Those kids are missing out on so much offered by other more lively and exciting Christian groups. Their network of friends and life experiences as well as opportunities would be greatly expanded OUTSIDE the confines of limiting themselves ONLY to TWI.
John the funny thing is when you go to the topics of the Advanced Class and click on each of the kids pictures, then click again on the pictures, there are some nice pictures of them having a great time. Reminded me of the old days. They seem to be getting away with much more than we did in recent years and the funny thing that struck me is the ages are from 16 & up? Sounds like a very young, impressionable group of kids for an Advanced Class.
So maybe the youth are taking over TWI as the old wine skins drift away from age and boredom.
Can you imagine any of the "older folk" (who have been planted forever at TWI) witnessing and undershepherding? I don't think most of them have ever witnessed or undershephered anyone.
They seem to be getting away with much more than we did in recent years and the funny thing that struck me is the ages are from 16 & up? Sounds like a very young, impressionable group of kids for an Advanced Class.
That is a helluvan-interesting point (to me -- at least).
Sounds to me like (twi) is now *robbing the cradle*,
to swell the ranks of AC grads.
WTF!!! I remember back in the 70's you had to have had all the *Advanced Studies* --
before you could take the AC.
Basic Keys to Research;
Dealing With the Adversary;
Renewed Mind;
The Way Tree;
Witnessing and Undershepharding
Christian Family and Sux -- oops I meant sex!
(and probably some more I can't recall -- off hand!)
Curious what the criteria is now -- for admittance??
And SNACKS!! You have to prove that you have planned for YOUR SNACKS for the AC. Don't think for one minute that TWI is going to be providing one solitary thing beyond "da verd" for your growth.
Some of us have attempted to interact with some of those kids who are "having a good time" on other message boards and on myspace.
For a bunch of people who are in an organization that still claims to be teaching keys to understanding the bible, and still claims to be a research minsitry, they seemed pitifully unable to discuss why they believe that what they trumpet as truth is truth.
One of my teens attended the AC the summer of 2004. She actually had a GRAND time and put her time there on the same level as camp. (My daughter's "2nd home" is camp.) When she told me that I remember thinking and talking to my spouse, "Maybe there is hope. Maybe things at HQ are changing and that change will trickle down through the Ministry out here onto the field."
Alas, my hope was in vain...obviously. (We stayed in for over 1-1/2 years after that; it didn't change. Do you think we gave it enough time? )
My daughter said on the trip up to the AC, she started getting nervous about standards being strict. She said it wasn't like that at all and meals were a blast. Most of the table hosts where she sat were teens so they had fun with the whole etiquette thing. It was the fellowship that turned her on, not so much the teachings. She grew up in TWI, so the teachings were not new.
She and I had a talk before she left for the AC. (She rode with 2 other teens and 1 fun adult.) I discussed with her about her staying in touch with her thoughts and heart. If anything is taught/said that doesn't sit right with her, don't buy into what is taught/said. And to stay in touch with her emotions...don't put them on a shelf somewhere. Prior to this talk we had had TWI talks regarding mine and hubby's questioning regarding some of the practices/doctrine. So this talk wasn't new to her...just a little more empasized.
Interesting note here: My teen did not stay in touch (via computer/phone) with folks from the AC. She does stay in touch with her camp buddies though, via phone and puter. Of course she spends 10 weeks at camp as opposed to 2 weeks at the AC. (If she spent 10 weeks at HQ, she would invaribly have a different experience than a 2-week stay at HQ.)
Quiethinker: The requirements sound right (at least from 2 years ago). Except the AC studies are a lot of work (imo), for full time students. They couldn't start on them until January before the summer class. (They could read all the book before that time though.) The tests were on all collaterals, JCisNG, Are the Dead Alive Now, and ???? The tests were submitted to Corps in the state who would grade them and return them. I allowed my teen open book, which I think was okay by TWI standards. The students were also asked to listen to STS, but I didn't have our teen do that.
I told my Fellowship about Elijah and the Still Small Voice, and the teachers and staff, Way Productions even, but most of all i spoke of the deep friendships i found at the Advanced Class.
This says so much to me... the enthusiasm of youth, the fact that much of these kids enjoyment of the ACS was hanging out with their peers, and the reminder of my early days in twi. This kid's comment could easily describe my first few Rock of Ages trips, or my first Advance Class.
