I heard from someone recently who's been in touch with Bernita, so I don't think she passed away. Very sweet, smart woman. I could be wrong, but I don't think she's affiliated with twi anymore, so if that's the case, I'm surprised her writings wouldn't be considered "old wineskins."
doesn't mean they don't own them (Bernita's writings). Last I saw her...about 5 yrs or so ago, she was attached to Ro@ and Sh****, not TWI per say, but Ro@ and Sh**** were very attached to the Rightly Divided Blurb of TWI. I went college wow with Rob..and was in Texas and NM with them....known them for what feels like a whole nother lifetime
Anyway.... they say that you can increase your understanding in a variety of categories with their thirteen informative and practical teachings presented by the ever so holy staff at HQ.
Better Spelling Basics
Building an Understanding of Vehicle Purchasing
Early History of New Knoxville
The First Freedom: Religious Liberty in America
Highlights of African History and Culture
A history of the Huguenots
Ideas to Encourage Reading in Young Children
Maintaining Reliable Transportation
Making a Home-cleaning Schediule That Works for You
Powerful Paragraphs
Sola Scriptura: An Overview of the Protestant Reformation
Some Practical Aspects of Business Etiquette
The "Write" Stuff
Adding this to the WC information on Pipe's thread:
Because planning is a part of believing, the in-residence Way Corps develop skills in good, solid planning as part of their training. All of the students were involved in planning the trip to the Advanced Class at Headquarters this summer, thinking through the itinerary. They planned vehicles, food, finances, routes, and lodging.
It makes me wonder...
Didn't any of twi's current 'fellowshippers' have parents or go to high school? (Said with tongue firmly in cheek.)
Is twi becoming a combination high school/junior college?
Who in their right mind would want a tape on Early History of New Knoxville...?? Amazing how many ways twi can find to squeeze a few more dollars outta the innies...
They seem VERY out of touch on most of these subjects.
Do they even have a clue what Google is and its awesome power?
The "University of Google" will most certainly leave their articles in the dust.
Learn everything you ever wanted to know about any aspect of an automobile. Articles from all over the world from experts as well as everyday folk. Thousands of articles to choose from. Same with housecleaning. Ha!
They can NOT compete with Google.
Do they even reference any "Internet Links" as most writers do today? Highly doubtful!
How bizarre, a bunch of fifty year olds sitting around a tape on spelling basics. Could it be more boring? Why not teach some fun crafts.
Well, at least when they hit Greasepot they'll be prepared to write with believing confidence.
I can imagine it being pushed in fellowship and every one joining in because the BOT thinks 'we all need these subjects' to be our best for God yadayadayuck.
Belle I read your first post and my FIRST THOUGHT was apparantly revelation so you better listen!
I think they have figured out a way to get government grant $ and keep themselves afloat and prove to the government that they are indeed good citizens.
Ohio has gotten alot of grant money lately to mitigate it's industrial decline. Apparantly alot of folks in NK need to learn how to buy an auto, one would have hoped VP's presence would have spared them this humilating experiance.
"Learn and grow in new areas with the Household Enrichment Series!"
Anyway.... they say that you can increase your understanding in a variety of categories with their thirteen informative and practical teachings presented by the ever so holy staff at HQ.
Better Spelling Basics
[You-yes, YOU-can learn the greatest method of spelling since the First Century
Christian spellers!!!!
Building an Understanding of Vehicle Purchasing
[Learn how to REALLY buy a car! People in the world with their secular views
think they know how to buy a car, but they don't have the SPIRITUAL insight it
takes to compare prices. Please note that they also do evil things like take out
a car loan to buy the car. Learn to drive a beater until you can afford a new car!
Early History of New Knoxville
What was New Knoxville like before Columbus arrived?
Learn the secrets of its earliest days!
Thrill to the arrival of settlers! Enjoy the thrillride as they plant and harvest crops!
Fun for all ages!
The First Freedom: Religious Liberty in America
Learn what no textbook can ever tell you-American History!
Sure, you learned about the Puritans in elementary school,
but you never REALLY learned about them with an indepth, spiritual perception!
Highlights of African History and Culture
(Was this a typo? AFRICAN history and culture? At twi???
