So what about other people, both famous and non-famous, who have made anti-semetic comments, ... and were/are roundly condemned for them?
They haven't made any pro-Christian films about Jesus. They haven't done any evangelical work for Christianity of this scope. ... So why the whining attitude re: "Well, he wouldn't be so persecuted if he didn't make 'Passion of the Christ'"?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. ... Poor Mel. <_< The only 'lashing' he will receive is a fine for speeding and other traffic infractions, a round of talk show 'contritions', and back he goes to making millions--- errr, movies.
This is a good time to sell my treatment for Lethal Weapon 5 to Warner Bros.
Title: Lethal Weapon 5: Drunker and Stupidder
The story revolves around Riggs Status as "The only L.A. cop registered as a lethal weapon" being down graded to "non-lethal" status. Capt. Ed Murphy breaks the news to Riggs and Murtaugh in his office. Self abuse ensues as a once sober and insane L.A. cop becomes a slobbering mess who couldn't arrest a sock monkey. Inside a posh L.A. night club that caters to Hockey fans, Riggs begins to get plastered, and insults a few women. Totally out of control Riggs spews racial slurs at all of L.A.'s minorities and even spends half an hour on Canadians. Which lands him on his foot in the parking lot of the night club called "Montreal's" sore and stupid he drives home to be pulled over by Murtaugh. After Murtaugh reads Riggs his rights Riggs starts in with the racial slurs again, and Leo Getz gets involved at which time Riggs says something about German Jews and fists begin flying.
"So what about other people, both famous and non-famous, who have made anti-semetic comments, ... and were/are roundly condemned for them?"
This is very true Garth...yet Hillary made some comments about a G o d d a m n e d Jew and ol' Rush Limbaugh's made more than a few "off the wall" comments...why do they get a free pass?
I think ol' Mel is just reaping some of the results of some of his movies...Not just the "Passion", either...there was a HUGE hue and cry from the looney left over "The Patriot" where he armed his young sons with unregistered muskets and had them shoot British officers...enough to make the Film Actors Guild have strokes.
By the way...has anyone seen that movie "Team America: World Police"? I doubt few who've seen it would actually admit it. IMNSHO, it's the most accurate depiction of neocons and liberals I've seen yet.
Anyway, as for Mel...I'm pretty well convinced that tequila actually DOES have devil spirits in it (especially if you eat the worm)...I know from experience. In my young formative years, tequila taught me how to get in fights...and lose.
The Seattle shooter who killed one woman and shot five other women in the stomach, Naveed Afzal Haq (I know - - it doesn't roll off the tongue as easily as Mel Gibson's name), after declaring he was a "Muslim American" who was "angry with Israel" has been charged (today) with 9 felony counts including murder, hate crimes and kidnapping.
Perhaps his name doesn't roll off the tongue as easily as MG because he isn't on the Hollywood A list.
Is an anti-semitic slur by a Catholic with a high public profile to be mitigated by violent act perpetrated upon Jews by a Muslim? Does one really have anything to do with the other? Let's face it. Mel's anti-Jewish remarks received the coverage it got because of his fame, not because any purported bias by the press.
To his credit, Mel apologized for launching into the tirade with the cops when he got stopped for drunken driving. He would have done better by not blaming the remarks on the alcohol and taken full responsibility for the prejudice he harbored. The alcohol only emboldened him to put it into words.
The legal limit where he was stopped is .08 alcohol level --
same as here in Minney-soda
That is comparable to 3 something beers, per hour.
In other words -- he wasn't a slobbering drunk,
since he tested just slightly higher than that.
that was so sadly lacking in the case of the synagogue shootings.
Sorry Oeno -- The national media has *weighed in*,
and sadly -- are found wanting.
True news isn't on their agenda.
If it *sells* -- they go for it.
If it's *political* -- it's buried.
Is an anti-semitic slur by a Catholic with a high public profile to be mitigated by violent act perpetrated upon Jews by a Muslim? Does one really have anything to do with the other? Let's face it. Mel's anti-Jewish remarks received the coverage it got because of his fame.
Yes -- and neither Naveed Afzal Haqnor, nor the 6 victims shot received *proper* coverage,
since they were never a *somebody*, like Mel.
The ONLY thing the two have in common is that they are both news stories.
