Seems to me......that whoever wrote that way rag article was really digging for something to write about the corps program. Wanted to keep "the training" in the rag for promotional purposes, doncha know. gives credit to twi for teaching their people how to think (cough, cough).
Those rag articles are so's so transparent to us ex-twi types.
Okay...1978 I go WOW. What are there? 3000 WOWs that year?
Most of us meet for the first time at the end of the ROA. And within a day or so (?) we are all caravaning (28 folks and maybe 12 cars/trailers) in unknown territory at night with no cell phones or walkie talkies. (I mean how many times has TWI traveled from Gunnison to HQ?!?!?!?!?!)
Well, on the trek cross country, we lost 1 of the cars/trailers. The rest of us stopped at a rest area. And who shows up? The one car. If I recollect, she actually passed the rest area and had the thought to take the next exit and come back. Uh...maybe God can work it out!! That's a good plan!! (BTW: It was MK Pr*d*.)
I have quite a few travel stories where God worked his deeds. Here's one:
I had been summer outreach on my way home alone (on a Sunday..nothing opened) and my car screws up. I pull off the interstate on an exit out in the middle of nowhere. I coast into a deserted gas station and start to cry, "God!! I've spent the summer working for you and now I'm stranded here...alone. Where the "H" are you?"
Well, within a few minutes a car pulls up. Big was J*hn B*rr. He said, "I passed this exit and had the thought to turn around and come back. You need some help?" Just so happened the P*t*ers*ns lived a couple miles from that exit. J*hn took me to their house and I spent the night and was fed. :) They knew a mechanic and the next car was fixed.
In 1999 I had to hand in a travel form just to see my fiance who lived 4 hrs away....I could only see him every three wks,I had to hand in another form the day I got back so I could return there in 3 wks from my return.........nothing has changed.....
In 1999 I had to hand in a travel form just to see my fiance who lived 4 hrs away....I could only see him every three wks,I had to hand in another form the day I got back so I could return there in 3 wks from my return.........nothing has changed.....
I hear a whole lot on these forums about such forms. Does anybody have a copy of such forms? I know a while back (years?) I think somebody posted a scanned copy of such a form, but I can't find it now. I'd sure like to see one...especially since the twi I was in never had any such my recollection.
You reminded me of my '78 Wow Adventure. We had 8 Wow families in our branch. 32 adults, plus some kids. Well, it just so happened that my parents house was about half way to our destination city. (Dallas)
So about 7 in the morning, as our wow caravan made a rest stop, I called Mom and said: "Hey, Mom, we are about an hour your house, and are tired and hungry. Do you mind if we stop for breakfast?"
She says, "Of course not, hon, how many people are with you? 3 or 4?"
Moi: "Well, uh, there's actually uh 34 or 35 of us, including the kids."
Mom, without missing a beat: "Ok, take your time getting here. I need at least an hour to get to Kroger and back, and heat up the griddle."
We arrived and Mom made pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Oenophile and Ca Dreaming were part of that crew.
I wonder if that kind of thing would even be possible in the new and improved TWI? No in the plan, ya know.
For variety, I thought I'd wonder what they'll write about next month,
so I saved some time and wrote it.
""Because planning is a part of believing, the in-residence Way Corps develop skills in good, solid planning as part of their training. All of the students were involved in planning the trip to the office supply store this summer, thinking through the itinerary. They planned vehicles, shopping list, division of labour, finances, etc.
An overall coordinator was chosen, and then assistants were assigned to coordinate the different groups responsible to plan various aspects of the trip. Organizational meetings with all of the in-residence Way Corps were held periodically. These meetings showed everyone the essential details that each group put into their piece of the plan--the details necessary to successfully carry out such an event from start to finish.
One student writes, "In each category of planning, I learned that our plan had many variables within it. We had to consider how each portion of our plan is affected by other aspects of the plan, and how our portion affects other elements as well. We thought through these details and double-checked everything so that, to the best of our ability we did not miss anything. We also consistently sought counsel from one another, which was invaluable to our success."' "
Now you don't even need to read the waymag to read the waymag!
I hate to admit it, but even though I was never in the Way Corps, I plan for trips in an overly detailed manner.
HA! that's funny Oak... I was in and I never plan anymore... it all goes out the window anyway (at least with me cuz I just have to stop if there's a 'snake village' or something along the side of the road!)...
dooj: I'll trade you my apple for your bag of GORP!!!
I'm going to stick my neck in here. How much do you want to bet that all if not most of these new Corps folks are children of Corps or at least children of staff who are not Corps. If so - - my guess is that they were basically parent-less. many times have we read how other people took care of "the kids" while parents were out Lead or some other know - - doing the (so called) work of the Ministry.