A history of the Huguenots
[The people that vpw claimed a descendancy from! Learn all about
them as vpw would have taught about them!
Ideas to Encourage Reading in Young Children
Learn how to read interesting books to your children!
Learn how to read in front of your children!
It's innovative!
Maintaining Reliable Transportation
[The world calls it "car maintenance", but we know better!
Learn all the aspects of making sure your car is tuned up!]
Making a Home-cleaning Schediule That Works for You
The SECRETS to making a schedule to clean your house!
Don't imagine you know how to REALLY schedule that until you
learn the Keys to Scheduling a Cleaning As Good as the First Century
Christians did!
Powerful Paragraphs
How to write so people will want to keep reading!
Learn to be as exciting as twi articles and twi books!
Sola Scriptura: An Overview of the Protestant Reformation
Learn the entire history of the Protestant Reformation-
at least the part that jibes with our theology!
Some Practical Aspects of Business Etiquette
[How to wear a suit to work!
Nose-picking: not in the interview!
The proper way to shake hands when introduced!
Sign up now!
The "Write" Stuff
How to write! You've only been learning it since you
were 5 years old-but now you can learn the twi way to write!
Only available to Way Class Grads for $4 each.
So the new money making venture for TWI this year, in addition to the TWO AC Specials is this $52 tape series.
[All this for only $52! (All members required to own their own set.)
The "Household Enrichment Series" were recordings from some of the better teachings the staff presented to each other over the past few winters. People spoke on all kinds of topics that they had some expertise or interest in. Some of the teachings seemed like they might be of value and interest on the field so they made them "available". Four to begin with a year ago, and apparently the interest was sufficient to add 9 more. It's not trying to compete with Google, or address deficiencies in education or parentage. It's just some folks on staff sharing what they know with others - nothing more nothing less.
$4 per tape - Wow what a maniacal money making scheme! Good grief.
Unless we know the credentials of the folks who are "teaching," then with TWI's track record, the content is questionable at best and up for discussion. What makes that person an "expert" on the subject?
The "Household Enrichment Series" were recordings from some of the better teachings the staff presented to each other over the past few winters. People spoke on all kinds of topics that they had some expertise or interest in. Some of the teachings seemed like they might be of value and interest on the field so they made them "available". Four to begin with a year ago, and apparently the interest was sufficient to add 9 more. It's not trying to compete with Google, or address deficiencies in education or parentage. It's just some folks on staff sharing what they know with others - nothing more nothing less.
$4 per tape - Wow what a maniacal money making scheme! Good grief.
The point is: who cares?
yeah... who cares? ...pretty lame if you ask me... $4 a tape for krap that people should already know or could be gleaned from the internet if they were allowed...
the point is: it's more than likely basic common sense info that's woven tightly into the "TWI is your sufficiency" subliminal message... chill out...
the point is: it's more than likely basic common sense info that's woven tightly into the "TWI is your sufficiency" subliminal message... chill out...
No Tom, it's what I just told you it is. It's got nothing to do with a "TWI is your sufficiency" subliminal message, a money making scheme, or any other scheme as some of you seem to be able to find at every turn.
It's just a collection of tapes with people sharing knowledge; a totally harmless, albeit totally low tech version of the type of info sharing that goes on all over the net. You think it's lame? Spend your $4 elsewhere!
So the people running TWI are not up on technology. We all know that. Big deal. Let's start an Amish bashing thread if that is so important.
There are many things of so much more substance that could be addressed (and of course do get addressed) here, that criticisms like these just come across as so much whining.
..."Making a home cleaning schedule that works for you"
Yeah...I see what you mean. I am in a constant state of emotional turmoil trying to figure out when to vacuum my rug and do the dishes. Sometimes I think that I should do these things in the evening and other times I feel that the morning would be the best time...but I'm never quite sure.
It's an exciting prospect to know that there are people with the wisdom to help me figure this out...and only $4 to boot!...and I have to admit that my deficiency in knowing about the early history of New Knoxville has been a thorn in my side for many years.
I, for one, am very thankful for the chance to enrich my life with this wonderful learning opprotunity.
On the surface, this would actually seem fairly innocuous. Refreshers in grammar, automotive maintenance, world history (Early history of New Knoxville? <_< ) etc.