Which one gets the *press* says a hell-uva-lot (to me). :(
I think this article hits pretty close to the mark:
By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
August 4, 2006
Let's get right to the point: the Hollywood elite have had it in for Mel Gibson for quite a while. First, he abandoned their penchant for promoting big government by starring in a truer-than-most-want-to-admit movie thriller, Conspiracy Theory. He then further alienated Hollywood Leftists by starring in the hugely popular Vietnam war movie, We Were Soldiers. And I'm sure Mel's wonderful movie about America's fight for independence, The Patriot, didn't sit well with them, either.
However, it was the production of his phenomenally successful film, The Passion Of The Christ, that no doubt took the Hollywood elite over the edge. That a Hollywood legend would dare to produce a movie that exalted, not denigrated, Christ's redemptive work on the cross was more than they could stomach. They have had Gibson in their sights ever since.
Unfortunately, Mel Gibson provided the Hollywood elite the hammer and nails they needed to crucify him. His extremely foolish misconduct was just what his enemies were looking for. Now, they are attacking him with a vengeance! In fact, he has been castigated by almost everyone in the industry.
For example, according to press reports, ABC has already announced the cancellation of a planned miniseries about the Holocaust it was developing with Gibson's Icon Productions.
In addition, Michael Levine, an agent who has represented super-stars such as Michael Jackson and Charlton Heston, said, "It's a nuclear disaster for him [Gibson]. I don't see how he can restore himself." Throughout the industry, the sentiment is the same: "Gibson has committed vocational suicide and is dead in the water. It's all over for him."
Yet, I don't remember anyone in Hollywood or in the national media saying it was "all over" for Jesse Jackson when back in 1984 he called Jews "Hymies" and referred to New York City as "Hymietown." I don't remember people saying it was "all over" for Michael Moore when he was quoted as placing Israel in his own personal "axis of evil." Why, then, are the Hollywood elite saying it's "all over" for Mel Gibson?
Gibson's enemies even overlook the fact that instead of sending his publicist to handle the media (as most Hollywood stars would do), he personally took responsibility for his actions and comments. In fact, his humility and contriteness in the matter have been quite remarkable!
In addition, Gibson has admitted to a long-standing problem with alcohol addiction, and he has apologized profusely for his anti-Jewish words spoken in a drunken stupor. He has even said he was willing to meet with Jewish leaders in order to facilitate a healing. What more can the man do?
The answer is obvious: the Hollywood elite don't care how sincere or how repentant Gibson is; they want Mel Gibson's crucifixion! I believe the American people will see through Hollywood's hypocrisy and hatred and will find it in their hearts to forgive Gibson's foolishness. At least I certainly hope so.
For the record, I would like to offer Mel Gibson, and anyone else who has a drinking problem, a free copy of my alcoholic father's true-life story, which is recorded on cassette tape. My dad was a confirmed and hopeless alcoholic until the age of 40. His deliverance from alcohol is nothing short of miraculous! From the day of his deliverance at age 40 to the day he died at nearly age 86, my dad did not have one drop of alcoholic beverage-not one! That's over 46 years of total sobriety. It is a truly remarkable real-life story!
If any of Mel's friends would like to have a free copy of my father's true-life story, or if readers would like to obtain a copy for themselves or a friend, go to for information on how to order. Again, there is no charge for the tape.
I hope and pray that not only will Mel Gibson survive the personal and professional attacks against him but that he will discover the true source of peace that fortune and fame have obviously not provided. Wouldn't it be nice, too, if Hollywood could find a heart and soul of its own?
I think Mel gets grief over this while so many others get a pass, and Mel gets press while the murdered Jews do not, because of us, our society. What sells more newspapers? What brings in more viewers? You can only blame the media or the "hollywood elite" so much for this, when they are simply reflecting back to us what it is we want to hear or are willing to spend money to read about. It really is a sad reflection of our culture.
"Yet, I don't remember anyone in Hollywood or in the national media saying it was "all over" for Jesse Jackson when back in 1984 he called Jews "Hymies" and referred to New York City as "Hymietown." I don't remember people saying it was "all over" for Michael Moore when he was quoted as placing Israel in his own personal "axis of evil." Why, then, are the Hollywood elite saying it's "all over" for Mel Gibson? "
Again, it comes back to what will sell. Jesse Jackson is a politician, one who is not necessarily well loved by the majority of the people. Michael Moore - he makes his money by being contraversial, so again, no shock there. But Mel Gibson - he's a famous movie star and isn't that what is so all important to our culture? Entertainment. The Lifestyle of the rich and famous. It often seems to me we care more about what they are doing than we care about what those actually running our country are doing.
the guy who wants to sell his fathers tape of how he was sober for 46 years... i have to say this.
no one will get it tho.
big deal.
