I've always thought it's not what's in the house that makes it nice, it's who's in the house... and I'm pretty sure I'd love to visit your house and would think it was just peachy (after you got the AC fixed of course)...
now that doggie... hmmm... did it just pop up "out of nowhere"? does it look like it oculd be the result of a sting? better to get it looked at... the doggies are important to the mind and soul...
(((ExC)))) I know the "not nice house" thing had to sting! But your son is better off with friends who don't care so much about what his house looks like and are far more interested in what his heart does look like.
My #1 priority would be (and often has been) doggie first, then house.
People should come to see you and your family, not your house. The little chit probably didn't know how hurtful saying something like that could be.
My house is little and it's nothing fancy, and I need new bathroom walls, a new refrigerator, new carpeting, and a paint job inside. But I wouldn't trade all those things for my stinker dog Emma, my fat little cat Molly, my son's dog Cleveland Brown, and even his pretty little corn snake that lives in an aquarium on my bookcase, for all the paint jobs in the world.
Humble it may be, but my house is a home to some grateful critters who are always glad to see me, always forgive me if I'm in a grumpy mood, and who make me smile and laugh every day.
I know it's a bummer not to be able to do all the things we want because of money constraints, but you'll get more money and it'll get done.
Dave and I spent $7000 on Buddy, our Aussie who died last month, all in one week for emergency surgery, blood products, and a 4 day hospital stay with meds & monitors and stuff. Didn't do him any good as he had a terminal illness, but we didn't know that until the biopsy came back and by then the money had already been spent. Two years ago we spent about the same amount of money on our dog Maxwell. He also had a terminal illness, but lived for 3 months with it. Turns out Max and Buddy both died from the same thing. Hemangiosarcoma, an agressive and nasty cancer of the vascular system.
But, we wouldn't have it any other way. We loved Buddy and Max and still do. We love all our pets and don't hesitate to spend money to care for them as long as there's hope.
Ex, maybe there's a low cost vet in your area, or a rescue group that helps people with vet bills. I know those things exist out here.
Regarding your home improvements... do you have a large Craigslist community in your area? We do and there's a category of people who barter goods and services. Perhaps a tradesman would be willing to do your work in exchange for housekeeping or sewing or something -- whatever you might be skilled at. Just a thought anyhow.
I will pray for your dog and your a/c and trust that all will be well.
My Vixen comes before EVERYTHING and Belle will not be hungry or hot this summer!!
My carpet is 20 years old and looks every year of it! The puppy was house-trained on it and it has more spills than I care to mention, but it's just gonna hafta wait. I was bemoaning to my mother about wanting so badly to have a party, but being too embarrassed to have folks over with the way the house looks. She scolded me and reminded me of all the parties and get-togethers we had growing up.
Sometimes it was just spaghetti or mac & cheese, but everyone always had a great time and I never once heard anyone talk about the carpet in our home or refuse to come back because the house was not something out of an Architectural Digest magazine. TRUE FRIENDS don't care about appearances - they appreciate the warmth, the friendship, the good company and fun times. :)
It reminds me of Erma Bombeck's "If I had my life to live over" column she wrote after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. I no longer wait for "extra special occasions" to break out the good china and crystal..... I no longer wait till the house is in order to have friends over. I pray for this for you as well as pennies from heaven to take care of the things that really bug you. You're absolutely awesome, Excie!! Anyone with a real heart can see through the dirt and unfinished projects in our lives.
by Erma Bombeck
I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner,
even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and
worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television - and more while watching life.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of
pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical,
wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment
and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was my only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said,
"Later. Now go get washed up for dinner."
There would have been more "I love yous".. more "I'm sorrys"...
but mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute...
look at it and really see it... Live it... and never give it back.
Excathedra...i understand....honestly i do..... I look at my hundred year old farm house...the repairs that my contractor hubby never gets to...and yet refuses to allow me to hire someone to fix....
the vehicles in the yard that hubby wants to fix....the grass that doesn`t get cut often enough because I never have a working lawn mower.....
