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Flea advice

Linda Z

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Despite the fact that I give my dogs those expensive anti-heartworm/anti-flea pills every month, year round, they managed to get fleas anyway. So $30 later, I had in hand a nice topical treatment (Frontline), to rid them of the little beasts. I haven't treated the cat yet, but I'm going to do so right now. I don't know what I was thinking (I had in the back of my mind that cats aren't susceptible to the same kind of fleas as dogs. I think I was wrong. She's scratchin' too now.)

For a few days I thought I felt the little pests nipping at my ankles but hoped it was just my general bug paranoia. But no. This morning I saw one of the little bastages jumping around on my shirt.

I know they sell those horrid flea bombs that you set off in your house, but I'd really like to avoid using one. I imagine you have to leave the house for a few hours, and where the heck am I going to go with a hyper terrier and a 107-lb. Chessie/Lab for a few hours? And then there's the cat. She'd have to vamoose, too. It's too hot to go to a park, and I can't take three animals to my parent's house for the day.

Is there anything less toxic I can do? I see that they sell a flea powder that you sprinkle on the carpet and then vacuum. Anyone have any success with that? Or with anything??? And is there something I can spray in the yard that won't kill my critters, just the little jumping bugs?

If humans aren't good hosts for fleas, would they just die off on their own if the dogs are treated? (Wishful thinking, I"m sure.)

Help. These things are biting at my feet and ankles, and they're giving me the creeps!

By the way, my Internet access is extremely unpredictable. This is the first time I've been able to connect for more than 5 minutes since Monday. So please offer your suggestions, and if I can get on here, I'll welcome them gleefully. I just wanted you all to know that if I don't respond to the suggestions, it's not because I'm not grateful...it's because I'm outside with my nose pressed against the glass.

Thanks for anything anyone can tell me!!

Edited by Linda Z
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I'm sorry to say, but the only way I know to get rid of them if they've infested your house is those bombs. I lived in FL and had 2 dogs as guests for a few months. We got fleas. Turns out I'm allergic to fleas. Yippee!

I tried the borax powder and whatever that stuff is the DIY store sold me.

The only thing that worked was to bomb the house. I put one of those suckers in each room which was double the recommendation, but I was mighty fed up. My ankles and upper feet were miserable.

Now anytime I see a flea we bomb the house. I won't be human flea food ever again.

I also use Frontline for my dogs. When I had cats I used it on them too. It's amazing stuff.

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You may have to "bomb" the house again as fleas lay eggs that are hard shelled

that means treatments such as frontline etc. really don't work.

fleas are hard to conquer, they need to be stopped at gestation, else they infest

areas that are "open" to them

flea eggs can live up to 3 or 4 years in the ground

hope you rid the pesky pest

me and my lisa are flea free

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Thanks you guys. Sigh. I never had fleas in this house, with a parade of dogs and cats. My Emma has never had a flea in the 8 or 9 years I've had her, and my son's dog never did until now. Maybe it's the extra-hot summer we're having here or something. All I know is that it sucks!!

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Linda, you can also sift 20 Mule Team Borax over all the carpeted areas in your house - leave it in for a week, vacuum it up and re-sift more down into the carpet - It takes about a month to go through the eggs that may already be in there. I did it when we moved into a rental house that was loaded with fleas and it worked great.

Diatomaceous Earth with Sevin is also great as Ron said.

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I believe the hot dry conditions greatly increase flea numbers.

If it was me, after you're satisfied that the fleas are gone, I would hire one of those super steam carpet cleaners which have the vacuum in the truck. I would have the furniture done too.

I did have a flea infestation once and I did not get the carpets cleaned when I wanted to. However, several weeks later I thought I saw one...and the next morning I felt a couple at my feet, so I did it then...and also the furniture. I also stripped all bedding and either washed it in hot water, or sent it to the cleaner....again.

I admit this may have been overkill. I just have this "thing" about sharing my home with any kind of bug. You should see me squash ants!

Edited by krysilis
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I used a combination of flea bomb sprays, flea collars, and flea skin treatments for my 2 cats when they, and my apartment got infected about a month ago, and it worked. Frontline does work but it doesn't kill them all right away. as mentioned elsewhere on this thread, it takes time to break the cycle of the eggs, pupa, coccon-stage, and adult fleas.

But it can be done. You just got to keep at it.

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hi Linda,

I can also attest to the "dusting" that Belle and Ron_G have recommended. When you put the powder though, I suggest using a rubber bristled broom to work the dust into the carpets, it will work more effectively than if you just leave it to sift down on it's own.

Good luck, and I'll just add this little problem to my prayer list, too.



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Cats are actually more susceptible to fleas than dogs are, because they tolerate them better. I ran into a similar situation many years ago and what my vet said is that the dogs bring the fleas into the house, but they quickly make a home on the cat. So, if you are only treating your dogs with those expensive little pills, I would recommend to start treating the cat as well.

These days I only have dogs, who get those same pills you are using, and no flea problems. But when I had cats :(

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Zodiac makes a carpet and furniture spray.

it is expensive.. it last for 8 months. Works on all bugs. I got mine at pet meds. I sprayed it in the base ment just a little bit and a year later I have no spiders and it is dark down there all the time. no smell what so ever.

I had a issue with fleas one of my cats is very large and I switched to frontline, a nice warm bath with a flea shampoo got rid of them and kept him safe for a month. he kind of smelled tho for a day or so.

I have my own opinion frontline does not work!!!! it is the only time i ever saw fles on my animals .

I switched cause it said it works for ticks etc.. a little cheaper but advantage is the stuff for us.

in one day all fleas are gone. advantage is much better than frontline for some animals.

i would never switch again. I also have used the bio stuff didnt touch them .

I highly recomend only advantage.. not frontline.

also my siter showed me a trick for large animals it says to put it all in one spot under the ears and my cat was flea free in the upper body but got some on his hind legs and butt so i put it on in three place on his long body head torso an butt and it seems to repel much better.

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