However, WW I think you are sharing about the complexion of the anti-christ. What do you think 666 will be? A chip in the wrist or forehead? A computer base somewhere. If we will not be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast does that mean our somputer files must be like great health, not Christian, not over 60.... Do you think it will be an acceptable profile of you?
Diazbro - I agree with your whole post, well written!
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
I do recall a someone speaking of some things they checked into about Rev. But they NEVER really got into it or dealt with it.
I did near that VPW thought the "moon will turn red" did not mean the moon will turn red but there will be wars fought on the moon -- the red would symbolize the blood shed. He may have even stated this in a tape or something later on.... But I don't think so.
But again, nothing was ever really answered we were always told it did not concern us. Like Jesus was kinda pushed to the side. I, having been pentecostal, had a great interest in the book of Revelations. I was always kinda pushed aside when I asked a question...
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
The whole book has been fulfulled already, more than once.
Brahmic wisdom taught by someone who fulfilled it.
The book is discerning of spirits.
Old news.
Not a big deal. Its just a revelation of wisdom.
For starters...
How many numbers in your life evaluate/identify you to the civil corporate beast?
What role do numbers play in determining your civic worth?
Big numbers or little numbers, which do you prefer?
Could you live without them?
The 666 factor has been alive and well and active since the revelation was written down. Not a new thing to come along as a sign. But it is a sign when you begin to understand it and see how it has been working since the beginning of the age.
6 alone is a beast.
Not natural, harmonious, diverse, like 5 - beasts of the field.
And not 7, which is aware.
But a man who acts like an animal.
A man, with the liberties and abilities of a man, who is worse than an animal because his abilites and desires and passions are not checked.
A bottomless pit of an appetite.
Progress for progress's sake. Like worker ants.
Like a virus that sees no reason to restain its feeding and building.
It has no mind to stop and be still.
Be it a person, or an entire multi-national civilization, or a multi-headed corporate entity.
666 = Family/household-unit worship.
Family is more important than anything - me, myself and mine.
Tragedy of the commons.
And we join house to house to house so that there is no room for the vagabond or wanderer.
Buy it all and cover it in concrete.
Some say "property ownership is the epitomy of liberty."
A hundred houses in a row and everyone has the same long list of **** in their garage. And we fear our neighbor.
Jesus and his students had some radical ideas when it comes to $$$ and property and possessions. Too radical for our civic myth.
The parable of the widow's mite anyone? Scary words for most of us.
IMO, the modern industrial machine is a smoke-belching beast that lines numbered people in factories to pump out an endless stream of useless things. Mordor with a numb smile.
Inner man = inner anthropos. Inner human.
The book of revelation reveals the inner human.
7 = discerning of spirits, which is an eye to discern the inner man.
Particularly one's own. All 7 layers of it.
Like the key of David. Unlocks that door.
It confirms how the teachings of Melchizadek have long ago "made it over the world."
But things like astrology taboos will keep ya from understanding the book.
As will fearing the kings of the east.
Sexuality is a biggie too. Maybe the biggest yoke of them all.
Talk about a little brick to build with!?!
Or trip over,
Or throw...
It reveals specific stages, signs, steps and clues.
Like Jacob's ladder.
I may myself take a stab at writing a book someday on the subject. But maybe not.
I could start today, but there is too much to learn still. I know I am still a fool.
And I know its not THE bread. But MY bread. Nothing more, nothing less.
There are many other teachers out there.
But the first temptation of Christ is for us, too.
If we want to follow him.
When it comes to this book: its just like before, the outward seeking mind looks at the book of revelation and looks for outward signs in the earth.
But the outward fulfillment of THE revelation is secondary to the inward. As all of man progresses through stages together...
Birds of a feather flock together.
Minds like blades of grass all leaning in the same wind.
Though many have already fulfilled the book for themselves in this age.
The apostles.
Other disciples.
And others.
In fact, we are all in the process of fulfilling it, all the time.
The inward mind looks at the book of revelation and sees the inward man.
Because that is how Jesus entered heaven. The inward path of Oneness.
Or he would not have been able to commit suicide like that.
Babylon comes tumbling down in your own mind.
This is a witness of the spirit.