Many of us were once these fresh-faced, enthusiastic, love-god-loving-life kids...
I wish I could say they will revolutionize twi, but did we? Or did we get sucked in or dropped out by the mechanism that IS the way international?
It's refreshing to see them having a good time, maybe they will rise up quickly and get rid of those old wine skins at HDQTRS.
If any of you are wondering about my avatar, glad you asked! I am NOT endorsing this old bag for President, here are my choices. Ann Coulter for President and Laura Ingram for Vice President. Hillary you are over the hill.
There are enough "old-timers" around to remember what it was like when all the teenagers flocked to TWI in the 70's. They've probably figured out by now that adults their own age won't easily be drawn into their organization. Get 'em while they're young... it worked for VP!
I would also make a guess that many of these my space teens are children of innies - probably those old timers I mentioned above.
The last few years we were in - most of the "new" students for LCM's class were kids whose parents were innies. I know that when my oldest turned 12, I was getting pressure for her to take the WAP class. I told my BC she wasn't ready to hear the stuff about Eve's lesbianism yet and he actually understood my concerns. The following year, she went away for the part of the summer they were running the class. I'm so glad neither of my kids were exposed to that bullsh!t.
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1 john 3:1
Thanks D, I'm still new to this and did not know how to post the link.
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woops -- this isn't working. :(
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Those kids are missing out on so much offered by other more lively and exciting Christian groups. Their network of friends and life experiences as well as opportunities would be greatly expanded OUTSIDE the confines of limiting themselves ONLY to TWI.
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1 john 3:1
Thanks again D.
John the funny thing is when you go to the topics of the Advanced Class and click on each of the kids pictures, then click again on the pictures, there are some nice pictures of them having a great time. Reminded me of the old days. They seem to be getting away with much more than we did in recent years and the funny thing that struck me is the ages are from 16 & up? Sounds like a very young, impressionable group of kids for an Advanced Class.
So maybe the youth are taking over TWI as the old wine skins drift away from age and boredom.
Can you imagine any of the "older folk" (who have been planted forever at TWI) witnessing and undershepherding? I don't think most of them have ever witnessed or undershephered anyone.
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I set up an account just so I could view the pics, but they won't come up when I click to view group photos. :blink:
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That is a helluvan-interesting point (to me -- at least).
Sounds to me like (twi) is now *robbing the cradle*,
to swell the ranks of AC grads.
WTF!!! I remember back in the 70's you had to have had all the *Advanced Studies* --
before you could take the AC.
Basic Keys to Research;
Dealing With the Adversary;
Renewed Mind;
The Way Tree;
Witnessing and Undershepharding
Christian Family and Sux -- oops I meant sex!
(and probably some more I can't recall -- off hand!)
Curious what the criteria is now -- for admittance??
Some things NEVER CHANGE.
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Hi D...
I'm not sure if you were really asking or not, and my information is over a year old, but the criteria when I left, to attend the advanced class was:
2 foundational waps
2 intermediate waps
The current equivalent of DTA
proof you're debt-free
16 yoa or older
advanced class studies (there were 11 little short ones, I think)
and money to enter.
...and your HFC BC/LC has to approve it, too.
That's what I have on my list, I think it's accurate.
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When TWI has known any sort of success theyve always gone after and hooked in "young and impressionable kids".
Sort of like the cigarette companies.
In the same way, Im sure they are having a good time now, but
it may not look so great for them further down the road
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1 john 3:1
It takes a couple of days to be accepted by myspace. You have to check your e-mail I believe and possibly respond to them.
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39 members?...That's it?...jut 39 members?
I recall when an advanced class would draw hundreds...sometimes thousands!
Oh well...must be the cream of the cream. Last one to leave twi, turn out the lights.
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And SNACKS!! You have to prove that you have planned for YOUR SNACKS for the AC. Don't think for one minute that TWI is going to be providing one solitary thing beyond "da verd" for your growth.
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Some of us have attempted to interact with some of those kids who are "having a good time" on other message boards and on myspace.
For a bunch of people who are in an organization that still claims to be teaching keys to understanding the bible, and still claims to be a research minsitry, they seemed pitifully unable to discuss why they believe that what they trumpet as truth is truth.
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And that's not even "39 students."
That's 39 "people who signed up on myspace to discuss or read the board about
the Advanced class".