He considers it a miricle that his dad didnt drink after he was 46.
It probably is a testimony of his deliverence which is a good thing.. but the mircle is the fact he didnt drink.
I have not drank for 46 years as well no wonder of wonders here and most of my friends. no miricle.
that is what sells .. far more than fame . booze drugs addiction.. it helps those who struggle ,many who are addicts or who love them live in our culture. many co-dependents and addicts here.
booze drugs is endorsed in America more than anything.
so much so the fact a person is sober is a huge deal today.
a real acomplishment .
not to slight those who have to be addicted and are asking for support for their problem.
but really what is it america thinks is cool?
sex drugs and rock and roll. When we hear of a actor or sport person into drugs it once agian justifies our own hang ups in the culture and makes it acceptable . Well even they do it IM ok.
it isnt a problem and if it is well everyone has the same problem even those we make famous..
Speaking of disproportionate reporting, my favorite columnist, Mark Steyn of the Chicago Sun-Times appears to "get it". For your Sunday reading enjoyment:
Here's a teaser for those who don't want to read the entire column (but worth the read, IMO):
"Disproportion" is the concept of the moment. Do you know how to play? Let's say 150 missiles are lobbed at northern Israel from the Lebanese village of Qana and the Israelis respond with missiles of their own that kill 28 people. Whoa, man, that's way "disproportionate."
But let's say you're a northwestern American municipality -- Seattle, for example -- and you haven't lobbed missiles at anybody, but a Muslim male shows up anyway and shoots six Jewish women, one of whom tries to flee up the stairs, but he spots her, leans over the railing, fires again and kills her. He describes himself as "an American Muslim angry at Israel" and tells 911 dispatchers: ''These are Jews. I want these Jews to get out. I'm tired of getting pushed around, and our people getting pushed around by the situation in the Middle East.''
Well, that's apparently entirely "proportionate," so "proportionate" that the event is barely reported in the American media, or (if it is) it's portrayed as some kind of random convenience-store drive-by shooting. Pamela Waechter's killer informed his victims that "I'm only doing this for a statement," but the world couldn't be less interested in his statement, not compared to his lawyer's statement that he's suffering from "bipolar disorder.'' And the local FBI guy, like the Mounties in Toronto a month or so back, took the usual no-jihad-to-see-here line. ''There's nothing to indicate it's terrorism related,'' said Special Assistant Agent-In-Charge David Gomez. In America, terrorism is like dentistry and hairdressing: It doesn't count unless you're officially credentialed.
On the other hand, when a drunk movie star gets pulled over and starts unburdening himself of various theories about "f---ing Jews," hold the front page! That is so totally "disproportionate" it's the biggest story of the moment. The head of America's most prominent Jewish organization will talk about nothing else for days on end, he and the media too tied up dealing with Mel Gibson's ruminations on "f---ing Jews" to bother with footling peripheral stories about actual f---ing Jews murdered for no other reason than because they're f---ing Jews.
On the other other hand, when the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, announces that if Jews "all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide,'' that's not in the least "disproportionate.'' When President Ahmadinejad of Iran visits Malaysia and declares, apropos Lebanon, that "although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate cease-fire must be implemented," well, that's just a bit of mildly overheated rhetoric prefacing what's otherwise a very helpful outline of a viable peace process: (Stage One) Please don't keep degrading our infrastructure until (Stage Two) we've got the capacity to nuke you.
What? So we have to wait till 'Mad Max' joins the American Nazi Party, trashes a synagogue, kills quite a few of them "Joooooooooos", till we can righteously and roundly condemn him? Before it becomes appropriately 'balanced'?
That article by that pastor is a total riot! And I'd be willing to bet even $$money$$ that if it were 'Hitlery' Clinton (or some other 'godless heathen') that made those remarks, he wouldn't be so whiney about them being 'crucified'. Far more likely would he be going "See?!? See?!? That's how those damn hypocritical liberals/atheists/(fill in your favorite 'Un-American' enemy here) are so anti-semitic, and hate Isreal!!" or something to that effect.
