Oops-maybe you should have filled the holes with ductape!
I was a roofer for awhile in my 20's and got a work order from my boss to reroof a house at 64 Soandso Street, so me and a work crew went out to the house, set up and started ripping the roof off of the house. We were doing pretty good and had it mostly all off to bare wood and the yard mostly cleaned up when the home owner came home and went ballistic. Seems the street number on the work order was wrong and we had taken the roof off of the wrong house.
A guy that worked for me, I knew fairly well, I knew that he was having problems with his shoulder, but our doc insisted that he was malingering so I followed-along with the higher chain-of-command, and I was hard on him. It caused huge damage to his shoulder joint, and after the grief we gave him, when he finally was able to get to a doctor with a medical background, it was too late to save his shoulder. He lost his arm, because of me. Had I paid attention and trusted him, we would have gotten him medical attention [from a civilian doctor and not a Navy corpsman] when his shoulder was still fixable. But we were fortunate in that he lived.
I WAS attempting some ice breaking levity; after the you a troll episode.
We successfully grouted the first drain without a single drop getting through. Unfortunately we didn’t use duct tape, but we did use a water proofing product that appeared to work great to seal the 6 inch holes with the 3 inch pipes running through. Now we were using a rapid set grout, 45 minutes to 5000# and you can feel the heat roll off of it.
After pouring drain #2, ran down and checked. Bosses brand new truck to see a small pile of grout on that grate between windshield and hood. Ran got a hose and we tried to power wash the little holes clean. Now that the grout was gone and the windshield covered with water the wipers were activated. Up they went, but froze solid when they attempted the return stroke.
The new roof and uncooked taters oops appropriate. The arm leaves me speechless. That might be why I left the exploding electric meter that followed the same week out.
A certain limb leader decided that building a root cellar would be a good way to move toward self-sufficiency ( part of that survivalist mentality). He them assigned a crew to oversee said progect. One would weigh nutritional issues while another would weigh regional growing viability and yet another was to develope a catalog and inventory system. He then hired a local farmer to bring in a backhoe and dig the hole in the side of a hill. Having no experience in such matters he was unaware that such an excavation requires structural support. Long story shortened; The first big rain turned the root cellar into a root sepulchre. Noone was injured except for those who might have sustained internal injuries trying to stifle their laughter.
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Oops-maybe you should have filled the holes with ductape!
I was a roofer for awhile in my 20's and got a work order from my boss to reroof a house at 64 Soandso Street, so me and a work crew went out to the house, set up and started ripping the roof off of the house. We were doing pretty good and had it mostly all off to bare wood and the yard mostly cleaned up when the home owner came home and went ballistic. Seems the street number on the work order was wrong and we had taken the roof off of the wrong house.
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lucky home owener
he got a new roof for free! i have never had a woops in my life!
oh except for that time i served 200 people potato salad with raw potatos!! duh? i thought they were cooked!
maybe it was a miller lie melt down!
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Grout Ooops, good one.
A guy that worked for me, I knew fairly well, I knew that he was having problems with his shoulder, but our doc insisted that he was malingering so I followed-along with the higher chain-of-command, and I was hard on him. It caused huge damage to his shoulder joint, and after the grief we gave him, when he finally was able to get to a doctor with a medical background, it was too late to save his shoulder. He lost his arm, because of me. Had I paid attention and trusted him, we would have gotten him medical attention [from a civilian doctor and not a Navy corpsman] when his shoulder was still fixable. But we were fortunate in that he lived.
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I WAS attempting some ice breaking levity; after the you a troll episode.
We successfully grouted the first drain without a single drop getting through. Unfortunately we didn’t use duct tape, but we did use a water proofing product that appeared to work great to seal the 6 inch holes with the 3 inch pipes running through. Now we were using a rapid set grout, 45 minutes to 5000# and you can feel the heat roll off of it.
After pouring drain #2, ran down and checked. Bosses brand new truck to see a small pile of grout on that grate between windshield and hood. Ran got a hose and we tried to power wash the little holes clean. Now that the grout was gone and the windshield covered with water the wipers were activated. Up they went, but froze solid when they attempted the return stroke.
The new roof and uncooked taters oops appropriate. The arm leaves me speechless. That might be why I left the exploding electric meter that followed the same week out.
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A certain limb leader decided that building a root cellar would be a good way to move toward self-sufficiency ( part of that survivalist mentality). He them assigned a crew to oversee said progect. One would weigh nutritional issues while another would weigh regional growing viability and yet another was to develope a catalog and inventory system. He then hired a local farmer to bring in a backhoe and dig the hole in the side of a hill. Having no experience in such matters he was unaware that such an excavation requires structural support. Long story shortened; The first big rain turned the root cellar into a root sepulchre. Noone was injured except for those who might have sustained internal injuries trying to stifle their laughter.
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