But with anything connected with the Way, I just haveta ask, "Why?"
First of all, why haven't they converted from tapes to CDs? Easier to store, probably more widespread personal applications (home, car, portable), might even be cheaper to produce.
Then, as some of these topics are of such a general and widespread nature, have they included weblinks or some other resource material not directly produced by the Way. If not, why not?
Is this material available to non- and/or ex-way people? If not, why not? Maybe some "outside the Household" might have something to offer which would actually enhance and enlighten.
Shortfuse, you may be correct that this is much ado about nothing. Certainly there's nothing wrong about the topics themselves, and may be of interest and practical application to their intended recipients.
But I wonder about the motivation of an organization whose primary mission (biblical research, teaching and fellowship) is such a failure.
It's only available to "Way Class Grads" - whatever the definition of that is these days.
And, what was the Biblical significance of the number 13? I'm shocked that they would produce 13 of anything! :o Lord knows, craiggers would never have allowed it.
Yes, CDs would be more economical, in addition to being quicker to produce, but then they've already mastered the art of "busy work" and maybe can't find any additional busy work to fill the time for the people responsible for the ministry tapes.
ShortFuse, does it not strike you as "odd" that they are expecting 50 year old people to be buying tapes on the most basic and fundamental subjects of life? What on earth could they possibly be "sharing" (not teaching) that TWIts haven't already heard, learned or have access to from real live experts?
I suspect there's more to these tapes than just the money making aspect of it:
- it exerts more control over folks because they will be guilted into buying the tapes
- they will have to listen to the tapes and, most likely, teach on them in fellowship
- this will take up yet more of their time so that they won't have time to go to the internet, spend time with family, meet up with non TWIt friends, etc.
It's all about control and power with TWI.
I'm sorry (okay, no really), but I would be extremely insulted if someone even insinuated or hinted that I might need those tapes. Furthermore, I would really have to wonder about any adults who really thought those tapes were "da bomb" and enlightened the eyes of their understanding. How to write? How to spell? How to clean your home? And I sure as he11 hope it wasn't a life long staffer teaching people "on the field" about business etiquette! :blink:
WTF!! And why is it their business if I even have a cleaning schedule? Are they still "spying out the liberty" people have with that? I know quite a few people M&A and/or put on probation because they didn't keep their homes clean enough for the leadership - they made it a point to drop by unannounced just to "check in" on them.
Their teachings are just getting more and more mundane and elementary. I'll type up more of the magazine when I get home.
I'm sorry (okay, no really), but I would be extremely insulted if someone even insinuated or hinted that I might need those tapes. Furthermore, I would really have to wonder about any adults who really thought those tapes were "da bomb" and enlightened the eyes of their understanding. How to write? How to spell? How to clean your home? And I sure as he11 hope it wasn't a life long staffer teaching people "on the field" about business etiquette! :blink:
WTF!! And why is it their business if I even have a cleaning schedule? Are they still "spying out the liberty" people have with that? I know quite a few people M&A and/or put on probation because they didn't keep their homes clean enough for the leadership - they made it a point to drop by unannounced just to "check in" on them.
Their teachings are just getting more and more mundane and elementary. I'll type up more of the magazine when I get home.
Belle..........more mundane and elementary is right..!!!
Wouldn't surprise me if stuff like this BACKFIRES in twi's face.......
Maybe some innies will start asking themselves what the heck is this crap..?? I know, I started questioning many things before the scales fell from my eyes..
It's happening as we speak. Lots of long-standing innies are making their way to outies.
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Linda Z
I heard from someone recently who's been in touch with Bernita, so I don't think she passed away. Very sweet, smart woman. I could be wrong, but I don't think she's affiliated with twi anymore, so if that's the case, I'm surprised her writings wouldn't be considered "old wineskins."
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I thought Bernita had moved to the same town as her daughter (Sha*ron M*rtensen) and her husband (R*b). I don't know if they are still in.
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doesn't mean they don't own them (Bernita's writings). Last I saw her...about 5 yrs or so ago, she was attached to Ro@ and Sh****, not TWI per say, but Ro@ and Sh**** were very attached to the Rightly Divided Blurb of TWI. I went college wow with Rob..and was in Texas and NM with them....known them for what feels like a whole nother lifetime
LAst I knew they lived in Central Michigan.
