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Clark Kent returns...


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I didn’t know if I should put this in Silly or Open. Another weird poem I wrote inspired from a couple of threads like Way Corps Scum, All Nine all the Time and basically thinking about the pressure to be a super-believer.

Clark Kent Returns

Yes – it’s true…

I was a Superman for twelve years.

twelve glorious years of flying after daydreams at breakneck speeds.

…Strangers would enter my superfluous presence – yes, in very close proximity

to my area of concern, interest and need –

point at the little pin on my lapel and ask,

“Is it a bird…Is it a plane?”

No – I am Superman!

I’ve got power – really fantastic superpowers –

Nine to be exact – I operate them all the time –

And stand for this present truth, and justice by The International Way.

I’ve got super-peepers – keen X-Ray vision eyeballs–

I can look through almost any kind of glass

[except smoked, mirrored, and of course leaded, you dummy]!

If I concentrated hard enough – I had insight that could blind you –

I saw stuff in the Bible that even God didn’t know was there!

Can I fly? Why, yes I was able to

believe I could leap tall buildings in a single bound.

But I need to explain

why so often these powers would wane

Lex Lucifer had that dreaded kryptonite hidden just about everywhere.

…Now I’ve superimposed a superhuman hiatus -

on this manifest of quixotic powers –

I’m holding them in abeyance –

I’m even moving out of my Fortress of Similitude.

So what if I’ve joined the ranks

of the other mere mortals.

I never looked good in those blue tights anyway.

Weep not for idols gone idle,

I’m working full time at the Daily Planet now.

Some may say

“How can you not believe

you can bend steel in your bare hands

or not imagine changing the course of mighty rivers?”

Hmmmm….that’s true some old habits never die.

My wife will tell you [with a chuckle in her voice]

I’m still faster than a speeding bullet in bed!

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You touched on a lot. I enjoyed this. Thanks

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Thanks everyone for sharing your appreciation...Tom, I read the alternate version of "All in the Family" theme on the ninth corps thread - very funny!... My - we are a cultured bunch. :biglaugh:

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