Would one be considered to be out of fellowship if they didn't follow the recommended schedule for oil change? ...what if I used the evil synthetic oil? Could I take advantage of it's 'extra milage'?
Those staff "teachers" need to get informed themselves.
Why waste their time producing, recording and mailing info that is readily available and more aptly taught by saying.
Go to www.whatever.com to learn all you need to know about ?? these subjects.
In my decades of involvement in TWI I saw that they were awful at dispensing secular information. For example, I remember being encouraged to buy gold as an investment and to shy away from stocks. This was in the late 70's and early 80's for Gods' sake, right before one of the greatest bull markets in history that lasted many years. Just the opposite should have been taught.
In more recent years we were given great pearls of wisdom to get out of all debt and even sell your real estate to become debt free if necessary. This was just before the huge rise in real estate prices. Believers lost millions listening to that advice. Some have never recovered financally.
I think I'll get my house cleaning, car buying, business etiquette and history lessons elsewhere, thank you very much.
..."Making a home cleaning schedule that works for you"
Yeah...I see what you mean. I am in a constant state of emotional turmoil trying to figure out when to vacuum my rug and do the dishes. Sometimes I think that I should do these things in the evening and other times I feel that the morning would be the best time...but I'm never quite sure.
Belle, I'm glad you put this out there. I saw it in the mag, but just couldn't bring myself to post it after starting the thread about the planning paragraphs from the Corps article.
Maybe some consider this bashing. I consider it a good laugh...sort of like a roast maybe. And I hope that at some point, those still in that decide to leave, can look at this stuff and get a laugh too. Maybe I'm being cynical...but some of these responses are grand. And even though I laugh, at the same time, I feel "pity"...for the folks still in thinking that they have THE inside tips on the RIGHT way to get stuff done.
Groucho we have answers for your constant state of emotional turmoil!!!!!!!!!! rofl again!!!
ShortFuse, does it not strike you as "odd" that they are expecting 50 year old people to be buying tapes on the most basic and fundamental subjects of life? What on earth could they possibly be "sharing" (not teaching) that TWIts haven't already heard, learned or have access to from real live experts?
I suspect there's more to these tapes than just the money making aspect of it:
- it exerts more control over folks because they will be guilted into buying the tapes Nope.
- they will have to listen to the tapes and, most likely, teach on them in fellowship Nope.
- this will take up yet more of their time so that they won't have time to go to the internet, spend time with family, meet up with non TWIt friends, etc. Nope.
It's all about control and power with TWI.
I disagree. There are plenty of examples of undue control and power being exerted, but this is not one of them.
Kit Sober said:
This wonderful Greasespot Cafe is a twi-bashing place.
Bash on! Some of the remarks were pretty damn funny. But over all I think the criticism is petty and exaggerated.
Why waste their time producing, recording and mailing info that is readily available and more aptly taught by saying.
Go to www.whatever.com to learn all you need to know about ?? these subjects.
HegotHope: here's the deal... they just finished inventory at the farm... Roz-a-blu was looking over the spreadsheet and saw that since the subscriptions to the SNS tapes was down that they had a huge overstock of cassette tapes laying around gathering dust (and going bad since they're not in a controlled environment)...
So Roz-a-blu makes an executive decision! (they needed the extra income because her pool had a leak and needed to be redone) We'll put out a tape series on the most inane stuff we can think of and the few that we have left in our fold will feel compelled to buy them... especially if we make it known that "grads" need these.
Hint: that's my key phrase: those still in "will feel compelled to buy them"...
Anyway back to the story: Roz-a-blu tells all within earshot that she doesn't want to see this abundance of tapes on the inventory in the fall and that her pool better be finished in time for next spring...
and there you have it TADA! a new and exciting series of 'abundant living' tapes! get yours now before we raise the price!
it's either that or they still have stock in Radio Shack and want to make sure that cassetter players coninue to sell...
imagine having to listen to the tapes, take extensive notes, then being chosen to give a review of the tape, then having to split up into exceller groups and share how the tape blessed you, then having to report back to your coordinator about how you applied the new light into your cleaning schedule etc...
imagine having to listen to the tapes, take extensive notes, then being chosen to give a review of the tape, then having to split up into exceller groups and share how the tape blessed you, then having to report back to your coordinator about how you applied the new light into your cleaning schedule etc...
Are they no longer required to send in notes to hq about how much it blessed them
It's just some folks on staff sharing what they know with others - nothing more nothing less.
$4 per tape - Wow what a maniacal money making scheme! Good grief.
The point is: who cares?
