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Jonny Lingo, As He Appeared Back In The Day

J0nny Ling0

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This was back when I was a WOW and all that. The last picture, goofy as it is, was when we were doing these coffee houses in Oregon with a "Fifties" theme. Then we would promote the PFAL Class later in the evening. I was one of the lead singers, and I did a song called the "Born Again Boogie" and played my harmonica along with the song. As a band we were really bad. But, we did have a lot of "heart". I cringe now when I think of how poorly we played though. But it was fun anyhoo. The first picture of me was my 21st birthday...





Edited by Jonny Lingo
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Meowwww!!! Hot stuff! Is the hot lady in the picture with you your wife?

I have to laugh seeing the Oly beer bottles. I grew up in Oregon. Oly commercials had a song which went "From the land of sky blue water......" Remember the commercials?

The commercials which used to really make me laugh were the Rainiere Beer ones. I remember one of a motorcycle going down the road with the sound:

Raaaaaaaaaineeeeeer Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!!

Edited by Wayfer Not
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The candle? Well, it was the Oly makin me do that...

And maybe I can post one of me "As I Appear Today", or rather July 4, 2006. Naww can't figure it out...Damn. It's on my desk top, but it asks for the :http thing. I could send it to someone and maybe they could post it....

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Just dropping by to clear up some deficiencies in the beer trivia:

"From the Land of Sky Blue Waters" was/is the slogan for Hamm's Beer (from Minnesota -"the land of sky-blue waters)

And Olympia Beer went broke a few years back. The brewery is sitting empty currently, but there's several plans in the mix about what to do with it. But "Oly" is no longer made (no loss there, IMHO).

Jonny, you best stay in shape. Those two look like they'll be giving you a run for your money reeeeal soon...

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Thanks for the reminder. You are right that was Hamms. GAK!!!! Worse than OLY IMHO. Remember Blitz Beer? My dad used to call is Blitz bellywash. :biglaugh: The Northwest wasn't too good at making beer until the Widmere Brothers came along and made some GREAT hefeweizen. But hey, what they lacked in making good beer was made up in the BEAUTIFUL scenery of God's Country (The Pacific Northwest). I'm going back some day.

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Yeah George I know. The young bulls are already creeping up on me. My nineteen year old boy Trevor is taller than me now, but is of a more "lanky" frame work, like my older brother was. And I can't wrestle him like a kid any more. When we "rassle" it's an all out mano y mano thing, and I have to treat him like a man or I lose. Now the bigger of the two in that picture (Riley) is built like a little bull for shore. And the youngest, Luke, was born at 10.2 oz's and has been bigger than the other boys for his age all along. I'm just happy that they are all healthy. And then there is sweet Meagan, who is off working on a ship as we speak. Maybe I can get a picture of her in here too. I just can't figure how to do it because all of my pictures are in my "My Pictures" folder, and the menu here asks for the "http" thing.

And Excathedra, that cracked me up "Jonny and his mini me's"

And yes, it was Hamms "from the land of sky blue waters. I never liked the beer, but I loved their commercials, with the little indian dude in the canoe and the cool music...

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And yes, it was Hamms "from the land of sky blue waters. I never liked the beer, but I loved their commercials, with the little indian dude in the canoe and the cool music...

Those commercials were filmed on Lake Saganaga (pronounced sag-naw-gaw)

at the end of the Gunflint trail out of Grand Marais Minney-soda.

Back in 75, I worked for the summer on Seagull Lake (one portage away from Sag by canoe,

or 5 miles away by road), and if I recollect correct --

those commercials were made just a year or two previous.

One of the locals up there let the Hamms' folks use his dock/ lakefront for the filming,

and they rewarded him with who-knows-how-many-gallons of Hamms beer!


Me -- I never liked the stuff much either.

Being so close to Canada, Molson's was the brew of choice. ;)

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  Wayfer Not said:
I have to laugh seeing the Oly beer bottles. I grew up in Oregon. Oly commercials had a song which went "From the land of sky blue water......" Remember the commercials?

That was from Hamm's Beer (not that I would have any reason to know that). Remember the bear in that commercial?


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  Wayfer Not said:
Remember Blitz Beer? My dad used to call is Blitz bellywash. :biglaugh:

I thought you were confusing Blatz Beer (made by Pabst) and Schlitz. I had never heard of Blitz Beer, but I googled it, and sure enough, there it was.




Thank God for Little Kings!


P.S. Sorry for following this derail. This would make great "Nostalgia Thread" fodder!

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Olympia's slogan was "It's the Water..."

The Olympia Brewing Company

While this famous Tumwater, Washington company owned other breweries prior to Prohibition, it gained prominence with a single brand produced in a single plant. The excellence of its beer has been attributed to the excellent quality of the water - hence their slogan "It's the Water" - but full credit should be given to Olympia's founder, Leopold. F. Schmidt who's business motto was "Quality First - Quantity Next."

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I am not going to talk about beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!heehee....

Jonny Lingo, what great pix of you and your sons.

I know that you are so proud of them and your daughter.

Thanks for giving me a smile this morning before finishing

getting ready for work!!!! :wave:

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