The rushing mighty wind and tongues like as of fire.
The languages of the world's schools of thought flow together.
VP was wrong - it was understanding that was broken in Eden, not spirit.
The revelation of Christ is the understanding that bridges the gap again.
The book of Revelation helps restore that Adamic understanding.
And adds a few ages worth of lessons to it.
Ezekial only saw the 4 faces.
Christ finished the story, and those 4 faces show up in his ultimate revelation.
I read that Martin Luther thought it should be removed from the Bible.
I can't say I blame him. Its too occultic for the synagogues.
We have to become SMALL to pass through the eye of the needle.
A big man's hole in the wall becomes a tiny man's picture window.
For what its worth...
I am open to some interrogation and insults. :D-->
And to beat some to the punch: I know I may have mispoken or spoken too vaguely. Oh well. There are common dumbnesses. This is mine. And you know me. Its just frat house poetry.
[This message was edited by sirguessalot on January 17, 2004 at 15:04.]
About 10 years ago I heard a teaching that the Bride of Christ, as the bride for Adam, would be taken from the Body of Christ -- those people closest to the source of Christ's life-blood.
And I have, since that time chosen to focus on the Mark of the Bride, which seems more of what I choose to become. . .
Some of what I have come up with -- The Father wants a Bride for His son . . .
Like a new cloak of thought over our minds, washed of blood (of the first, carnivorous mind).
She is a new city from above. Like a goddess of wisdom.
Within each of us are both genders.
Of both soul and spirit.
But we are only one gender in the flesh, in this life.
Gives "blasphemy against the holy spirit" new meaning.
Mary and child imagery too.
Eve was made into the mother of all living (including Adam, whom she came from).
Mother is lifegiver, teacher, nurturer.
A man plus.
The complete mind is both male and female.
Male-alone mind is homo cabal (includng women who think like men - Condoleeza Rice).
Female alone mind is in trouble too. Especially when it placed below the male mind. Like a harlot - using feminine energy to play the man's game.
The feminine mind was made to elevate the man.
We are complete in Christ because Christ knew this and lived this way.
He was a safe man. Opposite of guys like VP and Bush.
Jesus knew what had to be restored, even if it took thousands of years to accomplish it. And he aint done yet. Nor are his apostles or followers.
The feminine often submits to the masculine like a mother sumbits to her child.
But language kinda falls apart from here.
Cuz, at the same times, the masculine mind was to be the trustworthy father of a daughter. The mind of a man who can be trusted with his very thoughts around little girls and budding women. This too, is the mind of Christ. Manifesting the father, God.
The story of Genesis takes place within our souls.
And yes, its about sex.
Of thought and intent and will.
No, angels do not marry.
And yes, Adam and Eve were one flesh, literally.
Like two vines in a garden of DNA.
The book of revelation illustrates all this well.
The moon at her feet, clothed with the sun, the stars at her head.
Like she is standing in heaven, outside of the earth's atmosphere, above even where the top of Satan's throne is.
Satan = the masculine mind, alone, in our heads.
Like Adam without Eve.
Be it a man or woman who think this way.
No healing. No peace. No rest.
Its all work work work and win win win and go go go.
Like the mind of a sperm cell.
The white horse is the first to ride and conquer.
No other thought in its mind.
The lowest of the lower 3 churches.
The moon is the fourth (and at her feet).
And a red moon means sooooo many things.
A fertile mom, for one.
Paul was a spiritual widwife.
And his famous epistles were to those who were not fully born again.
Because they still wrestled with the spirit of the prince of the power of the air.
He kept the "meat" of the word from them, even the Ephesians.
Mind you, I am talking about men and women, here.
But the mind of Adam (alone), and the mind of Eve (alone), and the mind of Christ (together, where the enmity is removed, and equilibrium is restored).
And finding this equilibrium is where the new birth begins, not ends.
We dont get born again then renew our minds.
We are transformed by the renewing of our minds, which results in the birth of a new understanding.
I understand the headache too, Dot.
When God said my spirit (she) will not always strive with man.
Because Christ will teach the mind of men to stop striving with the spirit (her).
Who knows, maybe eve's mistake was letting adam eat the fruit (whatever it was ;)-->). As a mother, she could handle death and re-birth.