If it's just some folks sharing, "nothing more nothing less" then why do they have to sell this type of information? It's because they want them to USE it.
nandon said:
imagine having to listen to the tapes, take extensive notes, then being chosen to give a review of the tape, then having to split up into exceller groups and share how the tape blessed you, then having to report back to your coordinator about how you applied the new light into your cleaning schedule etc...
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Those staff "teachers" need to get informed themselves.
Why waste their time producing, recording and mailing info that is readily available and more aptly taught by saying.
Go to www.whatever.com to learn all you need to know about ?? these subjects.
In my decades of involvement in TWI I saw that they were awful at dispensing secular information. For example, I remember being encouraged to buy gold as an investment and to shy away from stocks. This was in the late 70's and early 80's for Gods' sake, right before one of the greatest bull markets in history that lasted many years. Just the opposite should have been taught.
In more recent years we were given great pearls of wisdom to get out of all debt and even sell your real estate to become debt free if necessary. This was just before the huge rise in real estate prices. Believers lost millions listening to that advice. Some have never recovered financally.
I think I'll get my house cleaning, car buying, business etiquette and history lessons elsewhere, thank you very much.
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I Love Bagpipes
Belle, I'm glad you put this out there. I saw it in the mag, but just couldn't bring myself to post it after starting the thread about the planning paragraphs from the Corps article.
Maybe some consider this bashing. I consider it a good laugh...sort of like a roast maybe. And I hope that at some point, those still in that decide to leave, can look at this stuff and get a laugh too. Maybe I'm being cynical...but some of these responses are grand. And even though I laugh, at the same time, I feel "pity"...for the folks still in thinking that they have THE inside tips on the RIGHT way to get stuff done.
Groucho we have answers for your constant state of emotional turmoil!!!!!!!!!! rofl again!!!
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Now that I've had my fun lampooning this lampoon-worthy list,
I think it's only fair we demonstrate the courage of our convictions,
and save the average twi'er $52.
Since some of us believe the internet (specific webpages)
have all these answers, let's provide the URLs for these topics!
Here's the topic list.
"Better Spelling Basics
Building an Understanding of Vehicle Purchasing
Early History of New Knoxville
The First Freedom: Religious Liberty in America
Highlights of African History and Culture
A history of the Huguenots
Ideas to Encourage Reading in Young Children
Maintaining Reliable Transportation
Making a Home-cleaning Schediule That Works for You
Powerful Paragraphs
Sola Scriptura: An Overview of the Protestant Reformation
Some Practical Aspects of Business Etiquette
The "Write" Stuff"
I'll start off.
A History of the Huguenots:
Can the rest of you fill in the others?
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Kit Sober
This wonderful Greasespot Cafe is a twi-bashing place.
People have been hurt by that place, and this is a place for those of us who want to vent it out.
twi hurt me and my loved ones, and it is nice to have a place to come and say, "whatapileofcrapthatwas" in as many words as I'd like to use.
Note: The Amish don't live with that element of cruelty that is part and parcel of twi, then and now.
having my say,
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I disagree. There are plenty of examples of undue control and power being exerted, but this is not one of them.
Bash on! Some of the remarks were pretty damn funny. But over all I think the criticism is petty and exaggerated.
Bowing out,
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sum' nuther classes--
You can wipe my butt
Sccessful brown-nosing
Suppressing your inner anything
Ignore, Disguise and Obliterate your gut instinct...
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Tom Strange
HegotHope: here's the deal... they just finished inventory at the farm... Roz-a-blu was looking over the spreadsheet and saw that since the subscriptions to the SNS tapes was down that they had a huge overstock of cassette tapes laying around gathering dust (and going bad since they're not in a controlled environment)...
So Roz-a-blu makes an executive decision! (they needed the extra income because her pool had a leak and needed to be redone) We'll put out a tape series on the most inane stuff we can think of and the few that we have left in our fold will feel compelled to buy them... especially if we make it known that "grads" need these.
Hint: that's my key phrase: those still in "will feel compelled to buy them"...
Anyway back to the story: Roz-a-blu tells all within earshot that she doesn't want to see this abundance of tapes on the inventory in the fall and that her pool better be finished in time for next spring...
and there you have it TADA! a new and exciting series of 'abundant living' tapes! get yours now before we raise the price!
it's either that or they still have stock in Radio Shack and want to make sure that cassetter players coninue to sell...
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My head is spinning What do I do
Maintaining Reliable Transportation
HELP :blink:
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ok, WW, I will play, too. :) (Edit here: To avoid confusion, this was in response to WORDWOLF's post)
Spelling Basics:
Spelling it right
English Learner
English for Everybody
HomeSchool Curric. Spelling Course
These are some quick internet resources, which are free, which deal with the subject of spelling.
