I also think that TWI taught us to dismiss the obvious and also put us in catagories when we weren't believing, which caused us to smother thethings we needed to attend to.
So glad your mental and physical health is taking on the healing stages..
OMG! Girl, I hope you pat yourself on the back for how much you've overcome and how strong you are to have done it! Thank you for sharing your story with us!
I've become healthier, too, since leaving TWI, but I had nothing compared to you. It's inspiring and does provide hope that I can also continue to heal.
Thanks for sharing your story. It's great to see someone overcome so much. My mom went through some of the alternative treatments you did. Mainstream medicine many times does nothing but cover the symptoms. Kind of like the Way did in the later years.
And for the prayers too!! What a nice side benefit!
I really hesitated to post the story, but in light of some things I've struggled with the past few weeks, the sense of loss some days has felt overwhelming. I realized that part of that sense of loss is directly tied into decisions made prior to my cascade of illness. How much of that cascade was due to TWI? I don't know and it may not be worth much of my time thinking about it. For me to admit that some of these years of illness were effected deeply by TWI, well.....that's a step for me. "That the ministry be not blamed".....was something I kept in my heart for so many years and that thinking (ministry be not blamed) kept me from seeing the emotional abuse/supression prevalent in TWI teaching/practice.
Again I don't blame TWI for the illnesses...I don't think (?). Some of the illnesses would be there anyway...but I do believe the intensity/severity would have been less. Plus I know folks sicker that I was who have never been in TWI.
Everyone has a story, and every story is valid and worthwhile. It's nice to have a place where those stories can be acknowledged and (as Watersedge stated on another thread)...relevant. TWI was/is(?) a master at making an individual's suffering nonrelevant.
"That the ministry be not blamed".....was something I kept in my heart for so many years and that thinking (ministry be not blamed) kept me from seeing the emotional abuse/supression prevalent in TWI teaching/practice.
I know what you mean. But when I left the Way I didn't want my life to be made an example to the believers of how you will get sick if you leave. After my departure from the Way and my divorce I was free to once again pursue medical assistance for a sickness I was dealing with. My ex wouldn't allow me to see doctors anymore. He said I was wasting our money and that there was nothing wrong with me. He went as far as to say if I went that I was disobeying him.
Shortly after leaving the Way and leaving him I started seeking help again. It turned out I had a tumor the size of a hard boiled egg lodged in the right ventrical of my heart. As my doctors decided that it was probably instigated by an injury to the heart, I realized that the only time I had sustained such an injury was at Rodeo school and indeed the Way was responsible for my sickness.
I didn't want others to fear leaving the way because of my life. So I became vocal about the Way's role in my illness. Well miraculously I came through surgery and I am in excellent shape. And I was fed some dim possibilities. And now my life hasn't become an example of what will happen when you leave the Way. I wanted the ministry to be blamed for the benefit of those struggling with leaving.
What you stated will help me through this process/pondering regarding that dirty word "blame."
It'd be interesting to learn how many folks suffered illnesses due to misguidance fostered by TWI (or like organizations). Ironically it was teaching from TWI that kept me seeking help, the teaching that God wants me well. I know that might offend some here...but it is what it is. Then again, I would have learned that (God wants me well) outside the confines of the "walls of Zion." On the flip side the teaching that "God wants me well" was also a source of condemnation...a double edged sword at times. Perhaps it wasn't the knowledge that God wants me well that was the source of the condemnation, but the teaching/inuendos of "what are you doing/not doing that God won't answer your prayer."
Again the word "duplicity" (from another thread) stands out to me.
Bagpipes - exactly. Thank you for sharing your story. You have suffered a great deal and it's wonderful to hear how you are healing.
...the book, Healing Back Pain by Dr. John Sarno. Within 6 weeks of applying what I had read, the back spasms were 80% better; after 5 months they were completely gone. This book prompted me to delve more deeply into the relationship between emotions and the body, the effect of the dance between the two...
For anyone out there with back pain, I'd endorse the recommendation of this book. It really does help. You will also recognise other "tricks" your body will try to get up to, to get you to pay attention.
Within 3 months of divorcing the organization I was set on a road of freedom from the deep, deep shame with which I had been plagued for decades. Now, 7 months from that divorce, I am as well as I can remember. I have energy, vitality, and motivation. ...
