this is people who know someone who has come on here and pretended to be someone who has never been in TWI but they were a corps grad and hurt some people and also hurt some people as a poster through the years
I'm very disappointed. Yet another reminder of how careful we must be on the net. :(
I recall the chat conversation and I even recall feeling sorry for WatersEdge. But now I just feel stupid for allowing myself to be gullible once again.
I should weigh in here. This is a thread, I wouldn't normally allow. This character has a history of donning a new identity and then manipulating people.
For those of you that don't know, this person has "faked" his death numerous times. He would get the support of those in a forum and then his "sister" would come on to announce that he had passed away, but she wanted all to know he thought highly of the forum and spoke of it before he died. He also did this same prank in real life to corps brothers and sisters.
He is particularly good at preying on women. A number of people on this forum have been victim to his sick games.
I've caught him a few times in different screennames. This time he got by. you live and learn. This IS the internet and you can be whoever you want to be. So please be careful with the information that you share. Better to be cautious than to be duped by a character like this.
I think what most people don't get (especially folks new to the site and jerks) is that we're more like family, or a very close little neighborhood here - especially those of us who have been around for years. We know each other better than some of the folks we interact with daily in "real life".
There's really only about three or four degrees of separation between all of us because of how much time we've spent online together and because of how small TWI really is/was in the whole scheme of things. We've developed some very, very close friendships over the years and actually have lives outside of GSpot, but those lives often overlap.
We talk, write, e-mail, IM and correspond with each other "offline" so to speak - we swap phone numbers, have parties, meet for weddings, weenie roasts and girls' gone wild week-ends. We share pictures of our kids, personal celebrations, life issues..... GSpot is soooooo much more than just a place to talk about TWI.
To take advantage of or to hurt one of us is to do that to ALL of us. We love, care for, admire, respect, appreciate each other on various levels. THIS is the fellowship that used to be in TWI but without all the hoops, manipulation, lies and abuse.
Thanks, Paw and mods, for taking care of us and to allow us a forum and way to protect one another.
Im glad that dude didnt try my door.....I still know how to straighten someones butt out quickly, but i reserve it....thx,lcm for teaching me how to ream a new butt....but, im too tired.
And in your ever noble battle to expose the troll, innocent newbies get falsely accused and no proper apologies follow. What a nice group of people, to run about the board behind the scenes seeing trolls every where. Damned if I will return to chat.
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I do not get it?
I see the map has wateredges house on it.
is there something Im issing in this message?
for some reason the last part of that post was not there before.
new glasses for me.
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I HATE it when that happens.
I guess you let the CAT MAN DU out of the bag, Darlin'.
Better put up a FIREBARRIER or the FIREBEEs will get out of the bag, too.
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It's People & Immoral Behavior like this that ruin a good time...
Just like those CHEATERS on e-Bay... Bidding on their own stuff...
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you do feel strongly with all the yelling.
get well soon..
but now im curious
how did you bust this out?
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Ron G.
Pond asks "how did you bust this out?"
It's been known for a while. A number of folks have tipped me off to it...I think maybe before SafariVista knew about it.
Yeah, Cat man doo died from cancer, or so the legend goes...but he awoke again on the third day...that doesn't happen very often.
All that happened before I discovered Waydale...but I sure remember Firebee from the old chat days...jerk extraordinaire.
What a world...and to think I may have fellowshipped with a lot of these folks back in the 80's never believing they could be certifiable.
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Some of us post publicly all sorts of information about ourselves-
physical appearance, first name (possibly with last),
place of residence (stopping before address if not sooner,
usually just state or city),
approximate age, profession, hobbies, etc.
Others of us (like me) place a premium on their privacy.
You won't find our legal names, location below city,
appearance and so on.
limited to what we're willing to share,
what we DO say is all true.
For example, I give my correct hometown, and mention
my hobbies, and so on.
The PROBLEM is that some people volunteer information that
is INcorrect-they LIE when they could simply say little or nothing.
People are welcome here whether they never were in twi, or if they
were in 40 years, or anywhere in-between.
They're welcome to be somewhat vague on this, but to deliberately
mis-inform or lie is NOT appreciated.
It was probably being worked on and edited, and you looked at it
IMMEDIATELY after the initial post.
That sometimes happens if you don't give a post a few minutes,
especially if it has complicated components.
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Ron G.
Pond asks "how did you bust this out?"