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Ok, here's the list.
"A) "Better Spelling Basics
B) Building an Understanding of Vehicle Purchasing
C) Early History of New Knoxville
D) The First Freedom: Religious Liberty in America
E) Highlights of African History and Culture
F) A history of the Huguenots
G) Ideas to Encourage Reading in Young Children
H) Maintaining Reliable Transportation
I) Making a Home-cleaning Schediule That Works for You
J) Powerful Paragraphs
K) Sola Scriptura: An Overview of the Protestant Reformation
L) Some Practical Aspects of Business Etiquette
M)The "Write" Stuff"
Now, A) and F) have been covered.
That leaves 10 more topics.
I'm sure the rest of you will want a piece of this-
it's just one more way to show up the twi hierarchy.
And it's fun! :)
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im happy im not involved anymore :>
imagine having to listen to the tapes, take extensive notes, then being chosen to give a review of the tape, then having to split up into exceller groups and share how the tape blessed you, then having to report back to your coordinator about how you applied the new light into your cleaning schedule etc...
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Are they no longer required to send in notes to hq about how much it blessed them
after reporting back to the coordinator?
twi is NOT as strict as it used to be...
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1 john 3:1
Yeah, like now that we are out we can afford a cleaning person.................
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Early History of New Knoxville
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Ah tuke the TWI speellin kalass. It wer graet! Now, I cun rite ma und Pa und theys reeden my mell to the hole fammly.
Theys been theenkin bout teken the Bieble kalass to anderstann the Bieble and mite go Korr next yeer.
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Weren't we discussing the helplessness of twi members?
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WordWolf, I forgot about this! Thanks!!
I reckon we very well could be seeing more of these exciting topics covered in the upcoming rags.
Here are my favorite site for Making a Home-cleaning Schediule That Works for You:
Fly Lady - This site is "da bomb" on cleaning schedules
Strats Place - TWITs probably don't need this one
And my favorite site name:
Really, between Fly Lady and Heloise you've got it covered. Of course, I like my cleaning schedule best:
When you can write your name in the dust, it's time to break out the Pledge
When you can't find any clean glasses, it's time to wash dishes
When there are no more clean clothes, it's time to do laundry
When there's something on the floor that the dog won't eat, it's time to mop
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Building an Understanding of Vehicle Purchasing
Car Buying Tips
More Car Buying Tips
The First Freedom: Religious Liberty in America
Religious Liberty, ACLU
The North American Religious Liberty Association
Highlights of African History and Culture
African History on About.com
African History on the BBC, multimedia
Can we say...Google? and free? and they do it better?
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"Now that I've had my fun lampooning this lampoon-worthy list,
I think it's only fair we demonstrate the courage of our convictions,
and save the average twi'er $52.
Since some of us believe the internet (specific webpages)
have all these answers, let's provide the URLs for these topics!
I'll start off.
A History of the Huguenots:
Can the rest of you fill in the others??
"ok, WW, I will play, too. :)
Spelling Basics:
Spelling it right
English Learner
English for Everybody
HomeSchool Curric. Spelling Course"
Ok, here's the list.
"A) "Better Spelling Basics
B) Building an Understanding of Vehicle Purchasing
C) Early History of New Knoxville
D) The First Freedom: Religious Liberty in America
E) Highlights of African History and Culture
F) A history of the Huguenots
G) Ideas to Encourage Reading in Young Children
H) Maintaining Reliable Transportation
I) Making a Home-cleaning Schediule That Works for You
J) Powerful Paragraphs
K) Sola Scriptura: An Overview of the Protestant Reformation
L) Some Practical Aspects of Business Etiquette
M)The "Write" Stuff"
Now, A) and F) have been covered.
That leaves 10 more topics.
I'm sure the rest of you will want a piece of this-
it's just one more way to show up the twi hierarchy.
And it's fun! :)"
"Early History of New Knoxville
Here are my favorite sites for Making a Home-cleaning Schedule That Works for You:
Fly Lady - This site is "da bomb" on cleaning schedules
Strats Place - TWITs probably don't need this one
And my favorite site name:
Really, between Fly Lady and Heloise you've got it covered."
"Building an Understanding of Vehicle Purchasing
Car Buying Tips
More Car Buying Tips
The First Freedom: Religious Liberty in America
Religious Liberty, ACLU
The North American Religious Liberty Association
Highlights of African History and Culture
African History on About.com
African History on the BBC, multimedia
Can we say...Google? and free? and they do it better?"
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