I'll second what the others have said to Jonny, and add that it has been rumored that Jamie Lee Curtis was born intersexual (the medical term) but had surgery to fix it. In her case, as in many other cases, she was born female on the outside with male organs on the inside. Sorry to burst any teenaged fantasies.
I knew a girl in college that had two sets of female organs, both being small and I believe not really operative.
Sexuallity is a funny thing. It basically, comes down to hormones and then organs. Did you know that we all start out female.....and with tales? Anyways, while most of the time things work out that most of us are one or the other (male or non-male ) there is a whole spectrum of the "inbetween."
As you said, the poll was poorly constructed, but I don't really think a better poll will get you a real definitive answer. There used to be 30K people involved with twi. Now there is an estimated 4 -5K, I believe. That is a lot of people that are out. Of those, many moved on to splinter groups, some of which post here, but many of which don't. I don't really know how many of those people could be considered as "recovered" or not. I think those of us that post here are a small fraction of the 30K-ish that were once involved in twi. I would think it is hardly a significant sample size.
Although, if you did want a more clear idea of GS posters, perhaps do two polls, one for men and one for women. Ask the same questions of both and compare. Still I would think that those that post here would be much more likely to take the poll than those that never post or rarely post.
Just a thought.
IMO, I doubt it is all that different between the sexes and honestly I don't think it matters at all.
There used to be 30K people involved with twi. Now there is an estimated 4 -5K, I believe. That is a lot of people that are out. Of those, many moved on to splinter groups, some of which post here, but many of which don't.
The largest number of people at any one time in twi was about 30,000.
There were about 100,000, worldwide, who signed up for pfal.
That includes those who never made it to Session I, those who made it to Session I
but did not make it to Session 12,
and those who completed Session 12 but were gone within the next 3 months.
Maybe 1/3- 1/2 the people I ever met personally in twi had faded within 3 months of Session 12,
whether or not they made it that far.
twi was fond of obscuring its numbers whenever possible to appear larger, all through
its history. 30,000 is not a monumentous number, but 100,000 was enough to get people's attention,
especially when someone claimed it was "the fastest-growing cult" at some point.
That was probably true in the H33fn3r/D*op era, but not true a few years later, except locally in a few
places, for time periods of about a year. Of course, that partly backfired, when "followers"
had to deal with the easy panic of people worried that twi was going to subvert all their teenagers
(like those evil commies or those possessed D&D players). That, in and of itself, was a windfall
for twi, since it gave them something to "brag" about, causing a panic, but it was a problem for
the individuals. Not that this bothered twi any-individuals have always been DISPOSABLE in twi,
and vpw himself began that proud tradition.
Getting back to the CURRENT numbers,
twi had tried hard to get people to associate the number "5000" with them currently.
It's a fiction.
The number "5000" supposedly referred to the number of people on-grounds for some anniversary,
when everyone within a 250-mile radius who could be convinced to show up walked in.
That included family, neighbors, etc.
The number "5000" supposedly was the highest estimate around 2000 AD of members worldwide,
which included all children. That meant the number of adults at the time was 2000-3000 worldwide.
Since that time, the total number of members, of course, has been dropping steadily. We know that
because plenty of posters HERE left within that timeframe.
That means current numbers of adults is below 2000, and that perhaps 2500-3000 includes the children
currently. I don't expect that number to change radically over the next few years, since they've pretty
much run off everyone who is capable of developing independent thought. They'll still lose seniors
through attrition, since they consider them "dead weight", and youngsters as they learn there is life
outside twi, where free thought counts for something. twi now is a little like those fringe-groups
that spun off Mormonism, and hide in the hills, still practicing polygamy. People in the group grow
and learn once they are exposed to the outside world.
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I'll second what the others have said to Jonny, and add that it has been rumored that Jamie Lee Curtis was born intersexual (the medical term) but had surgery to fix it. In her case, as in many other cases, she was born female on the outside with male organs on the inside. Sorry to burst any teenaged fantasies.
I knew a girl in college that had two sets of female organs, both being small and I believe not really operative.
Sexuallity is a funny thing. It basically, comes down to hormones and then organs. Did you know that we all start out female.....and with tales?
Anyways, while most of the time things work out that most of us are one or the other (male or non-male
) there is a whole spectrum of the "inbetween."
As you said, the poll was poorly constructed, but I don't really think a better poll will get you a real definitive answer. There used to be 30K people involved with twi. Now there is an estimated 4 -5K, I believe. That is a lot of people that are out. Of those, many moved on to splinter groups, some of which post here, but many of which don't. I don't really know how many of those people could be considered as "recovered" or not. I think those of us that post here are a small fraction of the 30K-ish that were once involved in twi. I would think it is hardly a significant sample size.
Although, if you did want a more clear idea of GS posters, perhaps do two polls, one for men and one for women. Ask the same questions of both and compare. Still I would think that those that post here would be much more likely to take the poll than those that never post or rarely post.
Just a thought.
IMO, I doubt it is all that different between the sexes and honestly I don't think it matters at all.
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The largest number of people at any one time in twi was about 30,000.
There were about 100,000, worldwide, who signed up for pfal.
That includes those who never made it to Session I, those who made it to Session I
but did not make it to Session 12,
and those who completed Session 12 but were gone within the next 3 months.
Maybe 1/3- 1/2 the people I ever met personally in twi had faded within 3 months of Session 12,
whether or not they made it that far.
twi was fond of obscuring its numbers whenever possible to appear larger, all through
its history. 30,000 is not a monumentous number, but 100,000 was enough to get people's attention,
especially when someone claimed it was "the fastest-growing cult" at some point.
That was probably true in the H33fn3r/D*op era, but not true a few years later, except locally in a few
places, for time periods of about a year. Of course, that partly backfired, when "followers"
had to deal with the easy panic of people worried that twi was going to subvert all their teenagers
(like those evil commies or those possessed D&D players). That, in and of itself, was a windfall
for twi, since it gave them something to "brag" about, causing a panic, but it was a problem for
the individuals. Not that this bothered twi any-individuals have always been DISPOSABLE in twi,
and vpw himself began that proud tradition.
Getting back to the CURRENT numbers,
twi had tried hard to get people to associate the number "5000" with them currently.
It's a fiction.
The number "5000" supposedly referred to the number of people on-grounds for some anniversary,
when everyone within a 250-mile radius who could be convinced to show up walked in.
That included family, neighbors, etc.
The number "5000" supposedly was the highest estimate around 2000 AD of members worldwide,
which included all children. That meant the number of adults at the time was 2000-3000 worldwide.
Since that time, the total number of members, of course, has been dropping steadily. We know that
because plenty of posters HERE left within that timeframe.
That means current numbers of adults is below 2000, and that perhaps 2500-3000 includes the children
currently. I don't expect that number to change radically over the next few years, since they've pretty
much run off everyone who is capable of developing independent thought. They'll still lose seniors
through attrition, since they consider them "dead weight", and youngsters as they learn there is life
outside twi, where free thought counts for something. twi now is a little like those fringe-groups
that spun off Mormonism, and hide in the hills, still practicing polygamy. People in the group grow
and learn once they are exposed to the outside world.
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Wouldn't this be a little difficult to discern?
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