otherwise you'll be paralyzed with fear and get smashed!
It's not wrong to control your emotions; that's why we don't accept tantrums from toddlers! But suppressing them is a horse of a different color! People with suppressed emotions are easily lead with few complaints. They are also prone heart disease and stomach problems and high blood pressure. ...And who knows what kinds of mental and emotional difficulties we're all escaping from!
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when that a s s v*nce f*nn*egan went psycho on me, i told my dept. head who in turn told our bigger head
then i was told he was under so much spiritual pressure
i said tell him to get another friggin job, then....
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Krys, isn't it the fear that alerts you to a dangerous situation and then it's up to you as to how you react?
Children don't get in trouble for being angry, frustrated or feeling whatever it is that's causing them to feel that way - they get in trouble for how they react to their feelings.
I consider it more learning how to behave within whatever emotional state we find ourselves as opposed to controlling our emotions. When I was dealing with the death of my aunt, I was careful to continue my work-ethic during business hours, but allowed myself to grieve, weep till I heaved, sleep..... whatever - I never tried to control how I felt, merely how I conducted myself. We control our responses to our emotions, not our emotions.
I dunno, maybe we're saying the same thing?
ex, I think that as ses like Finnegan were really angry about other things and took them out on us. I think they must hate themselves for being so dependent on such an evil organization for a paycheck. They have to hate themselves for having to lick Rosie's nether regions and do whatever she tells them to do. They had to kiss vee pee's, then craig's and now Rosie's. It's got to be terribly emasculating to know that your power is fake. They're scared to death that we'll notice and figure the louder they yell, the more it hides what true wimps and sell-outs they really are.
Thankfully, that only worked for a little while for most of us who are here. :)
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"We control our resposes to our emotions, not our emotions" ----You hit the nail on the head.(IMO) TWI didn't only want to control our responses, they wanted to control our emotions. It was OK for a limb leader to get "spurtualy" mad over chairs that weren't straight but heaven help the lowly believer who wanted to go home for his grandfathers' funeral, visit a dying relative or fall for some other such "trick of the devil", as they were quick to label these types of events.
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f 'em all
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I got "reproved" once for not looking excited when I arrived at fellowship.
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One time I was mopping the floor at the limb HQ when a visiting VIP from INTERNATIONAL HQ( that's what we called it then) approached me. After the usual "GOD bless", he asked me if I was enjoying what I was doing. I told him I didn't care much for mopping floors but was pleased to know my efforts would bless others. He shook his head in disgust and reproved me for my lack of renewed mind. He said I just "didn't get it" and flew into a tirade about how someday I would see the "big" picture. It must have been prophesy because now that someday is here I think I "get it " and I see the "big " picture. WOW! to think I was right there in the presence of such a profound revelation.
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What an a-hole.
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Y'know they didn't just control "negative" emotions. Early in rez we were preparing for a big w/e. We'd set up tables, clothes, all sorts of things and the lobbies did look nice. A sp.ptnr had sent me some flowers (how kind!!) and would be in. I was excited about everyone coming in (therefore it must have been early in rez) and whatever this big event was, and went skipping joyfully down the corridor - only to be called back by the Corps Coordinator and being reproved and told, "Dignity - have more dignity".
Thought then that was a sad response to being excited about the believers coming in - I thought (but pushed the thought away real quick) of David's wife Michal despising him because he was joying in the Lord and dancing in the street.
Sad, or what?
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Of course there is nothing wrong with “controlling your mind.” Controlling your actions is controlling your mind. Controlling how you deal with emotions is controlling your mind. Yelling at a young child who is screaming and crying, “CONTROL YOUR THINKING!” might be a clue that there was something wrong with the way twi was using the phrase.
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I Love Bagpipes are so funny. nailed it!!!
Without emotion life is lifeless. Emotion moves us to action. Emotion makes life meaningful.
Everytime I hear the phrase "control your emotions" I change it in my head to "regulate my emotions." I can feel intensely and then determine whether or not to act on it. I can regulate how I feel by applying certain techniques I learned (outside TWI of course). TWI taught me to suppress my emotions under scripture in the guise of the renewed mind. The result is soul suicide....and for me was physical illness.
I also have a physiological condition that effects me to the point that I really have a hard time controlling my thoughts. I have to tell myself at those times..."this will always passes" and i have to remind myself that "these thoughts/feelings are a distortion." When this condition flares I sometimes have to literally talk myself through simple tasks.
BTW: I think I'll start that thread I've been thinking about...does God have emotions?
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Attack Gypsy
I had a WOW Sister, who was interm Corps, who whenever I disagreed with her in any way, even over what I wanted for dinner, told me to renew my mind.
I finally had enough and told her that my mind is my own, and not yours. I'll renew it when I want to, and not when you want me to. And I was really mad when I said it.
Picture if you will - Bob (me) is 6'5" , 242 lbs. (this was a long time ago.
) and raging mad. Renee is all of 5'2" and maybe 105 pounds.
Guess who won.
She never said it again.
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Have you never heard of the TWI law of praying that God would remove you feelings from you, and even remove your human traits that you might serve the Man of god better , and do his orders without hesitstion.
Then that also applied to their recruitment through sex, and their swapping of partners, this is the level of sickness they were into. They are not just a little off the main stream.
Thanks, for your time,
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I think I'm going to be sick....
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In WayWorld,
Control (renew) your mind equals,
"I'm right, you're wrong, so STFU and do it my way!"
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Linda Z
I was in for 17 years and never heard anything remotely like that.
Who said it? If it was during the 90s or later, that would explain why I never heard it.
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