Mel Gibson still has many supporters/apologists, many of them the same e-v-i-l 'liberal' producers/actors, and even a good number of them Jewish. So he isn't exactly going thru heinous persecution here, ... the wuss. <_<
Y'know, Garth, everything isn't about the mean old Christians persecuting the poor, downtrodden atheists and liberals. :P
I know a lot more Christians who are not radical, who have a laissez faire attitude toward people of other faiths or no faith, and who aren't on TV peddling prayer hankies and saying God will kill them if they don't raise a gezillion dollars than the ones who do those things.
Pond, I don't know whether the minister's tape would help anyone kick an addiction to booze, but he's not selling it. He's offering it for free.
As for the topic of the thread, Mel got more press because he's a popular movie star and because people love to see the high and mighty fall on their butts. Many people thrive on controversey, and this gives them something to argue about. In contrast, there's not much to argue about when it comes to some nutcase going berserk and murdering innocent people because they're Jewish. It's a shocking tragedy, and the murderer should fry for it.
I don't agree with Mel, but I think there's a leap being made, turning his spouting off about Israel (a country, a political body) into an attack on Jews everywhere, hence the accusation that he's anti-Semitic. I have no idea if Mel's anti-Semitic or not. All I know is he put his foot in his mouth for sure.
Gee, I tend to agree with what Mel's priest said (paraphrasing): Mel's spouting off came from some unhealed feelings about the hell that the Jewish leaders put him through before the releasing of The Passion of the Christ." They certainly did not want the movie to be released and wouldn't stop whinning until Mr. Gibson cut some of the scenes showing the Jews taking responsibility for his (Christ's) death."
Sounded right to me...drunk and not holding back things that have bothered him... I wish I could have seen it before those scenes had been cut...but that's just me, imho.
Y'know, Garth, everything isn't about the mean old Christians persecuting the poor, downtrodden atheists and liberals.
I know a lot more Christians who are not radical, who have a laissez faire attitude toward people of other faiths or no faith, and who aren't on TV peddling prayer hankies and saying God will kill them if they don't raise a gezillion dollars than the ones who do those things.
Didn't say that it was, or that there weren't Christians who take a 'live and let live' attitude towards atheists. If you read what I wrote, I was referring to that minister who goes off and acts like Mel is being soooooo persecuted, and who often (and I bet you have seen this to be true more often than not) blame all the atheists/liberals/secularists/'Joooooooooos'(thanks MarkO, for this term, as its a riot :D)/other groups of people who don't fit in with his narrow and fundy world view. ... Besides, at one time, I've been there, done that, ... and burnt the stupid t-shirt!
Basically the main reason why folks like that minister are gathering 'round Mel's wagon is largely because of The Passion of The Christ. Face it, Gibson 'bought his way into Heaven' as far as they're concerned because of the flick, and they're about ready to make him a Saint.
If it were Micheal Moore making the anti-Jewish statements, his scathing condemnation would be on the lips of pundits ranging from Rush Limbaugh to Ann Coulter to Pat Robertson.
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So what about other people, both famous and non-famous, who have made anti-semetic comments, ... and were/are roundly condemned for them?
They haven't made any pro-Christian films about Jesus. They haven't done any evangelical work for Christianity of this scope. ... So why the whining attitude re: "Well, he wouldn't be so persecuted if he didn't make 'Passion of the Christ'"?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. ... Poor Mel. <_< The only 'lashing' he will receive is a fine for speeding and other traffic infractions, a round of talk show 'contritions', and back he goes to making millions--- errr, movies.
We should have such problems.
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Why all the airtime?
Don Henley said it long ago....
"I make my living off the evening news Just give me something-something I can use
People love it when you lose, They love dirty laundry
Well, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up here I just have to look good, I dont have to be clear
Come and whisper in my ear Give us dirty laundry
Kick em when theyre up
Kick em when theyre down
Kick em when theyre up
Kick em when theyre down
Kick em when theyre up
Kick em when theyre down
Kick em when theyre up
Kick em all around
We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who Comes on at five
She can tell you bout the plane crash with a gleam In her eye
Its interesting when people die- Give us dirty laundry
Can we film the operation? Is the head dead yet?
You know, the boys in the newsroom got a Running bet
Get the widow on the set! We need dirty laundry.