But even then, it was all part of the plan. The fall.
Death and rebirth. Adam was afraid of it. Eve was not.
OK, nuff from me.
I gotta go pick my wife and my cousin up from a woman's retreat.
Sweat lodge ceremony, vision quest, some kiatsu massage therapy.
Little old white haired lady taught by Comanche/Arapahoe, with a bit of the far east thrown in.
And I've probably walked way over the bounds, even for ex-way.
Don't worry, I probably won't be around much longer.
Bottom line - sexuallity IS spiritual. Has been from the beginning, at the heart of it. But sex of the flesh is just where the soul manifests its will, not begins.
God the father said...creative energy. Pure positive. Always ON.
...but the spirit "brooded" in Genesis. Wisdom, guidance, understanding.
Mark of the Beast or Mark of the Bride: I don't understand either one, actually, I only could figure out that it was, for me, more worthwhile to try to figure out what kind of person God would have for His Son.
I can understand that since there is only one Christ He could have only one Bride.
the beast: So many people over the years have changed for me -- I thought vpw was just wonderful -- and he turned out to be horrible. So, obviously, I am not a good judge of beastly people.
However, I can know that I want to seek the face of the Lord, to be well-pleasing to Him, to sing His praises, to yearn for His touch, to follow His lead. . . These are lifetime goals I can hold onto.
Please do not say you will not be around much longer -- you are the poet, beside we need to finish our pt's except it takes me a while to "get it". :)-->
Kit - I still take my pea brain and it is all bigger than my level of understanding. So, I just think okay - someday I will be with Christ, if he wants to call me a bride that's cool (even though I do not understand why.)
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
If I could impress anything to ex-way, I wish for the women of this forum to continue rise above in that wisdom and love that comes naturally to them. So the exiles and vagabonds coming out of the way have a crossroads, too. Word-aholic taskmasters leave long welts that need to be healed. And teach your children to respect all of life, especially those who will to heal. We need healers and lovers more than any other kind.
Men, just get this. If nothing else. VPW epitomized the mark of the beast.
Possession consumes those who think they possess. In the end, we own nothing. We control nothing. Especially the church.
God the father is like an eternal child, who delights in riddles and games.
So read outside the Bible. Carry it in your mind like a cornerstone, but build on it. Build her. God has spoken to all races and beings since the dawn of time. Learn to speak in another tongue. Learn some new names.
Well I'm hoping that women are in that Bride of Christ as well - I sure would like to be on a white horse with blood up to the haunches, helping the Lord bring Justice to the earth!
I was once riding in a Cadillac Seville with a faulty electrical system. Now, this was the kind of car that had a digital display which indicated all kinds of things, including how many miles you could travel on the gasoline that you had left, if you kept going at your current speed.
So, on this trip, the electrical system went completely out. Kablooey. Just before it died (i.e., just before the end of time, in car terms), the display stopped indicating mileage, and simply read: 666.
Since then, I have always thought that some engineer at Cadillac had a wicked sense of humor.
Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy! I've wondered about this 666 number for a long time but it finally hit me a couple years ago after I remembered reading about 666 in the Numbers in Scripture book. The answer is so obvious but our imaginations, movies, and books etc have obscured what the number really means which isn't so diabolical in and of itself. Look at these Roman Numerals:
Add them all together and you get 666 . M which represents 1000 wasn't used until later scholars argue. Anyway if you read about the beasts in Daniel and Revelation there are a lot of similarites between them. No doubt they are symbolic of the Roman Empire. Some people think the beast in Revelation 17 is a revived Roman Empire yet to come and some are preterists who believe it's referring to the original Roman Empire. Rev 17:18" The woman which though sawest is that great city which ruleth over the kings of the earth." Who ruled over the kings of the earth at that time John received the revelation? Rome.
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666 alive and well in Kansas its our zip code....
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One of the things that I think that was of genuine benefit in the
foundational class (yet was not written by the finger of God) was
the rule: "If you don't know, say you don't know...It's wrong to
indicate that you know when you do not know, when you guess..."