It's been known for a while. A number of folks have tipped me off to it...I think maybe before SafariVista knew about it.
Yeah, Cat man doo died from cancer, or so the legend goes...but he awoke again on the third day...that doesn't happen very often.
All that happened before I discovered Waydale...but I sure remember Firebee from the old chat days...jerk extraordinaire.
What a world...and to think I may have fellowshipped with a lot of these folks back in the 80's never believing they could be certifiable.
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Ron G.
Just had a cool little map and everything.
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...was just wondering that myself Ron... :unsure:
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it may have had to much personal information about a poster on it and got moved or deleted for content.
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some people might want to accept help in the medical field etc.
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likeaneagle this a movie or ??
:blink: :blink: :blink:
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this is people who know someone who has come on here and pretended to be someone who has never been in TWI but they were a corps grad and hurt some people and also hurt some people as a poster through the years
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For those who openly wondered: the thread's posts were hidden for a short time as moderators discussed whether to let it be. Thanks for understanding.
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It's all very sad...
WatersEdge OFFERED his personal INFORMATION freely in CHAT, including his WHOLE (REAL)
NAME & PHONE NUMBERS. Probably after a 'few' too many DRINKS! oopsi...
It's not difficult to identify the computer's address...
Why all the LIES? Why play off of people's emotions?
There have been too many 'haunted' ... STOP this non-sense!
Just get HONEST JRB.... if you can't, go get some professional help!...
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Hmph. And I was nice, too, and everything.
I really. really. don't like being lied to.
I've had rather enough of it in recent years, all things considered, but I want to send some thanks to those who tipped me as to WE's duplicity.
See, there's that word again.
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I understand he may say things in chat.
so you got info on him.
maybe he just wanted those who were in chat to know that information.. I think the rules are different for the forum regarding personal infomation.
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I'm very disappointed. Yet another reminder of how careful we must be on the net. :(
I recall the chat conversation and I even recall feeling sorry for WatersEdge. But now I just feel stupid for allowing myself to be gullible once again.
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In the *good old days* of Waydale new posters were subjected to a higher degree of scrutiny than today.
Kudo's to the moderating team for catching such a dasterdly villian so early on in his nefarious deeds.
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Well Saravista looks like you found out the waitress is a waiter.....
read under your advatar.
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I should weigh in here. This is a thread, I wouldn't normally allow. This character has a history of donning a new identity and then manipulating people.
For those of you that don't know, this person has "faked" his death numerous times. He would get the support of those in a forum and then his "sister" would come on to announce that he had passed away, but she wanted all to know he thought highly of the forum and spoke of it before he died. He also did this same prank in real life to corps brothers and sisters.
He is particularly good at preying on women. A number of people on this forum have been victim to his sick games.
I've caught him a few times in different screennames. This time he got by. you live and learn. This IS the internet and you can be whoever you want to be. So please be careful with the information that you share. Better to be cautious than to be duped by a character like this.
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I think what most people don't get (especially folks new to the site and jerks) is that we're more like family, or a very close little neighborhood here - especially those of us who have been around for years. We know each other better than some of the folks we interact with daily in "real life".
There's really only about three or four degrees of separation between all of us because of how much time we've spent online together and because of how small TWI really is/was in the whole scheme of things. We've developed some very, very close friendships over the years and actually have lives outside of GSpot, but those lives often overlap.
We talk, write, e-mail, IM and correspond with each other "offline" so to speak - we swap phone numbers, have parties, meet for weddings, weenie roasts and girls' gone wild week-ends. We share pictures of our kids, personal celebrations, life issues..... GSpot is soooooo much more than just a place to talk about TWI.
To take advantage of or to hurt one of us is to do that to ALL of us. We love, care for, admire, respect, appreciate each other on various levels. THIS is the fellowship that used to be in TWI but without all the hoops, manipulation, lies and abuse.
Thanks, Paw and mods, for taking care of us and to allow us a forum and way to protect one another.

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death-flippin scarry......geesh
Im glad that dude didnt try my door.....I still know how to straighten someones butt out quickly, but i reserve it....thx,lcm for teaching me how to ream a new butt....but, im too tired.
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And in your ever noble battle to expose the troll, innocent newbies get falsely accused and no proper apologies follow. What a nice group of people, to run about the board behind the scenes seeing trolls every where. Damned if I will return to chat.
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