But I will tell you something....the kids are all crazy to come here....nephews neices...friends kids...there is rarely a time when we don`t have other kids staying with us for the weekend or during the week when school is out and parents can`t watch em...
What i am sayong is that they LOVE my home... not because it is immaculent or fancy or that I have all of the newest toys...etc...it isn`t..it`s a dump...BUT people love to be here.
There is a lot of love here. i think that is what attracts people. the ones that won`t come because of my house...screw em.
You do what you need to for your friend there ex....I let my husband do the pratical thing and put my precious dog down 15 years ago. ....and have been greived and ashamed every since.
My companion of 11 years deserved a whole lot better than to be disposed of when she became inconvenient or expensive...you know?
I would live on a creek bank in a tent if I could have her back with me today. Her love and companionship was priceless.
You don`t have to spend thousands on your pet....but for less than a hundred you could find out what is the problem and if it can be addressed. Just explain clearly and honestly to your vet ahead of time your situation...ok?
Mine runs a tab for me...my bill has been over 2000 for several years now...due to emergencies and strays...I pay every month and he knows that some day I will get it all paid...but in the mean time he never with holds treatments to my animals.
My prayers are with you friend.
Oh and Belle, Your home is LOVELY. please don`t think that people would be judgemental.
They would simply enjoy your hospitality, and infectious laughter, as we did.
I, too, know how you feel. I grew up poor and my goal was to "get out of that area of my life." However, my house is also needing much, much, much needed repair and I have 3 dogs and a cat. The one dog is like 15 years old and the cat is 10. When both were sick (different times), I went to this web site. This site has people that raise animals and actual vets that will respond to you. If you explain what's going on with your pet, they will tell you what you can do personally to help it or if it's a situation where you actually need to take it to a vet. I would think it is worth checking out because it might be something you can simply medicate at home.
You need to get to a vet and may find a cheaper one via the Humane Society. Some tumors are fast growing and their roots are dangerous. If it is cancer and you get it early it can be treated.
In the meantime, give them a premium chow and you can add a little vitamin C and a good multi- vitamin to their food.
Missing Link with Glucosimine will help the joints along with a little Omega oil to the foos, dogs need oil. Yoou can get it in the natural section at the grocery store -- like Flax oil. Add a 1/2 tea then up it to a tea spoon a dog mixed in the fooe.
As dogs get older they do get bumps and such but they need to be checked.
Agree with supply and demand....but there are times that you don't need to pay for it. People still make money when pets are required to go to a vet for a condition.....but there are resources now that people can get answers and not have to spend that money (especially when they don't have it and love their pet) :)
the A/C got fixed without putting any money out. we pay this 9 or 10 bucks a month for a worry free contract and it covered the parts
minnie does not have cancer but she will need surgery (don't know the cost yet)
i did get some painting done, robbed a little from peter, and the house looks so much better (didn't do it for that kid though, he can't come over ha ha ha ha ha ha ha)
Recommended Posts
Prayers for your doggie.
Prayers for your A/C-or cooler weather quick!
Prayers for pennies from heaven.
Just prayers-got nuttin else to offer. :(
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Tom Strange
I've always thought it's not what's in the house that makes it nice, it's who's in the house... and I'm pretty sure I'd love to visit your house and would think it was just peachy (after you got the AC fixed of course)...
now that doggie... hmmm... did it just pop up "out of nowhere"? does it look like it oculd be the result of a sting? better to get it looked at... the doggies are important to the mind and soul...
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awww thank you my friends, so much
the doggie thing is growing. i am worried
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Excie -- I need a roof, siding, and windows on my house.
If I had a sick pet -- well let's just say he/ she/ it would take precedence.
I'm with Top on this one.
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thanks. you know, that should be a given for a normal thinking person
growing up in a family of 9 kids on welfare, we never even considered taking a dog to a vet
so i'm trying to re-brainwash myself
i mean, i get it, but it's hard to spend money on pet
could say more, but you get the gist
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(((ExC)))) I know the "not nice house" thing had to sting! But your son is better off with friends who don't care so much about what his house looks like and are far more interested in what his heart does look like.
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Yes I do. Like I said -- I'm with Top on this one.