They never lived a proper family life where they watched their parents do such things as balance check books, plan menus, and plan trips. All they know is that these things happen. They just seem to magically appear and so they have no insight whatsoever. I really feel sorry for them. I'm speaking specifically of those in the present Corps training.
I don't believe, except for school, they were ever encouraged to think for themselves - - ever. And if they did, they were squelched because you always listen to your leaders and do what you are told to do. How could they grow up with what we call normal skills? I'll bet most of them even had to learn how to do laundry.
I'm not taking any body's side here, and telling you that one is better than another...I'm just laying it out as I see it. This is just one more example of what living on a campus and growing up how they did robbed them of all the necessary lessons of how to live as an adult. It's really another black mark on that Ohioan farmland group if you ask me! They raised functionless kids.
I'm going to stick my neck in here. How much do you want to bet that all if not most of these new Corps folks are children of Corps or at least children of staff who are not Corps.
You are right about this.
Another major source - older Corps grads who were dropped for one reason or another.
Tommy Boy - I'd like your vanilla yogurt if you don't mind.
Now remember that vpw was very fond of saying that we were learning things in the corps that OUR PARENTS should have taught us.
Of course - TWI also taught us to avoid our parents if they weren't "in" as well - and if they weren't in we usually tried to forget so much of what they did tell us.
We were always told to be as detailed as possible in anything we did while in TWI. I remember filling out a travel itinerary when I went home for Christmas. I put in every layover and where I was staying and when. My Department coordinator reproved me because it didn't make sense to her. There were too many details.
Is "Snack Planning" a new class being offered? Along with "How to make sure 'your people' have properly planned their snacks for ministry events"
The pictures of the WC in the mag appear to be very small in numbers, but again, as usual, they don't share any numbers whatsoever. I would suspect that it IS mostly kids of staffers, WC and the poor WC Alum who are gluttons for punishment. The good news is, those with half a brain these days, generally see through the BS and leave TWI during training or shortly after graduation. At least, that's the way I remember it being over the past five years or so.
Ya know, Dooj, Bob Moynihan used to say things along those lines to me all the time. I'd ask questions about debt, money, buying a house, a car, etc. and he'd insinuate that I wasn't taught those things growing up and that's why I was asking. NO - the reason I was asking was because what Bob and TWI were teaching contradicted what my Daddy taught me. My Daddy who has been in banking since the year before I was born. Within 15 years he became president and then even higher up the food chain. But, noooooooo....... Bobby said he must not have taught me anything about finances, budgeting, debt, etc..... I may have been gullible to get involved with TWI, but I'm no idiot! I KNOW what my Daddy taught me and he could back it up. Bobby couldn't back up what he was trying to teach, so he had to resort to attacks. <_<
Now, I follow Daddy's guidelines that I learned from him and my financial situation couldn't be better. :)
I'm thinkin' that the person who wrote, "I learned that our plan had many variables" is gonna wake up one day and be SOOOOO embarrassed to have written that!
Ahh roadtrips, I remember them well. I wasn't Corps, but lived a couple states radius from HQ for a few years and a few of the twigs/branches would plan caravans there for Sunday teachings.
I would sit, with a sweet smile on my face, hear all the plans and nod like a good little Twit. Then the day arrived and I would do one of two things:
Call at last minute and say I was running late and I would catch up with them, but of course never would. Why would I want to follow a bunch of cars in a very slow moving line across a couple of states? I could get there faster driving myself, at the real speed limit, cruise control set and be waiting when they finally all pulled in an hour or two behind me. (Oh yeah, I got screamed at royally.)
My other trick was to have a desperate need to pull off for a potty stop about a half hour into the trip and I'd motion from my car to theirs I would catch up once done. Again, I caught up and proceeded to pass their slow butts, give a wave and continue on my way, non TWI music cranked on the radio. (That one got me in trouble too, but sure saved me a lot of stress from being stuck in that line of cars traveling 50 to 55 when the speed limit was 65.)
I travel at my own pace and stop when I need to. I've been all over this country and the last thing I wanted or needed was someone, who didn't know me, trying to plan it all for me. No thanks. I have my own mind and am more than able to plan my own trips.
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Now now, Linda. You know perfectly well that REAL men o' God **never** need a map.
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Sure they do. And it helps to lock the doors, as well!.
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Seems to me......that whoever wrote that way rag article was really digging for something to write about the corps program. Wanted to keep "the training" in the rag for promotional purposes, doncha know. gives credit to twi for teaching their people how to think (cough, cough).
Those rag articles are so's so transparent to us ex-twi types.
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I Love Bagpipes
Thanks dmiller.
Dittos here Sogwap....:)
Well, dmiller, just pipe the speakers to the back of the pick up and
hubby and I will both ride back there.