Likewise, except they kicked me out and I wallowed in mindblowing misery and guilt and shame, and discovering GSC and what TWI was really like set me free. The truth shall set you free... Very quickly too. See your energy levels rocket!
Day by day I endeavor to stay in touch with my heart and listen to where I am emotionally. I continue to journal, read, pray, exercise ... Relationships (with myself, God, my environment, and people) are what make life rich and worthwhile. Relationships are the fabric of life and give me (and all of us) hope and encouragement, even when times look dim and dark and when it seems the sun will not rise again.
It's stunning to keep a journal and look back on it and see how you grow in mind and body from day to day. Makes better reading than my Corps journal. Wonderful people out there who would have helped before if only sufferers had eyes to see and were not blinded by TWI "truth."
I will add that I needed more info after reading Healing Back Pain; I needed more specific direction about steps to take. So I did a websearch on "tension myositis syndrome" and found mindbodymedicine.com. This site is helpful in figuring out if TMS might be what an indiviual is dealing with.
The site was started by Dr. David Schechter, a sports medicine doctor. The site also offered a program for $50.00 (at the time I ordered it). This included 3 tapes, a 30-day plan/workbook, and a report on social illness. It was that program that helped me overcome TMS and led me down a deeper path regarding emotions being manifested as physical symptoms. This (emotions/physical symptoms) is not the case for everyone (nor for all my symptoms), but it was a big factor in my personal recovery.
Another book I suggests to anyone suffering with chronic illness is The Anatomy of an Illness: From the Perspective of the Patient by Norman Cousins. It is not long and is written in layman terms. It is also good for doctors and anyone helping someone with illness. It helps cut through judgemental attitudes that people sometimes hold toward folks suffering with mental/physical illnesses. It promotes compassion and offers hope.
I hope I always encourage hope and never lose compassion.
Thanks for sharing your story, Bagpipes. Your strength is - - amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!! I always enjoy reading your posts - which are typically inspirational and thought-provoking. And you better not back off that Rambling stuff - that's when it really gets good !!!!!!!!!
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Thanks for your story - what a journey you've been on, like us all, yet so different. I'm so very impressed!
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Incredible, Pipes. I admire the intense fight you took on to save your own life.
May the road continue to move upward for you.
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A snippet indeed!!! Please know that your story will help many people see how stress, depression, etc. intertwines with health, good or bad.
The road will get smoother every day.
You are certainly in my prayers.
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Your story is so inspiring..
I also think that TWI taught us to dismiss the obvious and also put us in catagories when we weren't believing, which caused us to smother thethings we needed to attend to.
So glad your mental and physical health is taking on the healing stages..
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You already know how much I think of you and the MR. You two are wonderful.
Just goes to show that God's way will always win out in the end.
God bless the broken road......its HIS road and he is always calling us back to Him and His love and strength.
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OMG! Girl, I hope you pat yourself on the back for how much you've overcome and how strong you are to have done it! Thank you for sharing your story with us!
I've become healthier, too, since leaving TWI, but I had nothing compared to you. It's inspiring and does provide hope that I can also continue to heal.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!
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Thanks for sharing your story. It's great to see someone overcome so much. My mom went through some of the alternative treatments you did. Mainstream medicine many times does nothing but cover the symptoms. Kind of like the Way did in the later years.
Glad you are on the rise
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What an incredible story of your life
. Thank you for shareing
You will be at the top of my list of
prayers for continued healing and wellness.
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I Love Bagpipes
Thank you all for the kind words.
And for the prayers too!!
What a nice side benefit!
I really hesitated to post the story, but in light of some things I've struggled with the past few weeks, the sense of loss some days has felt overwhelming. I realized that part of that sense of loss is directly tied into decisions made prior to my cascade of illness. How much of that cascade was due to TWI? I don't know and it may not be worth much of my time thinking about it. For me to admit that some of these years of illness were effected deeply by TWI, well.....that's a step for me. "That the ministry be not blamed".....was something I kept in my heart for so many years and that thinking (ministry be not blamed) kept me from seeing the emotional abuse/supression prevalent in TWI teaching/practice.
Again I don't blame TWI for the illnesses...I don't think (?). Some of the illnesses would be there anyway...but I do believe the intensity/severity would have been less. Plus I know folks sicker that I was who have never been in TWI.
Everyone has a story, and every story is valid and worthwhile. It's nice to have a place where those stories can be acknowledged and (as Watersedge stated on another thread)...relevant. TWI was/is(?) a master at making an individual's suffering nonrelevant.