Prayers for health, and pennies from heaven.
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Linda Z
sheesh, kids can be so blunt.
My #1 priority would be (and often has been) doggie first, then house.
People should come to see you and your family, not your house. The little chit probably didn't know how hurtful saying something like that could be.
My house is little and it's nothing fancy, and I need new bathroom walls, a new refrigerator, new carpeting, and a paint job inside. But I wouldn't trade all those things for my stinker dog Emma, my fat little cat Molly, my son's dog Cleveland Brown, and even his pretty little corn snake that lives in an aquarium on my bookcase, for all the paint jobs in the world.
Humble it may be, but my house is a home to some grateful critters who are always glad to see me, always forgive me if I'm in a grumpy mood, and who make me smile and laugh every day.
I know it's a bummer not to be able to do all the things we want because of money constraints, but you'll get more money and it'll get done.
Love ya,
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Exie they always say.
Your dog loves you when no one else does......
Thanks for caring for them.
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Dave and I spent $7000 on Buddy, our Aussie who died last month, all in one week for emergency surgery, blood products, and a 4 day hospital stay with meds & monitors and stuff. Didn't do him any good as he had a terminal illness, but we didn't know that until the biopsy came back and by then the money had already been spent. Two years ago we spent about the same amount of money on our dog Maxwell. He also had a terminal illness, but lived for 3 months with it. Turns out Max and Buddy both died from the same thing. Hemangiosarcoma, an agressive and nasty cancer of the vascular system.
But, we wouldn't have it any other way. We loved Buddy and Max and still do. We love all our pets and don't hesitate to spend money to care for them as long as there's hope.
Ex, maybe there's a low cost vet in your area, or a rescue group that helps people with vet bills. I know those things exist out here.
Regarding your home improvements... do you have a large Craigslist community in your area? We do and there's a category of people who barter goods and services. Perhaps a tradesman would be willing to do your work in exchange for housekeeping or sewing or something -- whatever you might be skilled at. Just a thought anyhow.
I will pray for your dog and your a/c and trust that all will be well.
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Awwwww, Excie!! I hear ya!
My Vixen comes before EVERYTHING and Belle will not be hungry or hot this summer!!
My carpet is 20 years old and looks every year of it! The puppy was house-trained on it and it has more spills than I care to mention, but it's just gonna hafta wait. I was bemoaning to my mother about wanting so badly to have a party, but being too embarrassed to have folks over with the way the house looks. She scolded me and reminded me of all the parties and get-togethers we had growing up.
Sometimes it was just spaghetti or mac & cheese, but everyone always had a great time and I never once heard anyone talk about the carpet in our home or refuse to come back because the house was not something out of an Architectural Digest magazine. TRUE FRIENDS don't care about appearances - they appreciate the warmth, the friendship, the good company and fun times. :)
It reminds me of Erma Bombeck's "If I had my life to live over" column she wrote after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. I no longer wait for "extra special occasions" to break out the good china and crystal..... I no longer wait till the house is in order to have friends over. I pray for this for you as well as pennies from heaven to take care of the things that really bug you.
You're absolutely awesome, Excie!! Anyone with a real heart can see through the dirt and unfinished projects in our lives. 
by Erma Bombeck
I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner,
even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and
worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television - and more while watching life.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of
pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical,
wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment
and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was my only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said,
"Later. Now go get washed up for dinner."
There would have been more "I love yous".. more "I'm sorrys"...
but mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute...
look at it and really see it... Live it... and never give it back.
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Excathedra...i understand....honestly i do..... I look at my hundred year old farm house...the repairs that my contractor hubby never gets to...and yet refuses to allow me to hire someone to fix....
the vehicles in the yard that hubby wants to fix....the grass that doesn`t get cut often enough because I never have a working lawn mower.....
But I will tell you something....the kids are all crazy to come here....nephews neices...friends kids...there is rarely a time when we don`t have other kids staying with us for the weekend or during the week when school is out and parents can`t watch em...
What i am sayong is that they LOVE my home... not because it is immaculent or fancy or that I have all of the newest toys...etc...it isn`t..it`s a dump...BUT people love to be here.