Bowtwi could ride in the front....since she is a Hartford fan (and single..if I recollect properly :) ).
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I Love Bagpipes
LOL Doglover!!
Hubby and I were talking about that yesterday.
Okay...1978 I go WOW. What are there? 3000 WOWs that year?
Most of us meet for the first time at the end of the ROA. And within a day or so (?) we are all caravaning (28 folks and maybe 12 cars/trailers) in unknown territory at night with no cell phones or walkie talkies. (I mean how many times has TWI traveled from Gunnison to HQ?!?!?!?!?!)
Well, on the trek cross country, we lost 1 of the cars/trailers. The rest of us stopped at a rest area. And who shows up? The one car. If I recollect, she actually passed the rest area and had the thought to take the next exit and come back. Uh...maybe God can work it out!! That's a good plan!! (BTW: It was MK Pr*d*.)
I have quite a few travel stories where God worked his deeds. Here's one:
I had been summer outreach on my way home alone (on a Sunday..nothing opened) and my car screws up. I pull off the interstate on an exit out in the middle of nowhere. I coast into a deserted gas station and start to cry, "God!! I've spent the summer working for you and now I'm stranded here...alone. Where the "H" are you?"
Well, within a few minutes a car pulls up. Big was J*hn B*rr. He said, "I passed this exit and had the thought to turn around and come back. You need some help?" Just so happened the P*t*ers*ns lived a couple miles from that exit. J*hn took me to their house and I spent the night and was fed. :) They knew a mechanic and the next car was fixed.
That's a good plan too!
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And that would surprise us, why?

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In 1999 I had to hand in a travel form just to see my fiance who lived 4 hrs away....I could only see him every three wks,I had to hand in another form the day I got back so I could return there in 3 wks from my return.........nothing has changed.....
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I hear a whole lot on these forums about such forms. Does anybody have a copy of such forms? I know a while back (years?) I think somebody posted a scanned copy of such a form, but I can't find it now. I'd sure like to see one...especially since the twi I was in never had any such my recollection.
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You reminded me of my '78 Wow Adventure. We had 8 Wow families in our branch. 32 adults, plus some kids. Well, it just so happened that my parents house was about half way to our destination city. (Dallas)
So about 7 in the morning, as our wow caravan made a rest stop, I called Mom and said: "Hey, Mom, we are about an hour your house, and are tired and hungry. Do you mind if we stop for breakfast?"
She says, "Of course not, hon, how many people are with you? 3 or 4?"
Moi: "Well, uh, there's actually uh 34 or 35 of us, including the kids."
Mom, without missing a beat: "Ok, take your time getting here. I need at least an hour to get to Kroger and back, and heat up the griddle."
We arrived and Mom made pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Oenophile and Ca Dreaming were part of that crew.
I wonder if that kind of thing would even be possible in the new and improved TWI? No in the plan, ya know.
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It makes me sick.
If they really were a "word/scripture" based "religion, cult, organization" whatever........
then the FIRST thing they should be teaching is to go to GOD first!
To be prayerfully minded. That is how God establishes the plans.........
I am just disgusted. I cannot post anymore...................
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A$$3s so tight you couldn't pound a nail into 'em with a sledgehammer!
God, thank you so much for delivering me from such insanity.
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For variety, I thought I'd wonder what they'll write about next month,
so I saved some time and wrote it.
""Because planning is a part of believing, the in-residence Way Corps develop skills in good, solid planning as part of their training. All of the students were involved in planning the trip to the office supply store this summer, thinking through the itinerary. They planned vehicles, shopping list, division of labour, finances, etc.
An overall coordinator was chosen, and then assistants were assigned to coordinate the different groups responsible to plan various aspects of the trip. Organizational meetings with all of the in-residence Way Corps were held periodically. These meetings showed everyone the essential details that each group put into their piece of the plan--the details necessary to successfully carry out such an event from start to finish.
One student writes, "In each category of planning, I learned that our plan had many variables within it. We had to consider how each portion of our plan is affected by other aspects of the plan, and how our portion affects other elements as well. We thought through these details and double-checked everything so that, to the best of our ability we did not miss anything. We also consistently sought counsel from one another, which was invaluable to our success."' "
Now you don't even need to read the waymag to read the waymag!
It's more fun than Mad Libs, and twice as fast!
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Tom Strange
HA! that's funny Oak... I was in and I never plan anymore... it all goes out the window anyway (at least with me cuz I just have to stop if there's a 'snake village' or something along the side of the road!)...
dooj: I'll trade you my apple for your bag of GORP!!!