Yes, I think the last book was beyond vpw's level of ability. Yes,
I think it is not of primary importance, since it addresses events
I'm going to miss for almost the entire book, and, like most people,
I am first concerned with MY skin (and admit it.) I think it was a
good idea that he did NOT tackle it. Can you imagine what would have
resulted? lcm couldn't make sense of Genesis 3, and vpw had our
financial plans stuck in Malachi, not even in the New Testament,
or whatever....
That having been said, I believe this thread belongs in "Doctrinal".
That also having been said, I'm willing to clearly state that I
have opinions on a few things, and I'm willing to share some.
Bullinger-type calculations put 666 as 3 sets of 6, where 3 signifies
completenes, and 6 is the human number, always falling short of 7,
the Divine number. Thus, Bullinger would say "complete imperfection"
or perhaps "complete human."
I suspect the second answer may indeed have merit.
My suspicion stems from II Thessalonians 2:3-11.
I have an opinion about the wording used in those verses. I suspect
they might give us some insight as to this person.
"The man of sin", literally, "sins". I found it interesting that
out of several Greek words translated "man", this one was
"anthropon", which is the same word used by people who try to claim
that man started as some sort of proto-ape, anthropologists.
(I'm not speaking of ALL anthropologists, but some use their "science"
as a religion and a creation story.) So, a natural man of sins,
plural. He's not a specialist in one sin, but a sort of general
He "opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is
worshipped, so that he, as God, sits in the temple (Holy of Holies)
of God, showing himself (setting forth) that he is God."
Speculating again here....
He's actively hostile to all forms of organized religion ("opposes").
He claims HE's God and sets himself up to be worshipped. So, he raises
a new, alternate religion to supplant the ones he's shoving down-
one where HE is worshipped.
II Thessalonians 2:8 calls him "that Wicked".
"Wicked"..Greek word "Anomos", used also as "anomia", a state of
normlessness, where there is no right or wrong, only moral
relativism. The next verse says he's have lying wonders.
My speculation is that this man will claim a religion of moral
relativism, one of those feel-good "nothing is wrong" ones, that also
preaches the perfectability of man, and setting forth that he, as a
man, hasd reached that state of perfectability and therefore is to be
worshipped and seen as exemplar. The lying wonders will appear to
lend credibility: he's not all talk, and the people can see he can
obviously do SOMETHING.
So, that's my best guess. Make of it what you will, but try not to
make a NEW RELIGION out of it, please...
or if you do, at least make a better looking statue of me than that
ugly thing they did of vpw....
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
The number of times you have to ask a kid to do anything.
The lessons repeat until they are learned.
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Trefor Heywood
999 in Australia
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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After VP's death, a corps grad, from my fellowship, went to Emporia for a week or two to study the book of Revelations.
The corps grad came back with info on "The science of believing" and info on Revelations, even taught at my fellowship on it. (Rewards)
I would say around the years of 1986-87.
So, from what I learned, atleast the research people in the ministry had an interest in the subject of This revelation.
Anyone here attend that meeting in Emporia?
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Dot Matrix
Laughing about the statue thing!
Others are very funny as well!
However, WW I think you are sharing about the complexion of the anti-christ. What do you think 666 will be? A chip in the wrist or forehead? A computer base somewhere. If we will not be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast does that mean our somputer files must be like great health, not Christian, not over 60.... Do you think it will be an acceptable profile of you?
Diazbro - I agree with your whole post, well written!
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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Dot Matrix
I do recall a someone speaking of some things they checked into about Rev. But they NEVER really got into it or dealt with it.
I did near that VPW thought the "moon will turn red" did not mean the moon will turn red but there will be wars fought on the moon -- the red would symbolize the blood shed. He may have even stated this in a tape or something later on.... But I don't think so.
But again, nothing was ever really answered we were always told it did not concern us. Like Jesus was kinda pushed to the side. I, having been pentecostal, had a great interest in the book of Revelations. I was always kinda pushed aside when I asked a question...
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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A few thoughts on 666 and the Book of Revelation.
They are mysteries and riddles.
They are foundational to the epistles.
The whole book has been fulfulled already, more than once.
Brahmic wisdom taught by someone who fulfilled it.
The book is discerning of spirits.
Old news.
Not a big deal. Its just a revelation of wisdom.
For starters...