You dont really need to find out whats going on
You dont really want to know just how far its gone
Just leave well enough alone, Eat your dirty laundry
Kick em when theyre up
Kick em when theyre down
Kick em when theyre up
Kick em when theyre down
Kick em when theyre up
Kick em when theyre down
Kick em when theyre stiff
Kick em all around
Dirty little secrets, Dirty little lies
We got our dirty little fingers in everybodys pie
We love to cut you down to size, We love dirty laundry
We can do the innuendo, We can dance and sing
When its said and done we havent told you a thing
We all know that crap is king, Give us dirty laundry!"
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Seth R.
This is a good time to sell my treatment for Lethal Weapon 5 to Warner Bros.
Title: Lethal Weapon 5: Drunker and Stupidder
The story revolves around Riggs Status as "The only L.A. cop registered as a lethal weapon" being down graded to "non-lethal" status. Capt. Ed Murphy breaks the news to Riggs and Murtaugh in his office. Self abuse ensues as a once sober and insane L.A. cop becomes a slobbering mess who couldn't arrest a sock monkey. Inside a posh L.A. night club that caters to Hockey fans, Riggs begins to get plastered, and insults a few women. Totally out of control Riggs spews racial slurs at all of L.A.'s minorities and even spends half an hour on Canadians. Which lands him on his foot in the parking lot of the night club called "Montreal's" sore and stupid he drives home to be pulled over by Murtaugh. After Murtaugh reads Riggs his rights Riggs starts in with the racial slurs again, and Leo Getz gets involved at which time Riggs says something about German Jews and fists begin flying.
Thats it.
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Ron G.
"So what about other people, both famous and non-famous, who have made anti-semetic comments, ... and were/are roundly condemned for them?"
This is very true Garth...yet Hillary made some comments about a G o d d a m n e d Jew and ol' Rush Limbaugh's made more than a few "off the wall" comments...why do they get a free pass?
I think ol' Mel is just reaping some of the results of some of his movies...Not just the "Passion", either...there was a HUGE hue and cry from the looney left over "The Patriot" where he armed his young sons with unregistered muskets and had them shoot British officers...enough to make the Film Actors Guild have strokes.
By the way...has anyone seen that movie "Team America: World Police"? I doubt few who've seen it would actually admit it. IMNSHO, it's the most accurate depiction of neocons and liberals I've seen yet.
Anyway, as for Mel...I'm pretty well convinced that tequila actually DOES have devil spirits in it (especially if you eat the worm)...I know from experience. In my young formative years, tequila taught me how to get in fights...and lose.
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Perhaps his name doesn't roll off the tongue as easily as MG because he isn't on the Hollywood A list.
Is an anti-semitic slur by a Catholic with a high public profile to be mitigated by violent act perpetrated upon Jews by a Muslim? Does one really have anything to do with the other? Let's face it. Mel's anti-Jewish remarks received the coverage it got because of his fame, not because any purported bias by the press.
To his credit, Mel apologized for launching into the tirade with the cops when he got stopped for drunken driving. He would have done better by not blaming the remarks on the alcohol and taken full responsibility for the prejudice he harbored. The alcohol only emboldened him to put it into words.
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The legal limit where he was stopped is .08 alcohol level --
same as here in Minney-soda
That is comparable to 3 something beers, per hour.
In other words -- he wasn't a slobbering drunk,
since he tested just slightly higher than that.
that was so sadly lacking in the case of the synagogue shootings.
Sorry Oeno -- The national media has *weighed in*,
and sadly -- are found wanting.
True news isn't on their agenda.
If it *sells* -- they go for it.
If it's *political* -- it's buried.
Yes -- and neither Naveed Afzal Haqnor, nor the 6 victims shot received *proper* coverage,
since they were never a *somebody*, like Mel.
The ONLY thing the two have in common is that they are both news stories.
Which one gets the *press* says a hell-uva-lot (to me). :(
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I think this article hits pretty close to the mark:
By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
August 4, 2006
Let's get right to the point: the Hollywood elite have had it in for Mel Gibson for quite a while. First, he abandoned their penchant for promoting big government by starring in a truer-than-most-want-to-admit movie thriller, Conspiracy Theory. He then further alienated Hollywood Leftists by starring in the hugely popular Vietnam war movie, We Were Soldiers. And I'm sure Mel's wonderful movie about America's fight for independence, The Patriot, didn't sit well with them, either.