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I'm going to stick my neck in here. How much do you want to bet that all if not most of these new Corps folks are children of Corps or at least children of staff who are not Corps. If so - - my guess is that they were basically parent-less. many times have we read how other people took care of "the kids" while parents were out Lead or some other know - - doing the (so called) work of the Ministry.
They never lived a proper family life where they watched their parents do such things as balance check books, plan menus, and plan trips. All they know is that these things happen. They just seem to magically appear and so they have no insight whatsoever. I really feel sorry for them. I'm speaking specifically of those in the present Corps training.
I don't believe, except for school, they were ever encouraged to think for themselves - - ever. And if they did, they were squelched because you always listen to your leaders and do what you are told to do. How could they grow up with what we call normal skills? I'll bet most of them even had to learn how to do laundry.
I'm not taking any body's side here, and telling you that one is better than another...I'm just laying it out as I see it. This is just one more example of what living on a campus and growing up how they did robbed them of all the necessary lessons of how to live as an adult. It's really another black mark on that Ohioan farmland group if you ask me! They raised functionless kids.
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You are right about this.
Another major source - older Corps grads who were dropped for one reason or another.
A very small percentage are anything else.
Edited by shortfuseLink to comment
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Tommy Boy - I'd like your vanilla yogurt if you don't mind.
Now remember that vpw was very fond of saying that we were learning things in the corps that OUR PARENTS should have taught us.
Of course - TWI also taught us to avoid our parents if they weren't "in" as well - and if they weren't in we usually tried to forget so much of what they did tell us.
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We were always told to be as detailed as possible in anything we did while in TWI. I remember filling out a travel itinerary when I went home for Christmas. I put in every layover and where I was staying and when. My Department coordinator reproved me because it didn't make sense to her. There were too many details.
Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
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Is "Snack Planning" a new class being offered? Along with "How to make sure 'your people' have properly planned their snacks for ministry events"
The pictures of the WC in the mag appear to be very small in numbers, but again, as usual, they don't share any numbers whatsoever. I would suspect that it IS mostly kids of staffers, WC and the poor WC Alum who are gluttons for punishment. The good news is, those with half a brain these days, generally see through the BS and leave TWI during training or shortly after graduation. At least, that's the way I remember it being over the past five years or so.
Ya know, Dooj, Bob Moynihan used to say things along those lines to me all the time. I'd ask questions about debt, money, buying a house, a car, etc. and he'd insinuate that I wasn't taught those things growing up and that's why I was asking. NO - the reason I was asking was because what Bob and TWI were teaching contradicted what my Daddy taught me. My Daddy who has been in banking since the year before I was born. Within 15 years he became president and then even higher up the food chain. But, noooooooo....... Bobby said he must not have taught me anything about finances, budgeting, debt, etc.....
I may have been gullible to get involved with TWI, but I'm no idiot! I KNOW what my Daddy taught me and he could back it up. Bobby couldn't back up what he was trying to teach, so he had to resort to attacks. <_<
Now, I follow Daddy's guidelines that I learned from him and my financial situation couldn't be better. :)
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I just hope they packed the GORP! ! ! !
If not, that was a major oversight and the culprit should be marked and avoided.
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I'm thinkin' that the person who wrote, "I learned that our plan had many variables" is gonna wake up one day and be SOOOOO embarrassed to have written that!
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Ahh roadtrips, I remember them well. I wasn't Corps, but lived a couple states radius from HQ for a few years and a few of the twigs/branches would plan caravans there for Sunday teachings.
I would sit, with a sweet smile on my face, hear all the plans and nod like a good little Twit. Then the day arrived and I would do one of two things:
Call at last minute and say I was running late and I would catch up with them, but of course never would. Why would I want to follow a bunch of cars in a very slow moving line across a couple of states? I could get there faster driving myself, at the real speed limit, cruise control set and be waiting when they finally all pulled in an hour or two behind me. (Oh yeah, I got screamed at royally.)
My other trick was to have a desperate need to pull off for a potty stop about a half hour into the trip and I'd motion from my car to theirs I would catch up once done. Again, I caught up and proceeded to pass their slow butts, give a wave and continue on my way, non TWI music cranked on the radio. (That one got me in trouble too, but sure saved me a lot of stress from being stuck in that line of cars traveling 50 to 55 when the speed limit was 65.)
I travel at my own pace and stop when I need to. I've been all over this country and the last thing I wanted or needed was someone, who didn't know me, trying to plan it all for me. No thanks. I have my own mind and am more than able to plan my own trips.
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Tom Strange
BB: you're such a baaaad girl!
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Haha, yep, but how many can say they managed to get themself kicked out of every twig in an entire state? I look at that as a badge of honor. :)
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Back in the 80s, that would have been one for the record books!
Nowadays, though, that might be three bootings, depending on the state.
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