How many numbers in your life evaluate/identify you to the civil corporate beast?
What role do numbers play in determining your civic worth?
Big numbers or little numbers, which do you prefer?
Could you live without them?
The 666 factor has been alive and well and active since the revelation was written down. Not a new thing to come along as a sign. But it is a sign when you begin to understand it and see how it has been working since the beginning of the age.
6 alone is a beast.
Not natural, harmonious, diverse, like 5 - beasts of the field.
And not 7, which is aware.
But a man who acts like an animal.
A man, with the liberties and abilities of a man, who is worse than an animal because his abilites and desires and passions are not checked.
A bottomless pit of an appetite.
Progress for progress's sake. Like worker ants.
Like a virus that sees no reason to restain its feeding and building.
It has no mind to stop and be still.
Be it a person, or an entire multi-national civilization, or a multi-headed corporate entity.
666 = Family/household-unit worship.
Family is more important than anything - me, myself and mine.
Tragedy of the commons.
And we join house to house to house so that there is no room for the vagabond or wanderer.
Buy it all and cover it in concrete.
Some say "property ownership is the epitomy of liberty."
A hundred houses in a row and everyone has the same long list of **** in their garage. And we fear our neighbor.
Jesus and his students had some radical ideas when it comes to $$$ and property and possessions. Too radical for our civic myth.
The parable of the widow's mite anyone? Scary words for most of us.
IMO, the modern industrial machine is a smoke-belching beast that lines numbered people in factories to pump out an endless stream of useless things. Mordor with a numb smile.
Inner man = inner anthropos. Inner human.
The book of revelation reveals the inner human.
7 = discerning of spirits, which is an eye to discern the inner man.
Particularly one's own. All 7 layers of it.
Like the key of David. Unlocks that door.
It confirms how the teachings of Melchizadek have long ago "made it over the world."
But things like astrology taboos will keep ya from understanding the book.
As will fearing the kings of the east.
Sexuality is a biggie too. Maybe the biggest yoke of them all.
Talk about a little brick to build with!?!
Or trip over,
Or throw...
It reveals specific stages, signs, steps and clues.
Like Jacob's ladder.
I may myself take a stab at writing a book someday on the subject. But maybe not.
I could start today, but there is too much to learn still. I know I am still a fool.
And I know its not THE bread. But MY bread. Nothing more, nothing less.
There are many other teachers out there.
But the first temptation of Christ is for us, too.
If we want to follow him.
When it comes to this book: its just like before, the outward seeking mind looks at the book of revelation and looks for outward signs in the earth.
But the outward fulfillment of THE revelation is secondary to the inward. As all of man progresses through stages together...
Birds of a feather flock together.
Minds like blades of grass all leaning in the same wind.
Though many have already fulfilled the book for themselves in this age.
The apostles.
Other disciples.
And others.
In fact, we are all in the process of fulfilling it, all the time.
The inward mind looks at the book of revelation and sees the inward man.
Because that is how Jesus entered heaven. The inward path of Oneness.
Or he would not have been able to commit suicide like that.
Babylon comes tumbling down in your own mind.
This is a witness of the spirit.
The rushing mighty wind and tongues like as of fire.
The languages of the world's schools of thought flow together.
VP was wrong - it was understanding that was broken in Eden, not spirit.
The revelation of Christ is the understanding that bridges the gap again.
The book of Revelation helps restore that Adamic understanding.
And adds a few ages worth of lessons to it.
Ezekial only saw the 4 faces.
Christ finished the story, and those 4 faces show up in his ultimate revelation.
I read that Martin Luther thought it should be removed from the Bible.
I can't say I blame him. Its too occultic for the synagogues.
We have to become SMALL to pass through the eye of the needle.
A big man's hole in the wall becomes a tiny man's picture window.
For what its worth...
I am open to some interrogation and insults.
And to beat some to the punch: I know I may have mispoken or spoken too vaguely. Oh well. There are common dumbnesses. This is mine. And you know me. Its just frat house poetry.
[This message was edited by sirguessalot on January 17, 2004 at 15:04.]
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The neighborhood of the beast
I don't need no stinkin' crown!