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"That the ministry be not blamed".....was something I kept in my heart for so many years and that thinking (ministry be not blamed) kept me from seeing the emotional abuse/supression prevalent in TWI teaching/practice.
I know what you mean. But when I left the Way I didn't want my life to be made an example to the believers of how you will get sick if you leave. After my departure from the Way and my divorce I was free to once again pursue medical assistance for a sickness I was dealing with. My ex wouldn't allow me to see doctors anymore. He said I was wasting our money and that there was nothing wrong with me. He went as far as to say if I went that I was disobeying him.
Shortly after leaving the Way and leaving him I started seeking help again. It turned out I had a tumor the size of a hard boiled egg lodged in the right ventrical of my heart. As my doctors decided that it was probably instigated by an injury to the heart, I realized that the only time I had sustained such an injury was at Rodeo school and indeed the Way was responsible for my sickness.
I didn't want others to fear leaving the way because of my life. So I became vocal about the Way's role in my illness. Well miraculously I came through surgery and I am in excellent shape. And I was fed some dim possibilities. And now my life hasn't become an example of what will happen when you leave the Way. I wanted the ministry to be blamed for the benefit of those struggling with leaving.
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I Love Bagpipes
WOW FreeAtLast!!
What a story...and thank you.
What you stated will help me through this process/pondering regarding that dirty word "blame."
It'd be interesting to learn how many folks suffered illnesses due to misguidance fostered by TWI (or like organizations). Ironically it was teaching from TWI that kept me seeking help, the teaching that God wants me well. I know that might offend some here...but it is what it is. Then again, I would have learned that (God wants me well) outside the confines of the "walls of Zion." On the flip side the teaching that "God wants me well" was also a source of condemnation...a double edged sword at times. Perhaps it wasn't the knowledge that God wants me well that was the source of the condemnation, but the teaching/inuendos of "what are you doing/not doing that God won't answer your prayer."
Again the word "duplicity" (from another thread) stands out to me.
Hmmmmmmmmm....I'm starting to ramble again.
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but the rambling makes a lot of sense.
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Bagpipes - exactly. Thank you for sharing your story. You have suffered a great deal and it's wonderful to hear how you are healing.
For anyone out there with back pain, I'd endorse the recommendation of this book. It really does help. You will also recognise other "tricks" your body will try to get up to, to get you to pay attention.
Likewise, except they kicked me out and I wallowed in mindblowing misery and guilt and shame, and discovering GSC and what TWI was really like set me free. The truth shall set you free... Very quickly too. See your energy levels rocket!
It's stunning to keep a journal and look back on it and see how you grow in mind and body from day to day. Makes better reading than my Corps journal. Wonderful people out there who would have helped before if only sufferers had eyes to see and were not blinded by TWI "truth."
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I Love Bagpipes
Thanks Twinky and FreeAtLast (again :) )
I will add that I needed more info after reading Healing Back Pain; I needed more specific direction about steps to take. So I did a websearch on "tension myositis syndrome" and found mindbodymedicine.com. This site is helpful in figuring out if TMS might be what an indiviual is dealing with.
The site was started by Dr. David Schechter, a sports medicine doctor. The site also offered a program for $50.00 (at the time I ordered it). This included 3 tapes, a 30-day plan/workbook, and a report on social illness. It was that program that helped me overcome TMS and led me down a deeper path regarding emotions being manifested as physical symptoms. This (emotions/physical symptoms) is not the case for everyone (nor for all my symptoms), but it was a big factor in my personal recovery.
Another book I suggests to anyone suffering with chronic illness is The Anatomy of an Illness: From the Perspective of the Patient by Norman Cousins. It is not long and is written in layman terms. It is also good for doctors and anyone helping someone with illness. It helps cut through judgemental attitudes that people sometimes hold toward folks suffering with mental/physical illnesses. It promotes compassion and offers hope.
I hope I always encourage hope and never lose compassion.
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Thanks for sharing your story, Bagpipes. Your strength is - - amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!! I always enjoy reading your posts - which are typically inspirational and thought-provoking. And you better not back off that Rambling stuff - that's when it really gets good !!!!!!!!!
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ILB, your story is an empowering example of the long journey to success in physical and spiritual recovery.
I rejoice in the freedom you've found.
Thank you for sharing a story which is sure to be awe-inspiring to all who read.
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