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Andrew's Birthday Post

Ron G.

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Every year since we moved here, I've been marking Andrew's height on his birthday on this beam in my living room, beginning with his 4th birthday.

Today he entered his teens and turned 13. He's now officially taller than I am.

I don't know what happened in 2003 when he didn't grow as much...maybe the disastrous pizza and root beer shortage of '03...I don't remember.

Anyway, I pray with God's grace, he'll continue to grow as strong as the oak beam that bears his record.

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We used to do that too, when I was a kid --

only we used the wall by our kitchen doorway to make the marks.

My brother and I would take turns standing there and Dad -- (taller than us then),

would put a yardstick level across the top of our heads, and make a pencil mark.

I forget how old we were when we stoppped doing that. :)

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Thanks, everybody...Andrew thanks you too. Since I had to buy a car this month as well as summer camp, I was kinda low on resources (I guess I haven't been ABSing enough) and all I did for him was get him two Beatles CD's..."Abbey Road" and "Let It Be---Naked"...he likes the Beatles and listening makes him feel older and more sophiticated. Listening to it makes me feel younger and more innocent...a win/win situation all the way around.

And Garth, Just for YOU!!!

The one on the left with the rope loop is mine, the other is Andrew's. We made them about three years ago from some hickory saplings. They have a LOT of miles on them.

Ignore the duck....she's just going to the bathroom in the entryway.

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You are such a fun dad! Can I come vist with my girls so that you can teach them all these fun things?

Lord knows that this Ney York City gal won't ever teach them how to make a walking stick.

In any case - He seems like a great kid who has a good man for a dad.

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Happy birthday to Andrew!!!

Wish I had the energy to keep up with something like that with my kids. We were keeping track on a wall of the house I owned but after my heart surgery we lost the house and we stopped keeping track. Think I will re-instate the thrill of watching my 7 and 9 year olds grow again. My 14 year old wouldn't be as excited anymore.

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