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With subjects like these that I cant live without, I may just run right back and sign up.
It sounds--
..like a thrill a minute
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Adding this to the WC information on Pipe's thread:
It makes me wonder...
Didn't any of twi's current 'fellowshippers' have parents or go to high school? (Said with tongue firmly in cheek.)
Is twi becoming a combination high school/junior college?
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I'm sure the assumption is the same as it always was: nothing the World has to offer compares with what the Way can provide.
Wonder if they teach Way diaper changing, too? :unsure:
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That is too wierd.
Who in their right mind would want a tape on Early History of New Knoxville...?? Amazing how many ways twi can find to squeeze a few more dollars outta the innies...
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"Highlights of African History and Culture" and A history of the Huguenots"
Interesting juxtaposition :blink:
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Out There
Better Spelling Basics
Building an Understanding of Vehicle Purchasing
Early History of New Knoxville
Ideas to Encourage Reading in Young Children
Maintaining Reliable Transportation
Making a Home-cleaning Schediule That Works for You
Why in the world would you ever need a tape series to learn this stuff. Isn't this the kind of things Mom and Dad should have taught you?
As to the "Maintaining Reliable Transportation" tape I think they could just say - Don't buy a car from a TWIer!
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They seem VERY out of touch on most of these subjects.
Do they even have a clue what Google is and its awesome power?
The "University of Google" will most certainly leave their articles in the dust.
Learn everything you ever wanted to know about any aspect of an automobile. Articles from all over the world from experts as well as everyday folk. Thousands of articles to choose from. Same with housecleaning. Ha!
They can NOT compete with Google.
Do they even reference any "Internet Links" as most writers do today? Highly doubtful!
It is getting a little embarrasing.
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How bizarre, a bunch of fifty year olds sitting around a tape on spelling basics. Could it be more boring? Why not teach some fun crafts.
Well, at least when they hit Greasepot they'll be prepared to write with believing confidence.
I can imagine it being pushed in fellowship and every one joining in because the BOT thinks 'we all need these subjects' to be our best for God yadayadayuck.
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Belle I read your first post and my FIRST THOUGHT was apparantly revelation so you better listen!
I think they have figured out a way to get government grant $ and keep themselves afloat and prove to the government that they are indeed good citizens.
Ohio has gotten alot of grant money lately to mitigate it's industrial decline. Apparantly alot of folks in NK need to learn how to buy an auto, one would have hoped VP's presence would have spared them this humilating experiance.
Edited by herbiejuanLink to comment
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Maybe they should have a tape called"Quit thinking we will do it for you'
Buy an oldsmobile it will last forever!
Sheesh bod get a life let your people make up thier own minds
twi your distopia is showing!
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This was too good not to have some fun with...
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Are we talking about this same organisation that
- doesn't have an inter-active (or any) link on its website?
- bans its followers from using the internet ?
- likes to keep its followers in complete ignorance of what's really going on?
Yeah, they know what Google is. They just don't want anybody else to know.
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You guys are going on and on about nothing.
The "Household Enrichment Series" were recordings from some of the better teachings the staff presented to each other over the past few winters. People spoke on all kinds of topics that they had some expertise or interest in. Some of the teachings seemed like they might be of value and interest on the field so they made them "available". Four to begin with a year ago, and apparently the interest was sufficient to add 9 more. It's not trying to compete with Google, or address deficiencies in education or parentage. It's just some folks on staff sharing what they know with others - nothing more nothing less.
$4 per tape - Wow what a maniacal money making scheme! Good grief.
The point is: who cares?
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Unless we know the credentials of the folks who are "teaching," then with TWI's track record, the content is questionable at best and up for discussion. What makes that person an "expert" on the subject?
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Tom Strange
yeah... who cares? ...pretty lame if you ask me... $4 a tape for krap that people should already know or could be gleaned from the internet if they were allowed...
the point is: it's more than likely basic common sense info that's woven tightly into the "TWI is your sufficiency" subliminal message... chill out...
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No Tom, it's what I just told you it is. It's got nothing to do with a "TWI is your sufficiency" subliminal message, a money making scheme, or any other scheme as some of you seem to be able to find at every turn.