However, it was the production of his phenomenally successful film, The Passion Of The Christ, that no doubt took the Hollywood elite over the edge. That a Hollywood legend would dare to produce a movie that exalted, not denigrated, Christ's redemptive work on the cross was more than they could stomach. They have had Gibson in their sights ever since.
Unfortunately, Mel Gibson provided the Hollywood elite the hammer and nails they needed to crucify him. His extremely foolish misconduct was just what his enemies were looking for. Now, they are attacking him with a vengeance! In fact, he has been castigated by almost everyone in the industry.
For example, according to press reports, ABC has already announced the cancellation of a planned miniseries about the Holocaust it was developing with Gibson's Icon Productions.
In addition, Michael Levine, an agent who has represented super-stars such as Michael Jackson and Charlton Heston, said, "It's a nuclear disaster for him [Gibson]. I don't see how he can restore himself." Throughout the industry, the sentiment is the same: "Gibson has committed vocational suicide and is dead in the water. It's all over for him."
Yet, I don't remember anyone in Hollywood or in the national media saying it was "all over" for Jesse Jackson when back in 1984 he called Jews "Hymies" and referred to New York City as "Hymietown." I don't remember people saying it was "all over" for Michael Moore when he was quoted as placing Israel in his own personal "axis of evil." Why, then, are the Hollywood elite saying it's "all over" for Mel Gibson?
Gibson's enemies even overlook the fact that instead of sending his publicist to handle the media (as most Hollywood stars would do), he personally took responsibility for his actions and comments. In fact, his humility and contriteness in the matter have been quite remarkable!
In addition, Gibson has admitted to a long-standing problem with alcohol addiction, and he has apologized profusely for his anti-Jewish words spoken in a drunken stupor. He has even said he was willing to meet with Jewish leaders in order to facilitate a healing. What more can the man do?
The answer is obvious: the Hollywood elite don't care how sincere or how repentant Gibson is; they want Mel Gibson's crucifixion! I believe the American people will see through Hollywood's hypocrisy and hatred and will find it in their hearts to forgive Gibson's foolishness. At least I certainly hope so.
For the record, I would like to offer Mel Gibson, and anyone else who has a drinking problem, a free copy of my alcoholic father's true-life story, which is recorded on cassette tape. My dad was a confirmed and hopeless alcoholic until the age of 40. His deliverance from alcohol is nothing short of miraculous! From the day of his deliverance at age 40 to the day he died at nearly age 86, my dad did not have one drop of alcoholic beverage-not one! That's over 46 years of total sobriety. It is a truly remarkable real-life story!
If any of Mel's friends would like to have a free copy of my father's true-life story, or if readers would like to obtain a copy for themselves or a friend, go to for information on how to order. Again, there is no charge for the tape.
I hope and pray that not only will Mel Gibson survive the personal and professional attacks against him but that he will discover the true source of peace that fortune and fame have obviously not provided. Wouldn't it be nice, too, if Hollywood could find a heart and soul of its own?
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I think Mel gets grief over this while so many others get a pass, and Mel gets press while the murdered Jews do not, because of us, our society. What sells more newspapers? What brings in more viewers? You can only blame the media or the "hollywood elite" so much for this, when they are simply reflecting back to us what it is we want to hear or are willing to spend money to read about. It really is a sad reflection of our culture.
"Yet, I don't remember anyone in Hollywood or in the national media saying it was "all over" for Jesse Jackson when back in 1984 he called Jews "Hymies" and referred to New York City as "Hymietown." I don't remember people saying it was "all over" for Michael Moore when he was quoted as placing Israel in his own personal "axis of evil." Why, then, are the Hollywood elite saying it's "all over" for Mel Gibson? "
Again, it comes back to what will sell. Jesse Jackson is a politician, one who is not necessarily well loved by the majority of the people. Michael Moore - he makes his money by being contraversial, so again, no shock there. But Mel Gibson - he's a famous movie star and isn't that what is so all important to our culture? Entertainment. The Lifestyle of the rich and famous. It often seems to me we care more about what they are doing than we care about what those actually running our country are doing.
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the guy who wants to sell his fathers tape of how he was sober for 46 years... i have to say this.
no one will get it tho.
big deal.
He considers it a miricle that his dad didnt drink after he was 46.
It probably is a testimony of his deliverence which is a good thing.. but the mircle is the fact he didnt drink.