There is a lot of love here. i think that is what attracts people. the ones that won`t come because of my house...screw em.
You do what you need to for your friend there ex....I let my husband do the pratical thing and put my precious dog down 15 years ago. ....and have been greived and ashamed every since.
My companion of 11 years deserved a whole lot better than to be disposed of when she became inconvenient or expensive...you know?
I would live on a creek bank in a tent if I could have her back with me today. Her love and companionship was priceless.
You don`t have to spend thousands on your pet....but for less than a hundred you could find out what is the problem and if it can be addressed. Just explain clearly and honestly to your vet ahead of time your situation...ok?
Mine runs a tab for me...my bill has been over 2000 for several years now...due to emergencies and strays...I pay every month and he knows that some day I will get it all paid...but in the mean time he never with holds treatments to my animals.
My prayers are with you friend.
Oh and Belle, Your home is LOVELY. please don`t think that people would be judgemental.
They would simply enjoy your hospitality, and infectious laughter, as we did.
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If there are any big cities near you, check for a free vet clinic.
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I, too, know how you feel. I grew up poor and my goal was to "get out of that area of my life." However, my house is also needing much, much, much needed repair and I have 3 dogs and a cat. The one dog is like 15 years old and the cat is 10. When both were sick (different times), I went to this web site. This site has people that raise animals and actual vets that will respond to you. If you explain what's going on with your pet, they will tell you what you can do personally to help it or if it's a situation where you actually need to take it to a vet. I would think it is worth checking out because it might be something you can simply medicate at home.
Hope it helps! They helped on both mine and I never had to take them to the vet.
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Tom Strange
thanks for the link soggie...
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I hate to menton this but we all live off others adversity.
When your dog gets sick the vet, his employees, the stores they go to are all blessed by the money you spend.
When your a/c unit breaks people like me in the a/c business are able to feed their children.
I'm sorry for the problems.
I have had bleeding in my left eye and poured $984 into the a/c on my sons truck. I understand. Just look for the blessing.
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we live in a society of supply and demand .
the way to get rich is find who is in the most misery without a product or service and supply it..
the big red bump may mean he has something simple not ot much money.. but i wouldnt guess either..
how do we chose what is right or wrong? for the money?
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Dot Matrix
Which Dog?
Pls Consider
You need to get to a vet and may find a cheaper one via the Humane Society. Some tumors are fast growing and their roots are dangerous. If it is cancer and you get it early it can be treated.
In the meantime, give them a premium chow and you can add a little vitamin C and a good multi- vitamin to their food.
Missing Link with Glucosimine will help the joints along with a little Omega oil to the foos, dogs need oil. Yoou can get it in the natural section at the grocery store -- like Flax oil. Add a 1/2 tea then up it to a tea spoon a dog mixed in the fooe.
As dogs get older they do get bumps and such but they need to be checked.
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Dot Matrix
By the way, what's with the kid saying that? I know you are a great decorator and you keep everything tidy. Geez -- kids....
If you want to save $ you may want to consider getting a window unit for now, then replace your outside unit later with more $.
We have a window unit and cental air. The unit helped us with a breakdown and we can make one room very cold without a huge bill.
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Agree with supply and demand....but there are times that you don't need to pay for it. People still make money when pets are required to go to a vet for a condition.....but there are resources now that people can get answers and not have to spend that money (especially when they don't have it and love their pet) :)
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thank you all so much. will keep you posted....
the kid isn't really a "friend" of my kid anymore. don't know if he ever really was. more like an acquaintance
but it just broke my heart.... probably because of my own upbringing. you know ?
more later
and thank you again
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Tom Strange
myseestorEx... would you like to know the lottery numbers for tomorrow?
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i just wanted to let you know
the A/C got fixed without putting any money out. we pay this 9 or 10 bucks a month for a worry free contract and it covered the parts
minnie does not have cancer but she will need surgery (don't know the cost yet)
i did get some painting done, robbed a little from peter, and the house looks so much better (didn't do it for that kid though, he can't come over ha ha ha ha ha ha ha)
i'm feeling hopeful
thank you for caring
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