The actual number of people interested in taking it is smaller,
and the number of people who plan to is smaller than that,
and the number of people who will show is smaller yet.
I'm figuring less than 10 people on that board will actually attend-
remembering that it's unlikely that all attendees are on that board.
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I Love Bagpipes
One of my teens attended the AC the summer of 2004. She actually had a GRAND time and put her time there on the same level as camp. (My daughter's "2nd home" is camp.) When she told me that I remember thinking and talking to my spouse, "Maybe there is hope. Maybe things at HQ are changing and that change will trickle down through the Ministry out here onto the field."
Alas, my hope was in vain...obviously. (We stayed in for over 1-1/2 years after that; it didn't change. Do you think we gave it enough time?
My daughter said on the trip up to the AC, she started getting nervous about standards being strict. She said it wasn't like that at all and meals were a blast. Most of the table hosts where she sat were teens so they had fun with the whole etiquette thing. It was the fellowship that turned her on, not so much the teachings. She grew up in TWI, so the teachings were not new.
She and I had a talk before she left for the AC. (She rode with 2 other teens and 1 fun adult.) I discussed with her about her staying in touch with her thoughts and heart. If anything is taught/said that doesn't sit right with her, don't buy into what is taught/said. And to stay in touch with her emotions...don't put them on a shelf somewhere. Prior to this talk we had had TWI talks regarding mine and hubby's questioning regarding some of the practices/doctrine. So this talk wasn't new to her...just a little more empasized.
Interesting note here: My teen did not stay in touch (via computer/phone) with folks from the AC. She does stay in touch with her camp buddies though, via phone and puter. Of course she spends 10 weeks at camp as opposed to 2 weeks at the AC. (If she spent 10 weeks at HQ, she would invaribly have a different experience than a 2-week stay at HQ.)
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I Love Bagpipes
Quiethinker: The requirements sound right (at least from 2 years ago). Except the AC studies are a lot of work (imo), for full time students. They couldn't start on them until January before the summer class. (They could read all the book before that time though.) The tests were on all collaterals, JCisNG, Are the Dead Alive Now, and ???? The tests were submitted to Corps in the state who would grade them and return them. I allowed my teen open book, which I think was okay by TWI standards. The students were also asked to listen to STS, but I didn't have our teen do that.
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I wasn't paying attention earlier... was the AC Special held at HQ or elsewhere?
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QUOTE from their Forum:
I told my Fellowship about Elijah and the Still Small Voice, and the teachers and staff, Way Productions even, but most of all i spoke of the deep friendships i found at the Advanced Class.
This says so much to me... the enthusiasm of youth, the fact that much of these kids enjoyment of the ACS was hanging out with their peers, and the reminder of my early days in twi. This kid's comment could easily describe my first few Rock of Ages trips, or my first Advance Class.
Many of us were once these fresh-faced, enthusiastic, love-god-loving-life kids...
I wish I could say they will revolutionize twi, but did we? Or did we get sucked in or dropped out by the mechanism that IS the way international?
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Looks like they have given up, no posts since the 11th. It's about time the enthusiam is winding down.
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MySpace makes you wait one week (7 days) before you are *in*.
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1 john 3:1
It's refreshing to see them having a good time, maybe they will rise up quickly and get rid of those old wine skins at HDQTRS.
If any of you are wondering about my avatar, glad you asked! I am NOT endorsing this old bag for President, here are my choices. Ann Coulter for President and Laura Ingram for Vice President. Hillary you are over the hill.

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Hope R.
There are enough "old-timers" around to remember what it was like when all the teenagers flocked to TWI in the 70's. They've probably figured out by now that adults their own age won't easily be drawn into their organization. Get 'em while they're young... it worked for VP!
I would also make a guess that many of these my space teens are children of innies - probably those old timers I mentioned above.
The last few years we were in - most of the "new" students for LCM's class were kids whose parents were innies. I know that when my oldest turned 12, I was getting pressure for her to take the WAP class. I told my BC she wasn't ready to hear the stuff about Eve's lesbianism yet and he actually understood my concerns. The following year, she went away for the part of the summer they were running the class. I'm so glad neither of my kids were exposed to that bullsh!t.
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Looking at the photos reminded me of myself at that age. I was about 20 or 21 when I took the Advanced
Class. I felt like I was on top of the world
Geez.... I could've been in college instead of wasting my time listening to their BS :(
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