I have not drank for 46 years as well no wonder of wonders here and most of my friends. no miricle.
that is what sells .. far more than fame . booze drugs addiction.. it helps those who struggle ,many who are addicts or who love them live in our culture. many co-dependents and addicts here.
booze drugs is endorsed in America more than anything.
so much so the fact a person is sober is a huge deal today.
a real acomplishment .
not to slight those who have to be addicted and are asking for support for their problem.
but really what is it america thinks is cool?
sex drugs and rock and roll. When we hear of a actor or sport person into drugs it once agian justifies our own hang ups in the culture and makes it acceptable . Well even they do it IM ok.
it isnt a problem and if it is well everyone has the same problem even those we make famous..
it makes addiction a normal thing .
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Speaking of disproportionate reporting, my favorite columnist, Mark Steyn of the Chicago Sun-Times appears to "get it". For your Sunday reading enjoyment:
Advocates of 'proportion' are just unbalanced - August 6, 2006
Here's a teaser for those who don't want to read the entire column (but worth the read, IMO):
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What? So we have to wait till 'Mad Max' joins the American Nazi Party, trashes a synagogue, kills quite a few of them "Joooooooooos", till we can righteously and roundly condemn him? Before it becomes appropriately 'balanced'?
That article by that pastor is a total riot! And I'd be willing to bet even $$money$$ that if it were 'Hitlery' Clinton (or some other 'godless heathen') that made those remarks, he wouldn't be so whiney about them being 'crucified'. Far more likely would he be going "See?!? See?!? That's how those damn hypocritical liberals/atheists/(fill in your favorite 'Un-American' enemy here) are so anti-semitic, and hate Isreal!!" or something to that effect.
Mel Gibson still has many supporters/apologists, many of them the same e-v-i-l 'liberal' producers/actors, and even a good number of them Jewish. So he isn't exactly going thru heinous persecution here, ... the wuss. <_<
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Linda Z
Y'know, Garth, everything isn't about the mean old Christians persecuting the poor, downtrodden atheists and liberals. :P
I know a lot more Christians who are not radical, who have a laissez faire attitude toward people of other faiths or no faith, and who aren't on TV peddling prayer hankies and saying God will kill them if they don't raise a gezillion dollars than the ones who do those things.
Pond, I don't know whether the minister's tape would help anyone kick an addiction to booze, but he's not selling it. He's offering it for free.
As for the topic of the thread, Mel got more press because he's a popular movie star and because people love to see the high and mighty fall on their butts. Many people thrive on controversey, and this gives them something to argue about. In contrast, there's not much to argue about when it comes to some nutcase going berserk and murdering innocent people because they're Jewish. It's a shocking tragedy, and the murderer should fry for it.
I don't agree with Mel, but I think there's a leap being made, turning his spouting off about Israel (a country, a political body) into an attack on Jews everywhere, hence the accusation that he's anti-Semitic. I have no idea if Mel's anti-Semitic or not. All I know is he put his foot in his mouth for sure.
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Gee, I tend to agree with what Mel's priest said (paraphrasing): Mel's spouting off came from some unhealed feelings about the hell that the Jewish leaders put him through before the releasing of The Passion of the Christ." They certainly did not want the movie to be released and wouldn't stop whinning until Mr. Gibson cut some of the scenes showing the Jews taking responsibility for his (Christ's) death."
Sounded right to me...drunk and not holding back things that have bothered him... I wish I could have seen it before those scenes had been cut...but that's just me, imho.
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Well I still think Mel is a hunk and I still like him....humph......

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Didn't say that it was, or that there weren't Christians who take a 'live and let live' attitude towards atheists. If you read what I wrote, I was referring to that minister who goes off and acts like Mel is being soooooo persecuted, and who often (and I bet you have seen this to be true more often than not) blame all the atheists/liberals/secularists/'Joooooooooos'(thanks MarkO, for this term, as its a riot :D)/other groups of people who don't fit in with his narrow and fundy world view. ... Besides, at one time, I've been there, done that, ... and burnt the stupid t-shirt!
Basically the main reason why folks like that minister are gathering 'round Mel's wagon is largely because of The Passion of The Christ. Face it, Gibson 'bought his way into Heaven' as far as they're concerned because of the flick, and they're about ready to make him a Saint.
If it were Micheal Moore making the anti-Jewish statements, his scathing condemnation would be on the lips of pundits ranging from Rush Limbaugh to Ann Coulter to Pat Robertson.
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