yeah, but they phased that ritual out in the late 90's Oldies. Seems they were concerned that we were sitting through those hour long, repititious teachings merely for the free food. In fact, by the late 90's we were only allowed to discuss the teaching, and nothing else, as we were quickly pushed - er I mean ushered, out the door of the fellowship coordinator's home.
I'm curious ... why did Joe Coulter not want someone to eat a hamburger in his office? Was it specifically the hamburger (like, is he a vegetarian?) or was there just a caveat against eating in his office, period?
"You are welcome to leave now" - this was the mantra we received 15-20 minutes after everyone had shared what "really blessed" them about the teaching that evening at fellowship.
Abi's correct that we were not allowed to talk about anything BUT the fellowship teaching or something else that had recently been taught. I didn't mind not having refreshments in the 90's - it meant I didn't have to spend any more of my money buying crap for TWI. It also meant folks would be leaving quicker.
Our fellowship coordinator was extremely long winded and we very, very seldom had fellowships that were less than 1 1/2 hours. So many times the friggin' announcements were longer than the teaching. Other times the teaching was sooooo friggin' long. Nobody kept to the time limit in my fellowship (except the ex and I, of course ). I couldn't wait to leave once it was over.
I'm curious ... why did Joe Coulter not want someone to eat a hamburger in his office? Was it specifically the hamburger (like, is he a vegetarian?) or was there just a caveat against eating in his office, period?
It was worse than just his office, it was also the A/V room that was directly behind the piano in the BRC. After a SNS, the kitchen would send up some burgers for the A/V staff while we broke down our equipment and labeled tapes. Joe could still smell the burgers the next morning and it bugged him enough to forbid them anywhere near his office. I can't help but think it was sort of a copycat thing like VPW and garlic and Loy and onions.
In any case it was just another little anal detail that made working on staff a pain.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned "burning the chaff." That was the ritual on "Uncle Harry Day" when people burned items from the "Old Man." Not sure if we did this every year. Wasn't the dedication of the auditorium on "burning the chaff" weekend? Wasn't there supposed to be a big ritualized burning of devilish items? I was a kid but this one stuck with me.
Another one I remember from being in Family Corps was "roll away" after meals. We all had to clean up the tables while we sang that hymn.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned "burning the chaff." That was the ritual on "Uncle Harry Day" when people burned items from the "Old Man." Not sure if we did this every year. Wasn't the dedication of the auditorium on "burning the chaff" weekend? Wasn't there supposed to be a big ritualized burning of devilish items? I was a kid but this one stuck with me.
Another one I remember from being in Family Corps was "roll away" after meals. We all had to clean up the tables while we sang that hymn.
"Burn the Chaff Day" aka "Uncle Harry Day" WAS every year.
I'm thinking it was on Harry's birthday-is that true or did I make that up or something?
"Burn the Chaff Day" aka "Uncle Harry Day" WAS every year.
I'm thinking it was on Harry's birthday-is that true or did I make that up or something?
"Burn the Ballast".....later, "Burn the Chaff" day aka "Uncle Harry Day" WAS recognized every year on the Sunday nearest to Uncle Harry's birthday of March 17. The practical aspect of bringing stuff to hq's fire to burn made it imperative to recognize this annual event on a Sunday.....when people were off work and able to attend a Sunday Teaching Service afterwards.
Uncle Harry Day is yet another vee pee thing that craiggers did away with. <_<
According to craiggers: We are to "burn the chaff" in our lives every day and not save all that junk, devil spirit influences and evil in our lives for a whole year. How stupid to do that! <_<
BURN THE CHAFF-------- Geeze, wasn't it enough to copy Stiles, Leonard, and Bullinger ? Did he really have to copy Ray Bradbury too?( I Believe FAHRENHEIT 451 was released in about 1953.)-----" I now return control of your computer to you".
"You are welcome to leave now" - this was the mantra we received 15-20 minutes after everyone had shared what "really blessed" them about the teaching that evening at fellowship.
Abi's correct that we were not allowed to talk about anything BUT the fellowship teaching or something else that had recently been taught. I didn't mind not having refreshments in the 90's - it meant I didn't have to spend any more of my money buying crap for TWI. It also meant folks would be leaving quicker.
Our fellowship coordinator was extremely long winded and we very, very seldom had fellowships that were less than 1 1/2 hours. So many times the friggin' announcements were longer than the teaching. Other times the teaching was sooooo friggin' long. Nobody kept to the time limit in my fellowship (except the ex and I, of course ). I couldn't wait to leave once it was over.
The one that annoyed me each and every week (seriously) was their opening of their Sunday Teaching Service. I literally can recite from immediately after the choir sings their opening of the first song, until the emcee says "take your Sing Along the Way and turn to #....". I brought this up with a prominent clergy who often did it, and he told me he puts his heart and believing into it each time.
SOOO WHHAAATTT! It still was incredibly trite
It reminded me of a sign that K-Mart cashiers had at their station "TYFSAK" - which meant "Thank You For Shopping At K-Mart." Even when those cashiers said that, I knew they never meant it, but were saying it for requirement sake. "Fresh" was banned at twi. At least when LCM was going off the script, full of slobber , it at least was semi-entertaining at times and you may hear something not on someone's script.
Dear, NO!!! :( I'm so sorry!I'll PM you with the name(s).
I brought this up with a prominent clergy who often did it, and he told me he puts his heart and believing into it each time.
Yet another irony found in TWIt brains. It's okay to have boring rote services, boring rote fellowships & teachings when you "put heart and believing into it", yet it's NOT okay to recite "The Lord's Prayer". I remember so many times listening to craiggers and moynihan yelling about the absurdity of organized religion repeating it over and over when Jesus clearly says to pray "like this", meaning "as an example". I would rather repeat The Lord's Prayer over and over and over again than have to listen to the long, boring services in NK.
