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Doesn't it strike you as odd?


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dearest cool, when i was 16 or 17, i told my mom i was searching for what life was.... the meaning.... the purpose.... how i had to find out dah dah dah. she never raised me this way. she said she thinks that i might be looking for something that's in my own backyard ????? anyway i'm living in my own backyard now..... but i did not believe her

something that struck my heart "in the way" was the whole purpose or duty of man is to serve or love god. something like that. but i don't know if i'm doing that or ever did or ever could....

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i know i felt it was the greatest ego thing to work for God and you know SAVE the entire world by taking the pfal class.

honest to God I fell for the story bad .

but now I do not think it is my job to save the world .. with anything.. Jesus christ already has and to HIM goes all the Glory for it.

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What we NEVER understood is that the ultimate in one's "life's calling" is to leave this world a little bit better than we found it.

That could be as simple as rescuing an abused animal, working at a homeless shelter, helping the elderly who have no one.

That is the heart of Jesus. It is simple and it's about giving of your time and talents to anything that is a blessing to others, or to your community.

Amazing! :eusa_clap:

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CW asked:

Isn't it odd to always be unsatisfied with life? To always think there's something better...and something even better...and then something even better than that...until there's only the BEST?

This is a common theme I see among exwafers. Always searching for...something. Always looking beyond the next horizon for...something. Always wondering just what one's calling is in life, or...something.

Honestly, I don't think this feeling is unique to exwayfers at all. I think you've just described the human condition. I only think it's odd in the sense that we humans, the whole lot of us, are a bit odd.

I don't know anyone who doesn't dream of being better off financially or better looking or a better parent or smarter or thinner or...the list is limitless. Most conversations around the water cooler at work revolve around these things in some way or another.

Being "unsatisfied" can, of course, be taken to the point of unhappiness. That's where we get into trouble. Wasn't it Paul who wrote about being content with where you are? "I know how to be abased and how to abound." As I get older, I try to live that way, realizing that life is what it is. There are great days and there are some really crappy days. That's life. Recognizing that doesn't mean giving up...it just means we can be content with where we are at any given moment. That doesn't mean we can't hope and expect and pray for more in some categories.

Maybe I'm missing your point, but those are my Saturday morning musings on the subject.

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Oh yah, the Watercooler.

You all have such good points on this. People in general are not content with what they have, who they're

with, or their jobs and security. I see a lot of dissatifaction out there. Generally, people are looking for a

better way. That's why I think it was so easy to manipulate them into believing what we had to offer as far

as twi.

Times really haven't changed all that much as far as contentment goes. There's a lot of unhappy souls out

there :( IMO

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I was so very thankful to get out of the situation I was because of my involvement with twi.

I said that prayer

If you get me out of this I will never deny you again God.

he did and I have not.

i have remanined thankful.

good days and bad days.

this happens to be a bad year altogether.

the idea of a hope a life after this one is nice , i read alot about it and it sounds like a good deal for merely believing a man named Jesus christ did something for us and His Father God. like die without ever sinning. pretty big concept in that.

but i do not sit here and think about who God will zap and how far for that

little angry episode I might have had with them.

I do think God is a loving God and only hope one day life can be all He promises .

Twi was a competitive gang to me it , i got the feeling they were so in the game plan of being the only ones that they also got very angry and discontent with our first gift and that being the one of life.

life was dismissed by twi.

think about anything other than what they were thinking should be and well you were the enemy then.

no wonder so many are still filled with such a lack of peace.

i do not know what life is suppose to be i enjoy life, no one will ask me to write a book and plenty often want to agrue and strife.

but I keep moving hoping that this moment in time could be worth the effect of all of humanity .

and i do believe God is still in it.

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I thought I was not expressing my point well enough. Then I realized that as many people got my point as didn't.

Kinda like arguing the half full or half empty question...it's just a matter of personal perspective and does not change the factual reality of how much water is in the glass.

Sometimes I get past my Duh! moments. Sometimes I don't.

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