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Dot Matrix
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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Kit Sober
About 10 years ago I heard a teaching that the Bride of Christ, as the bride for Adam, would be taken from the Body of Christ -- those people closest to the source of Christ's life-blood.
And I have, since that time chosen to focus on the Mark of the Bride, which seems more of what I choose to become. . .
Some of what I have come up with -- The Father wants a Bride for His son . . .
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Beautiful, Kit!
Oh that God had more sons like Christ,
For the bride's sake, most of all.
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Excellent! Who sings His praises!
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Dot Matrix
I am not sure I get the whole bride thing. I mean I read it and head knowledge understand we are the bride....
But what does that mean? Why is it the singular "bride?" rather than brides?
As sirg-t has been sharing the female kinda completes the male. But we are complete in him?
This also gives me a headache.
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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The holy spirit is a she.
As is divine wisdom (as seperate from the Word).
Like a new cloak of thought over our minds, washed of blood (of the first, carnivorous mind).
She is a new city from above. Like a goddess of wisdom.
Within each of us are both genders.
Of both soul and spirit.
But we are only one gender in the flesh, in this life.
Gives "blasphemy against the holy spirit" new meaning.
Mary and child imagery too.
Eve was made into the mother of all living (including Adam, whom she came from).
Mother is lifegiver, teacher, nurturer.
A man plus.
The complete mind is both male and female.
Male-alone mind is homo cabal (includng women who think like men - Condoleeza Rice).
Female alone mind is in trouble too. Especially when it placed below the male mind. Like a harlot - using feminine energy to play the man's game.
The feminine mind was made to elevate the man.
We are complete in Christ because Christ knew this and lived this way.
He was a safe man. Opposite of guys like VP and Bush.
Jesus knew what had to be restored, even if it took thousands of years to accomplish it. And he aint done yet. Nor are his apostles or followers.
The feminine often submits to the masculine like a mother sumbits to her child.
But language kinda falls apart from here.
Cuz, at the same times, the masculine mind was to be the trustworthy father of a daughter. The mind of a man who can be trusted with his very thoughts around little girls and budding women. This too, is the mind of Christ. Manifesting the father, God.
The story of Genesis takes place within our souls.
And yes, its about sex.
Of thought and intent and will.
No, angels do not marry.
And yes, Adam and Eve were one flesh, literally.
Like two vines in a garden of DNA.
The book of revelation illustrates all this well.
The moon at her feet, clothed with the sun, the stars at her head.
Like she is standing in heaven, outside of the earth's atmosphere, above even where the top of Satan's throne is.
Satan = the masculine mind, alone, in our heads.
Like Adam without Eve.
Be it a man or woman who think this way.
No healing. No peace. No rest.
Its all work work work and win win win and go go go.
Like the mind of a sperm cell.
The white horse is the first to ride and conquer.
No other thought in its mind.
The lowest of the lower 3 churches.
The moon is the fourth (and at her feet).
And a red moon means sooooo many things.
A fertile mom, for one.
Paul was a spiritual widwife.
And his famous epistles were to those who were not fully born again.
Because they still wrestled with the spirit of the prince of the power of the air.
He kept the "meat" of the word from them, even the Ephesians.
Mind you, I am talking about men and women, here.
But the mind of Adam (alone), and the mind of Eve (alone), and the mind of Christ (together, where the enmity is removed, and equilibrium is restored).
And finding this equilibrium is where the new birth begins, not ends.
We dont get born again then renew our minds.
We are transformed by the renewing of our minds, which results in the birth of a new understanding.
I understand the headache too, Dot.
When God said my spirit (she) will not always strive with man.
Because Christ will teach the mind of men to stop striving with the spirit (her).
Who knows, maybe eve's mistake was letting adam eat the fruit (whatever it was
;)-->). As a mother, she could handle death and re-birth.
But even then, it was all part of the plan. The fall.
Death and rebirth. Adam was afraid of it. Eve was not.
OK, nuff from me.
I gotta go pick my wife and my cousin up from a woman's retreat.
Sweat lodge ceremony, vision quest, some kiatsu massage therapy.
Little old white haired lady taught by Comanche/Arapahoe, with a bit of the far east thrown in.
And I've probably walked way over the bounds, even for ex-way.
Don't worry, I probably won't be around much longer.