How about the ritual of attending as many PFAL classes as humanly possible without developing chronic narcolepsy? Remember people saying " There's just so much in it , you see something new everytime."? OH LOOK! VPW scratched his nose with his right hand. What does it mean? "Blessed are those who pick their nose" Maybe he was attempting brain surgery; he WAS a "dr" dontcha know.
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I always found "the ritual of refreshments" to be a pleasing experience. :D
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yeah, but they phased that ritual out in the late 90's Oldies. Seems they were concerned that we were sitting through those hour long, repititious teachings merely for the free food. In fact, by the late 90's we were only allowed to discuss the teaching, and nothing else, as we were quickly pushed - er I mean ushered, out the door of the fellowship coordinator's home.
Edited by AbigailLink to comment
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I'm curious ... why did Joe Coulter not want someone to eat a hamburger in his office? Was it specifically the hamburger (like, is he a vegetarian?) or was there just a caveat against eating in his office, period?
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"You are welcome to leave now" - this was the mantra we received 15-20 minutes after everyone had shared what "really blessed" them about the teaching that evening at fellowship.
Abi's correct that we were not allowed to talk about anything BUT the fellowship teaching or something else that had recently been taught. I didn't mind not having refreshments in the 90's - it meant I didn't have to spend any more of my money buying crap for TWI. It also meant folks would be leaving quicker.
Our fellowship coordinator was extremely long winded and we very, very seldom had fellowships that were less than 1 1/2 hours.
So many times the friggin' announcements were longer than the teaching. Other times the teaching was sooooo friggin' long. Nobody kept to the time limit in my fellowship (except the ex and I, of course
). I couldn't wait to leave once it was over.
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twig sucked i only pretended to like it for years and i was the tc
i loved the fellowship of the believers though and many are still good friends
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It was worse than just his office, it was also the A/V room that was directly behind the piano in the BRC. After a SNS, the kitchen would send up some burgers for the A/V staff while we broke down our equipment and labeled tapes. Joe could still smell the burgers the next morning and it bugged him enough to forbid them anywhere near his office. I can't help but think it was sort of a copycat thing like VPW and garlic and Loy and onions.
In any case it was just another little anal detail that made working on staff a pain.
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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned "burning the chaff." That was the ritual on "Uncle Harry Day" when people burned items from the "Old Man." Not sure if we did this every year. Wasn't the dedication of the auditorium on "burning the chaff" weekend? Wasn't there supposed to be a big ritualized burning of devilish items? I was a kid but this one stuck with me.
Another one I remember from being in Family Corps was "roll away" after meals. We all had to clean up the tables while we sang that hymn.
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Good ones, ploem.
The annual showing of the Martin Luther B&W movie.
The fireworks following the wow assignments in the big top--ROA.
'Beautiful Ohio' and 'Highway Twenty Nine'
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"Burn the Chaff Day" aka "Uncle Harry Day" WAS every year.
I'm thinking it was on Harry's birthday-is that true or did I make that up or something?
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"Burn the Ballast".....later, "Burn the Chaff" day aka "Uncle Harry Day" WAS recognized every year on the Sunday nearest to Uncle Harry's birthday of March 17. The practical aspect of bringing stuff to hq's fire to burn made it imperative to recognize this annual event on a Sunday.....when people were off work and able to attend a Sunday Teaching Service afterwards.
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Uncle Harry Day is yet another vee pee thing that craiggers did away with. <_<
According to craiggers: We are to "burn the chaff" in our lives every day and not save all that junk, devil spirit influences and evil in our lives for a whole year. How stupid to do that! <_<
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BURN THE CHAFF-------- Geeze, wasn't it enough to copy Stiles, Leonard, and Bullinger ? Did he really have to copy Ray Bradbury too?( I Believe FAHRENHEIT 451 was released in about 1953.)-----" I now return control of your computer to you".
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Matthew 26:22b"...Lord, is it I?" :unsure:
If so, sorry & love you!
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Rituals.......just too many!
The one that annoyed me each and every week (seriously) was their opening of their Sunday Teaching Service.
I literally can recite from immediately after the choir sings their opening of the first song, until the emcee says "take your Sing Along the Way and turn to #....". I brought this up with a prominent clergy who often did it, and he told me he puts his heart and believing into it each time.
SOOO WHHAAATTT! It still was incredibly trite
It reminded me of a sign that K-Mart cashiers had at their station "TYFSAK" - which meant "Thank You For Shopping At K-Mart." Even when those cashiers said that, I knew they never meant it, but were saying it for requirement sake. "Fresh" was banned at twi. At least when LCM was going off the script, full of slobber
, it at least was semi-entertaining at times and you may hear something not on someone's script.
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Dear, NO!!! :( I'm so sorry! I'll PM you with the name(s).
Yet another irony found in TWIt brains. It's okay to have boring rote services, boring rote fellowships & teachings when you "put heart and believing into it", yet it's NOT okay to recite "The Lord's Prayer". I remember so many times listening to craiggers and moynihan yelling about the absurdity of organized religion repeating it over and over when Jesus clearly says to pray "like this", meaning "as an example".
I would rather repeat The Lord's Prayer over and over and over again than have to listen to the long, boring services in NK.
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How about the ritual of attending as many PFAL classes as humanly possible without developing chronic narcolepsy? Remember people saying " There's just so much in it , you see something new everytime."? OH LOOK! VPW scratched his nose with his right hand. What does it mean? "Blessed are those who pick their nose" Maybe he was attempting brain surgery; he WAS a "dr" dontcha know.
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