It's just a collection of tapes with people sharing knowledge; a totally harmless, albeit totally low tech version of the type of info sharing that goes on all over the net. You think it's lame? Spend your $4 elsewhere!
So the people running TWI are not up on technology. We all know that. Big deal. Let's start an Amish bashing thread if that is so important.
There are many things of so much more substance that could be addressed (and of course do get addressed) here, that criticisms like these just come across as so much whining.
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..."Making a home cleaning schedule that works for you"
Yeah...I see what you mean. I am in a constant state of emotional turmoil trying to figure out when to vacuum my rug and do the dishes. Sometimes I think that I should do these things in the evening and other times I feel that the morning would be the best time...but I'm never quite sure.
It's an exciting prospect to know that there are people with the wisdom to help me figure this out...and only $4 to boot!...and I have to admit that my deficiency in knowing about the early history of New Knoxville has been a thorn in my side for many years.
I, for one, am very thankful for the chance to enrich my life with this wonderful learning opprotunity.
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On the surface, this would actually seem fairly innocuous. Refreshers in grammar, automotive maintenance, world history (Early history of New Knoxville? <_< ) etc.
But with anything connected with the Way, I just haveta ask, "Why?"
First of all, why haven't they converted from tapes to CDs? Easier to store, probably more widespread personal applications (home, car, portable), might even be cheaper to produce.
Then, as some of these topics are of such a general and widespread nature, have they included weblinks or some other resource material not directly produced by the Way. If not, why not?
Is this material available to non- and/or ex-way people? If not, why not? Maybe some "outside the Household" might have something to offer which would actually enhance and enlighten.
Shortfuse, you may be correct that this is much ado about nothing. Certainly there's nothing wrong about the topics themselves, and may be of interest and practical application to their intended recipients.
But I wonder about the motivation of an organization whose primary mission (biblical research, teaching and fellowship) is such a failure.
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And to think -- this is probably just the *foundational series*!
Once these tapes are MASTERED --- an additional set of *heavy revvy*
might be offered as an *intermediate series* (for those who can handle it).
Oh --- THE SUSPENSE! :blink:
What could those topics be?!?
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It's only available to "Way Class Grads" - whatever the definition of that is these days.
And, what was the Biblical significance of the number 13? I'm shocked that they would produce 13 of anything! :o Lord knows, craiggers would never have allowed it.
Yes, CDs would be more economical, in addition to being quicker to produce, but then they've already mastered the art of "busy work" and maybe can't find any additional busy work to fill the time for the people responsible for the ministry tapes.
ShortFuse, does it not strike you as "odd" that they are expecting 50 year old people to be buying tapes on the most basic and fundamental subjects of life? What on earth could they possibly be "sharing" (not teaching) that TWIts haven't already heard, learned or have access to from real live experts?
I suspect there's more to these tapes than just the money making aspect of it:
- it exerts more control over folks because they will be guilted into buying the tapes
- they will have to listen to the tapes and, most likely, teach on them in fellowship
- this will take up yet more of their time so that they won't have time to go to the internet, spend time with family, meet up with non TWIt friends, etc.
It's all about control and power with TWI.
I'm sorry (okay, no really), but I would be extremely insulted if someone even insinuated or hinted that I might need those tapes. Furthermore, I would really have to wonder about any adults who really thought those tapes were "da bomb" and enlightened the eyes of their understanding. How to write? How to spell? How to clean your home? And I sure as he11 hope it wasn't a life long staffer teaching people "on the field" about business etiquette! :blink:
WTF!! And why is it their business if I even have a cleaning schedule? Are they still "spying out the liberty" people have with that? I know quite a few people M&A and/or put on probation because they didn't keep their homes clean enough for the leadership - they made it a point to drop by unannounced just to "check in" on them.
Their teachings are just getting more and more mundane and elementary. I'll type up more of the magazine when I get home.
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Belle..........more mundane and elementary is right..!!!
Wouldn't surprise me if stuff like this BACKFIRES in twi's face.......
Maybe some innies will start asking themselves what the heck is this crap..?? I know, I started questioning many things before the scales fell from my eyes..
It's happening as we speak. Lots of long-standing innies are making their way to outies.
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