Bottom line - sexuallity IS spiritual. Has been from the beginning, at the heart of it. But sex of the flesh is just where the soul manifests its will, not begins.
God the father said...creative energy. Pure positive. Always ON.
...but the spirit "brooded" in Genesis. Wisdom, guidance, understanding.
Let us make man in "our" own image?
Male and female created he them.
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Space Race
Once again, we've got all the little kings of the world all racing to the moon, for gain, possession, control and dominance.
Even if it takes everything they got getting there.
Maybe the moon is red, after all.
Reminds me of a slide show in sex-education class...
...Chapter one.
I just hope the one with the good "genes" in its head makes it first.
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Kit Sober
Of Christ, one Body and one Bride.
Mark of the Beast or Mark of the Bride: I don't understand either one, actually, I only could figure out that it was, for me, more worthwhile to try to figure out what kind of person God would have for His Son.
I can understand that since there is only one Christ He could have only one Bride.
the beast: So many people over the years have changed for me -- I thought vpw was just wonderful -- and he turned out to be horrible. So, obviously, I am not a good judge of beastly people.
However, I can know that I want to seek the face of the Lord, to be well-pleasing to Him, to sing His praises, to yearn for His touch, to follow His lead. . . These are lifetime goals I can hold onto.
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Dot Matrix
Please do not say you will not be around much longer -- you are the poet, beside we need to finish our pt's except it takes me a while to "get it".
Kit - I still take my pea brain and it is all bigger than my level of understanding. So, I just think okay - someday I will be with Christ, if he wants to call me a bride that's cool (even though I do not understand why.)
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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What I mean is, I can't post here forever.
The GSC has been an important crossroads for me.
But I have other things I have to do.
If I could impress anything to ex-way, I wish for the women of this forum to continue rise above in that wisdom and love that comes naturally to them. So the exiles and vagabonds coming out of the way have a crossroads, too. Word-aholic taskmasters leave long welts that need to be healed. And teach your children to respect all of life, especially those who will to heal. We need healers and lovers more than any other kind.
Men, just get this. If nothing else. VPW epitomized the mark of the beast.
Possession consumes those who think they possess. In the end, we own nothing. We control nothing. Especially the church.
God the father is like an eternal child, who delights in riddles and games.
So read outside the Bible. Carry it in your mind like a cornerstone, but build on it. Build her. God has spoken to all races and beings since the dawn of time. Learn to speak in another tongue. Learn some new names.
Be wise as serpents, but harmless as doves.
Easy to remember.
Kit, I think you are onto something wonderful.
And a Christlike man is easy to spot.
He bears nothing but good fruit.
And he ALWAYS treats her like a queen.
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Kit Sober
Well I'm hoping that women are in that Bride of Christ as well - I sure would like to be on a white horse with blood up to the haunches, helping the Lord bring Justice to the earth!
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I was once riding in a Cadillac Seville with a faulty electrical system. Now, this was the kind of car that had a digital display which indicated all kinds of things, including how many miles you could travel on the gasoline that you had left, if you kept going at your current speed.
So, on this trip, the electrical system went completely out. Kablooey. Just before it died (i.e., just before the end of time, in car terms), the display stopped indicating mileage, and simply read: 666.
Since then, I have always thought that some engineer at Cadillac had a wicked sense of humor.
"Live just, and fear not."
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I private topic'd you.
"Live just, and fear not."
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Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy! I've wondered about this 666 number for a long time but it finally hit me a couple years ago after I remembered reading about 666 in the Numbers in Scripture book. The answer is so obvious but our imaginations, movies, and books etc have obscured what the number really means which isn't so diabolical in and of itself. Look at these Roman Numerals:
Add them all together and you get 666 . M which represents 1000 wasn't used until later scholars argue. Anyway if you read about the beasts in Daniel and Revelation there are a lot of similarites between them. No doubt they are symbolic of the Roman Empire. Some people think the beast in Revelation 17 is a revived Roman Empire yet to come and some are preterists who believe it's referring to the original Roman Empire. Rev 17:18" The woman which though sawest is that great city which ruleth over the kings of the earth." Who ruled over the kings of the earth at that time John received the revelation? Rome.
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